A Child of Jarrow (23 page)

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Authors: Janet MacLeod Trotter

BOOK: A Child of Jarrow
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‘You gan back to work like it didn't happen. As far as the neighbours are concerned, the bairn is ours. That way we can all hold our heads up round these streets.'

‘And me baby?' Kate whispered, a strange pain sweeping through her.

‘She's not to know. You'll be her big sister, that's all. We'll bring her up strict like I should've done with you - knowing what's right and wrong. You won't have to bother yourself with being a mam. You'll work hard and keep your nose clean.'

‘Aye,' John joined in, warming to the idea of being a father again, ‘we'll not spare the rod with this one. You'll have nowt to do with it - no spoiling like you got. And if I catch you looking at another man again,' he threatened, ‘I'll kill ye.'

Kate swallowed the tearful angry words she wanted to shout. She had no intention of looking at any other man but Alexander. He was the only man she could love - still loved! And they would not stop her loving his child. She looked to her mother for a softening of her stepfather's words, but Rose's face was closed.

‘If you do anything more to shame us, you're out. I'll not stand up for you a second time,' Rose warned. Her words turned Kate's insides to ice.

Chapter 28

As the dreary weeks of January and February dragged on, Kate existed in a strange limbo. To the prying world beyond the doorstep, she was home to help Rose, who was having a bad spell with her legs and chest. To her family she was an embarrassment, the source of which was never referred to. Her mother was distant, Jack was wary. As her belly grew, he would sneak her bashful sidelong glances, half fascinated, half appalled. Any lingering playfulness between them had vanished in the shock of her pregnancy and its aftermath. Where once he had looked up to Kate and followed her around like a loyal puppy, she now turned to him for protection.

At fifteen he was tall and brawny, already hardened by a year grafting on the dockside, and he had shown he could stand up to his father's bullying. He had not done so since, but this did not stop John punching him and ridiculing him for defending his ‘fallen' sister. Jack would stand his ground and fend off John's fists, which only infuriated his father more.

But most of John's drunken goading was aimed at Kate. After a couple of hours in the pub, he would stagger in, filthy and sodden from labouring waist-deep in river water unloading iron ore, and begin his taunting.

‘Fetch me some'at to eat, slut. Tak off me wet boots and troosers - should be used to that,' he would laugh crudely. ‘Did that for yer gentleman, did you?' When she ignored him, he would jab her belly and curse her for her shamelessness.

The foul-mouthed ridicule and threats to tell Father O'Neill, the local firebrand priest, were unremitting. Occasionally, Jack, fuelled with swigs from his father's jug of whisky, would spark back.

‘Father O'Neill wouldn't know you if he passed you in the street,' he muttered on one occasion.

‘What's that?' John demanded, not hearing the jibe.


‘I'll give you nowt!' John bawled, slapping him round the head, and the fighting would start again.

Later Rose would scold Kate for these attacks. ‘Look at the trouble you cause our Jack.' But Kate could do nothing to stop their sparring, or John's relentless criticism.

Ahead stretched a bleak future for Kate at Leam Lane, forever at the beck and call of her ageing parents, forever in their debt. In the quiet of the night, miserable and angry, trying to get comfortable on the hard wooden settle that had become her bed, she gave in to tears.

At twenty-three, her life was in ruins. Nothing could save her now, except Alexander. Alternately, she agonised about what might have happened to him and railed at his abandonment of her. What if something terrible had happened? He had been taken ill again, had bled to death? He had gone down at sea in a storm? But there had been no rumours of a tragedy circulating at the inn. Never in all these months had she had one word from him.

It pained her to remember, but the only reason he had returned to see her at the end of the summer was to say goodbye and tell her of his impending marriage. Passion had overcome his better judgement for a brief moment, nothing more. His promises were empty, his words as profligate and reckless as his actions. She would never see him again.

She shrank back from the flickering firelight and covered her womb with anxious hands. ‘You'll burn in the flames of hell for what you've done!' John had preached.

Stifling her sobs so no one in the next room would hear, she hissed to her unborn child, ‘Hell can't be any worse than this!'

Chapter 29

The forests around Ravensworth were bursting with the vibrant green of late spring, when Alexander took the train north to Newcastle. He had not travelled through these parts since returning hurriedly in November. So much had happened these past months; it seemed another life he had led here. News had reached him in Cologne that his father was dangerously ill and it had taken an anxious week to get home and discover Jeremiah had almost died from septicaemia.

He had stayed with his father all through December and Polly had come to keep him company and help nurse her future father-in-law, despite being in mourning for her own father. De Winton had died in the October.

‘I know the anguish you're feeling,' Polly had said sadly, and Alexander had felt guilty for not returning sooner, even though news of the squire's death had reached him only after the funeral.

All his carefully rehearsed speeches breaking off their engagement dried on his lips in the face of her kindness and grief. They played endless games of chess and she talked with tearful fondness of her father and bashfully of how he had looked forward to seeing them married. She was now a wealthy heiress and Alexander could not pretend the thought of being independent from his father did not excite him. Yet for all this, he did not love Polly.

While his father lay weak and feverish, darker thoughts occupied Alexander's mind. If Jeremiah died now, he would be free to marry whom he wished and have the financial independence to do so. He hated himself for wishing his father dead, but could not banish the thought. It meant he and Kate could be together.

Yet why had Kate never answered any of his letters? He had left a poste restante address in Germany and that of Mrs Timmins's lodging house in Newcastle. Just a brief word to tell him she still loved him would have helped to give him the courage to defy his father. But nothing awaited him on his return.

Still, he promised himself he would go to Ravensworth as soon as his father was out of danger and discover how Kate really felt. Perhaps the silence meant she had doubts about his foolhardy plan for them to run away together. Did she not believe him? Worse still, had she found another suitor - that hard-working gardener's son who could not hide his love for her? Someone more suited to her station, who could provide for her without causing a scandal and upsetting her family?

Such thoughts had plagued him while he waited to see if his father recovered. And all the time Polly had been a constant and thoughtful visitor, and he had been riddled with guilt at the humiliation he would bring her by breaking off their betrothal. Was he mad even to contemplate such a headstrong course of action? Yes, he admitted, mad with an obsessive passion for Kate.

His father began to recover before Christmas and they spent the festival quietly together. Jeremiah had been delighted at Polly's attentiveness.

‘Nothing will bring me greater pleasure than to see you two married this coming year,' he told her as she departed home to her mother on Christmas Eve. ‘I thank God I have been spared to see such happiness.'

He pressed Alexander to set the date as soon as possible and did not take kindly to his prevarication.

‘There's no hurry.' He tried to laugh it off.

‘There's every reason to hurry,' Jeremiah said querulously. ‘I'm not long for this world - and I will see you married, Alexander.'

‘But Polly is still in mourning, Papa. We cannot in all decency marry before the summer now.'

‘May at the latest,' Jeremiah ordered. ‘You've had your fun, now you will face up to your responsibilities.' Then his father had stunned him with a seemingly casual remark. ‘By the way, I heard that the chambermaid you were seeing at Ravensworth has left.'

Alexander spun round. ‘Left? How could you possibly know?'

His father gave him a satisfied look. ‘I make it my business to know. You'll not find her there, so don't bother looking. Taylor says she's gone home to whatever slum it is she came from.'

Alexander went crimson. ‘She's no slum girl! Her parents were friends of Uncle Edward's.'

‘Well, be that as it may, she's returned to her own kind. And from what I gather, she should be married by now.'

The words came like a blow to the head. Married! His worst fears were confirmed. He had left it too long. Why should she wait for him all this time, when he had made promises to her before that he had not kept? He looked at his father in fury. No doubt he would say anything to get him married off to the wealthy Polly.

‘Why should I believe you?'

‘Don't be such a fool, boy. Do you think I would let you throw away your future for the likes of a serving maid? She has shown more sense than you - gone back where she belongs. Now you can put her from your mind once and for all.'

His father's face was pale and drawn, but his words were iron hard. ‘Don't defy me on this, Alexander. If you don't marry Polly, I'll cut you off without a penny. I've changed the terms of my will. If I die before you marry, my business and wealth will pass to my second cousin in Durham. I will not see you make a fool of either of us.'

Alexander was dumbstruck. To think his father would go to such lengths to keep him apart from Kate. It would not surprise him to learn Jeremiah had paid the landlord to get rid of her. He was furious that his father should treat him with such distrust, and slammed out of the room. Later, a morose calm settled over him and he admitted that the old man was right to be suspicious. For had he not been harbouring plans to defy his father and elope with Kate? He had not really thought beyond the thrill of escape, but assumed his father would come round to the idea in time - once he had got to know how genteel Kate was.

But he was in no doubt now that his father would carry out his threat. If he did not marry Polly, Alexander would be condemned to an uncertain, itinerant life living on his wits and his mediocre painting. At least with Polly he would have comfort and ease and a secure life of pleasure. Was he not a fool to throw it back in his father's face, all for the sake of a simple maid? Besides, his love had not been returned. Kate had gone without a word, disappeared back to Jarrow to marry someone else, if his father was to be believed.

In bitter disappointment, Alexander finally bowed to his father's pressure and went along with the wedding plans for May. When he thought of Kate, it was with jealousy that she was probably already married to some other man.

Alexander gazed out of the train window as it slowed into Lamesley station. Through the steam he caught a glimpse of the castle towers glinting in the April sunshine. He peered for a view of the inn and its blackened stone frontage. Now, seeing the familiar fields around the square-towered church at Lamesley from the train, he was filled with a wave of regret and longing for his lover, like a huge empty aching in the pit of his being. The whistle blew for the train to move on.

All at once, Alexander sprang from his seat and yanked open the carriage door. As the train lurched and clanked into motion, he jumped down on to the platform and slammed the door behind him. His trip to the shipping agents in Newcastle could wait another hour or two. He would catch the next train. All he could think of at that moment was to discover what had happened to Kate and hear for himself that she was finally beyond his reach. Almost at a run, he left the station and took the road to the Ravensworth Arms.

Bram Taylor seemed startled to see him.

‘Good day, sir,' he said, ushering his customer into the parlour. ‘Have you business at the castle?'

‘I'm on my way to Newcastle on my father's behalf- he's been ill.'

‘Sorry to hear it, sir.'

Alexander looked around. ‘Thank you. And you, Bram, are you well?'

The landlord nodded, but seemed edgy. ‘I'll get the lass to bring you in some refreshment,' he said quickly.

‘Kate?' Alexander said with a pang of hope.

Taylor cleared his throat in discomfort. ‘No, sir, she's been gone since Christmas.'

So it was true! Alexander felt a thump of disappointment. He watched the older man hurry from the room as if he did not want to linger in his presence. A few minutes later he recognised the dark-haired girl with the slim face and bold eyes who carried in a plate of ham sandwiches and glass of beer.

‘It's Mary, isn't it?' he exclaimed. ‘Kate's sister?'

‘Aye, sir,' she said with a wary look. Plonking the meal down and turning away swiftly.

‘Wait, Mary.' Alexander smiled at her. ‘Please stay a moment. How is your sister?'

She gave him a surly look. ‘Well as can be expected.'

He was baffled, but nodded. ‘She's returned home, I'm told.'

Mary nodded. She was on the point of withdrawing, then decided to speak her mind. ‘Had no choice, did she?'

Alexander felt uncomfortable at the girl's accusing tone. ‘Why's that?'

Mary coloured. ‘Being in her condition.'

Alexander frowned. ‘You mean, now that she's married?'

‘Married!' Mary exclaimed. ‘Who's gan to marry her the way she is?'

‘I don't understand. Has something happened to Kate?' he asked in alarm. ‘Please, Mary, tell me.'

Mary began to retreat, flustered. ‘Not for me to say, sir. She's that ashamed about it.'

Alexander rose and strode over to stop her going. ‘What has she got to be ashamed about? I thought she had gone back to Jarrow to get married. Tell me, Mary!' He seized her arms.

‘She's expectin'!' Mary blurted out, fearful of his look.

Alexander's heart jolted. ‘She's with child?'


He swallowed hard. ‘And the father?' he rasped.

She just looked at him with frightened accusing eyes and the truth hit him. Kate was carrying his child!

‘Why didn't she get word to me?' he cried angrily, shaking her.

‘How could she?' Mary demanded. ‘You never came back for her like you said.'

Alexander glared. ‘But I wrote!'

‘She waited till Christmas but you never came - so she had to gan home and face ‘em. Never said owt about any letters.'

Alexander dropped his hold with a bitter exclamation. Mary stood clutching her arms.

‘I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you,' he apologised. ‘I must go to her. Is she at your mother's?'

Mary nodded.

‘Where can I find Mrs Fawcett?'

Mary looked confused.

‘Your mother, Mary, where does she live?'

Realisation dawned. ‘Mrs Fawcett! Is that what she told you? Aye, she would.' Mary gave a mirthless laugh. ‘Me mam's not been Mrs Fawcett since I was a bairn. She's married to me step-da - John McMullen. But Kate's ashamed of him and me mam, since she took up with you.'

‘She's no reason to be,' Alexander flushed.

Something like relish gleamed for a moment in the girl's eyes. ‘You'll find them down Learn Lane in Tyne Dock - unless me step-da finds you first,' she muttered.

Alexander did not wait to hear any more. Throwing down a handful of coins on the table, he thanked her distractedly and rushed from the room. What terrible fate had he subjected Kate to? he accused himself savagely as he hurried back to the station. And why had she never mentioned her stepfather? Wherever she was, he would find her, before it was too late.

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