A Christmas Carl (21 page)

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Authors: Ryan Field

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Fiction

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on the shaft.


A minute after that, Victor pressed down on the small of Carl’s back and


grumbled as if he were choking. Then he slapped Carl’s ass hard and shouted, “I’m


coming…here it comes.”


“Yes, Victor,” Carl shouted. “Let me have it. I want it all.”


Victor’s legs began to tremble. His mouth fell open and his head went back. Then


he bucked into Carl’s body with a few hard slams and filled the condom.


And while Victor was still grunting, Carl blasted his load all over the sheet.


After that, Victor pressed on the small of Carl’s back and gently and forced him


down to his stomach, pinning him to the bed, letting his penis remain deep inside Carl’s


body. He wrapped his strong arm around Carl’s neck and kissed him on the neck, then on


the lips. He shoved his tongue inside Carl’s mouth, swirled it around a few times, and


pulled back. He took a deep breath and said, “I love you so much I hate to pull out.”


Carl rested his cheek on the mattress. He closed his eyes and smiled. “And I love


you so much I want you inside me as long as you can stay there.”


“Let’s fall asleep just like this,” Victor said. “I don’t want to move.”


Chapter Sixteen


When Carl opened his eyes the next morning, he was lying in the middle of the


bed naked, flat on his back. Victor’s hand was on his chest and Victor’s leg was bent at


the knee and hanging over his legs. Carl reached for Victor’s hard shoulder and squeezed


it a few times. “Are you awake?” he asked in a stage whisper, playing with Victor’s




Victor slipped his other arm under Carl’s body and pulled Carl into his chest. He


snuggled and said, “I’ve been awake for a few minutes. I was listening to you breathe. I


felt your heart beating in my palm. And I was thinking.”


“About what?” Carl asked.


“You said you had a son, and that the mother was Donna Fratelli,” Victor said. “It


really doesn’t matter. It was years ago. But I never knew you and Donna were involved


that way.”


Carl sighed. He had to explain this to Victor and make it clear to Victor that he


hadn’t cheated on him with Donna on purpose. And, in the same respect, he didn’t want


to tarnish Donna’s name either. Carl had witnessed how she’d seduced him that


Christmas night. She’d had no idea that he was gay or that he was involved with Victor.


If she had known, Carl knew she never would have seduced him.


Carl took a deep breath. “The night your father caught us in the back seat of the


Cadillac, I was devastated. I wanted to die. And when you didn’t contact me, Donna


helped me through it all. I couldn’t explain anything to her in detail, because we were both in the closet at the time. Donna had no idea that you and I were lovers. And I had no


idea she was in love with me. One thing led to another, and I got very drunk on cheap


wine. I don’t even remember the details, but we had sex. I didn’t know she’d conceived


my child. I’ve just learned about it recently. Donna and I were together only once. The


next day, after you left for England, I told Donna I was in love with you, and she never


said a word about how she felt about me. I guess she was embarrassed and felt foolish.


She knew how close you and I were, but never suspected we were lovers.” He rubbed


Victor’s shoulder. “Please don’t be mad. Donna was a good woman and a good friend.”


Victor smiled. “I’m not mad,” he said. “I liked Donna. We were all very confused


back then. And we were so young we didn’t know how to deal with it.” Then he climbed


on top of Carl’s body and kissed him on the lips. When he stuck his tongue in Carl’s


mouth, his hips bucked into Carl’s pelvis.


Carl reached for Victor’s biceps and slowly opened his legs. Victor’s erection


pressed into his groin and the tip of Carl’s erection rested just below his naval. While


they kissed, Carl lifted both legs, bending them at the knee. Then he reached for another


condom on the nightstand and handed it to Victor. He whispered, “Here, put this on. I


want you inside me.”


Victor took the condom and covered his dick fast, without changing positions. A


second later, he entered Carl’s body with one quick poke. Carl had already relaxed his


muscles and he’d been prepared to take him. Though there was a moment of pain, it


didn’t take long for Carl to arch his back and to wrap his legs around Victor’s waist. He


sighed and said, “This is the kind of love I never want to live without again. When you’re


inside my body this way, I feel as if anything is possible. I have no fears. I have no doubts. And everything that was ever bad is suddenly right again. Go deep, Victor. Go as


deep as you can.”


Victor bucked his hips hard. The bed jerked and the headboard cracked against


the old plaster wall. When he was as deep as he could possibly go, he whispered, “If I get


too rough, let me know. When I’m on top of you, I have a tendency to lose control of


myself. I don’t ever want to hurt you again. We’ve both been hurt enough.”


Carl crossed his feet at the ankle and rested them on the small of Victor’s back.


He put his arms around Victor’s wide shoulders and said, “Don’t hold anything back


Victor. You can’t hurt me this way. I love your passion and your strength. I love


everything about making love to you. It feels as if we’ve never been apart.”


Victor took a deep breath. His breathing was already short, with quick desperate


puffs. While his erection began to slide in and out of Carl’s body, he shoved his tongue


back inside Carl’s mouth. The bed began to rock, and the headboard hit the plaster so


hard the wallpaper split and chips of white powder fell on Carl’s forehead. Victor’s


rhythm increased until there were loud slaps against Carl’s ass. The slapping continued


until Carl lost all track of time. And while their lips were still locked and Carl was


sucking Victor’s tongue, Victor banged into Carl’s body as hard as he could and filled the


condom again.


Carl came a second later. While Victor was still in the throws of post-orgasmic


sensations and he was still deep inside Carl’s body, Carl reached between their bodies for


his own erection and climaxed all over his stomach. Their lips were still locked, and Carl


was still sucking Victor’s tongue. Victor fell on top of Carl and took a deep breath. His chest was damp and there


were beads of perspiration dripping from his forehead. Carl cradled Victor’s head in his


palms and said, “We have to get up. I have to go to the hospital now and see my son. Will


you come with me? I might need support.”


“Of course I’ll go with you,” Victor said. He kissed Carl on the lips and pulled out


of his body. “Lead me to the shower.”


This time, instead of taking his usual fast shower, Carl turned on the water and


soaped Victor’s entire body. He started at Victor’s neck, working his way all the way


down to Victor’s feet. When he soaped and massaged Victor’s private parts, he went


down to his knees. He pressed his cheek against Victor’s thigh, right next to his soft penis,


while the hot water splashed against his face. While he massaged and soaped Victor’s


body, Victor leaned back against the white subway tiles and moaned with pleasure.


Carl even insisted on drying Victor’s body. When Victor hesitated and said, “I


can dry myself, really. I’m blind, but I’m not helpless,” Carl took the towel from his hand


and said, “I know you’re not helpless. I’m not doing this because you’re blind. I’m doing


it because I want to make you feel special.”


Victor smiled. “It’s been a long time since anyone has said or done anything that


nice for me. But then, you always knew how to make me feel special.” Then he lifted his


arms and said, “Feel free to dry every inch of my body. And take your time between my


legs.” Then he grabbed his dick and rubbed it against Carl’s thigh.


Carl went down on his knees and kissed Victor between the legs. “I will,” he said,


as he ran the towel up between Victor’s thighs. While Victor was getting dressed, Carl called the hospital again to check in on his


son. The nurse said that because he’d responded so well, they’d taken him off the


ventilator and he was still in stable condition. She said he was weak and very groggy, but


he was conscious again. Carl thanked her and said he’d be there within a half hour.


Then he called Able and told him to open the shop on his own that day. Carl said


he’d leave the keys under the mat and check in later with him. Able was shocked—Carl


Smite had never missed a day of work, and he’d never allowed Able to open the shop


alone. When Able asked if everything was all right, Carl laughed and said, “You’d better


start getting used to the new me, Able. Things are going to be changing around here.”


By the time Victor and Carl reached the hospital, the doctor was standing outside


Carl Junior’s door reading a chart. Carl introduced Victor to the doctor and said, “I’m


glad I ran into you. How’s he doing?”


“He’s responding very well,” the doctor said. “We did more chest X-rays very


early this morning and his lungs have cleared up a great deal.”


“How long do you think he’ll be in the hospital?” Carl asked.


The doctor rubbed his jaw. “If he continues to improve this way, he should be


ready to be discharged by the end of the week.”


“Can I go in now?” Carl asked. “Is he conscious?”


“He’s awake,” the doctor said, “but he’s still very weak. Try not to get him


excited about anything. He shouldn’t talk too much. His voice is weak.” Then he shook


Carl’s hand and said, “I’ll be back later to check in on him.” Carl thanked the doctor and turned to Victor. “I’m a little worried about this,” he


said. “I’m not sure how I’m going to explain that I know he’s my son, or how I knew he


was lying there in the alley.”


Victor rubbed his jaw and frowned. “Actually,” he said, “I’m kind of curious


about that, too. How
you know? You told me Donna never told you she was




Carl shrugged his shoulders. “This is one of those times you’re going to have to


trust me, Victor. Do you believe in Christmas miracles?”


Victor shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not sure,” he said. “But I can’t say I don’t


believe in them either. I’ve just never witnessed one.”


“Well, I did,” Carl said. “And that’s all I can say. The boy in the room is Carl


Fratelli, and he’s my biological son. Donna was killed when he was very young, and he’s


been brought up in foster homes that were abusive and dysfunctional. And it’s a true


miracle that I finally found him. Just the same way it’s a miracle that I found you again


after all these years.”


Victor reached for his hand and squeezed it. They were standing in the ICU


hallway, surrounded by people, and he didn’t hesitate about showing his feelings. “I trust


you. And if I can help you out in any way, I will.”


When they crossed into young Carl’s room, Carl walked to the foot of the bed and


Victor sat down in the chair in the corner of the room. The large ventilator was gone and


he was only hooked up to the standard hospital machines. The blue tube was out of his


mouth and his skin wasn’t gray anymore. Though he was painfully thin and his lips were


dry, he looked better than he’d looked when he’d delivered Able’s sandwich to the shop on Christmas Eve. He was sitting up in the bed and the nurse was straightening his


pillows. Carl looked into the boy’s eyes and smiled. The boy tilted his head to the side


and lowered his eyebrows.


Carl smiled at the nurse and said, “He looks much better today, doesn’t he?”


She patted the pillow one last time and said, “I’ll say. He’s a very lucky guy. If


you hadn’t brought him in here when you did, I’d hate to think about what might have


happened. The entire hospital is talking about it. We’re calling him our Christmas


miracle.” Then she gathered a few rumpled covers from the foot of the bed and said, “If


you guys need anything, just ring. I’ll be out at the desk.”


When she was gone, Carl walked to the side of the bed and asked, “How are you


feeling?” He figured he’d wait until the boy started asking him questions, instead of


getting into any dramatic, emotional scenes. He wanted to hug him as hard as he could.


But that would have been out of place. He wanted to tell everyone in the world that this


was his son. But he had to be patient.


The boy’s voice was weak and wrecked from the breathing tube. “


me?” he asked. “How did you know I was in the alley?” Then he looked across the room

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