A Dark Faerie Tale Series Omnibus Edition (3 page)

BOOK: A Dark Faerie Tale Series Omnibus Edition
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Chapter Six




that’s a good idea at all.” Jade protested as she paced the living room, finally tiring and flopped onto the lazy boy. The TV flashed along with the incessant laughs of some comedy show where the audience was live and their giggles permeated the soundtrack. Evie’s admittance of seeing a faery man named Jack for a few months had made her stomach knot up with guilt. She had a similar secret. So why was she so upset? She wasn’t the one about to go deep into Faerie on a journey to his home like Evie was.

“Oh come on Jade. I’m eighteen now. I can do it if I want to.” Evie pressed her lips together, annoyed with her older sister. She was still treating her with kid gloves, trying to keep her safe when all she needed was to let her go. She was going to visit the Teleen Caverns with Jack. With or without Jade’s approval.

“What if you get hurt? What if…” Jade swallowed the lump forming in her throat, stifling back a barrage of tears. “What if you never come back?”

“But I will come back, you know that!” Evie sighed, trying to form a smile toward her overly concerned sister. “Besides, Jack won’t let anything happen to me. I already visited his home in the Guildrin Seelie Court. It was fascinating! No one hurt me there. No one will.” She stood up and stared at her sister, wanting to know why she was so worried. It was would be a quick journey, he knew the way very well.

Evie’s heart fluttered at the thought of Jack. He’d been nothing but kind and wonderful to her. He’d taught her more about faery magic than she could’ve imagined. The time they’d spent together had made them realize how much their feelings had grown. It was unbearable to be away from him. He was her light, the only one that made the days right. The only one she would ever want.

Jack had made it clear that he intended to marry her. He had told her how much he had felt compelled to be in the clearing that first day when they had met. Nothing short of fate had brought them together. For a Teleen warrior, there was never a question when matched pairs met each other, it was an instantaneous connection. That’s what had happened to them, there was no fighting it. Evie felt completely alright giving in to it. She loved him, and that was all she needed.

“Don’t act so innocent either, Jade.”  Evie’s voice came out soft but accusatory. Jade’s eyes flew back up toward her, a flash of guilt slipped from them, but she quickly covered it up. It was too late. Evie had seen it and knew down right well what it meant.

“What do you mean, Evie?”

“Oh come on, that faery guy you’ve been seeing too, did you think I wouldn’t notice that? Did you think I would never find out? Who is he, Jade?” She glared at her sister, awaiting a response.

The look on Jade’s face was nothing short of shock as the color drained from her face. Jade looked away, her lips tensed as she contemplated her answer.

“Verenis, that’s his name. He’s a faery prince in exile.” Her eyes flicked back up in a panic. “Evie, don’t tell anyone, please! He’ll be killed. They’re hunting him.”

Evie knelt down next to her sister, a warm smile spread across her lips. Pressing her hand down onto Jade’s. “I won’t tell anyone, not even Jack. I promise.” Jade let out a sigh of relief
and grinned back at her, tears lining her eyes. “But, I have to tell you, because I love you, and I’m worried for you too.” Evie paused, hoping the words would come out right. “Don’t see him anymore. Faeries are dangerous for humans. He’ll enchant you, trick you or hurt you if he wants to. Never underestimate him, Jade.
Promise me you’ll stop
seeing him, please…”

Jade pulled her hand away from her sister, curling into the opposite side of the lazy boy. Her fear morphed into a slight distain, unsure how to answer her sister when she knew what she would do anyway.

“I can’t do that,” she whispered, closing her eyes and let the pent up tears spill down her cheeks. They splashed onto her clothes and the chair, leaving small drops of wetness where they landed. “Please don’t ask me to do that. Anything

Evie stood up slowly, and sighed with worry. The faery already had a grip on Jade. It was probably too late to break their link. She closed her own eyes and wondered if everything would be alright. Maybe. Maybe not. There was no telling the future, not even with magic or superpowers. Not even a Faery can see such things. Some caught glimpses; the oracles she’d met could see many things. Nothing was for certain, that was the only certainty.

“Okay, just promise me to be careful, please Jade? Do that for me while I’m gone.”

Jade nodded, sniffled and rubbed her tear-streaked face. “Alright, I will.”

Evie leaned in for a hug, holding her older sister tightly. Evie felt as if she’d grown up these last few months. She was no longer the younger sister, the child. Faerie had changed them both in ways they’d never imagined it could. As they separated and Evie went to her room to pack some things, she knew it had already happened. Nothing would ever be the same for either of them. Nothing.

Chapter Seven




granite and marble was everywhere. It composed the walls, the ground and the looming roof overhead. Only the caverns that were fed by waterfalls and springs shined in blue and gold light from the faery lamps surrounding the small lakes of water that rippled softly like pools of black ink. These were her favorite spots in the deep underground city of Teleen. The only solace she could find in the vast rocks and boulders

The cool air that dissipated across the water felt fresher here and less claustrophobic than the windowless chambers of the stone rooms and halls. It was always cold too, much colder than she would’ve ever thought it could be underground. At least it was constant, like the thermostat was stuck on one setting only–ice cold.

Evie had returned here many times with Jack. This last time, she had returned to stay forever. There was nothing left for her back home. Verenis had made sure of that. She wiped away a lone tear that slipped from her eye and pulled her knees closer to her chest. The cool rock beneath infiltrated her warmth like ice, making her concentrate more on radiating her inner fire toward her skin to keep the cold at bay. At least her fire elemental power had come into great use here. The Teleen never were cold. Under the glamour they wore to look more human-like, they were pure blue fire and lighting, never made to feel the cold. Never without light and warmth.

Evie wondered if this was really home now. It didn’t quite have that feel yet. Only being with Jack had made her stay here even one bit comfortable. It was scary and so big, she felt lost in this entombed place. There were more men than women too. Engaged to Jack had kept her from the clutches of being courted endlessly by the single men here. She’d been relieved, but felt the desire in their eyes as she walked past some of the men. Their stares sent ripples of fear through her, but she would walk with confidence to repel any malice they might be thinking. She made sure to perfect her fighting skills whenever she could, just in case she ever would need it. She was near warrior status now, she was that good.

The thought of her sister Jade brought a slight whimper to escape from her lips. Evie couldn’t believe what Verenis had done, though she understood why. Erasing Jade’s memory of anything to do with Faerie included her memory of Evie. She’d discovered this when she’d run into him after he had enchanted Jade. Questioning him of his intentions with Jade, he’d made her understand what he had done and why.

Verenis was a hunted man, and the Unseelie army was coming for him after, hunting his faery family, to bring his kingdom to ruin. Jade had just told him she was pregnant with his child. Even with all
the happiness which had surged through him, he had felt the dread creep in. The Unseelie Queen would kill them all without doubt. If she discovered Jade was his wife and carried the heir to the Summer Seelie Court, they were doomed. Verenis was not equipped to defend them against the evil or the
power of the Unseelie army. The Queen would crush them all. She’d already taken so much from Verenis as it was.
So much.

Knowing there was no other way, he had erased Jade’s memory. The conversation echoed in Evie’s head as she choked her tears back.


“What have you done?”

“I made it safe for Jade and our child.”

“Made it safe? What happened?” Evie’s eyes had grown wide with fear as realization filled them. “The Unseelie…they’re coming aren’t they?” The look on Verenis’ face told her everything.

“I have to warn her…” She started for the house, desperate to get to Jade.

“No!” He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “She won’t remember anything. I erased the memories of Faerie, of our relationship...” He had let his head hang down as his voice cracked. “…and she won’t remember you.”


“You’re a faery. I couldn’t weed out the memories selectively, she won’t remember you either. It’ll keep her safe. They’ll find no trace of me or anything of Faerie here.” He let go of her and stepped away. “I’m sorry, Evangeline, I had to. Jade and the child will be safe this way. Please understand.”


As he had told this to Evie, she knew he was right. She had let him go, turning to look into the windows of the house that had been her childhood home. She saw Jade washing dishes as her new husband came up behind her, nuzzled her neck and kissed her skin. They looked happy, though it was all a farce.

Verenis had chosen him personally to take his place. A human husband, oblivious that it was all a spell−a trick. He thought he was the father of the child in her womb.  He thought Jade was the woman of his dreams. Verenis had made it so and nothing Evie could do would change it.

But, she didn’t want to change it, even though h
er heart was breaking. To save Jade and because she loved her sister, Evie turned away. She left her to her new happiness without memories of Faerie. Without memories of Evie. Never to return again.

She had slipped away into the dark clutches of the forest, back to the Teleen Caverns, back to her Jack. The only family she had left.




I’d like to thank Cyndi Stauff for doing some last minute editing for me, you’re amazing! Thanks to all my literary family, you guys are so talented and I am so honored to be on this ride wit





(A Dark Faerie Tale #1)






I want to thank, first and foremost, my husband Joshua Purdy, whom without your love and strength; this could not have come to be. To my family, who are always by my side through all things. Thank you to all my co-workers who read my stories and believed in me no matter what. I want to thank Scott Prussing for all your help. My writing family Linna Drehmel, Jenna Kay, Kyani Swanigan and Madison Daniel - you guys are amazing and some of the most talented people I have ever met. You keep me in awe. With all of you, I’ve been able to make the dream

This book is dedicated to my grandmother Edisa Salas. I love and miss you every day. ~Alexia

BOOK: A Dark Faerie Tale Series Omnibus Edition
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