A Christmas Dance (13 page)

Read A Christmas Dance Online

Authors: Alissa Johnson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Regency, #Historical Romance, #Holidays

BOOK: A Christmas Dance
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“Hurt?” Sir Franklin Byerly hopped down from his horse with a surprising agility. “Why should I be hurt?”

She gripped his face in her hands and searched for signs of injury. Other than being red-nosed and out of breath, he appeared in perfect health. “You left. . .It’s cold. We didn’t know where you were and--”

“Should’ve been here,” he grumbled and handed the reins over to a groom. “Left without me, don’t you know. The lot of them left without me.”

She clung to him, even as she pulled him toward the house. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Ah, now, don’t trouble yourself. Found my own way, didn’t I?” He turned to blink out at the darkness behind him. “Might have gotten a bit lost along the way.”

The idea of that, of her father lost and confused on some desolate road or in London, sent a chill of horror along her spine. “What were you thinking, riding out by yourself?”

“Grown man, aren’t I?” He looked up and smiled cheerfully at the group of men still standing at the door. “Are we all here, then?”

William discreetly took hold of her father’s elbow and helped usher him inside. “Mr. Byerly, you’re well?”

“Sir Franklin Byerly, my good man,” her father corrected.

He slanted a questioning look at Patience, but it was Mr. Meldrin who answered. “Knighted for his work in magnetism.”

“Goes round,” her father informed William.

“Does it, indeed?” William smiled at her father as if his comment made complete sense. “I hadn’t realized. . .Mr. Meldrin, I believe Lord Hartwell won’t mind the continued use of our private little room, but would you be so kind as to--?”

“I’ll see to it.”

While William continued to issue orders to the staff, Patience bustled her father into the room they’d just vacated,
wrapped him in blankets, and set him in front of the fire. He turned to look at her as she fussed over him, and his face suddenly showed surprise, as if he’d quite forgotten she’d been at his side since he arrived. “Ah, Patience! Wonderful to see you, child. Wonderful to see you.” He patted her cheek. “Be a dear and fetch your father a cup of tea.”

She nodded toward a maid who had just arrived with a tray. “Just a dollop of cream, please.”

While the maid served her father, William took her arm and gently pulled her a few steps away.

“So, this is the man who’s kept us apart,” he asked quietly. “The reason you thought earlier I might reconsider my offer of marriage.”

The mention of earlier had her eyes darting to the settee in the darkened corner of the room and the heat rushing to her cheeks. Had that really happened just a short time ago?

She pulled her eyes away to look to William. “They say madness is a result of weak blood, that it shouldn’t be passed on, and that men like my father should be kept in an asylum.”

He made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a snort. “They also say high foreheads are a sign of intelligence, and that taking the water at Bath is good for the constitution.”

“Aren’t they? Isn’t it?”

“I’ve met many a twit with a high forehead, and I don’t know that I’ve ever felt particularly well after drinking the water at Bath.” He took her hand in his. “What I do know, Patience, is that I love you. I adore you. I cannot imagine spending one more day without you.” He waited a beat before smiling wryly. “It’s generally preferable to have one’s proclamation of love met with a similar declaration.”

She couldn’t help but laugh just a little. “I
love you.” She took a quick glance to be certain her father wasn’t watching, then stood on her toes to press a kiss to William’s mouth. “I’ve loved you from the very start.”

The breath he took was a trifle shaky, but there wasn’t even a whisper of hesitation to his smile. “Bit rash, that.”

“Yes,” she laughed. “It was, rather.”

“I’m glad for it.”

“I am as well.”

Her father chose that moment to remind them of his presence. “Where the devil is the Yule log?”


“Can’t have Christmas without a Yule log.”

“It’s several days yet before--”

“And some wassail.” He pulled a face. “Can’t abide the stuff, myself, but it is tradition, after all.”

“The thing is, Papa. . .The thing is. . .” She looked to William, who proved to be no help at all.

“You’re absolutely right, Sir Franklin.” William nodded. “We should indeed have a Yule log.”

Patience started and blinked . “William--”

“And wassail.” He stepped over to the bell pull and gave it a decisive tug. “Any other requests?”

“William, this really isn’t necessary.”

“It is,” he told her in a resolute tone. “You told me once you’ve always wanted a Christmas tradition.”

“Yes, but--”

“Traditions have to begin somewhere.” He grinned suddenly and swept her into her arms, ignoring her small noise of protest and struggle to free herself before someone walked in or her father made a fuss. “We’ll start our traditions here. An early Christmas celebration every year. With all the trimmings. I’ll even bring in a bucket of water and apples for you, if you like.”

“I don’t need--”

“We’ll exchange gifts.” He tapped the edge of her spectacles gently. “A new pair of these to begin with. . .”

Keeping hold of her with one arm, he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small box. He flipped open the lid with his thumb to reveal frames for a new pair of spectacles. “It
wasn’t possible to include the lenses, I’m afraid,” he told her. “But, I hoped the sentiment. . .”

“They’re perfect,” she whispered. “As is the sentiment.”

“You can have whatever you desire for Christmas when you’re Lady Casslebury.” He bent his head a bit to look down at her. “You will be Lady Casslebury?”

Patience ceased caring if they were seen embracing. What did it matter now? She took the box from him, grinned, and stood on tiptoe to press a kiss against his mouth. “There’s nothing I desire more.”

He drew the kiss out a bit longer before pulling away. “When the wassail arrives, we’ll toast to our first family Christmas.”

“Family Christmas!” Sir Franklin Byerly said suddenly. He took a long sip of his tea, settled himself more comfortably in his chair, and smiled into the fire. “Important things, families. Important things.”

William looked down into the green eyes of the woman he planned on spending every day of his life falling more in love with. “I couldn’t agree more.”

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