A Dream for Two (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Goldman

BOOK: A Dream for Two
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Chapter 9

Elise was still buzzing as she came off stage. The thunderous applause of the audience was ringing in her ears as she returned to her dressing room.


“You totally killed it,” one of the stagehands excitedly told her.


“Thank you.” Elise smiled modestly at them. As she wandered backstage towards her private dressing room she passed Claire Parry. She was wearing an ornate dress adorned with thousands of sequins and had silver fairy wings strapped to her back. She’d make her entrance by descending onto the stage as though she were flying down to it. The audience adored seeing it and Elise would always hear their cheerful cries as she sat and began removing her stage makeup.


“Another great set,” Claire complimented her, smiling out from her own heavily made-up face covered in glitter and silver lipstick.


“Thank you.” Elise blushed. Each time she saw Claire she had to pinch herself that this was all real and actually happening.


“Are you coming out with us all for drinks after the show?” Claire asked, as she did each time they passed in the corridors.


“Not tonight.”


“You going to be phoning that boy of yours?” Claire grinned as Elise nodded numbly. “He must be some guy to be able to compete with all of this!” Claire exclaimed. “He must be a keeper.”


“Yeah,” Elise nodded. “He is.”


In the relative quiet of her dressing room Elise unzipped her skinny jeans, chucked off her glittery t-shirt and pulled on a waiting flannel jumpsuit which felt comfortable and homey. Then she started to remove all the makeup which had been plastered onto her face. She was always given heavy, smoky eyes and nude lips. This would apparently be her look. Her appearance was much more stripped down than Claire Parry’s, which made it easier for the audience to differentiate between them and their sounds. Claire played high-energy pop songs but Elise’s were now stripped back and more rustic in sound.


Once the makeup was off Elise would call Dylan. Since she was now in Europe timing was an issue. Depending on where she was she could be six or seven hours ahead of Dylan. She was currently in France which put her six hours ahead. So while it was almost nine in the evening for her, for Dylan it was just three in the afternoon. He should be at the studio recording. Elise dialed his number and waited expectantly for him to answer.


He picked up after the third ring. “Hey, beautiful! How did your show go?”


“Amazing,” Elise gushed. “I’m still shaking.”


“I bet it never gets old,” Dylan said softly.


“I wish you were here to see it though.”


“Yeah, me too.”


For a moment the line went quiet as they were each briefly lost to contemplation. It had been three weeks since they’d seen one another.


“Hey, I saw you on TV today!” Dylan suddenly declared brightly.


“On TV?”


“Yeah, your new music video aired. It’s awesome, Elise. Everyone already loves it!”


“Oh, that’s great.” Elise felt a little deflated. She’d wanted to witness her music video airing for the first time, not be on another continent when it happened. She knew she could go online and track people’s reactions to the video but it wasn’t the same as experiencing it firsthand. It was like watching someone else’s life unfold. Being on tour left her feeling detached from what was going on back home.


“It’s a great video,” Dylan insisted.


“I’ll have to watch it.”


Then they talked about their day. Dylan would vent about how his band’s album was still incomplete. They had one last track to lay down but the band members were struggling to agree on a concept for the song. When Elise listened, it made her feel grateful that she was a solo artist and didn’t have to clear her music with anyone else.


As they talked she’d close her eyes and pretend that Dylan was right there beside her. She’d picture him, casually strewn across a nearby chair, wearing his leather jacket, his head tilted to the side. But when she opened her eyes and found the chair empty she always felt a plunging feeling of sadness taint her entire evening. Despite all her success, really all she wanted was to be sharing it with Dylan.


Elise often yawned as the conversation came to an end. Life on the road was exhausting and she slept every chance she could. So often they were traveling through the night on the bus, desperately trying to reach the next concert venue on time.


“You should get some rest,” Dylan heard the yawn.


“I’m okay,” Elise replied as she rubbed sleepily at her eyes. She heard a loud cheer shake the walls of her dressing room. Claire had clearly just landed on the stage in her fairy attire.


“We’ll talk more tomorrow,” Dylan promised her. “I love you.”


“I love you, too.”


Only they never did get to talk more the following day. As the tour progressed they ended up talking less and less. As Elise kept more obscure hours, when she did manage to call Dylan he rarely answered. And each time he called her back she was sleeping and missed her calls. They were what her grandmother would refer to as ships passing in the night. And Elise knew that wasn’t a good thing. She wondered if her grandmother could hear her pain in her voice when they spoke.


“How’s it all going over there?” her grandmother would ask, raising her voice even though she didn’t have to, as though she didn’t trust the phone networks to successfully carry her message across an entire ocean.


“Fine, Grandma. I’m enjoying it.”


“You sound tired,” her grandmother accurately noted. “Are you tired?”


“A bit, I guess.” Elise was exhausted.


“Are you eating enough?”


“I’m eating fine.”


“I know some of that foreign food can be strange. When you get back here I’ll feed you up with my meatloaf and cornbread.”


“Sounds good, Grandma.”


“I went to the library and watched your music video on that YouTube thing.”


“You did?” This surprised Elise. Her grandmother usually seemed allergic to all technology.


“I did,” her grandmother stated proudly. “Had one of the girls there get me all set up. I watched your video and read all the lovely things people have said about it. You’ve got a gift, Elise, and you’re sharing it with the world. Your ma would be so proud.”


Elise blinked back tears. She didn’t want to think about her parents. They were just someone else who should be witnessing all that was happening to her but couldn’t be there. She wasn’t sure her heart had the capacity to miss anyone else. Missing Dylan alone felt all consuming at times.


“Don’t be sad,” her grandmother urged her. “Be happy. You’re doing something wonderful, Elise. Enjoy it.”


“I am,” Elise wiped at her tired eyes.


“And you’ll be home soon.”


“Yeah,” Elise sighed contentedly. “I’ll be home soon.”




It had been almost two weeks since Elise had spoken to Dylan. They’d exchanged messages but that wasn’t the same. She wanted to hear his voice. Wanted to close her eyes and imagine him close. But as her plane touched down at JFK airport she was at least back in the same country, same state even, as he was. Soon they’d be reunited. The moment she left the plane Elise powered up her phone and told him she was headed back to her apartment and that she couldn’t wait to see him. She hoped he felt the same. Two weeks was a long time to go without speaking.


Elise dragged her bags out to a waiting town car. Some people within the airport recognized her and cautiously approached her for an autograph. Elise was still suffering from jet lag and so in a daze she posed for pictures and thanked them for their kind words about her music. It was bizarre that she’d left New York an unknown and was arriving back a star. Since she’d been away her first music video had debuted and her album was up for preorder. Everything was happening.


But all Elise cared about was seeing Dylan again. She leaned back in the quiet of the car and counted the number of streets she’d need to pass before she reached her apartment where he’d supposedly be waiting for her.


Finally Elise hauled her bags into the elevator of her apartment building and climbed out at her floor. As she headed down the corridor she felt her heart sink. There was no sign of Dylan. She’d expected him to be waiting at her door with a huge smile for her. Instead her doorway was empty. Forlornly she unlocked it and walked inside. As she did so she looked around and dropped her luggage in surprise. It released a heavy thud as it landed by her feet but she didn’t care. She was staring around wide-eyed at her apartment which had been transformed.


There were candles everywhere. They were strewn across the floor and on every available surface. They flickered magically in the darkness of the apartment as the drapes had been sealed and the lights shut off. And also scattered everywhere were rose petals. It was overwhelmingly beautiful, like a scene out of a movie. But the best part was standing in the center of it all.


“Dylan!” Elise cried with joy as she ran into his outstretched arms. They kissed and she melted against him.


“I’ve missed you so much,” she cried as they eventually parted.


“I’ve missed you too,” Dylan told her fondly as he tenderly stroked her cheek. “I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to surprise you. The building’s super let me in.” 


“I don’t mind at all,” Elise gushed. “It’s…beautiful.”


And it was. The candlelight made everything seem magical and wondrous. She kissed Dylan again, harder this time. It was a kiss filled with longing and desire. Despite her jet lag and exhaustion she wanted him. Her body burned with yearning to be in his arms, to feel his naked skin against hers.




Lifting her head Elise saw that some of the surrounding candles had nearly burned out. After making love she’d rested her head upon Dylan’s bare chest and fallen asleep. Even though they were on the floor she didn’t care. She’d be comfortable anywhere with him.


“This is just like a fairy tale,” she whispered to him.


“That would make you Sleeping Beauty,” Dylan smiled at her in the candlelight. “You drooled all over my chest.”


“I did?!” Elise blushed.


“It’s okay,” Dylan sat up and gently tucked some loose hair behind her ears. “I don’t mind. I’m just glad you got to rest a bit.”


“I’m just so happy to be back,” Elise wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lightly on the lips.


“Now that I’m back we can finally enjoy New York together. We can actually spend some proper time together!”


“About that,” Dylan grabbed her hands and lifted them off him. He looked sad. Elise felt panic pinch at her heart. What was wrong? Was he breaking up with her? Had she been gone too long, did he feel too abandoned by her?


“I’d love to stay here in New York with you,” he told her sincerely. “But I can’t. I wanted to tell you sooner but I didn’t want to ruin your homecoming.”


“Tell me what?” Elise demanded, struggling to remain calm.


“I have to leave tomorrow,” Dylan sighed despairingly. “The band is going on tour with Tom Sheehan. We’re supporting his U.S. tour. We’ll be going all over the country for the next six weeks.”


Elise was speechless. She knew she couldn’t go with him, not that he’d even asked her. Her next weeks were full of promotional commitments, TV and radio appearances and interviews.


“I don’t want you to go,” she whispered as tears streaked down her cheeks. But she knew she couldn’t ask him to stay, as much as she wanted to. Because she’d already left him to follow her dream, she couldn’t deny him that same opportunity.

Chapter 10

Without Dylan, New York had lost its sparkle. It had been ten days since his band had left to go on tour. Elise was struggling without him. Everything in the city reminded her of him; from the scent of the hot dog vendors on the street to the steam rising up from the sewer vents. They were all things which she’d originally experienced with Dylan. She kept thinking what he’d say if he were there with her, how he’d react to things.


When she was on tour it was easier to get by. She was in a new place, exhausted from all the traveling. Time seemed to move quicker, meaning she didn’t get the chance to miss him as much as she now was. Even her apartment was just bursting with reminders of him. Each time Elise walked through the door she remembered how it felt to see the candles and flowers he’d lovingly arranged for her. Knowing that her apartment was now just empty and there was no one there to greet her was becoming unbearable.


“He’ll be back before you know it,” Gloria reassured her over hot chocolate at a boutique café, Elise’s treat.


Gloria had been so kind and understanding of her friend’s newfound success while she still was attending numerous auditions in her free time and had no luck.


“I know,” Elise smiled thinly.


“And I bet he’s missing you as much as you miss him.”


“I doubt it,” Elise sighed. “I bet he’s so busy with the tour that he barely gets a chance to think about me at all.”


“Don’t be silly!” Gloria chastised her. “I bet he thinks about you all the time. He probably wrote a new song all about you!”


“I just keep worrying that he’s going to meet someone and do something stupid,” Elise admitted forlornly. Spending so much time alone with her thoughts meant that negative ones were beginning to grow and nest, polluting all the positive ones like a virus.


“He loves you, Elise. He won’t do anything to jeopardize that.”


“But girls throw themselves at him,” Elise gazed sadly at her hot, sweet drink.


“So?” Gloria questioned. “It doesn’t mean he can’t throw the skanks back off!”


This made Elise laugh.


“See, you can still smile!” Gloria pointed a perfectly manicured fingernail at her.


“Yeah, seems I can.”


“You got to keep smiling. Things are always darkest before the dawn, you got to remember that. It’s what I’m always telling myself.” 


Gloria was still working shifts at the diner. She hadn’t been able to hand in her notice as Elise had.


“How are your auditions going?” Elise asked tentatively. She knew how long and how hard Gloria had been chasing her dream of becoming an actress.


“Nothing,” Gloria shook her head and for a moment her cheerful demeanor gave way to how she truly felt. But ever the actress, she quickly pasted a smile back on her face and grinned across the table at her friend.


“But, hey, things can only get better, right?” she asked brightly.




“Besides, I’m actually thinking about moving to L.A.”


“L.A.? Are you serious?” Elise suddenly felt panicked. She couldn’t be left in the city without both her boyfriend and her best friend. She’d be completely alone.


“Yeah,” Gloria nodded. “It’s been on my mind for some time. There’s more opportunities out there, more TV work and stuff.”


Elise wasn’t within that industry but what Gloria said made sense. Most films and television shows were produced in California, so a majority of the acting work to be had was out there.


“But I don’t want you to leave,” Elise told her sincerely.


“I know,” Gloria smiled fondly at her. “You didn’t want Dylan to leave, either. But you’ve got to let people chase their dreams.”


“I know,” Elise took a sip of her hot chocolate. “And you’ll become the star you’re supposed to be in L.A.!”


“Exactly,” Gloria laughed. “I’ll be polishing my Oscar in no time at all!”


Elise was about to say something when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and was faced with a giggling collection of tweens who were staring at her, cell phones poised, their eyes wide with nervous expectation.


“Hi, are you Elise Roberts?” the tallest of them asked.


“Um, yeah, that’s me,” Elise confirmed.


“Oh, my God, I told you!” the girl gushed as her friends around her screamed in delight. Elise felt her cheeks burn as people began to look over and stare at the commotion.


“We like, love your music,” the tall girl told her enthusiastically. “Can we please take a picture with you?”


“Yeah, of course.” Elise smiled politely as the girls gathered around her and released an abundance of flashes in her face as they captured their desired images.


“I can’t believe it’s really you!” another girl gushed.


“Aren’t you dating Dylan Cornish?” the tall girl asked. “He’s like so hot,” she added before Elise had chance to respond. The girls began chattering among themselves about Dylan and his band. They waved zealously at Elise as they walked away, poring over their cell phones and their new pictures.


“Well, that was weird,” Elise tucked her hair shyly behind her ear and glanced back at her friend.


“But that’s what I want,” Gloria sighed wistfully. “I want to be bothered by overexcited tweens when I’m out having a hot chocolate.”


Elise wanted to tell her that it wasn’t as ideal as she thought it was but she held her tongue. She was living her dream, she didn’t want to ever forget that and take it for granted. Gloria was still chasing hers but she’d get there, Elise knew she was talented enough to become a huge movie star.


“So, L.A. here I come,” Gloria raised her mug in a toast.


“L.A. had better be ready for its next big star,” Elise smiled at her as she knocked her mug against hers.


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