Read A Chosen Destiny (The Samantha Project Series #3) Online

Authors: Stephanie Karpinske

Tags: #science fiction, #young adult

A Chosen Destiny (The Samantha Project Series #3) (25 page)

BOOK: A Chosen Destiny (The Samantha Project Series #3)
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I sat up, rubbing my eyes. “Is Dave up yet? We should tell him, too.”

“Um, Dave never came home last night, Sam.”

I started to panic. “Why? Is something wrong? What happened?”

“Don’t worry. He called last night and talked to my dad.”

“Talked to him about what? Is Dave all right?”

Erik smiled. “Yeah, I’d say he’s all right.”

“What does that—” An image of Dave and Abigail flashed in my head and I suddenly understood. “Oh. Well, that was kind of soon.”

“Hey, at their age you can’t wait.”

I punched him. “Erik, we don’t even know if that’s what they were doing.”

“Yeah, I’m sure they were just up playing board games all night. Or discussing genetics.”

“I can’t think about it. Let me get dressed. I’ll be out in a minute.”

When I came out into the living room, Dave was walking in, wearing the same clothes as the day before. I caught him before he got to his room.

“So, Uncle Dave, late night, huh?” He seemed embarrassed, but I didn’t care. He’d embarrassed me tons of times with Colin.

“Um, yes. I need to stop in my room quick. I’ll be right out.”

During breakfast, Erik and I explained our plan to Jack and Dave. They didn’t approve, but they didn’t completely ban it either. In fact, I could tell they were considering it but wanted to discuss it with the members of the rebel group. If we did this, they wanted a well-thought-out plan that considered all possible outcomes.

Knowing we might actually try the plan made me even more focused on perfecting the mind control power. Erik seemed to feel the same way. We spent the entire day over at the rebel group house, this time practicing on some of the people there. We wanted to see if we could take over the mind of someone we weren’t familiar with. After some practice, we were able to do it.

Abigail was impressed at how well Erik and I were doing. Later in the day, she called a meeting with some of the members to discuss our plan. I was shocked that everyone was actually on board with it. Or at least the idea of it.

“This will take a great amount of planning,” Abigail said, “and Samantha and Erik will have to continue to work on this skill. But I think we all agree that it could work. So we’ll be forming committees to explore the best way to do this. We need to consider all possible complications that could arise.”

The meeting continued. There were even plans to bring in members from other parts of the country, including some ex-military guys from Virginia. When the meeting ended, I was a little overwhelmed. I never thought they’d even consider my plan, but now we were actually going to try it.

Colin and Brittany hadn’t gone with us that day. I knew they wouldn’t like the group’s decision to move forward with the plan. Neither one of them liked the idea of Erik and me controlling Eve because of the risks involved.

As soon as we got back to the house, I went to tell Brittany the news, but I couldn’t find her. I went in our room and saw some girl I didn’t recognize. I did a double-take and realized it was Brittany. But it didn’t look like her. Her hair was blond and much shorter than before, hitting just above her shoulders. And she’d straightened it.

“Hey, Sam. Did you have a good day?” Brittany acted like nothing had changed.

“Brittany. Your hair. You look so different. How did you do all this?”

“Looks good, doesn’t it?” She ran her hand through her hair. “Rachel’s friend did it for me. She came over while you guys were gone. Don’t worry, Dave and Jack knew about it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s just a haircut and some color, Sam.”

“But we don’t look alike anymore.” I felt kind of sad just saying it.

“We’re still sisters. No offense, but I was getting tired of looking like you. I need my own look. My own identity. When I look like you, people ignore me. It’s like I don’t exist. I want to be my own person. You get that, right?”

“Sure. I get it.” I went up to get a closer look at her hair. “I really like how it turned out. I actually like it better than before.”

“Well, don’t go and copy it or we’ll look the same again.”

I laughed. “I won’t copy it. Hey, is Colin home?”

“He’s with Emily. He said she normally doesn’t go to that coffee place on Fridays, but she called and said she just
to see him. So he went to meet her.”

“I’m starting to really dislike this girl and I don’t even know her.”

“My dad’s getting takeout so what—” Erik walked in our room with some restaurant menus but stopped when he saw Brittany. The menus dropped to the floor. “Brittany? What did you do—”

“You hate it, right? I know it’s short. But don’t make fun of it, okay?”

“No. I, uh, I like it. A lot. You look totally different. Good different. You almost don’t even look like Sam anymore.”

“That’s what I was going for. You sure you like it? Because you can tell me if you don’t.”

“I really like it, Brittany. I’m not just saying that.” Erik continued to stare at her in a way that made me wonder if he was seeing her as more than just a friend. The two of them
been spending a lot of time together. And since Brittany had given up trying to make Erik date her, he’d been able to get to know a whole new side of her, just as the rest of us had. Her new look took him by surprise, but that was another thing he liked about her. Just when he thought he had her figured out, she’d say or do something to surprise him.

I picked up the menus. “So we’re getting takeout? Is that why you came in here, Erik?”

“Um, yeah,” he said, finally taking his eyes off Brittany. “Tell me what you want so we can order.”

Brittany didn’t seem to notice how flustered Erik was by her new look. She just grabbed a menu and walked right past him. It was so different than the old Brittany, who spent all of her energy trying to get a guy’s attention.

Colin got home just as we were sitting down to eat. He tossed his backpack on the floor and raced over to the table.

“Grab a plate,” Jack said. “We just started eating.”

“Later. I’ve got some news. I was talking to Emily today and she kept asking if I’d come over to her house. And I told her I didn’t want to be over there with her dad home. So then she says her dad’s out of town and goes into this whole story about how he’s making them move to Sweden in a month. So I ask her, ‘Why Sweden?’ and she says it’s because of his job at GlobalLife Genetics. She says he’s in charge of this top-secret stuff and that it’s being shipped to Sweden next week.”

“Are you sure you heard her right?” Jack asked.

“Yes. And she said her dad is taking it there himself on the GlobalLife plane. She’s supposed to fly out and meet him there a week later to look at schools. That’s why she insisted on meeting me at the coffee shop today. She just found out and wanted to tell me.”

“Why would you care that they’re moving?” Erik asked.

Colin glanced at me then back at Erik. “Since we’ve been spending all this time together, she kind of thinks I’m her boyfriend.”

I tried to remain calm, but I was fuming inside. How could she just assume Colin was her boyfriend? Had he told her that?

“Did she say what day next week the material is being moved?” Dave asked Colin.

“Thursday. I don’t know what time.”

“This isn’t good,” Jack said. “We won’t be ready. We were thinking we had weeks to plan this. Not days. Colin, are you sure she was talking about the alien genes? She could have been talking about some other material her dad works with.”

“No, it’s definitely the alien material. Emily said it’s part of a big project and that some rich people were mad because the material wasn’t secured well enough. That’s why it’s being moved to Sweden. And she said that she overheard her dad say something about the material being from aliens. I laughed, like I didn’t believe her. I told her she must have heard wrong.”

Dave got up to get Colin a plate. “Well, good job in finding that out. But now we have to figure out what to do. That plan of yours isn’t going to work now, Sam.”

“What plan?” Colin asked, taking the plate. “Did you guys agree to try that mind control thing with Allie’s mom?”

“Yes,” Dave answered for us. “But we can’t have them do it now. They need more time.”

“We don’t need more time,” I insisted. “Erik and I can do this. We
to do this. It’s our only chance. Rachel said the security at the Sweden headquarters is impossible to get through. Once the material is there, we’ll never get it out.”

“Sam’s right,” Erik said. “We have to try to get it. Otherwise GlobalLife will just keep trying to make the genes work. We have to stop this.”

Jack and Dave couldn’t argue about it. As scientists, they knew we had to try to stop GlobalLife. But as parental figures, they didn’t want to go along with it.

“We need to get the group together tomorrow, Dave, to discuss this,” Jack said.

“I’ll talk to Abigail tonight about it. Speaking of that, I should get going.” Dave got up. “Sam, can I talk to you quick?”

I followed him into the living room. He seemed nervous. “Sam, I think you’ve noticed that I’ve been spending more time with Abigail. And I just wanted to see if you’re okay with that.”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be okay with it?”

“Well, since your parents passed away, we’ve kind of formed a family, you and I, and if Abigail and I get serious, then I—”

“Uncle Dave, I like Abigail. I don’t have any problems with you dating her or getting more serious with her. I want you to be happy.”

He gave me a quick hug. “I’m so glad you said that, Sam. And I
happy. Abigail is unlike any woman I’ve ever dated. She’s beautiful. And smart. And she challenges me. We have great conversations. Oh, and she’s from Minnesota originally! Saint Paul!” He got more excited as he talked about her. I’d never seen him so excited.

“I’m glad it’s going so well, Uncle Dave. So what are you waiting for? Go see her.”

“Yes, about that. I was planning on staying over there tonight. And probably some other nights, too. Is that weird for you?”

“No. I don’t care. It doesn’t bother me. Go ahead.”

“Tell Colin I won’t be there tonight. I’m sure he’ll be happy not having to share a room with me. By the way, are you two getting along better? I haven’t talked to you much since we got here.”

“We’re getting along. As friends.” I mumbled. “Don’t worry about us. Just go have fun on your date. I’ll see you tomorrow. Tell Abigail hi.”

He gave me another hug. “I will. And I’ll be over first thing in the morning to figure out how we’re going to handle this Eve situation.”

“Okay, now go.” I pushed him out the door.

Erik was standing behind me when I turned back around. “Is he spending the night over there again?”

“Yeah, but don’t tease him about it. He really likes Abigail. I think this might go somewhere.”

“I wasn’t going to say anything to him. I think it’s good the old man’s getting—”

“Stop right there. I don’t need the image in my head.”

“Hey, Brittany and I are watching a movie tonight. Do you think you and Colin could do something else?”

“You’re trying to get rid of us? Why?”

“Because you’re kind of bringing us down. There’s too much tension between you two. We can’t say anything around you guys.”

“That’s not true! Did Brittany say that?”

“We both did. Just go hang out in your rooms or something. Or go to the basement with my dad.”

“Hold on. Is this really about Colin and me or are you and Brittany just trying to get time alone together?”

He smiled. “Maybe a little of both.”

“You’re going to make a move on my sister? My twin sister?”

“She doesn’t even look like you anymore. And I didn’t say I was doing anything with her. We’re just watching a movie.”

“Hmmm. I guess we could leave you alone.”

“Then tell Colin. And don’t try getting into my head later to see what I’m thinking. I’ll block you.”

“Whatever. But you better not try anything.”

“Erik, I found a movie.” Brittany walked in holding another old VHS tape.

Colin was following behind her. “That looks like an action film. Finally a decent movie to watch.”

I went over and grabbed Colin’s arm, pushing him down the hallway. “Colin, I was thinking we could go play a game and let them watch the movie.”

“A game? Why can’t we watch the movie? And why are you pushing me?”

Once we were in his bedroom, I explained Erik’s alone time request. “So now Erik’s dating your sister?”

“They’re not dating. They just want to hang out without us, okay? ”

“So we have to sit in here all night?”

“Either that or we go hang out with Jack in the basement and watch him work on the computer.”

“No, thanks. But do you really want to play a game?”

“Might as well. There’s nothing else to do. I’ll go get one.”

I went back to the living room, where Erik and Brittany were now watching their movie, sitting together on the sofa. They looked annoyed at my interruption.

“I’m just getting a game,” I whispered. I grabbed the only game in the closet, then hurried back to Colin’s room.

I set the game between us on the bed because there was nowhere else to play.

“Scrabble? Sam, you know I’m terrible at this game.”

“It’s all I could find. We don’t have to keep score. Just make whatever words you want.” I closed the door to give Erik and Brittany more privacy.

Colin wasn’t lying. Scrabble was not his game. He took forever to make a word. An hour later we still hadn’t used all the letters.

“Colin, can I ask you something?”

He was staring down at his letters. “Why I’m taking so long to make a word? I’ll tell you why. Because I’m not good at this game.”

“No, it’s not about the game. Forget the game for a minute.”

“I can’t make a word anyway.” He looked up from his letters. “Okay, what’s the question?”

BOOK: A Chosen Destiny (The Samantha Project Series #3)
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