A Cold Day in Hell (An Erotic Paranormal Short Story)

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A Cold Day in Hell


Deni D’Amore



That was the last thing Dara could remember. Driving
down I-10, whizzing past slowpokes, jerks, assholes, and other morning
commuters. Smoothing her sleek ombre hair in the rearview mirror, applying Cashmere
Rioja to her lips. Glancing down to make sure her boobs were shown to best
advantage in her equally red top. Looking up to see the back end of a semi
rushing up much too fast.


Now here she was, standing inside a cave of ice. An
arctic wind shrieked through it, cutting right through her semi-sheer Valentino
blouse and second-skin black skirt. Her sky-high heels offered no warmth, and
she struggled to keep from sprawling on the icy floor.

"H-hello!!" she called through chattering
teeth, but the sound only echoed back from the walls, mocking her.

Silence again. Then a pile of icy stalagmites began
to shift and move. As an L.A. native, her first thought was an earthquake. It
grew and stretched, and she realized with mounting disbelief that it was…well,
sort of alive.

The monstrosity slowly erected itself before her,
reaching a height of nearly eight feet. It was somewhat human in appearance,
massive and white, translucent in places, with foot-long spears of ice for
fingers. There was no hair, just a mass of hoarfrost frozen about its head. The
eyes were an unnerving shade of gray-white that looked rather blind, but when
the creature spoke, Dara realized they saw quite well.

Its stiff bow was mocking and formal. "Welcome
to Hell. Nice Fendis.” The rasp of the voice was like the grating boom of
glaciers colliding.

"Wh-what? What are you talking about?" Her
normal tone, practiced and sultry, came out as a squeak.
This must be a
nightmare. Wake up, damnit.
She pinched her arm. It left a red weal, but
the demon remained, staring at her with chilly contempt.

"Hell. You died on the freeway in an accident.
You're dead. This is your own personal Hell."

Dara glanced around in confusion. "I thought
Hell was hot. Fire and brimstone. Roasting over fires."

The demon looked bored. "Another one who’s seen
too many movies. We make our own Hells. This is yours."

Okay, I'll go with this weird-ass dream. Let my
analyst figure it out.
"Why is my Hell cold?”

"Because you were a cold-hearted, calculating
cockteaser in your life. You took delight in tantalizing and never following
through. Consider your current clothing, selected for a day of what you would
consider work." The demon gestured at her skimpy outfit with a frosty claw.

"You enjoyed tormenting men and women, young
and old, stranger and friend. It’s always been about you and your ego, the
power you could collect. Your heart was cold, your thoughts were cold, your
cunt was cold. This is your reward."

Her trembling increased as the wind chilled her body.
What she still thought of as a dream was too ridiculous for her to feel real
fear yet.
But this is going to cost a fortune in therapy,
she thought
"So I’ll starve and freeze as punishment?"

"Hardly. You can't die in the traditional
sense. That's already happened."

“Was I…I mean, did I…” Her voice trailed off. The
glazed, icy eyes of the demon made the question unthinkable to ask. He smiled
with slow malice, clearly able to guess or read her mind.

“No. You didn’t look the least bit sexy after the
accident. No one thought what a shame it was that such a gorgeous girl met such
an untimely end. It was a closed-casket funeral. It was also sparsely attended.
Mostly by those who didn’t know enough about you to realize how little you
cared about them.”

Dara flushed in spite of the cold. The flat,
emotionless tone of the creature hinted it wouldn’t bother with a lie, good or
bad. It simply stated what was, without human niceties.

“But I know Kate was there. She’s my best friend.
She’d never let me down even though – even though –“

“Even though you were sleeping with her husband?”
The demon snickered quietly at her expression. “You have no secrets here. She
came because she still doesn’t know, thought a secret part of her wonders. The
weak-minded male who fell into your snares didn’t tell her.”

It paused, and the icy eyes seemed to be looking
into a distance future. “In fact, he never will tell her, and she will at least
be spared knowing how you both betrayed her. The husband thinks he got off
lucky. He learned nothing and will do this again and again.” The splintered
teeth gleamed in an icy smile. “Of course, he doesn’t realize that we’re
holding a special place for him here, when the time is right.”

Dream or not, she was ready for this to end. She
screamed to wake herself, but it only echoed shrilly through the bowels of the
cave. She pinched her arm again, feeling a flare of true pain. She remained
where she was, shivering and eyeing the beast in front of her.

The demon behaved as though the scream hadn’t
happened. "Your wrongs must be righted before you can ever hope to leave
Hell. A few people do leave. It only seems like forever."

"H-how do I right my wrongs? I don't understand..."

The smile widened, exposing rows of chipped and
splintered ice. "You will."

Reaching out with razored claws, it sliced away the thin
clothes she wore. They fell in pieces on the ice, garish blobs of color on
monotone gray. No underwear. She was naked in her heels, shivering as her
nipples contracted into tight, pale pink caps on her generous rounded breasts.

The demon gripped her arm and propelled her to the
other side of the cave, to a stalagmite of ice that rose up from the floor. It
picked her up, lifting her weightlessly over its head. She screamed, certain
she was about to be skewered. Instead, it lowered her to straddle the ice
tower. With the height of her heels, the frozen tip of the stalagmite just
brushed her shaved pubic mound.

She looked down at it, realizing with growing terror
that it wasn't just random ice. It was a frozen dildo that rose up from the
floor, some three feet of it, a full six inches around from top to bottom.

She looked at the demon in wordless horror.

"Since you were cold and wouldn't fuck those
you teased, your punishment is to be fucked by the very coldness you created.
When the ice is gone, you may stand a chance of leaving." The tone was
grating, chilly, impassive. There would be no pleading with such a voice.

"But I'll freeze!"
Oh for fuck’s sake,
wake up, wake up!

Another forty-below smirk. "You can't. You
aren't alive. It will be somewhat uncomfortable at times, but..." The
snow-capped shoulders shrugged. "That's why it's Hell. You can refuse, of course,
but then you'll certainly never leave. You might even learn to like it. Who

The demon shambled back to its original place, then
paused. "A word of advice. Nothing but your cunt will melt the ice. Not
your body heat, your breath, your hands. Not even your ass.” It crouched into a
pile, giving her a final wintry glance as it settled into silence. In a very
short time, there was nothing more than frosty pile of ice to witness her fear.

Dara shook her head, wondering if the entire
conversation had been a hallucination. The hard, unyielding ice still pressed
without mercy against her pussy. It felt real enough.

"You've got to be fucking KIDDING me!" she
shrieked to the empty cave. “WAKE UP, YOU CRAZY BITCH, WAKE UP!”

Silence mocked her again. The cold sank into her
like freezing fire, numbing her to the bone, making her wish she could freeze
to death and fall into peaceful sleep. But she was either already dead, or this
was a dream. Either way, she’d have to see it through to have any hope of ending
it. Hell or hallucination made little difference now.

She spread her legs wider, wincing as the hard ice
pressed against her pussy. It was the only thing about her that was warm now.
The tip became smoother as her deepest heat melted the surface, making it
easier to tolerate than the hard-frozen cold when it had first touched her. She
tried to slide the tip inside, then gasped and yanked herself up. It felt as
though her pussy was being flash-frozen as it touched the ice cock.

"I can't do this!" she screamed.
"This is impossible! You fuckers! It isn't fair!"

The demon's papery voice whispered into the endless
wind. "Then stay in Hell. Forever."

She jerked herself off the dildo and grabbed up her
ruined clothes. She laid them near a boulder with scant protection from the
wind, curling into a fetal position to conserve her body’s warmth. She would
wake up, eventually. How bad could it be?

* * * * *

An eternity later, she had her answer. It was Hell.

Her hair was frosted. Her body was frigid. The wind
never stopped, now filled with hard bits of snow and ice that left stinging
cuts on her skin. This couldn’t be a dream. Tears had dried to frost on her
face as she accepted that she was dead, really dead. No more sleek little
sports cars, no more Fendis, no more Coach, no more rich boyfriends, no more
cold champagne and hot fucking. She'd have to at least try, or go through
eternity insane.

She approached the hated phallus again, straddling
it, shivering as the awful remembered coldness pressed against her mound. Again
the tip grew wetter, warmer, easier to maneuver. She gritted her teeth,
pressing it up inside. Her pussy moaned in protest.

Maybe if I can get hot for this, it won't feel so
. Orgasms
released endorphins, didn’t they? Right now she could use a few painkillers.

She ran her fingertips over her nipples. They'd been
hard since she'd gotten here, and she suspected that as long as she was in this
cave, they would stay that way, chips of pink marble on alabaster. She rubbed
them hard with her palms, seeing a slight rush of color leak into them. A few
light pinches, the way she did when she played with herself in her warm, safe
bed. There was zero response.

She pinched hard, rewarded with a slight sting of
pleasure that made the coldness inside her fade by the barest fraction. She
kept pinching, watching as they flattened out under the force of her fingers,
knowing it should hurt like hell, but too cold to feel it.

Her hands glided down the chilled length of her
body, down to find her clit in front of where the ice dildo was tormenting her.
She was surprised to find that it was hard, frozen like her nipples. She pulled
at it, half expecting it to snap off like a droplet of ice from a leaf. Instead
it warmed and expanded under her touch. Finally, some welcome heat.

She glanced down again. The ice around the base of
the stalagmite had a glassy, mirrored quality she hadn't noticed before. It
gave her the perfect angle to see what was happening between her legs. She
watched her hands playing with herself, admiring the rosy pinkness, amazed to
see how far her fingers were pulling it, stretching her limits.

The coldness of the ice against her mound chilled
the tight little hardness almost as soon as she let it go, but the swelling
remained. It might be cold, but like ice, it seemed to expand the colder it
got. It was swollen to the size of a large pink grape, making it easier for her
fingers to manipulate. Like her nipples, the cold made it able to take more
pressure. She squeezed hard, watching it bulge like a tiny water balloon.

She became aware that getting off was making her hot
and wet inside. She squatted over the ice, pushing it into her heat an inch at
a time, pinching herself hard to keep the warmth coming. Looking into the
mirrored ice made where she was seem less important. It was sexy as hell, pun
intended, to watch that big ice cock sliding up inside her, watching it come
out gleaming, wet, and…smaller. It was starting to melt, the water easing down
the sides in trickles.

She pumped up and down on the ice, her natural
instincts taking over, making it melt faster. Between her legs was cold, so
cold, but the punishment she was giving herself had its own dark excitement. She
looked down into the ice mirror, watching raptly, the cold and fear put aside.

A hidden part of her mind admitted to the charge of
being a cold-hearted tease. But if Hell knew that much about her, then it also
knew that when she did follow through, it was with everything she had. What was
the saying? Cold heart, warm cunt? No, that was something else, but she couldn’t
remember it now.

The trickles were running faster now, becoming
streams, and she bounced harder, watching how this drove the frosted phallus
deeper inside. Her aching clit was swollen to enormous size, sliding between
her fingers as she rubbed.

The spike heels slipped, making her lose her footing
on the slick ice. She caught herself, but not before the dildo had driven
inside her, right into the most sensitive places deep between her thighs. She
screamed in mixed pain and pleasure, feeling how the coldest part of the ice
was now pressed against her outer lips, freezing against her flesh.

She struggled for footing, rubbing with desperation,
trying to work herself up enough to get the shaft unstuck. Her other hand came
up to her breasts. With a frenzied combination at her breasts and between her
legs, there was enough heat to thaw the post away from her lips. She sighed in
relief as it slid out of her and became manageable again.

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