A Faraway Island (27 page)

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Authors: Annika Thor

BOOK: A Faraway Island
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One thing nearly all of them had in common was that after the war there were many years when they barely spoke of their experiences, of the separation from their parents or the difficulty of being refugee children. The pain was so great, it had to be suppressed. Some of them never even told their own children where they had come from, or why. Not until fifty years after their escape did many begin to feel that the time had come to tell their tales, before it was too late. I am deeply grateful to those who were willing to share their experiences with me.

A Faraway Island
is the first of four novels I have written about Stephie and Nellie. These novels are based on interviews with about a dozen of the real refugees who shared their childhoods, their letters, and their diaries, as well as on the research of Ingrid Lomfors, a Jewish historian in Sweden who explored the destinies of the five hundred refugee children. I have also listened to my own parents’ stories about what it was like to live as Jewish teenagers in Sweden during World War II. I made journeys myself, to Vienna and to the Theresienstadt concentration camp near
Prague, to gather my own impressions. Some of the events in the books are real, others are what might have been. Stephie and Nellie are fictional characters, but I have borrowed elements of real human beings in creating them—including myself and my nearest and dearest.

Early in the process of writing these books, I decided against writing in the first person, feeling that stories in the “I” form should be told by the people who really had the firsthand experience—the Holocaust survivors. My books are, therefore, written in the third person, but with a focus on Stephie’s thoughts and feelings.
A Faraway Island
is, though, in the present tense. This was also a conscious decision. I didn’t want to tell Stephie’s story as historical, but as a story in the here and now. Today, too, children and young people have to escape from their countries, leaving their families behind. And even today, the care we give to refugee children who arrive alone, in Sweden and other wealthy nations, is not what it ought to be. One of my aspirations for these books about Stephie and Nellie is that they will contribute to a better understanding of the vulnerable situation in which refugee children continue to live.

ANNIKA THOR was born and raised in a Jewish family in Göteborg, Sweden. She has been a librarian, has written for both film and theater, and is the author of many books for children and young adults. She lives in Stockholm.

A Faraway Island
is the first of four novels featuring the Steiner sisters. The quartet has been translated into numerous languages and has garnered awards worldwide. Swedish television also adapted the books into a hugely popular eight-part series.

This is a work of fiction. All incidents and dialogue, and all characters with the exception of some well-known historical and public figures, are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Where real-life historical or public figures appear, the situations, incidents, and dialogues concerning those persons are fictional and are not intended to depict actual events or to change the fictional nature of the work. In all other respects, any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Translation copyright © 2009 by Linda Schenck
Map illustration copyright © 2009 by Rick Britton

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Originally published in Sweden as
En ö i havet
by Annika Thor, copyright © 1996 by Annika Thor, by Bonnier Carlsen, Stockholm, Sweden, in 1996. This English translation published by arrangement with Bonnier Group Agency, Stockholm, Sweden.

Delacorte Press is a registered trademark and the colophon is a trademark of Random House, Inc.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Thor, Annika.
[En ö i havet. English]
A faraway island / Annika Thor ; translated from the Swedish by Linda Schenck.
p. cm.
Summary: In 1939 Sweden, two Jewish sisters wait for their parents to flee the Nazis in Austria, but while eight-year-old Nellie settles in quickly, twelve-year-old Stephie feels stranded at the end of the world, with a foster mother who is as cold and unforgiving as the island on which they live.
eISBN: 978-0-375-89370-4
1. World War, 1939–1945—Refugees—Juvenile fiction. [1. World War, 1939–1945—
Refugees—Fiction. 2. Refugees—Fiction. 3. Sisters—Fiction.
4. Jews—Sweden—Fiction. 5. Islands—Fiction. 6. Sweden—History—
20th century—Fiction.] I. Schenck, Linda. II. Title.
PZ7.T3817Far 2009

First American Edition

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