A Club Esoteria Wedding [Club Esoteria 11] (Siren Publishing Classic) (5 page)

BOOK: A Club Esoteria Wedding [Club Esoteria 11] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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He turned and looked at her. “We’re going to push my limits a bit, little mouse. This is the first step in sharing you with others in the club. Now come out here.”

“But someone might…”

“See us? Yes, I expect some might, but I doubt anyone will care,” he said as he pulled her fully out onto the narrow balcony with its chest-high railings then halfway across the balcony. “We’re far enough up that anyone who actually looks up here won’t see that much. Now, little mouse, show your Master how much you love his cock.”

Unable to do anything else, Whitney knelt on the concrete floor before the man she loved more than life itself and smiled at his cock. It was beautiful. Long, thick, and hard with ropy veins along the surface. The bulbous head was smooth, and even in this dim light the head was so filled with blood it was more purple than red.

Leaning forward, Whitney parted her lips and took just the head into her mouth. She moaned as the exotic, sharp, and spicy taste of pre-cum crossed her tongue. She swirled her tongue around the head then took more and more of his length in, sucking and licking as she went. She knew what he liked and now more than ever wanted to give it to him.

“Mouse,” he groaned, his voice dropping an octave.

From his tone she could tell he was so worked up it would not take much to set him off. And setting him off was just what she wanted to do. Fighting his hold, she moved forward until she had taken every inch of him in. Swallowing on his length, she felt his fingers press tighter into her shoulders. She held him there as long as she could before easing back enough to breathe. Looking up into his face, she saw his eyes were half-closed as they always were when he was in this state.

Sliding her hands up the back of his legs, she cupped his ass cheeks and massaged the muscles there. Then one hand came around to the front and up to cup his balls. She knew that added stimulus would send him skyrocketing in short order.

Chapter 6


Instead of giving into the need to come in her mouth, Taurus used every bit of his strength as her Master and dominant to pull from her mouth and step away from her body. He panted as he turned away to keep her from touching his ready-to-explode cock. Even the chilly evening air did little to cool his passion.

“Damn, mouse, that mouth of yours is lethal,” he said, his voice low and intense. “But I’m planning on coming deep in your hot, wet cunt as we watch the party going on downstairs.”

The deck party was still going full swing five stories below them. Reaching down, he helped Whitney to her feet, keeping her hands and body well away from his primed and ready cock. Turning her, he placed her hands on top of the railing and pressed her breasts against its wide side.

“Look at them, mouse.” He grinned when she hissed as her warm skin came into contact with the cold metal. She immediately tried to back away, but he pulled one leg and then the other back and apart, forcing her to lean heavily against the railing.

He moved her arms so they rested full length on the railing, giving her no help in trying to keep her tits from contact with the cold metal.

Moving between her widespread legs, he brushed his cock up and down the valley of her ass as he whispered, “Don’t move, or you won’t be sitting down for a week. Do you understand, mouse?”

“Yes, Master,” she moaned, her back arching as she tried to move her cunt closer to his cock. “Please, Sir. Fuck. Me. Now.”

Moving his hips closer, he positioned the head of his cock at her entrance then pushed just the head inside. Wrapping his hands around her hips, he leaned in and took an earlobe between his lips. “And you will not speak again or come without permission.”

She breathed a barely there whining protest as she nodded her understand.

Dropping lips to suck at the top of her shoulder, his hips surged forward until he was fully seated in her.

“You’re so hot and wet and tight around me,” he whispered before he returned to sucking at her skin as he slowly pulled his cock back until only the head remained in her pussy before thrusting deep once again.

Her breathing caught every time he filled her, but she did not speak. He continued the slow withdraw and fast filling until Whitney was gasping, and her cunt muscles began to tighten down on his cock. As usual, the sounds she made sent him closer to his own limits. But he was determined she come first as they looked out over the river.

“Open your eyes, princess. Look down at the people, at your subjects. Do you see them?”

“Mmmm,” she moaned, now in a place where it did not matter that they were only a few stories up, naked and actively fucking. Her back arched as she tried to take him deeper, faster, and harder.

His own orgasm so close he could taste it, Taurus took his right hand from her hip and, using his fingers, followed the crease where leg met torso around to the front of her body. He continued until he reached her wet, puffy lips just inches from where his cock was sliding in and out of her cunt. Cupping her mound, he used two fingers to part them and expose her clit.

Rubbing his fingertip back and forth and around her little knot of nerves, he once again took her earlobe between his lips. Her breathing had grown erratic, as had his own, signaling their orgasms were only seconds away.

“Come with me, princess,” he ordered hoarsely as he pinched her clit between two fingers as his balls clenched and erupted, sending his life juices flooding her cunt.

She sucked in a breath and then hissed a long sigh as her body began to convulse with her own orgasm. He continued riding her, his fingers gently rolling her clit as his cock pistoned in and out of her until their breathing slowed. The warmth of their combined fluids flowing out of her and over his balls and down his thighs brought him back to the present.

With a long sigh, he eased from her cunt. Though his body barely functioned, he picked her up. Pulling her legs up to wrap around his waist and pushing her head to his shoulder, he staggered inside. He stopped only long enough to slide the door closed before moving to the bed. Once there, he jerked the covers back before laying her in the middle of the king-size mattress. He crawled in and lay down behind her before pulling the covers up over them. Wrapping his arms around her body, he pulled her back until their bodies were pressed together.

Her skin was cool, she was trembling, and her breathing was unsteady.

“Princess? You okay?” he asked, his words slurred with his own relaxation.

She did not answer, but her breathing had smoothed out, and her fine shaking had stopped. He knew she was asleep.

“I love you, sweet mouse,” he whispered before brushing a kiss over her hair. Taking a deep breath, he slowly followed her into sleep.


* * * *


Whitney woke slowly to pain that seemed to encompass not just her head but her entire body. Opening her eyes, she winced at the bright light that filled the room before slamming them shut again. The throbbing at her temples multiplied exponentially, causing her to suck a breath, which did nothing to help the pain.

Turning her attention outward, she tried to locate Taurus. She heard no sounds. No shower or bathroom sounds. No newspaper rustling. No sounds at all, except that of her own breathing and the hum of the room’s heating system.

Had he left her? Had he decided that he did not want such dramatics in his life?

Rolling to her side with her back to the windows, she pulled her knees to her chest and then pulled a pillow over her head to block out the light. Frowning, she tried to think back through the wine-soaked haze to remember exactly what the hell had happened after they had made love out on the balcony in view of anyone who bothered to look up.

But she had no memory except a vague recollection of T’s arms securely wrapped around her right before she passed out.

“Back with the living?” Taurus asked, sounding entirely too cheery for whatever time of the morning it was.

His sudden presence surprising her, Whitney sat up quickly then moaned as the pounding in her temples escalated from a slow thumping march to a hard, fast drum solo. With eyes squinting in the brightness, she looked around and found him leaning in the doorway that led to the bathroom and living room.

“You left me,” she stated with a frown.

“You were sleeping. I had hoped to get back before you woke up, but the hotel didn’t have what I needed, so I had to run out,” he answered easily. “How’s the head?”

That was when Whitney noticed the bags he held in one hand. “What?” she asked, pointing to them.

“My own personal hangover cure. Will make a new woman of you in less than an hour,” he said, straightening from the wall and approaching the bed.

The crackling of the paper bags added another layer to Whitney’s pain, which then made making her stomach roll. Covering her ears, she crawled from the bed and hurried to the bathroom. Pushing the door so the room was dark enough that it did not hurt her eyes, she sighed with relief. After answering nature’s call, she splashed water on her face and ran her fingers through her hair without peeking once in the triple mirror above the sink. Wishing she had remembered her toothbrush, she rinsed her mouth out with water instead.

By the time she finished, the pain in her head had retreated marginally, and she thought herself ready to face Taurus and whatever vile concoction he had for her to cure her hangover. For she knew he would not allow her getting drunk to pass without some sort of retribution to make her doubly sorry she had overindulged.

As she walked back into the bedroom, she was surprised to see Taurus was once again naked. Seeing him sprawled across the king-size bed reminded her once again of how far she had come sexually in the last two years. She had been a straightlaced young woman who had lived with her mother and therefore never went naked, not at anytime, anywhere. She had also kept her vibrator, other sex toys, and erotic e-books hidden for fear her mother might find them and be scandalized. Nowadays, Master preferred her to be naked or as close as possible whenever they were alone.

Taurus sat up and nodded toward the small table beside the bed. “Take those pills with the juice,” he ordered gently.

“What are they?”

“Two over-the-counter painkillers and a vitamin-B complex,” he answered.

Once she had taken the pills as instructed, he rearranged himself so he was in the middle of the bed leaning back against the pillows piled against the head of the bed. He looked like a golden god there resting against the silky cream-colored bedding. Even with the juice, her mouth went dry again as his right hand wrapped around his cock and began to pump it in a slow and easy rhythm.

“Come sit on my lap, Whitney. I want to talk to you,” he said solemnly but with a wink and a grin. Whitney could not help the small smile that lifted her lips in response.


* * * *


Taurus continued stroking his cock as he waited oh-so-impatiently for Whitney to join him. He could not wait to move forward with the plans he had made as he waited for her to wake up. He only hoped she accepted her rightful place by his side.

He watched closely as she slowly moved to the foot of the bed then climbed onto it and crawled up between his legs. She wore a sexy little smile on her lips though pain was still evident in her pale-purple eyes.

When her head dipped and she went to suck his cock, his free hand cupped her chin to keep her from reaching her target. “I said sit on my lap, mouse.”

His heart filled when she nodded and moved to straddle his thighs then knee-walked close enough that her widespread slit brush against the tip of his cock. “Like this, Master?” she asked with a tone to her voice that sent his blood surging, causing his cock to jerk in his hand.

“Not quite,” he said, pushing his hips up so his cock’s head spread her lower lips even farther apart. Then he pulled her down until she fully sheathed his cock and settled down on his hips.

“Now that’s perfect.” He sighed. He pulled her down until she rested on top of him before flipping the comforter over them to keep them warm. When she continued looking at him, he lifted a hand and pressed her head to his shoulder. “Relax and let go of the pain.”

She remained stiff for a few minutes but slowly relaxed when all he did was hold her head to his shoulder and stroke a hand up and down her spine. Closing his eyes, he smiled and relished the feel of his woman, his mouse, his princess, in his arms.

As soon as her pain eased, he would put the next phase of his plan into motion. It was long overdue for his little mouse to understand fully what she meant to him.

Chapter 7


Whitney drifted, caught in a place between sleep and awake that felt like subspace but at the same time did not. The pain in her temples abated as she lay with Taurus filling her as well as surrounding her. One arm rested across her lower back while the other stroked her spine as if he were petting a cat.

She lost track of time until the thought that this loving interlude away from the club might not be what she hoped slammed her back to Earth. This might just be his way of getting her to return to the club and remain under his command.

If she gave in, would she get the long-term commitment she had not realized until now she wanted? Or would things go on just as they had been the last few months, with her living in a state of limbo without knowing what she meant to him?

BOOK: A Club Esoteria Wedding [Club Esoteria 11] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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