A Curious Courting (17 page)

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Authors: Laura Matthews

Tags: #Regency Romance

BOOK: A Curious Courting
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After a few minutes’ concentration, his dark head bent over the sheet, he returned to her and explained, “I may have the proportions slightly wrong, but this is more or less the idea. Actually the library, also, gives onto the glass room. Don’t you think perhaps the library should be larger, with a simple terrace off it?”

Selina studied the plan and exclaimed, “But this will be delightful, Mr. Rushton! How clever of Lord John. It is hardly the cottage I expected, however! The major rooms must be thirty feet across. How charming that they all open onto the verandah room.”

“Charming, yes, but what use will I make of it?” he asked a trifle impatiently. “I don’t wish to grow pineapples and orchids like your Mr. Sands, and if I wish to read, I may do so in the library.”

“Pooh. It can serve any number of purposes. A breakfast room in conjunction with the dining room, a more spacious reading area than the library, an informal drawing room. There is very little you
do with such a room, Mr. Rushton.” His head was so close to hers over the drawing that she could feel his breath on her hair and she moved back on her chair. “A smoking room, a billiard room.”

“A billiard room?” Rushton studied the plan more closely. “I believe you have something there, Miss Easterly-Cummings. Or a breakfast room. The dining hall is large for one person. I am mostly looking for comfort, and a lack of frills, though I shall entertain on a small scale occasionally, no doubt.” He crumpled the drawing and accurately tossed it on the hearth. “I should thank you for recommending Lord John. His work so far has been impressive, and I fear I gave him little enough to go on.”

“We have gradually been restoring and replacing the estate cottages, and I was struck by his ability to grasp the cottagers’ way of life and build to suit it. Practical and yet innovative.”

“Might I ask how you met him?”

“Through his brother, Lord Cathford. When Lord John first came here, Cathford brought him by to meet me.”

Rushton raised a quizzical brow. “And how did you meet Cathford?”

Averting her eyes, Selina murmured, “When I was younger, I used to ride with the Quorn.”

“You don’t say,” he drawled. “Now I would never have guessed that.”

She flushed at the innuendo in his tone, and rushed hurriedly into speech. “My father sometimes forgot that I was not the son he would have liked. Not that he did not care for me! It was just that he prompted me to many activities which most females do not indulge in. But hunting
be dangerous! I have seen any number of appalling injuries. And I did not stop Henry going with you.”

“No, but you would have liked to. What other intrepid activities did your father urge on you, Miss Easterly-Cummings?” Rushton asked with interest.

“You are making sport with me, and there is no reason I need answer your questions.” She fixed him with a smoldering glare.

“Come, I am intrigued. Can you shoot?” Selina nodded.




“Of course.”

“Row a boat?”

Another nod.

“I know you dance and ride, drive a phaeton and climb trees. Perhaps you could teach Henry to box.” His eyes danced wickedly.

“I have never even
anyone box,” she said scornfully, “and I have no desire to do so.”

“But you won’t object if I teach Henry?”

Selina dropped her eyes from his demanding gaze. “No.”

“Good, because I have every intention of teaching him when his arm is fully healed.”

“I would rather he didn’t impose on you, Mr. Rushton,” she replied stiffly. “We may be able to find some retired pugilist in the neighborhood.”

“I doubt it. You don’t find them under every bush, dear ma'am.”

He was laughing at her now, and the color rose in her face. “I am aware of that, sir, but your time will be consumed in directing the building of your house.”

“Now you are attempting to manage other people’s lives again, Miss Easterly-Cummings. I really would enjoy teaching Henry, you know.”

“And what of his limp? I could not bear it if he were humiliated by finding that it hindered him.”

His voice was firm and his eyes stern. “You could bear it, and you would, Miss Easterly-Cummings. Remember your resolve to be less protective of him. If he cannot box, he will have to bear the disappointment. You cannot shield him from everything.” His voice became more gentle. “I doubt the limp will hinder him much.”

“You know, Mr. Rushton, before you came to this area, my life seemed infinitely less complicated. I look back on those days—only a few short weeks ago! —when I had no intention of selling the vale, had almost seen Henry through another hunting season without his joining the field, had never had to defend my rearing of my cousin—and I consider them golden days. Yes, cloudless, happy times,” she sighed, poking a stray strand of hair under her lace cap. “People did not invade my library unless I asked them. No one yelled at me that I was smothering poor Henry with my good intentions. No one even knew I
good intentions, and no one cared. Fancy your caring,” she said sweetly, her eyes mocking. “If anyone had asked me, I should have said, ‘No, Mr. Rushton will not care how I raise Henry. Mr. Rushton is far too busy with his own concerns.’ It just shows you how wrong you can be.”

“Did you get your sharp tongue from your father, too, Miss Easterly-Cummings?”

“Probably. He didn’t toad-eat
Mr. Rushton.”

“Toad-eat! Sometimes you are barely civil. I thought we had called a truce.”

“Yes, but you started to pinch at me about Henry again,” she remarked with asperity.

“No more than you deserved.” He tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair and regarded her thoughtfully. “Did you know Cathford well?”

“Fairly. He was Pen’s friend, and I Maria Southwood’s. We often rode out, the four of us. The earl spoke of his family with genuine affection, and when Lord John settled near Leicester, Cathford made a visit to him, and they came round to call.” Selina noted the puzzled quirk on his forehead and asked, “Do you find something strange in that, Mr. Rushton? I thought it unexceptional myself. Mrs. Morrow, my companion, was still with me in those days, you understand, so there was no impropriety, even though Henry was not much in evidence as yet.”

“How long has Lord John lived here?”

“Oh, four years, I imagine. Is there some significance in all this, Mr. Rushton?”

He pulled himself out of his reverie and smiled apologetically. “I was merely curious. Forgive me.”

“We are back to apologies,” she grumbled. “Did you have anything further to discuss, Mr. Rushton?”

“I think not,” he replied languidly as he rose, his blue eyes trained on her face. “I will not apologize again for disturbing you, but I will thank you for your assistance about the glass room. Lord John will be instructed to include it in his design.”

“I feel sure you won’t regret it.” Selina smiled and offered him her hand, and for just a moment she thought he intended to raise it to his lips, but the upward movement was changed into a hearty shake.

“I’ll see myself out.”

“Please see that you do this time. I should not like to run into you in the hall this afternoon.”

“Am I not then welcome to call again?” he asked, only half teasing.

Selina adjusted the smock that covered her morning dress. “If you are to teach Henry to box, I imagine we will see you often enough at Shalbrook. Or shall he come to you at Oak Park?”

“I will be moving soon to the Horse and Hound. Pen and his family are off to London for Cassandra’s Season in a few days. Mr. Evans at the inn spoke highly of you.”

“He’s an excellent innkeeper. Did you by chance take the rebuilt rooms?”

“Yes, Miss Easterly-Cummings, and heard of the hand you had in them.”

“I made only one suggestion, Mr. Rushton.”

“Ever involved,” he murmured, and watched her eyes flash. “Mr
Evans himself assured me that you would not dream of interfering in the running of the Horse and Hound.”

“Do leave before we have another quarrel,” she begged. “I am quite spent from our discussion.”

“Are you? For a moment I thought you looked ready to do battle again. No, no, I shall say no more. If it is agreeable with you, I will come here for Henry’s boxing lessons. I don’t feel Mr. Evans would appreciate our appropriating his yard for our sport.”

“There is ample room at Shalbrook, Mr. Rushton. The least we can do, if you are to donate your time to Henry’s instruction, is to provide a place for you to teach him. His arm, however...”

“Will be fit in another week or so. I shall call then,” he said firmly.

Selina turned away from the intent blue eyes. “Very well. Good day, sir.” After his murmured farewell, she heard his footsteps cross the room, and only looked in his direction in time to see him glance at her just as he was closing the door behind himself. No hint of triumph, or mockery, rested on his countenance, but rather almost a questioning look, as though he were concerned about her. Nonsense, she scolded herself, as she returned to the piles of paper. He might feel uneasy about upsetting her, as well he should, but concern for others was doubtless foreign to his nature. Well, not in Henry’s case, perhaps, but certainly in hers.

When Henry did not present himself for luncheon, Selina sighed and went in search of him. He was not in the study, nor in his bedroom but she tracked him down at last in the stables, where he attempted to ignore her. Since there was no one else about she said softly, “Henry, if you wish to be treated as a man, you must learn not to sulk. I have seen Mr. Rushton, much against my wishes, and he persists in his claim that he will teach you to box. Are we agreed that I have a right to see whom I wish, and refuse anyone I don’t?”

“Yes, Selina.”

“Excellent. Then blame yourself for this morning’s contretemps, Henry, as you should. It is a sign of immaturity to blame others for your own errors. Our household is run very informally, which we both enjoy, but it should not dim our awareness of each other’s rights. I shall endeavor not to interfere with your pursuits except where I consider it my duty to do so. Mr. Rushton tells me I am too protective of you, and I know that it is true. You have been very patient with me, all things considered, and I promise you I am struggling very hard to reach a reasonable perspective. Please bear with me, dear Henry.”

“Oh, Selina,” he groaned as he hugged her. “You have been so good to me, I don’t know how I can act so churlishly to you. I knew I was wrong this morning but…it meant so much to me, and I was sure Rushton would change his mind.”

“I shouldn’t think so,” she said caustically. “He is unconscionably autocratic, but he prizes his word on a matter very highly.”

“You are too hard on him, Selina,” Henry protested. “It is extraordinarily kind of him to pay any attention at all to someone my age. From what I gathered when he and Sir Penrith talked, Rushton is a courted member of the
And I like him, Selina.”

“Yes, I know you do, my dear. Well, he said he would come in a week or so for your first lesson, so the matter is settled. If he should change his mind…”

Henry grinned at her. “I won’t sulk, I promise. Have I missed my meal?”

“No, scapegrace, it is a cold collation on the sideboard, and I haven’t eaten yet, either.”


JOURNAL. March 9. Have written to Lord John to proceed with the plans, including the glass room. The Southwoods leave for London in a week, when I will remove to the Horse and Hound. Could Cathford possibly have meant Miss E-C— the eccentric, incredible Miss E-C—when we spoke those many years ago? It does fit, in some ways, but I consider his notion preposterous. Of course, she was much younger then....


The day before they were to leave for London, Sir Penrith and his sister Cassandra rode over to take leave of Selina and Henry. Lord John was there, discussing the Shalbrook cottages with Selina, while Henry sat listening as he contracted and released his injured arm in an effort to strengthen it. Determined to be ready when Rushton appeared, Henry daily extended the use of the arm, his cousin observing without comment, equally torn by amusement and chagrin.

“Are we interrupting?” Penrith asked as they were ushered into the drawing room.

Selina knew a moment’s impatience with herself for being disappointed that Mr. Rushton had not accompanied them. “I for one am delighted to leave off talking of beams and plaster, Pen!” she exclaimed, greeting Cassandra with outstretched hands. “You look charming, my dear, and remind me most forcefully of Maria the day before she left for London.”

As Cassandra murmured a polite reply, she glanced shyly past Selina to Lord John. “We didn’t know you had company.”

“Lord John is practically a member of the family,” Henry interposed, leaving off his arm exercises to welcome the new arrivals.

Cassandra blanched at this information and looked helplessly at Selina, who immediately took pity on her and explained, “I fear we have imposed a great deal on Lord John this last week. There has been flooding in half a dozen of the old cottages, and he has practically had to live here in order to find some solution.” She turned to Penrith to add, “Please explain to Mr. Rushton that our emergency has occupied a great deal of Lord John’s time. It cannot help but have delayed his work on the hunting-box.”

“Don’t fret, Selina. Gareth will understand. Perhaps I can convince him to come to London for a stretch, after all. Haven’t the faintest notion what he’ll do with himself here until construction is under way.” He turned to Lord John with enthusiasm. “Quite remarkable, your plans for his house! Dare say I wouldn’t mind living in it myself. Heard anything from Cathford? He’ll be in London for the Season, won’t he?” Penrith asked with a touch of longing.

“Oh, yes. They’re all to leave shortly, I understand,” Lord John replied as he seated himself in the chair next to Cassandra’s.

“You won’t be coming to London this spring, Lord John?” Cassandra asked wistfully.

“No. That is, I’d like to, but with the hunting-box and all, I don’t see how I shall have time to getaway.”

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