A Curvy Christmas (9 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: A Curvy Christmas
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“Wait. I sleep with you once and now you think you can organise my life?”

“That was not my intention.”

“Then what, taking pity on me?”

“OK, Robin. Calm down.”

“Calm down. You drag me out of my nice warm apartment, in the middle of a blizzard to show me this dump.”

“That is uncalled for. It’s perfect for you, in an area you know, surrounded by other stores. You’ll have people falling over themselves.”

“Did you ever think about what I want? Or did you think you know what’s best for everyone? Of all the conceited bastards.”

That’s it, his patience was in tatters and his temper flared. “I’m sorry. I thought that you would be grateful in some small way. If you don’t want it, that’s fine. But don’t take it out on me if you’re too scared to step into a possible future that might make you happy.”

“I’m not scared. But baking is one thing I love, and I don’t need anyone taking that away from me.”

“What?” His exasperation increasing. “I’m not trying to take it away from you.”

“No? If I did this, I’d have to conform to what other people want me to bake. I’d lose my creativity.”

“That’s stupid. You could do whatever you want with it. This ‘dump’ is a blank canvass. You can paint the future you want in these very rooms. You want a restaurant, we’ll do that, you want a teas shop, that’s fine too. You want to invite people in and through muffins at them, fine.”

“What? Are you even listening to what you're’ saying.”

“Yes, I am. I just not sure you are.” He was shouting now, so unlike him. She drove him mad.

She stopped, her mouth open ready for her next retort. And then her body softened. “You think that would work? Throwing muffins at customers? Because that’s what I’d end up doing.”

“Only if they had sticky icing.” He came to her and placed his hands on her rigid arms. “Listen. You don’t have to serve customers, you could employ someone. I simply wanted to offer you a new future. And it’s not through pity, I did this before I even knew about your past.”

She looked around the empty store. “What if I fail?”

“What if you don’t?”

“Greg, I don’t know if I could take something like this on. I’m a coward.” She looked at him imploringly.

“What do you expect me to do, agree with you? Because I won’t give you an easy way out.” He folded her into his arms. “I believe you have incredible strength. You have made it through the last few years with no support from your family. There were many choices, many paths that could have taken you down dark roads. But you chose Max, and she chose you. Now I am choosing you, Robin, and I really want you to choose me.”

“I’m not used to asking for help.”

“You don’t have to ask. I’m offering my help to you. This is just the project I would love to get my teeth into.”



“Cakes. Food. Teeth into.”

“Oh, glad you're taking it so seriously.”

“I am.” She turned her face to look up at him. “Thank you. I know I sound ungrateful, but this was so unexpected. And I suppose I’m scared you will have control over me if this is my home and my business.”

“We’ll work out a contract, all above board. I’ll help you, but you have to make it pay.”

“Is there some way I could repay you now?” she asked seductively, and pressed her body against his.

“I recommend we go back to your warm apartment and discuss terms.” He slid his hand under her coat, but all he felt was layers and layers of clothes. “Let’s go. We can come back tomorrow.”

Chapter Fifteen - Robin

They walked back hand in hand, the snow settling silently around them. The streets were now deserted, except for a few passers-by hurrying along with heads bowed against the cold. Robin gripped Greg’s hand, worried she had dreamed the whole thing and he would disappear and leave her lonely and afraid for the future again.

Yes, she had been afraid, the thought of losing Max, of being alone and unable to cope with it, had been taking it’s toll. But now, Greg, had come along and given her something new to think about, to plan. She had been stupid to overreact, but today had brought so many feelings bubbling up to the surface, she had been unprepared for his ideas.

Yet the more she thought about it, the more perfect it sounded. She could be her own boss, make her own way in life, with a man who was willing to give her all the help he could. They could spend time together, and grow closer as those plans matured. This was the beginning of a new life, and she couldn’t think of anyone better to share it with.

Going through this with him would make it clear if they were compatible. She only ever wanted to be with a man she was one hundred percent sure would stay with her forever. Chuckling to herself, she looked up at him, and saw his face.

“Care to share?” he asked.

“I was wondering if you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into.”

They had reached her apartment, and she fumbled with the key trying to get it in the lock without taking off her gloves. Eventually he took it from her and removed his glove, the flakes settling on his skin while he opened the door.

When they got inside he answered. “No. I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. But I can promise you I aim to have fun finding out.”

“It’s not all going to be fun.”

“I know. I am sure you will want to throw more than muffins at me before the place is open for business.”

“You know, Greg. I’ve changed my mind about you.”

“Oh really?” he asked, removing his coat and gloves and hanging them up to dry.

Robin meanwhile was taking layer after layer of clothes off and dumping them on the floor. “Yes. I think nice didn’t do you justice.”

“Thank you. I think.”

“No. I mean it. You’re a special guy. To allow Carl to descend on you unannounced for Christmas.”

“Let’s not forget I left him all alone for Christmas. Doesn’t that knock my halo just a little?”

“No,” she answered, removing her wet boots. “And then today. I don’t know what made you do it. But I really, truly, am glad you did.”

“It was just ... right. In the same way as you coming to see me yesterday was just right.”

“Was it only yesterday?”

“Yes. Before then I had no idea what it was like to be inside you.” He slipped his arms around her, and slid them up under her sweater.

She jumped back. “Damn you’re hands are cold.”

He grabbed her and pulled her back to him, putting his cold fingers back under her sweater, and then drawing the cup of her bra down to roll her nipple between them. “I aim to warm them up on your hot body.”

She giggled. “No one has ever called me hot before.”

“Get used to it,” he said and then his lips claimed hers and the time for words was past.

She leaned against him, pressing her breasts against his body, wanting his hands to play with her nipples for eternity. He was masterful where her body was concerned, and she whimpered quietly as he pinched and pulled the taut buds until they were swollen and as inflamed as her desire.

Guiding him slowly, she manoeuvred them to the bedroom, she wanted to be naked next to him under the covers. To feel his mouth on her skin, and to run her fingers across his body and down lower to stroke his cock. The press of him against her told her he was already hard, and in need of release.

Shivering, more with anticipation and excitement than the cold, she helped him remove the rest of her clothes. When she only had her panties left on he kissed her, and leaned forward so she was pushed down onto the edge of the bed. Then he knelt before her, and hooked his fingers around the elastic of her panties and tugged them down over her thighs.

One foot at a time he helped her out of them, and then placed his hands on her thighs to spread them wider. Her heart raced at the thought of him looking at her is intimately, and then he dipped his head and kissed her soft skin, working his way up to her core.

His finger pressed inside her sex, and his mouth sucked on her clit. Robin plunged her hands into his hair, he responded by licking her clit until she writhed under him, small whimpers escaping her. She couldn’t take her eyes off the top of his head as he licked and sucked her clit, his fingers pushing deeper until she knew her orgasm was imminent.

When she came she cried out, pressing herself forward onto his face. He placed one hand behind her bottom and held her tight while she climaxed, his mouth taking every last drop of pleasure from her. The whole of her sex felt swollen and engorged, she was so wet, and so ready for him to make love to her.

Embarrassed by her reaction, she felt a little shy, something she rarely experienced these days. But he soon chased that away, standing in front of her and slowly stripping, letting her see the perfection that was his body, and the extent of his own arousal.

She slipped off the bed to kneel before him, and stroked his cock until it was painfully rigid. Then she took him in her mouth. Up and down she bobbed her head, tasting the first of his pre come. Her hands fondled his balls, his body arching forward in response.

“I’m going to come,” he said, his voice strained.

“That’s the idea,” she replied, drawing her head back before sliding the full length of him back inside her mouth until the head pressed against the back of her throat.

“Don’t you want to stop?”

She shook her head, and between her hands and her mouth stimulated him until she thought his knees would give out. He swayed slightly, and then his hands went either side of her head, and he jerked hard, crying out her name as he spurted his thick come into her mouth. She swallowed it down, trying not to gag as wave after wave of his orgasm took him.

His body went limp, and his breathing was laboured. “Oh, god that was good.”

She let him slide out of her mouth, and then made for the bathroom. “Are you OK?” he asked, concerned.

“Be right back,” she said, shutting the door behind her.

By the time she had washed her mouth out she was shivering, and raced back to the bedroom where he was in bed waiting for her.

“Wine?” he asked, handing her a glass.

“Yes. I’d forgotten all about drinking. This has been the weirdest day of my life.”

“In a good way?”

“Definitely. I think Max should go away more often.” She took a sip of wine, letting the warmth spread through her.

“What are you going to tell her when she gets back?”

“That she doesn’t need to worry about me any more. That’s if she survives Christmas.”

“I can’t wait to meet her, and Dan. I hope they like me.”

“They will be so grateful you’ve taken me off their hands they’ll love you. I’m sure they thought I’d end up moving in with them. So to get rid of me will make it so much easier.”

“I’m sure they’ve never wanted to get rid of you.”

“You know what I mean. And once you’ve spent some time with me, you might want to get rid of me too.”

“Never,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Now, if I can take that glass from you, I think it’s time I gave you another Christmas present.”

“There's more?” she asked.

“Yes. This one is free,” he said, his fingers slipping into her sex.

“Oho. I think I’m going to like this one the best.” She reached for the draw, and took out another condom. “Here’s yours.”

“Generous,” he said, opening it and putting it on. “Now, where were we?”

He turned her onto her back, and slipped between her thighs, guiding himself into her, his eyes never leaving hers as slowly he penetrated her. Robin rubbed her thumb over his lips, and along his jawline, rough stubble prickling her skin. Lifting herself up she touched her lips to his, sighing against him while he filled her completely with his cock. She yielded to him, his hard length sheathed in her eager sex. Her inner walls gripped him, stretching to take everything he had.

Once he had completely impaled her, he slid back out before thrusting forward again, slowly. Her hands went to his butt, and she stroked his flesh, feeling the muscles bunched under her fingers, his control incredible.

Digging her nails in she spurred him on. Tilting her pelvis to change the angle as he entered her and allowing his body to brush her clit. She wanted him hard and fast, needing to feel how much he wanted her, to experience how deep his need for her was.

Nipping his neck, wrapping her legs around him, she urged him on. His hand went into her hair, and his lips met hers in a fierce kiss as his control slipped. Greg, the man who she had passed over years ago was now the only man she ever wanted, and she wanted to drive him wild.

Slipping her tongue between his lips she met his, before his grip in her hair tightening as he pulled her head back and moved to kiss her neck, his tongue curling around her nipple. It seemed he had the same idea. Her back arched upwards when he sucked it hard into his mouth, her inner muscles clamping tightly around his cock.

This worked to push him over the edge, his hand slipping under her bottom and holding her firmly in place while he plundered her heated depths with his hard cock. In and out, deeper and harder. Her orgasm building, and then she spiralled out of control, her hand clutching at him, her mouth kissing his neck, and then biting him, leaving a mark.

He thrust hard, filling her up to the hilt, and then pushed harder, straining to impale her. With a cry he came, his seed spurting deep inside her sex. His body no longer cold but beaded with sweat with the effort it took him to bury himself inside her.

Another wave of pleasure hit her, she was coming again, the feel of him in her, above her, all around her. He gave her everything, his protection, his need and his love. In this moment of rapture she felt something she had only ever known with Max. Accepted. He knew more about her than most other people ever would, but he hadn’t shied away from her. He hadn’t put walls up to keep her out, he had shown her she was capable of being liked, and loved.

As his orgasm subsided, she whispered in his ear. “This is my best Christmas ever.”

He pushed the hair back from her face. “I promise you, Robin, this is the start of forever. And it’s going to be one hell of a ride.”

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