A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy) (23 page)

BOOK: A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy)
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His cock twitched at the sound.

Petite hands came up to push her hair back while the color darkened from scarlet to deep ruby under the water. Like she knew he was watching and wanted to put on a show for him, her hands kept traveling down. Jayden, of course, followed their movement with his eyes.

She slid her hands down over her tits. The pervert in him expected her to keep moving her hands down over her stomach to lower places, but instead, she cupped her tits, lifting and squeezing them from underneath. The minx was trying to ensure he would die a slow, pleasurable death.

Forget twitching, his cock was now swollen and throbbing. Again. Why did it seem Jayden was always sporting wood around this woman? That’s right: because she was beautiful, intelligent, feisty, adventurous, and his. He sighed.

“Erin, my jewel?

“Hmm?” she warbled under the water.

“I’m going to go lay out your clothes for the evening and let you finish up your shower,” he stated. Her grunt of displeasure was audible, and Jayden chuckled. “As much as I want to get in there and help you get clean, I know we won’t get out until the water turns cold, and then we’ll be late. Very late.”

She let out a soft sigh. “Okay, Jayden. I understand. I’ll try to hurry,” Erin agreed while she co
ntinued massaging shampoo into her hair. The fresh, clean scent wafted out with the steam, and he became dizzy.

“Take your time. Enjoy your shower.” Finishing by blowing her a kiss through the doors, he was stopped by her voice just before he exited the room.

“I love you, Jayden.”

Bewitched, his heart fluttered, and he smiled. “I love you, too, Erin.”

Perm-a-grin etched onto his face, Jayden hurried into the bedroom and pulled on some lounge pants. Ducking into the closet, he located the bags, which had already been packed, and then he rushed out of the room. First stop at the bottom of the stairs was Jayden’s office; he gathered the envelope with the new contract he’d printed out and the jeweler’s bag from the safe. Stepping into the foyer, he paused to listen. Good; the shower was still running. He had time. Jayden grabbed his keys from the entry table and took their things out to the car, where he tucked everything into the trunk except the contract—that got tossed into the backseat.

Rushing back inside, Jayden returned to his office and his desk phone. After dialing a number, he tried to be patient while waiting for his call to be answered.

“Hello?” came the familiar, heavy drawl.

“Hi, it’s me. Just wanted to make sure everything went okay at the airport.”

“Yes, dear. He’s a lovely man, and he’s excited to meet you,” she said.

“As am I to meet him. We’ll be leaving within the hour. See you soon.” Jayden was having trouble containing his nervous excitement.

“Everything is ready, just like you requested. We can’t wait for you to get here. See you soon, dear. Drive carefully.” The call ended with a soft click.

The grinning man hurried back up the stairs to lay out Erin’s clothes.



Although she didn’t
want to be, Erin couldn’t deny that she was a little disappointed he’d chosen not to join her in the shower. On the other hand, she was a bit grateful, too. When the hot water began to cascade over her skin, she’d become aware of how sore and tender she was everywhere.

While she washed, she wondered where Jayden was planning to take her and considered rushing the shower so they could be on their way. However, the hot w
ater just felt too good on her muscles, so she lingered, letting the powerful spray massage her. After several long, lazy minutes, the fear that the warm water would run out spurred Erin to finish washing her hair, soaping her body, and running a razor over her legs.

Upon stepping out, Erin was met by Jayden, who was standing there holding a fresh, warm to
wel. “Thank you,
A rúnsearc
,” she cooed while he wrapped the towel around her, locking her arms to her body. She melted when he dipped his mouth to hers for a thorough, heart-stopping kiss.

“Your clothes are on your bed in the sub room, Erin. I thought you’d want to get ready in there since all of your things are still down there.”

His thoughtfulness touched her.

“I’m going to take a quick shower.” He snickered. “That is, if you left me any hot w

“Hey, you told me to take my time,” Erin whined at him.

Laughing, he replied, “Erin, I’m only playing with you. It’s no bother. I’ll be in and out lickety-split. I’ll meet you in the foyer in about thirty minutes.”

In a distracted stupor, she nodded; she was trying to get control over the tingles that had erup
ted across her body when he’d said “playing with you.” Without a doubt, the man owned her through and through, and she wallowed in the feeling—like a happy pig in the mud.

Entering the sub’s room, Erin gasped. The dress
draped across the bed was new, and it was beautiful. Erin stepped closer and ran her fingertips over the material. The extra-soft, cotton knit fabric would feel nice against her piercings and ink; not itchy or constrictive. She teared up a little at the kindness of his gesture.

Holding the garment up to the light, she inspected the dress
with care. It was black, with vibrant floral embroidery rising up from around the hem and the cuffs of the wrist-length sleeves. It was a longer style than Jayden usually had her wear. Looking at it, Erin guessed it would fall to her knees, maybe a bit past them. The fabric of the plain, black bodice crisscrossed and would not draw attention to her breasts. It was quite conservative for Jayden’s tastes, but it was perfect for her.

Laughter slipped out when Erin took in the lingerie lying next to the dress; there was the Jayden she knew. The pale lavender satin panties were crotchless, and the matching bra was a half cup. Her nipples would rest just above the material instead of being trapped behind it. Again, his actions showed that he’d thought of her co

Looking closer, she realized there were no stockings laid out. Then Erin noticed the dark purple slippers that had been placed on the floor next to the bed. She tittered while slipping her foot into one; it was a perfect fit and felt wonderful, seeing that her feet were still sore from wearing the stile
ttos the day before.

After patting down to dry off, Erin darted into the bathroom to retrieve the tattoo ointment and apply a fresh coat of antiseptic to her nipples. With her care done, she began working on her make up while standing nude in front of the bathroom vanity. Judging from her outfit, it was obvious Ja
yden was going for a soft, young look, so she followed through by keeping her colors neutral and light, finishing with a clear gloss on her lips. She scrunched some mousse into her curls and gave them a quick dry with the blow dryer – just enough to take the “wet” out – and then left it down.

Now that the creams had soaked into her skin and wouldn’t stain the dress, she pulled on the panties and the bra. She was even more grateful for his choice of li
ngerie when she worked her boobs into the cups. A full-cup bra would have been uncomfortable. The whisper of a content sigh escaped while she maneuvered the dress over her head and felt it slink down her body. Slipping the tiny shoes on, Erin went to appraise herself in the mirror.

Feeling like a million bucks, the delighted woman twirled around, smiling while the skirt flared out and settled back in against her calves. While the fabric was ligh
tweight and soft, the color and cut hid her lack of lingerie underneath it. Her vibrant hair contrasted against the black for a stunning effect, brightening the green of her eyes. Erin felt very feminine and beautiful.

Erin hurried back to the bathroom to retrieve her perfume. Using a very light touch
– her rules forbade lotions and perfumes during scheduled playtimes – she spritzed her neck and wrists, and shot a bit into the room to walk through so the scent would settle on her hair and dress. Erin felt so pretty in the outfit; she wanted the perfume enough to risk a punishment. Glancing around one more time to make sure she hadn’t missed anything else Jayden wanted her to wear, she saw nothing. Satisfied with the finished product, Erin headed down to the foyer.

Her lover had not yet come down, so Erin stood there deciding if she should kneel to wait for him or remain standing. It was still the weekend, their official “play” time, but he had indicated more than once that he wanted them to be just Erin and Jayden. She fidgeted, gnawed on the edge of her lip, and looked up the stairs while listening for movement. Jayden had chosen her outfit, which was what he did in Dom mode.
Oh, hell!
Erin started to kneel, but then stood back up each time her mind changed direction. Just as she decided to play it safe and kneel, she heard him chuckling.

“Is this some new dance you’re working on, Erin?”

Palm braced against her chest, she spun around, startled. Jayden looked delicious. His damp hair was disheveled and wild. He was in a pair of dark brown Dockers and a simple, plaid shirt of browns and greens; the top two buttons were undone, and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. And he was wearing his glasses.

Erin loved the glasses.

She gave him a sheepish smile. “I—I couldn’t decide if you wanted me to kneel or not, Mas–Jayden,” she offered in quiet explanation.

“Come here,” he whispered.

Open arms awaited her. When she stepped into them, they closed around her. “Erin, my jewel. You make it so easy to love you.” He kissed her forehead. “I told you, just us today. You are under your own free will in anything you want to say or do. Just keep it respectful. Okay?”

“M’kay.” She exhaled in relief, and then noted she was becoming lightheaded from his proximity and his sweet breath fanning across her face.

Jayden stepped back to look her over. “Twirl,” he ordered, and Erin gave him an exasperated look. “Twirl, please. I want to look at you.”

This time, Erin did as he’d requested, grinning while she spun.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, and then had to clear his throat. “Absolutely beautiful,” Jayden said with a stronger voice, and she beamed at his approval. He glanced at his watch. “We need to get going. We’ve got a bit of a drive to our destination. I hope you’ll be comfortable in the outfit I chose.”

“It’s perfect, Jayden. I love it—the material, the color, the simplicity of it. Thank you.”

“Always my pleasure, Jewel. Come. Let’s go.” Jayden grasped her hand in his and led her out, stopping to lock the house. He guided her to his newest purchase: a dark-colored Rolls Royce Wraith with a camel-colored leather interior that wasn’t even on the market yet. Sometimes it was good to know people. Like a true gentleman, Jayden held the door to his ‘weekend’ car open for her while she slipped in before he hurried around to slide into the driver’s seat.

Erin relaxed into the plush leather while he started the car, and they pulled away. Jayden fiddled with the radio for a few minutes before queuing up the CD player. Music laced with a hypnotic bass filled the car.

“So, where are we going?” she asked about twenty minutes into the drive. They’d gotten onto Interstate 20 going west; she was trying to start a conversation so she didn’t doze off. A small yawn escaped.

“Uh-huh. It’s a surprise, love.” His eyes were sparkling, and he grinned at her.



Jayden attempted to
keep his focus on the road ahead of him, but his attention continued to be drawn to Erin in his peripheral vision. The poor man was gobsmacked over how she looked; she had a conservative style with a flirtatious, sexy undercurrent. She was stunning in the dress, and he wished he could take credit for picking it out. It had been Paige who’d suggested it, knowing that Erin would be getting the tattoo and the piercing; she would need something soft and comfortable afterward.

When he’d handed his credit card over to Paige to go shopping, it had been reli
nquished with two requests: the dress needed to have a modest cut, and he wanted the design to show off her hair and eyes. Paige had made the perfect choice. Jayden made a mental note to get in contact with Landon when they got back to thank Paige—to thank them both, actually, for all of their help.

Erin’s question hadn’t surprised Jayden, but that she’d waited so long to ask did. Noticing the yawn that she tried to cover up left him feeling a tad guilty for wearing her out, but he figured now was a good time to let Erin go over the new contract. With so many changes happening
– a budding romance, a new collar, and new experiences to account for – it was best to start fresh. The drive was going to take a few hours, which would be long enough for her to read through it and ask any questions she might have.

“Erin, sweet girl, you look a little sleepy.”

She yawned again, and then clapped her hand over her mouth. “Yeah, I guess I am. I’m also very comfortable, and the music is quite relaxing.”

“Well, I brought along our new contract if you’d like to read over it,” he hedged.

The woman sat up straighter, and her eyes looked more alert at once. “Okay, but do we have enough time for that? I mean, we’ll be at the restaurant soon, and we wouldn’t want to have to interrupt our contract perusal, right?” Erin asked while batting her eyelashes.

Jayden thought with a grin. She was trying to be sly and fish for more information about their destination. He could give her a tidbit, and she still wouldn’t figure it out: “We’ll be in the car for a couple more hours.”

He could see the gears turning while she tried to figure it out. When Erin came up with nothing, she let out a cute little “humph” and folded her arms over her chest with a pout. It was adorable, and he sniggered at her frustration.

Her eyes shot to Jayden, and he found the fire in them sexy as hell; so much so that he had to shift in his seat to stop the pinch on his swelling shaft.

“Give it to me,” she snapped.

Oh-kay. Not cool.
“Catherine,” Jayden admonished her. “You will use a respectful tone with me. At. All. Times.” The words were firm, with no room for discussion. While it was true that he’d dictated that the day wouldn’t be spent under their usual guidelines, Jayden would never accept rudeness from his collared submissive.

Her eyes widened, and the guilt of her action overtook her. Lowering her gaze with respect, she whispered, “Aye, Master. This girl is sorry.” She started fidgeting in her seat while their silence filled the car, her right hand moving up to her neck. One slim finger uncurled from her fist and star
ted to move across her throat. She stopped. “Oh, no!”

“What is it, Erin?” Jayden asked, though he was pretty sure he knew the a

“You didn’t put my pearl collar back on.” Her worried eyes met his. “You’ve had it since yesterday morning.”

Now Jayden had to struggle to play it cool, so he chuckled and stared at the road. “I know, sweet girl.” He shrugged and felt the heat rise in his cheeks while his chest tightened. “I got you a new one. You know, a new contract, so a new collar.” Jayden hoped his explanation was as nonchalant as he was trying to make it sound. His thoughts went to the box tucked away in the trunk.

“Jayden, may I please read over the new contract?”

Much better,
he thought, stretching his arm into the back seat to grab the envelope. “Here you go. It’s pretty much the same one as before, but I’ve made a couple of changes.” Why was he suddenly nervous about this? She’d been his sub for a year and had already admitted that she returned his feelings of love; he shouldn’t be fucking nervous about something as trivial as a contract.

For the next hour, the car was quiet except for the music while she
read every word with great care—twice. To be honest, Jayden was becoming more anxious with every minute that passed in silence. He had to talk himself back from the edge numerous times, reminding himself that was just the way she worked. It wasn’t the contract itself that she was being so careful with; his girl was just meticulous.

At last, Erin set the papers down in her lap and angled her body toward Jayden. He flashed her a hopeful smile. She took a breath and began. “Well, everything seems in order with it. You’ve updated my limits as we’ve discussed, but I do need to ask . . .” she paused, looking at Ja

“Anything, Erin. Honesty between us, remember?” Jayden reached across the console and brushed her cheek with his fingers.

“Aye, okay, here goes. So, I know you told me last night that you’ve ended your sexual relationships with Samantha and Micah. And you’ve put it in here,” Erin pointed at the papers in her lap, “that we will both be monogamous,” then she raised her hands to make finger quotes, “except on a case by case basis which the submissive and the Master will discuss prior to any action being taken.”

“That’s correct,” Jayden clarified for her.

“Are you really okay with that?” she mumbled. “Or is the exception written in so that if, for example, you’re having a bad day at the office, you can call and tell me that you’ll be fucking Samantha or Micah or whomever.” Her chin dropped, and she played with a fold in her dress.


Her gaze stayed down.

“Catherine, look at me please.”

Erin raised her eyes up, but her posture stayed slumped and curled forward. “Hmm?”

“I did not put the exception in there as a loophole for
. . .” Jayden cut his eyes over to watch her reaction. “I put it in there for

That got her attention, and she straightened up again whilst a look of confusion tran
sformed her face. “Huh? I mean—what do you mean?” she asked.

“Sweet girl, I was serious when I ended those rela
tionships yesterday. I want you—no one but you. If I’m having a bad day, I will just have to deal with it until I can get to you. And I’m okay with that. As for you, I allowed you to explore new possibilities yesterday. You don’t think I’d open your eyes to those experiences just to slam the door on ever doing them again if you enjoyed it, do you?”

Her features softened while the confusion melted away. “You are too good to me, Ja
yden. I don’t know how I got so lucky to find you.”

“In my opinion, I was the lucky one. To be clear, Jewel, I’m not saying you’ve got my permission to go playing w
ith other Doms anytime you want—”

“I would never!”

“I know, sweet girl, but I have a feeling that there will be at least a few times we’ll need to play with another. However, when that happens, I assure that it will be
I’ll never stay away again, I promise. You told me that you enjoyed the intense sessions and the whipping, right? Even the electricity play Katarina did for you a few months back . . .”

Erin’s eyes took on a distant, glazed look. “Aye, I did. Very much so.”

He watched her breathing get ragged while she savored the memory. Her body language alone told Jayden just how much she’d enjoyed it. And wasn’t he all about mastering any techniques that could work his girl into an aroused state that fast?

“I’ve considered whip training in the past, but I’ve never been able to bring myself to give it a try, despite Jonathan’s frequent prodding. Jon is the best that we know, and he’s offered to meet with us anytime to get my skills up
to par in one-on-one sessions.”

Erin’s eyes seemed a little glassy and lust-filled at the directi
on their conversation had gone.

Jayden went on explaining. “So, you see, the ‘exception’ clause would apply here because you and I would discuss the logistics of setting up a trai
ning scene with Jonathan in attendance before we do it. Details like how much skin you have showing, whether I would use your body while he was still there, whether or not you would want – or I would expect you – to attend to his needs as well; that kind of thing. The same principle applies to what Katarina did for you. I have limited training with electricity, so if you want me to learn her skills, more sessions would be required.”

Jayden glanced over at Erin once he’d finished talking, to find that her thighs had parted in the seat and her breathing had become even more ragged. She licked her lips, and Jayden watched her tongue.

“Fuck. You look so sexy right now. Are you wet, Erin?” He almost choked on his words.

She closed her thighs and rubbed them together, closing her eyes. “Aye,” she panted.

The man knew he shouldn’t do what he was contemplating, but he couldn’t help himself. Jayden had told Erin she had free will today, so she could tell him to go to hell if she wanted – so long as she did it with respect – or she could play along.

“Catherine, lift your dress and show me.”

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