A Few Good Fantasies (7 page)

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Authors: Michele Bardsley

BOOK: A Few Good Fantasies
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When Edward’s lips dropped on the rapid pulse at the base of her throat, she sucked in a startled breath.

“Do ye want me to stop?” he asked softly.

The words tickled her skin. She couldn’t articulate a response, so she reached for him and dragged her fingers through his soft hair. She pressed his skull lightly to let him know she wanted him to stay. He had taken off the mask and the handkerchief covering his head, too.

His lips traveled up her neck, resting on the spot just below her earlobe. His tongue flicked her skin, snaking up to tease the shell of her ear. Her breath quickened as desire sparked all the way through her.

“Ye are fine morsel. One I would gladly devour.” He lifted away from her. In a regular voice, he whispered, “I have to know how far you want to go, Lissa. Do you want me to kiss you, feed you strawberries, and let you go? Do you want me tie you up and ravage you while you protest? Tell me what you want.”

“And you’ll give it to me?”

“This is your fantasy, lass. My whole purpose is to indulge your every desire.”

Lissa’s heart skipped a beat.

He shuddered then sighed. His head dropped to her shoulder. “I want to kiss you,” he admitted in a ragged voice. “Everywhere. I want to kiss you and I don’t want to stop.”

Lissa shivered at his confession. “I would like that.”

“I’ll give ye a choice, lass. Ye can let me seduce you with the blindfold on or…”

His pause went on for a beat too long.

“Or what?”

“Ye can choose to know who I am.”

Chapter 3


LISSA SWALLOWED THE knot in her throat. Had Janey hired someone at the resort to sweep her off her feet? Could she look into the eyes of a complete stranger and still go through with the seduction?

Or should she pretend to be the reluctantly ravaged wench? This man would be her pirate prince and she would be his captive. Her belly quivered at the very idea. She could experience wanton pleasure. For once in her life, she could be the star in her very own romance.

“Better I not know who you are,” she said haughtily, “lest I inform the authorities of your identity.”

“Oh-ho, you dare threaten me, wench?” He grasped her arm and pulled her off the bed. “Then I better make sure you don’t escape.”

He led her to another part of the room. She felt something wide and soft wrapped around each of her wrists. He lifted her arms above her head and hooked them to what she assumed was an attachment hanging from the ceiling.

“You’re mine.”

Lissa trembled at the possessiveness infused into those two words.

“Say it,” demanded her pirate. “Say that you’re mine.”

“No,” she cried. Her heart trilled as she dove completely into their game. “Never!”

“I’ll make you say it,” he promised darkly. “I’ll make you beg for me.”

She felt his hand curl into the middle of her bodice. His fingers brushed the tops of her breasts, causing a riot of sensations that danced all the way to her pussy.

Then he yanked it down.

The shirt ripped in half easily and fell open, revealing her breasts clasped in the silky white bra. She heard the sharp intake of his breath and suspected he was studying her boobs. Too bad she was blindfolded. She wanted to see his lusty glances. At least, she hoped his glances were lusty.

He stepped close to her, his body pressed enticingly against hers. His lips brushed her ear.

“If you want to stop playing, then say ‘roses are red.’ If I hear that phrase, I’ll stop everything and let you go. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

His knuckles caressed the side of her neck. “You are beautiful. So very, very beautiful.”

“You are a rogue. A blaggard!” She nearly giggled. She never thought she’d have the opportunity to call someone a
. She pretended to struggle and the chains above her rattled.

“Don’t forget my promise, wench. You will beg for my touch.” He laughed softly. “And you
tell me that you’re mine.”

He walked away, leaving her to ponder his words and to wonder what he might be doing. She heard paper rattles, cloth whispers and metal clinks.

She felt his return, though he didn’t touch her. It was his presence that surrounded her, that made her heart pound faster.

His lips descended, peppering the tops of her breasts. The tender ravishment made her tremble. Reaching around, he unhooked her bra. Since it was strapless, the undergarment fell away easily.

Whoa. Blindfolded, chained, and bare from the waist down—a girl couldn’t get more vulnerable than that.

She ached to feel his lips again. He cupped her breasts, thumbs brushing her nipples. The light touches felt wonderful, but she didn’t want to appear as if she were caving in to his seduction.

Well, not yet. 

He gripped her nipple between his fingers, squeezing lightly. Pleasure weaved through her and she swallowed her moan. God, it had been so long since she’d felt this way.

“Do you relent?” he murmured.


“Then I must torture you until you beg for mercy.”

Something long and metal slid over her skin, clamping the base of the tight peak. A second clamp claimed her other nipple. Delectable tendrils of pain throbbed in her breasts.

Lissa shivered.

“This chain is attached to another, longer chain.” He tugged on the fetter.

Sensual agony shot through her breasts, zapping the pit of her stomach before settling heavy and hot in her pussy. For a moment, her thoughts scattered and all she could process was her body’s enthrallment.

His hands coasted down her stomach and brought her mind back into focus. Oh, hell. Was he going to rip her skirt, too?

Instead of tearing apart another piece of clothing, he inched the material off her hips. After taking off the skirt, he rubbed her thighs, her calves, and even her feet. He jiggled the bell ankle bracelet and chuckled.

Her underwear went next.

Except for the ripped shirt that still hung from her shoulders, she was naked. Doubts crept through her passion. Was this the right thing to do? Was playing a game with a stranger really fulfilling a fantasy?

was almost positive Janey set up this situation. If that were the case, her sister would never put her in a situation that wasn’t safe. However, she and Janey were going to have a long talk about booking research trips at sex resorts.

Her pirate stayed in the kneeling position. She knew this because she felt his lips ghost along her left hip. Her lungs stalled and her heart hammered.

As his tongue slid between her moist pussy lips, he pulled on the chain.

The shock of pain stole her breath. A moan warbled from her throat. 

“You like it,” he accused. “Don’t you, my captive?”

“I do
. You’re torturing an innocent woman.”

“No woman is innocent. Especially not you.” He pierced her slick entrance with two fingers. “Here is the evidence of your lies.”

He withdrew his fingers and used them to part her labia. The chain bounced against her stomach as he lifted the loose end. Then … oh then … he clamped her clitoris. The pressure was intense, but not unbearable. Her whole body tingled with pleasure-pain. 

He started licking her tortured clit. He built and stoked a sensual fire that burned brighter and hotter with every flick of his tongue.

Her pussy throbbed, her clit tightened with pleasure, and streamers of bliss threatened.

Then the bastard abandoned her.

She couldn’t stop the cry of frustration.

“There’s a way to end your torment.” He circled around her. She felt the steel warmth of his body—his very nude body—pressed against her. His penis slid between her buttocks. Oh, God. “Just answer one question.”

He lifted her hair and feathered kisses on her neck. Then his hands drifted down to her thighs, trailing up her ribs oh-so-slowly until his hands cupped her breasts. He squeezed. Sensations rolled down to her tormented pussy.

“Do your worst, pirate. I am stronger than you believe.”

His fingers tangled in the chain looped between her nipples. He tugged it.

Pain erupted from her nipples. The sensations overwhelmed her as agony morphed into pleasure. The intensity was incredible. God in heaven! She’d never felt anything like this before.

How much more could she take?

“Who do you belong to?” he asked. He released her breasts and slid his palms down to her hips. He took the chain attached to her clitoris and fingered it.

A moan escaped, then her throat knotted and she swallowed the answer he wanted to hear.

“Tell me,” he whispered.

She sucked in a breath. Sweat beaded her skin, her arms were started to ache, and her body felt as though it had been set on fire.

But she wasn’t yet ready to end this part of the game.

He pulled up on the chain. The clamp squeezing her clitoris shifted and the excruciating pain buckled her knees.

He held onto her. His breath was harsh against his neck. “Who do you belong to?”

The words seemed to soak into her skin. She leaned against him, taking in his strength because she had none of her own. Her whole body hummed in sexual expectation.

“You,” she uttered, defeated. “I belong to you.”

He reached up and took her wrists off the ceiling hook. Then he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed. The thick coverlet felt so soft and so comfortable. It was a definite contrast to her sensually tormented body, which still writhed with hot need.

He rolled her onto her side and spooned behind her. For a long moment, all she felt was the stroking of his hands on her sensitized skin. His sweet tending of her body only enflamed her more. She pressed against him, no longer in control of her actions. His cock pulsed against her ass and she wiggled, causing him to groan.

“Do you want something, my captive?”

“Fuck me!”

“Only if you beg.”

He continued to rub her body, ignoring the areas she wanted him to touch the most. He ignored her aching breasts and her throbbing pussy.

“Please!” She was through with the game. She craved the relief only his cock offered. She wanted to feel his penetration. She wanted him to bring her to orgasm. “Please,” she repeated. “Fuck me!”

“Get on your hands and knees, wench.”

His voice was gruff and she realized he was on the edge himself. That little tidbit served to make her hotter.

She rolled onto her hands and knees and eagerly lifted her ass. He held onto her hips and worked his cock inside her wet heat. She nearly wept at the sense of relief that filled her when he pushed all the way inside. Vaguely, she realized he was wearing a condom, though she had no idea when he had the time to put it on.

After a few slow strokes, he created a steady rhythm. He pounded into her and she loved it. She cried for more, her words tangling in her moans.

His hand crept around her waist.

She was on fire now, excitement rippling.

He jerked on the chain nearest her clit.

Her orgasm exploded.

She seemed to fly into the stars and she floated there, soaking in the light and heat until she plummeted to earth.

Her pirate tensed and plunged deeply. His fingers dug into her hips as he ejaculating. He didn’t move or breathe for what seemed forever.

Lissa collapsed to the bed. He withdrew and pressed a kiss on each of her buttocks. She laughed as he scooted off the bed, presumably to dispose of the condom. 

Oh, lord. That was the most fun she’d had in a really, really long time. Her thoughts wandered to Sam. What he was doing? Had he found himself a hot, young thing? She really needed to talk to him about Janey. Why weren’t they dating? She’d never seen a more in-sync couple.

Her pirate hadn’t returned, but she was ready to see him. She dragged off the blindfold. God, her make-up was probably in shambles.

She swung her legs off the round bed. She blinked. Wow. They really were in a cave. The small dark room held the bed, with its red velvet bedspread and heart-shaped pillows, a table laden with fruits, chocolate truffles, hors d'oeuvres and champagne. Lit votive candles in wall sconces and tapers in the chandelier offered low, flicking light.

Though bordering on cheesy, the room was still romantic.

Lissa heard a noise and she looked up into the startled gaze of her pirate. Oh, no. No!

Her heart dropped to her toes.
Oh. My. God.
“Please … please … do not tell me that I just slept with

Chapter 4


AM SMILED. “I’D say we did a little more than plain ol’ sleeping together. Do you need help taking off the Y clamps?”

Lissa looked down and realized how incredibly naked she was. Naked and chained up like a pirate’s whore.
Janey is gonna kill me. 

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