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Authors: Vernor Vinge

Tags: #Science Fiction:General

A Deepness in the Sky (5 page)

BOOK: A Deepness in the Sky
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Ezr finished a sequence and took another sample. "Well," he said, "Trixia thinks they don't see this as a trade interaction at all."

"Um." Funny how Qiwi insulted almost everything about Vinh—except Trixia. Mostly she just seemed to ignore Trixia. Qiwi was uncharacteristically silent. For almost a second. "I think your friend has it right. Look, Vinh, I shouldn't be telling you this, but there's quite a split on the Trading Committee." Unless her own mother had blabbed, this had to be fantasy. "My guess is, there are some idiots on the Committee who think this is purely a business negotiation, each side bringing their best to a common effort—and as usual, our side being the cleverest negotiator. They don't understand that if we get murdered, it doesn't matter that the other side has a net loss. We've got to play this tough, be ready for an ambush."

In her own bloodthirsty way, Qiwi sounded like Trixia. "Mama hasn't said so straight out, but they may be deadlocked." She looked at him sideways, a child pretending to conspiracy. "You're an owner, Ezr. You could talk to—"


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything!"

She let him be for a hundred seconds or so, then started on her schemes for making profit off the Emergents, "if we live through the next few Msecs." If the Spider world and the OnOff star hadn't existed, the Emergents would have been the find of the century in this end of Qeng Ho space. From watching their fleet operations, it was clear that they had some special cleverness with automation and systems planning. At the same time, their starships were less than half as fast as the Qeng Ho's, and their bioscience was just bad. Qiwi had a hundred plans for turning all that to profit.

Ezr let the words wash over him, barely heard. Another time, he might have lost himself in concentration on the work at hand. No chance on this shift. Plans that spanned two centuries were all coming down to a few critical Ksecs now, and for the first time he wondered about his fleet's management. Trixia was an outsider, but brilliant and with a different viewpoint from lifelong Traders. The Brat was smart, but normally her opinions were worthless. This time...maybe "Mama"had put her up to this. Kira Pen Lisolet's outlook had been formed very far away, about as far as you could get and still be in the Qeng Ho realm; maybe she thought a teenage apprentice could affect things just because he was from an owner's Family. Damn...

The shift passed without further insight. He'd be off in fifteen hundred seconds. If he skipped lunch, he had time to change clothes...time to ask for an appointment with Captain Park. In the two years subjective that he'd been with the expedition, he had never presumed on his Family connections.And what good can I really do now? Could I really break a stalemate? He dithered around that worry through the end of the shift. He was still dithering as he chucked his bactry coveralls...and...called the Captain's Audience Secretary.

Qiwi's grin was as insolent as ever. "Tell 'em straight, Vinh. This has to be an armsman operation."

He waved her silent, then noticed that his call hadn't gone through. Blocked? For an instant, Ezr felt a pang of relief, then saw he was preempted by an incoming order...from Captain Park's office. "To appear at 5.20.00 at the Fleet Captain's planning room..." What was the ancient curse about getting one's wish? Ezr Vinh's thoughts were distinctly muddled as he climbed to the temp's taxi locks.

Qiwi Lin Lisolet was no longer in evidence; what a wise little girl.

The meeting was not with some staff officer. Ezr showed up at the Fleet Captain's planning room on the QHSPham Nuwen, and there was the Fleet Captain...and the expedition's Trading Committee. They did not look happy. Vinh got only a quick glimpse before coming to attention at the bracing pole. Out of the corner of his eyes he did a quick count. Yes, every one of them was here. They hung around the room's conference table, and their gaze did not seem friendly.

Park acknowledged Ezr's brace with a brusque wave of his hand. "At ease, Apprentice." Three hundred years ago, when Ezr had been five, Captain Park had visited the Vinh Family temp in Canberra space. His parents had treated the fellow royally, even though he wasn't a senior ship's master. But Ezr remembered more the parkland gifts from what seemed a genuinely friendly fellow.

At their next encounter, Vinh was a seventeen-year-old would-be apprentice and Park was outfitting a fleet to Triland. What a difference. They had spoken perhaps a hundred words since, and then only at formal expedition occasions. Ezr had been just as glad for the anonymity; what he wouldn't give for a return to it now.

Captain Park looked as though he had swallowed something sour. He glanced around at the members of the Trading Committee, and Vinh suddenly wondered just whom he was angry at. "Young V—Apprentice Vinh. We have an...unusual...situation here. You know the delicacy of our situation now that the Emergents have arrived." The Captain didn't seem to be looking for an acknowledgment, and Ezr's "yessir" died before it reached his lips. "At this point we have several courses of action possible." Again a glance at the Committee members.

And Ezr realized that Qiwi Lisolet hadn't been spouting complete nonsense. A Fleet Captain had absolute authority in tactical situations, and normally a veto vote on strategic issues. But for major changes in expedition goals, he was at the mercy of his Trading Committee. And something had gone wrong with the process. Not an ordinary tie; Fleet Captains had a deciding vote in cases such as that. No, this must be a deadlock verging on a mutiny of the management class. It was a situation the teachers always mumbled about in school, but if it ever happened, then just maybe a junior owner would become a factor in the decision process. Sort of a sacrificial goat.

"First possibility," continued Park, oblivious of the unhappy conclusions rattling around in Vinh's head. "We play the game the Emergents propose. Joint operations. Joint control of all vehicles in this upcoming groundside mission."

Ezr took in the appearance of the Committee members. Kira Pen Lisolet sat next to the Fleet Captain. She was dressed in the Lisolet-green uniform her Family affected. The woman was almost as small as Qiwi, her features sober and attentive. But there was an impression of raw physical strength. The Strentmannian body type was extreme even by Qeng Ho standards of diversity. Some Traders prided themselves on their masked demeanor. Not Kira Pen Lisolet. Kira Lisolet loathed Park's first "possibility" as much as Qiwi claimed.

Ezr's attention slid to another familiar face. Sum Dotran. Management committees were an elite. There were a few active owners, but the majority were professional planners, working their way up to a stake that would allow them to own their ships. And there was a minority of very old men. Most of the old guys were consummate experts, truly preferring management over any form of ownership. Sum Dotran was such. At one time he had worked for the Vinh Family. Ezr guessed that he opposed Park's first "possibility," too.

"Second possibility: Separate control structures, no jointly crewed landers. As soon as practicable, we reveal ourselves directly to the Spiders"—and let the Lord of Trade sort the greater winners from the lesser. Once there were three players, the advantage to simple treachery should be diminished. In a few years their relationship with the Emergents could become a relatively normal, competitive one. Of course, the Emergents might regard unilateral contact as a kind of betrayal in itself. Too bad. It seemed to Vinh that at least half the Committee supported this path—butnot Sum Dotran.The old man jerked his head slightly at Vinh, making the message obvious.

"Third possibility: We pack up our temps and head back to Triland."

Vinh's stunned look must have been obvious. Sum Dotran elaborated. "Young Vinh, what the Captain means is that we are outnumbered and possibly outgunned. None of us trust these Emergents, and if they turn on us, there would be no recourse. It's just too risky to—"

Kira Pen Lisolet slapped the table. "I object! This meeting was absurd to begin with. And worse, now we see Sum Dotran is simply using it to force his own views." So much for the theory that Qiwi had been operating at her mother's direction.

"You are both out of order!" Captain Park paused a moment, staring at the Committee. Then, "Fourth possibility: We undertake a preemptive attack against the Emergent fleet, and secure the system for ourselves."

"Attempt to secure it," corrected Dotran.

"Iobject !" Kira Pen Lisolet again. She waved to bring up consensual imagery. "A preemptive attack is the only sure course."

Lisolet's imagery was not a starscape or a telescopic view of the Spider world. It was not the org or timeline charts that often consumed the attention of planners. No, these were vaguely like planetary nav diagrams, showing the position and velocity vectors of the two fleets in relation to each other, the Spider's world, and the OnOff star. Traces graphed future positions in the pertinent coordinate systems. The diamond rocks were labeled, too. There were other markers, tactical military symbols, the notation for giga-tonnes and rocket bombs and electronic countermeasures.

Ezr stared at the displays and tried to remember his military-science classes. The rumors about Captain Park's secret cargo were true. The Qeng Ho expedition had teeth—longer, sharper teeth than any normal trading fleet. And the Qeng Ho armsmen had had some time for preparation; clearly they had used it, even if the OnOff system was barren beyond belief, with no good place to hide ambushes or reserves.

The Emergents, on the other hand: The military symbols clustered around their ships were hazy assessment probabilities. The Emergents' automation was strange, possibly superior to the Qeng Ho's. The Emergents had brought twice the gross tonnage, and the best guesses were that they carried proportionately more weapons.

Ezr's attention came back to the meeting table. Who besides Kira Lisolet favored a sneak attack? Ezr had spent much of his childhood studying the Strategies, but the great treacheries were things he'd always been taught were the domain of insanity and evil, not something a self-repecting Qeng Ho need ever or should ever undertake. To see a Trading Committee considering murder, that was a sight that would...stay with him awhile.

The silence grew unnaturally long. Were they waiting for him to say something? Finally Captain Park said, "You've probably guessed we have an impasse here, Apprentice Vinh. You have no vote, no experience, and no detailed knowledge of the situation. Without meaning to offendyou, I must say that I am embarrassed to have you at this meeting at all. But you are the only crewmember owner for two of our ships. If you have any advice to give with regard to our options, we would hear it."

Apprentice Ezr Vinh might be a small playing piece, but he was the center of attention just now, and what did he have to say for himself? A million questions swirled up in his mind. At school they had practiced quick decisions, but even there he had been given more backgrounding than this. Of course, these people weren't much interested in real analysis from him. The thought nettled, almost broke him out of his frozen panic. "F-four possibilities, Fleet Captain? Are there a-any lesser ones that didn't make it to this briefing?"

"None that had any support from myself or the Committee."

"Um. You have spoken with the Emergents more than anyone. What do you think of their leader, this Tomas Nau?" It was just the sort of question he and Trixia had wondered about. Ezr never imagined that he would be asking the Fleet Captain himself.

Park's lips tightened, and for an instant Ezr thought he would blow up. Then he nodded. "He's bright. His technical background appears weak compared to a Qeng Ho Fleet Captain's. He's a deep student of the Strategies, though not necessarily the same ones we know....The rest is guess and intuition, though I think most Committee members agree: I would not trust Tomas Nau with any mercantile agreement. I think he would commit a great treachery if it would make him even a small profit. He is very smooth, a consummate liar who puts not the faintest value on return business." All in all, that was about the most damning statement a Qeng Ho could make about another living being. Ezr suddenly guessed that Captain Park must be one of the supporters of sneak attack. He looked at Sum Dotran and then back to Park. The two he would trust the most were off the end of the map, in opposite directions!Lord, don't you people know I'mjust an apprentice!

Ezr stepped on the internal whine. He hesitated for seconds, truly thinking on the issue. Then, "Given your assessment, sir, I certainly oppose the first possibility, joint operations. But...I also oppose the idea of a sneak attack since—"

"Excellent decision, my boy," interrupted Sum Dotran.

"—since that is something we Qeng Ho have little practice in, no matter how much we've studied it."

That left two possibilities: cut and run—or stay, cooperate minimally with the Emergents, and tip off the Spiders at the first opportunity. Even if objectively justified, retreat would mark their expedition an abject failure. Considering their fuel state, it would also be extraordinarily slow.

Just over a million kilometers away was the greatest mystery-possible-treasure known to this part of Human Space. They had come across fifty light-years to get this tantalizingly close. Great risks, great treasure. "Sir, it would be giving up too much to leave now. But we must all be like armsmen now, until things are clearly safe." After all, the Qeng Ho had its own warrior legends: Pham Nuwen had won his share of battles. "I-I recommend that we stay."

Silence. Ezr thought he saw relief on most faces. Deputy Fleet Captain Lisolet just looked grim. Sum Dotran was not so reserved: "My boy,please. Reconsider. Your Family has two starships at risk here. It is no disgrace to fall back before the likely loss of all. Instead, it is wisdom. The Emergents are simply too dangerous to—"

Park drifted up from his place at the table, his beefy hand reaching out. The hand descended gently on Sum Dotran's shoulder, and Park's voice was soft. "I'm sorry, Sum. You did all you could. You even got us to listen to a junior owner. Now it's time...for all of agree and proceed."

BOOK: A Deepness in the Sky
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