A Dream Forbidden (Lillith Mercury ) (5 page)

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Authors: Tracey H. Kitts

Tags: #Romance

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"What?" He shrugged. "She looked like she could use a drink."

"I'm surprised she took it from you," Marco said, his smile starting to show through the scowl he had been giving to Bade.

"You'd be surprised what women take from me," Johnny said with a wink.

"Get in the damn jeep," Elijah said, laughing from the other side.

So, we all piled back into the jeep, and I got comfortable again in Johnny's lap. By the time we arrived at my house, I was asleep, with my arms curled around Johnny's neck. I felt him lift me up then pass me to another set of strong arms with a scent I recognized. I sighed as I snuggled closer against Marco's chest.

I didn't open my eyes, but I heard him telling everyone goodnight before we went inside. Luther would be staying with us too, since we both had rehearsal tomorrow afternoon. Elijah was driving Kat home, and Bade would be returning everyone else.

Alek called goodnight to us and I heard the door leading to the dungeon open and close. As Marco carried me up the stairs I also heard Johnny digging in the refrigerator, and Luther asking if he had any more rum.

Once we were in my room Marco stood me beside the bed and began undressing me.

"Let's take a shower," he said with a lazy smile. "You'll sleep better once you get the sand out of your crack."

I laughed. "There's no sand in my crack."

"You sure? Maybe I should have a look." He winked.

He removed his shirt and my heart fluttered.

"Are all werewolves raging perverts?" I asked playfully.

"Nah, just Bade and me." He unzipped his jeans as he said, "Speaking of which, if he doesn't learn to keep his hands to himself …" He paused and looked back at me. "Red, are you blushing?"

My burning cheeks answered that question. He had removed his wet shorts in a changing booth on the beach, and he wasn't wearing any underwear. Now I knew what was underneath those well-fitted jeans, and it made me blush.

"Maybe I just got too much sun," I said softly.

But we both knew that was a lie. I was a little pink, but Bade's umbrella had kept me from getting too much sun. In an hour or so, I wouldn't even look flushed.

"Is this what you want?" his sexy voice rumbled.

Marco began to slide his jeans down slowly, revealing the curve of his muscular hips as well as part of his tattoo. Marco has a large tribal tattoo on his lower back that reaches around the front and curves downward over his hip bones.

"Yes," I whispered as I pulled him close to me.

I ran my hands inside his jeans and slid them to the floor. Marco's skin was still so warm, it felt like he had just stepped out of the sun. But it was hours past sunset, and I knew he was just running a temperature because it was only three days till the full moon.

He moved toward the bed and I stopped him.

"No," I said softly, "in the shower."

I loved the way Marco's body felt in the shower, all hot and wet. My hands needed to feel him this way. I craved his flesh in a way I could not put into words. I had always wanted to be near Marco, but the need to touch him had intensified ever since we started sleeping together. This could have something to do with my inherited powers. Perhaps I was taking on more characteristics of the wolf than I had thought. Then again, it could just be Marco. Who could resist a man like him?

I waited patiently while he adjusted the temperature before stepping underneath the water with him. Marco watched while I knelt at his feet, running my hands up his long legs once I reached the floor. I wrapped myself around his thigh, sucking the water from his skin as I rose slowly to a crouching position. His breath quickened, and I couldn't wait anymore for what I had in mind.

I rose up higher and cupped him with my hand as I took part of his long shaft into my mouth. Marco moaned and so did I. This was one of my favorite things to do in the shower, and I intended to enjoy myself. As the water fell against his body I began to suck it from his flesh with what could only be described as enthusiasm.

After several torturous minutes Marco braced himself against the wall and panted, "I can't take any more, Red."

"But I'm not done with you yet," I said, and as I looked up at him, I gave him another long languorous lick.

"Then we'll have to try again later," he growled sexily as he lifted me against the wall, "because I've reached my limit tonight."

While he breathed these last words against my lips Marco entered me. As many times as we had been together, I had never adjusted to his size. He moved slowly, and I felt myself stretching as if it were the first time. I wrapped myself more tightly around him and he growled, pressing himself further inside of me.

"I saw you talking to Bade while I was swimming," he said as he nibbled at my throat.

"And?" I panted.

Marco thrust into me and I screamed, but not with pain.

"And I was jealous," he said as he kissed me deeply.


"Because I don't want anyone else doing this to you," he said as he ground his hips more forcefully against me.

"Really?" I moaned. "Why don't you show me what else you don't want Bade to do to me?"





Chapter Five


When I woke up early the next morning, my mind was still filled with all of the things Marco didn't want Bade to do to me, but he had done with considerable skill the night before. I smiled at his handsome face and stretched catlike across the sheets. I nearly jumped off the bed when I discovered someone was curled up behind me.

"Luther! What are you doing in here?"

I was really glad I had put on a t-shirt before going to bed, but that was hardly the point.

"What?" he said defensively while Marco just yawned and rolled over. "Johnny passed out in the living room, and he was snoring."

"You couldn't have slept in the guest room?" I asked as I crawled over his legs to get to the bathroom.

"You mean you don't want me?"

He looked so pitiful. Luther pushed himself up against the pillows and looked like a whipped puppy. I walked back over and crawled onto his lap.

"You can stay," I said softly as I stroked his hair.

Werewolves liked to sleep next to each other just like natural wolves. It seems strange in theory, but I was close enough to being a werewolf that I was alright with it. Plus, I was used to having Luther come crawl into bed with me. He just hadn't done so since Marco and I had started sleeping together. If Marco was in the bed with me, no one else was, and that's the way it had been for over a month.

When I came out of the bathroom I found Luther snuggled up to Marco. Luther had on pajama pants, but Marco was naked, and this was odd.

"What the hell?" It was all I could think to say.

Marco stretched and yawned while he said, "Get off, Luther, I'm hot." He caught the look I was giving them both and explained with a laugh, "Honey, Luther's slept with me more than you have. I hope it doesn't bother you."

"I'm not really sure if it bothers me," I admitted. "It's just weird."

He laughed again as he sat up and propped against the pillows.

"Do you let other pack members sleep with you?" I asked.

"No," he assured me, "just Luther."

"And Bade, occasionally," Luther interrupted.

"And Bade, occasionally," Marco repeated.

I still looked confused, and I'm sure it showed.

"Luther is under my protection and it makes him feel safe to be near me," he explained patiently, "just like he feels safe with you."

"So it's not like …" I couldn't finish the sentence and just stood there looking stupid for a moment.

"It's not some sort of weird sexual thing," Luther said indignantly as he walked past me to the bathroom.

"What about with Bade?" I asked.

Marco raised an eyebrow as he replied, "Well, Bade's a fucking pervert, so who knows. But, he hasn't put the moves on me yet." He snickered at the look on my face as he threw back the covers and crawled out of bed.

After this bit of weirdness we all went downstairs where Johnny was cooking breakfast. Alek had already gone to the theatre to prepare for today's rehearsal. Some of the costumes were ready, while others were not so it would be a sort of half dress rehearsal.

By the time we finished breakfast and Marco and I both got dressed in something besides pajamas, it was time for him to leave for his meeting with Aldan. I followed him down to the transporter. Watching him walk away moved me and I told him so. "Not just because you're leaving, or how good you look in those jeans, but because I know you'll be back."

"You're the devil," he said as he stepped into the circle of white tiles.

"No, but he looks good from behind," I teased.

Marco disappeared with a smile and I went upstairs to finish getting ready for rehearsal. He had recently started a sort of counseling program for new werewolves. It was called B.A.D.M.O.O.N. It stood for Basic Assistance Division for Maintaining Observations of New Werewolves, and it was located a few blocks from club Red. It had been up and running for about a month, and he took turns with other pack members answering the hotline and talking to walk-ins. I really admired his willingness to help others, and thought he was doing a good job. I'm sure this would be one of the topics of discussion with my uncle.

When I went downstairs I found Luther waiting for me. He was playing the part of Raoul, who competed with The Phantom for Christine's affections. In my opinion the character of Raoul had never been adequate competition for The Phantom, but Luther might give him a run for his money. We had worked together so well for the sold out performances of Romeo and Juliet that Alek had insisted on casting us as lovers once again. It was lucky for him that Luther could sing. Or, maybe that was lucky for me. I didn't relish the thought of having to kiss strange men on stage in front of an audience.

"You ready?" I asked.

Luther bowed dramatically and said, "My lady, your motorcycle awaits."

I laughed. "You took Marco's motorcycle?"

"It's Alek's," he said, "and I only borrowed it."

As it turns out, Alek had borrowed my car and Luther had returned Bade's convertible, so that left us little choice in the way of transportation. Our hair wouldn't be pretty, but we would be on time.

When we arrived at the theatre, it was still early afternoon, but that didn't stop the usual crowd of fang bait from hanging around. I swear some of these people had no lives.

"It's daylight, you morons," Luther said as he swung one long leg over the bike and reached for me. "He's a vampire. He's not coming out right now."

Reality seemed to dawn on a few faces, and others just looked pissed.

"Oh, it's Romeo," said a couple of young girls who obviously didn't belong with the other crowd.

Luther blushed and waved to his fans while I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Alek asked.

"It's me."

"Like anyone couldn't say that. Who's me?"

"You know damn well it's Lilith, now let me in."

"Prove it," he said as he opened a slot on the door and looked at me. "Take off your clothes," he ordered.

Before I could yell at him, the door began to open and Luther and I stepped quickly inside. Alek turned the heavy lock behind us and I paused to breathe in the scent of the theatre. It smelled of leather and cologne, old ladies' perfume and dusty costumes. And I loved it. The Bleeding Heart was designed like one of the classic opera houses. The upholstery was a lush red trimmed in gold, and golden sculptures were around every turn, most of them were of naked women. It was magnificent.

Stagehands were scurrying about piecing together many of the props for a scene between Dracula and myself. It was a piece toward the end of the story that we would be working on today. We would also be rehearsing a scene with me and Luther that was supposed to take place on a rooftop. This would be accomplished with gargoyles and fake snow which I had already glimpsed backstage during our last practice.

"Your costumes are ready," Alek said to us as we walked up the center aisle.

I could see Dracula on stage as we walked past the front row of seats toward the backstage area. He had his back turned, but I could feel him, almost like a whisper through my mind. He knew I was there.

When we were both changed a few minutes later I walked barefoot onto the stage. I was wearing a long red wig. Dracula had insisted that my hair color not be changed, even if we did have to use a wig. The skirt I wore was sheer and white, and reached in several flowing layers to just below my knees. My black corset was tight and I was fidgeting to adjust it when a willowy little ballerina asked him, "Are you the real Dracula?"

The dreamy look in her eyes made me want to gag. When she smiled I also noticed a flash of fang. Well, what did I expect? No one "normal" worked at The Bleeding Heart.

"Do you wish me to be?" he purred.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and let my fingers trail possessively over the embroidery on his costume as I said, "Don't toy with the actors, dear."

"I assure you I am real," he replied to the little vampire, but he was looking at me.

I knew by the look in his eyes that he was no longer aware she even existed, and that made me happier than I had expected. Both sides of his face were covered with the black mask he would wear for this scene, but his full lips were still visible and they curved into a smile as he said, "You look ravishing, my angel."

"Thank you," I said breathlessly, "but I think Luther got my corset too tight.

His long dark hair was smoothed back into a low ponytail and a lacy black cravat could be seen above his jacket. The tight black pants he wore left nothing to the imagination, and I recognized the knee high boots from his normal wardrobe. He had a shorter more decorative cape than would be required for the rest of the performance draped over his left shoulder, and he swished it dramatically as he asked, "Are you ready?"

When I smiled in response Alek began to clap his hands and yell, "Places everyone, places!"

I took my place on the right hand side and smiled up at Luther in the booth closest to the stage. It was the booth Dracula normally reserved for himself, The Phantom's booth, and it would be reserved for the performance so the actors could use it.

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