A Christmas Bride (24 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: A Christmas Bride
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He turned her to face him. “When we return to the palace I wish to discuss finances with you,” he told her. “You and the girls will always be taken care of. Even if something should happen to me, you will be financially secure. The palace will always be your home, but should you wish to live elsewhere, money would be made available.”

He didn’t have to do that. She wasn’t marrying him for the money. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Neither do I. Regardless, you are protected. Now that we are engaged, I have opened a bank account for you. As you spend money, more will be provided. I will give you credit cards, as well.” He touched her face. “I want you to be happy, Kayleen. Go shopping as you like.”

“I don’t need much.”

“Then you will be embarrassed by your excesses. Life is different now. You are different.”

He kissed her, his mouth moving lazily over hers. When she parted, he slipped his tongue inside, teasing hers until she couldn’t catch her breath.

She wanted him to touch her everywhere. She wanted them to make love. She wanted to know the wonder of a release, his body so close to hers, their hearts beating together.

He pulled back slightly. “Although I would prefer you didn’t change too much,” he whispered as he lowered the zipper on her dress.

She felt his hands on her bare skin. He pulled the dress down to her waist, then moved aside the cup of her bra. His fingers were warm on her breast. He brushed against her hard nipple, making her gasp, then lowered his head and sucked on her.

Aware they were in a dressing room with a very flimsy door, she did her best to keep quiet, but it was difficult as his tongue circled her. Heat blossomed between her legs. Heat and an ache that made her squirm for more.

“So impatient,” he whispered, then unfastened her bra.

She pushed the scrap of lace away and ran her hands across his head, then his shoulders. More. She needed more.

He chuckled before moving to her other breast and teasing it until her breath came in pants.

She felt one of his hands on her leg. The material of her dress was drawn up and up, then he moved between her legs.

She knew she should stop him. The girls were gone, but there were other people out there. Clerks and Glenda and maybe customers. They couldn’t do this.

Except she didn’t want him to stop. Not when he pushed down her panties and urged her to step out of them. Especially not when he slipped his hand between her thighs and began to rub.

He found her center immediately. Back and forth, back and forth, the steady pressure of his fingers on her slick flesh. She was so ready, she thought as she held in another groan. He eased her backward, then raised her leg until her foot rested on the bench.

“Lean on me,” he whispered.

She did as he asked because to do otherwise was to risk him stopping. He supported her with one arm around her waist and eased the other under her dress, back between her legs.

She clung to him as he carried her higher and higher. The pleasure was so intense, she could think of nothing else. He knew exactly how to touch her, how to push her closer and closer until her release was in sight.

She felt the tension in every part of her body. She began to shake, holding on to him to keep from falling. Her breath came in pants. Suddenly she was there...on the edge and aching for him to push her over.

He circled her once, twice, and then she was coming and coming and it was as intense and glorious as she remembered. He leaned in and kissed her, silencing her gasps. He continued to touch her, flying with her, down and down, as the ripples of release eased through her. She was still shuddering in aftershocks when he swore softly and let her go.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered.

“This was supposed to be for you,” he muttered as he bent down and grabbed her bra. “Here. Put this on.”

“I don’t understand.”

He looked at her, passion flaring in his eyes. “I must take you back to the palace at once. To my bed. We will finish the shopping later.”

She smiled. “That’s a good plan.”

* * *


IT WAS NEARLY midnight when Kayleen dialed the familiar number and, when the call connected, ask to speak to the woman in charge.

“Kayleen? Is that you?”

Kayleen smiled. “Yes. It’s been too long since I last called. I’m sorry.”

“If you’ve been off having adventures, I forgive you at once. How are you? How is life at the palace? You must tell me everything.”

The familiar voice, rich with affection and a life energy that inspired those around her, made Kayleen wish to be back in the convent, sitting in the room with her Mother Superior, instead of half a world away.

“I’m well. Very busy. I... The girls are adjusting well.” She’d already called and talked about As’ad adopting the girls and her becoming their nanny.

“I worry about them. There have been so many upheavals. So much pain for those so young. You’re with them and that must help.”

“I hope so.” Kayleen cleared her throat. “I have something to tell you. I’m not sure what you’ll think.” She drew in a deep breath. “It’s about Prince As’ad. He arranged for us to have a Thanksgiving dinner a few weeks ago. It was lovely. But then...”

The Mother said nothing. Kayleen suspected she had long ago learned that silence was powerful motivation for the other person to keep talking.

“It was late and we were alone,” Kayleen said, then told her everything. When she’d finished explaining about the proposal, she paused, waiting for whatever judgment might follow.

“He is a good man?” the other woman asked at last.

It wasn’t the question Kayleen had expected. “Um, yes. A very good man. A little too used to getting his way, but that must come with being royal.”

“He takes care of you and the girls?”

“Yes. Very well.”

“Can you love him?”

An interesting question. “Yes, I can. I want to.”

“Then I am pleased. I always wanted a husband and a family for you, Kayleen. I know you longed to return here, to the familiar, but sometimes we find our happiness in unexpected places. To love and be loved is a great blessing. Enjoy what you have and know I am always thinking of you.”

“Thank you,” Kayleen whispered, feeling the words wash over her like a blessing.

“Follow your heart and you will never be led astray. Follow your heart, child.”

Kayleen nodded. She could already feel her heart drawing her toward As’ad. As he was the man she would marry, it was a journey she longed to make. To a place where she would finally belong.



KAYLEEN LOOKED AT all the designs spread out on the large dining room table. “You’re kidding,” she said.

“This is only from today’s mail,” Lina told her with a sigh. “I never thought anything I did would make designers notice me. I certainly buy nice clothes, but I’m not that into fashion. Besides, I gave up being trendy years ago. But the second Hassan announced our engagement, I started getting calls.” She flipped through the sketches of wedding gowns. “He was supposed to wait, you know. He promised.” She sounded more exasperated than actually annoyed.

“He said he couldn’t stand to keep his happy news a secret,” Kayleen told her with a smile. “I saw the news conference. He was giddy.”

Lina grinned. “Don’t tell him that. He’ll explain that a king is never giddy.”

“He was this one time. I’m glad you’re so happy.”

“Me, too.” Lina sighed. “I’ve really liked my life. I’ve been blessed. Even though I lost my husband so early, I had my brother’s sons to fill the void. I was okay with that. I was going to grow old taking care of their children. Now, suddenly, I’m in love and engaged. I still can’t believe it.”

Kayleen glanced at Lina’s ring—the diamonds glittering on the platinum band made her engagement ring look like a tiny toy. “You’re going to have to start exercising more if you’re going to carry that around all day.”

Lina laughed. “I know. It’s huge. So not my taste, but if you’d seen the look on Hassan’s face when he put it on my finger. He was so proud. How am I supposed to tell him I’d like something smaller than a mountain?”

“If it doesn’t really matter to you, you don’t.”

“You’re right.” Lina picked up a design and studied it. “You’re going to have to go through all this as soon as your wedding is announced.”

“Hopefully on a much smaller scale,” Kayleen told her, knowing being royal was going to take a lot of getting used to. “I only ever wanted to belong to a family. Now I have a whole country.”

“There are perks.”

“I’m not that interested in the perks.”

“Which is why I’m glad As’ad picked you,” Lina told her. “I know you’re not in it for the money.” She set down the design and picked up another. “I’ll admit I’m hoping you’ll fall in love with him.”

Kayleen felt herself blush. “I’ve thought about it,” she admitted. “He’s a good man. Thoughtful and kind. He really cares about the girls. He takes care of things. He makes me feel safe. I know I like him, but love? What does that feel like?”

“Like you can hold the stars in the palm of your hand,” Lina said, then laughed. “I sound foolish.”

“You sound happy.”

“I am. Hassan is my world. Oh, I know that will change, we’ll settle into something more normal. But for now, I’m enjoying the magic. The way my heart beats faster when he walks in a room. The way he can take my breath away with a simple kiss. I only want to be with him.”

“So I’m boring you?” Kayleen teased.

Lina laughed. “Not exactly. But I think about him all the time. It was different before. When I was young. I loved my husband, but I didn’t appreciate what I had. Now that I’m older, I understand how precious love is. How rare.” She turned to Kayleen. “I think you already know that, because of how you grew up.”

“I know it’s something I want. It’s important to me. I want to love As’ad. I already love the girls.”

“Then you’re halfway there. Just give things time.”

“We have that,” Kayleen murmured.

“You have your life. After you’re married, you can start having children of your own.”

Kayleen touched her stomach. A baby. It had always been her secret dream. The one she wouldn’t allow herself to think of very often.

Lina sighed. “I’d love to get pregnant. I’m a little old, but I’m going to try.”


The princess nodded. “I always wanted children. While my nephews have been a source of endless delight, I confess I still have the fantasy of my own child. Hassan is willing to try. We’ll see. If it is meant to be, then it will happen. If not, I still have the man of my dreams.”

* * *


“I’M NERVOUS,” KAYLEEN told As’ad as they walked into the auditorium at the American School. “I’ve been working with the girls. I know in my head they’ll be fine, but I’m still terrified.”

“Yet they are the ones performing.”

“I want them to do well so they’ll be happy,” she said. “I don’t want them to feel bad.”

“Then you should have faith in them. They have practiced. They are ready.”

“You make it sound so logical.”

“Is it not?”

“No, it’s not. It’s horrible. I think I’m going to throw up.”

As’ad laughed and pulled her close. “Ah, Kayleen, you delight me.”

“By vomiting? Imagine how excited you’ll be when I get a fever.” She grumbled, but in truth she enjoyed the feel of his arm around her and the heat of his body next to hers. Not only for the tingle that shot through her, but because the sensation was familiar. She’d leaned against him enough to know it was him. She would be able to pick him out blindfolded—by touch or scent alone. She’d never been able to think that before.

They took seats toward the front, by the aisle. Kayleen was vaguely aware that people were looking at them, but she was too nervous for the girls to notice or feel uncomfortable. A thousand horrible scenarios ran through her mind. What if Dana forgot her lines or Nadine tripped or Pepper decided to teach some bully a lesson?

As’ad took her hand and squeezed her fingers. “You must breathe. Slowly. Relax. All will be well.”

“You don’t

“I know that your panic will in no way influence the outcome and it will only make you more uncomfortable.”

“Again with the logic. It’s really annoying.”

She glanced at him and he smiled. She smiled back and felt something tug at her belly. Something that felt a lot like a connection. It startled her and made the rest of the room fade away. In that moment, there was only As’ad and she didn’t want anyone or anything else.

A few minutes later, the orchestra began and the curtains parted. The pageant went from the youngest students to the oldest, so it wasn’t long before Pepper appeared on stage with her class. They did a skit about a frog family snowed in for the holidays. Pepper was the mother frog.

Kayleen mouthed the girl’s lines along with her, only relaxing when she left the stage at the end of the skit.

“A flawless performance,” As’ad murmured. “You worry for nothing.”

“Maybe my worrying is what made it perfect.”

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