A Fortune to Die For (White Oak - Mafia Series Book 1) (18 page)

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“You’re just trying to deflect your troubles onto George.”

“We matched the numbered account to one belonging to Campinelli’s lawyer.”

The guy’s eyes darkened. “I’ll check it out and see if there’s any truth to this claim. Then I’ll let you know if we’ll be pursuing this serious accusation against you.”

“You do that!” Steve snapped. Meg heard the door click.

She opened her eyes to see Steve smiling at her. “Sorry for waking you. Go back to sleep. Jerks like this guy don’t give up just because they’re wrong.”

She’d barely closed her eyes when the door opened and Steve asked, “What now?”

“Why is it you didn’t profile your team before now?” the Internal Affairs agent asked.

“I follow protocol. My team gets an updated profile every year.”

“But you said he’d been receiving this money for over a year, which means you didn’t get him profiled.”

“No, it means the profiler missed this, and when I get back to my office and look up the profiler’s name, I will be requesting their dismissal. And if it’s your name, I’ll be requesting a full-out investigation.”

“Threatening Internal Affairs is a very bad career move.”

“I didn’t threaten you. I just told you my plan of action depending on what agent failed to do his or her job. Miss Williams could have lost her life due to the missed information, so I consider this a very serious matter.”

“Look, you are obviously a dedicated agent who maybe had a moment of weakness. I understand. She’s a gorgeous woman—”

“How would you know that?”

“She’s right there.”

“True, but in her current condition, I can’t imagine anyone calling her gorgeous.”

“I must have seen a picture of her.”


“I don’t know!”

He grabbed the file the man held and opened it. “No picture here.”

The jerk yanked the file from his hands. “The information of a witness is privileged. You could lose your job if I report what you just did.”

“I didn’t read a damn word. All I did was look for a picture.”

“My bosses won’t care. Which puts both of us in a really bad spot. So maybe we can make a pact. I won’t mention your violation of the rules if you’ll just fail to pursue who did George’s update in March.”

“So it was you?”

“Yes. But I didn’t know he was connected to a mafia family.”

“You would have if you’d done your job.”

“I was swamped with profiles. And I knew George. So I gave him a clean update and moved on to the next one. I swear to you; I didn’t know he was dirty.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“You really want to be fired for looking at my file? It won’t matter to my bosses whether you are innocent of the accusation or not. They hold witness testimony sacrosanct. And you opened my file. I own you, Stevie. While you may have passed the lie detector on the sexual assault charge, you won’t on my new charge. So you need to decide how much you want to stay in the FBI? And the first payment is letting the profile mistake lie dormant.”

Steve slammed the man’s face against the wall and handcuffed him behind his back. “You’re under arrest.”

“You’re making a big mistake. My bosses will eat you alive.”

“Let ’em try,” Steve growled and took out his phone. “You get it all? Good. Come get this piece of shit out of my sight.”

A moment later, two of the guys she had fed a billion years ago entered and nodded her way before removing the ugly brown suit.

Steve smiled at her. “Sorry about waking you, but this room is under heavy surveillance to ensure you remain alive. I really needed him to confess his sins on video.”

And now she understood why Steve had been so aloof. “Knowing that makes me feel so much better.”

Chapter 18


Three weeks later, Meg’s new lawyer had reviewed and changed certain sections of the land donation document. Not surprisingly, it had been badly rewritten by her prior lawyer, Joe, and would have allowed the state to cut down as many trees as they wished. The new governor had received the revised document bearing Meg’s signatures this morning. For her protection, she would attend the event via her computer from her hospital bed.

The former Lt. Governor Sanders, now governor, greeted her warmly on her PC. “Miss Williams, I am sorry circumstances did not allow me to meet and thank you in person, but let me say this donation is a gift the people of Iowa will treasure for generations. In attendance today are Mr. Jefferson, our Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Barkman, the head of the Parks Department.”

Mr. Barkman waved at the camera. “It’s a pleasure to see you, Miss Williams. When I read through your visions for this park, it was as if you’d taken my dreams and put them to paper.” Since he had told her this before, she suspected it was spoken now to assure the new governor he was a hundred percent behind the project. Smart move on his part.

Evidently missing the limelight, Mr. Jefferson spoke up. “I must say, when I first read your vision, I felt a little ill because I knew we didn’t have the money to support your grand ideas. So when I got to the financial details and discovered you planned to cover the two major costs associated with the project through trust funds, I almost wept with relief because I didn’t want to be the one to tell a woman who nearly died giving us this land that we lacked the funds to fulfill her vision for it. And given the way the trusts have been created, the monies can never be used for anything but this park, so there should be monies available ’til the end of time.”

The head of road construction wasn’t as joyful over the project. “Fixing those roads is going to be a nightmare and incredibly costly, but the truth is we’ve needed to repair them for twenty years. And with the funds you’ve set aside, I can finally justify doing this. Now you do realize it will take years to complete both roads leading to those woods and adding the two other entrances Mr. Barkman wants?”

“I’m hoping you’ll have at least one road passable for next year.”

“Yes, Mr. Barkman is planning a parking lot in a section very close to Highway 52. We should have the section completed by next summer.”

While it seemed a long time to Meg, she had no idea how long road construction took, and since the man seemed very proud of himself, she had to guess it was as fast as anyone could hope for.

Then they turned off their monitor, so she could still see them, but they could no longer see her, and the press was allowed in. Steve sat in a chair beside her and studied the press as they entered the room with their cameras and mics. One of the reporters turned, looking about the room instead of at the governor. He even checked inside a closet door.

Steve spoke into his phone. “Jack, there’s a guy in a brown jacket, red hair. He’s most unhappy, almost as if he can’t find someone. Pick him up when he leaves.”

Once all the press was inside, the governor announced he had just signed and accepted a land donation of what would become one of the finest state parks in America. He spoke first of the beauty of the woods, the age and rarity of the trees, the birds and wildlife thriving within them. He went on to the potential tourist growth and finally to the monetary fund that came with the gift. “This generous patron, who wishes to remain anonymous, has provided trust funds to ensure the park will actually produce revenues for the state rather than use them.”

Since Helen’s sale of the land had yet to be made public, the press naturally assumed she was the generous patron, which suited Meg just fine.

They all demanded to know why Helen hadn’t been invited to the announcement.

The governor handled the matter beautifully. “I invited the generous person to the meeting, but the patron wishes to remain anonymous.”

“But this is Helen Campbell’s land, so it has to be her,” one reporter insisted in exasperation.

“I will respect the donor’s wishes and neither confirm nor deny the matter. Now, if there are no other questions, I’ll adjourn the press conference and get to work.”

Meg suddenly realized the guy with the assassin’s eyes was no longer in the room.

As if reading her mind, Steve said, “He slipped out when the governor said you wished to be anonymous.”

When his phone rang, he flipped it open and listened. “Good work.” He smiled at Meg. “You pull them in even when you aren’t there.”

She grinned, careful not to allow herself to chuckle, which still hurt to do. “Glad to help clean up all these pesky assassins and con-men.”

“Speaking of which, I had my people investigate the account you transferred all your money to.”


“And?” she asked, feeling like she’d betrayed Sheriff Cobbs, even though she hadn’t.

“It’s a Swiss account with a number id…and, unfortunately, the money is gone. And since we have no proof you did not willingly send it, we have no grounds to force them to follow where the money went from there. So unless you someday remember who you wired it to, we’ll never know.”

She had to clamp her teeth to keep from smiling. Old Sheriff Cobbs was savvier than she’d thought.

Damn it, she’d grinned. She glanced at Steve, hoping he’d been otherwise occupied, but his attention was on her like an eagle to a mouse.

So she beamed him a full smile. “And with it goes the Lottery Curse. I am finally free!”

He chuckled softly. “You are one strange lady.”

“I am one happy lady. The mafia has no reason to kill me now.”

His smile faded.

“They have no reason to kill me now,” she insisted.

“They tend to carry vendettas to their grave.”

“Are you telling me I’m going to be tailed by assassins for the rest of my life?”

“That would be a terrible reward for all the criminals we’ve bagged because of you.”

His comment reminded her of one major criminal in her past. “Did you get the serial killer?”

“Yes, we did, along with three politicians, six assassins, a thieving car dealer, and a lawyer who is turning state’s evidence against his brother-in-law and certain members of the Campinelli family.”

“What about Jonas?”

Steve lost his smile. “He’s disappeared. The old man is way too slick. My only consolation is he’ll die of old age eventually, and then he’ll have to face God. On the good side, he doesn’t tend to be vengeful, so I don’t expect further assassins from him. However, Benito Campinelli is a whole different story. Even if we can put him in prison, he’ll be gunning for you.

Steve sat on the edge of her bed, facing her, so the camera in the ceiling would only pick up his back. “Given the assistance you’ve provided us, the FBI will give you another identity and put you somewhere they think is safe.” He rolled his eyes as he said this.

“What other options do I have?”

He smiled, letting her know she’d ask the right question. “Change your identity and your looks. I’m assuming you still have sufficient money to hire a plastic surgeon and have your face altered.”

“How much would it cost?”

“Two hundred thousand.”

“I can get a new face,” she said, oddly feeling a bit excited at the idea of becoming someone else. Then the Lottery Curse could never find her again.

“I’ll arrange it if you wish.”

She frowned, recalling all the problems she’d incurred when she allowed someone else to “arrange” things. “Why can’t I do it?”

He smiled. “Because you can’t go to a run-of-the-mill plastic surgeon. You need someone who’s really good and also fails to keep records of the operation.”

“I should have realized that. Do you know someone?”

He nodded.

“Then I’ll trust you to set it up.”

“I won’t let you down,” he promised.

Chapter 19


Evy Maurier stepped out of the building where she’d lived for the last six months as she recuperated from her plastic surgery. She smiled and squinted at the sun. Day One without a Lottery Curse.

She strolled down the sidewalk feeling happy and carefree— evidently too happy. People were smiling at her as she passed. Actually, men were. She checked her blouse and made certain it remained buttoned. Her new perky breasts were evidently a smile maker. She wondered if Steve would think so. She hoped he would.

She walked to a pretty street café with every table taken. Upon finding a table where a lone gentleman sat, she approached and smiled. “Hi, mind if I join you? I’ll buy you a green tea.”

The handsome fellow stood up and smiled. “Please, I would enjoy the company, and bribes of green tea are not needed.”

A couple of men in a nearby table whispered something like “lucky bastard”.

He extended his hand to her. “I’m Steve Williams.”

“Evy Maurier.” She held out her hand, and he grasped it, not relinquishing his prize even as he sat down.

She wondered if he noticed how plump her hands were compared to her prior boney digits. While she had never minded her old hands, she absolutely loved her new ones.

“This could be the most beautiful hand I’ve ever seen,” he said as he caressed her palm.

“Thank you. Men don’t normally notice my hands.”

He laughed as his eyes took in her new breasts and sexy clothes. “I can see how they might be distracted, but I notice all details…occupational hazard.”

“And what do you do?”

“I’m the Assistant Director of the FBI.”

He’d gotten a promotion! She wanted to hug him but thought it a bit forward for even her new persona. “I’m impressed. I’ve always been attracted to men of authority.” She leaned in. “Is the Director married or single?”

Steve frowned. “Happily married.”

“And the Assistant Director?


“Not happily single?” she teased.

He tilted his head. “I’m not unhappy, but if you’re asking is there anyone special in my life presently, there’s not.”

Evy relaxed at the good news and leaned back. “Isn’t the weather wonderful? Not a cloud in the sky. Would you like to go for a walk with me?”

“I’ve a better idea. We can drive to the beach in my convertible and watch the sun set.”

“A perfect way to end a perfect day.”

As she stood, she noticed the guys at the table next to them were giving Steve a thumbs up for evidently doing the males species proud with his pick-up abilities.

Steve slipped his arm around her waist and led her to his car, which to her surprise, truly was a convertible.

“Aren’t Assistant Directors supposed to drive bulletproof SUVs?”

“I have one of those assigned to me. Would you rather we take that?”

She laughed as she got into the car. “Not at all.”

When they reached the shoreline, he drove the car up residential streets, finally ending in the backyard of a beautiful two-story Victorian overlooking the ocean.

“Isn’t the owner going to object to your car being in his backyard?”

“The gardener perhaps, but the owner wants us to have a lovely evening.” He moved closer, but the parking brake and shift box played the part of the unwanted chaperone.

He sighed in frustration. “Would you like to watch the sunset from the porch swing instead?”

“If the owner doesn’t mind.”

“Trust me, he doesn’t,” Steve growled.

Evy didn’t know if it was the new body or her new attitude, but hungry desire surged through her, and Steve had yet to even kiss her.

As he helped her from the car and pulled her close to him, his eyes focused on her chest rather than her eyes. She playfully tilted up his chin until his gorgeous blue eyes met hers.

He ran his hand through her shiny black hair. “Should I check and make sure we aren’t related before this goes any further.”

She pressed against his chest. “Do I feel like your sister?”

He shook his head and cradled her face. “You feel like the woman of my dreams,” he whispered and crushed his lips upon hers.

Her brain struggled with registering all the details of what followed. Somehow they managed to bypass the porch swing and ended up inside.

“Steve, you’re sure the owner isn’t going to come in and go crazy, right?”

He laughed and tugged her down on the thick carpet before the fireplace. “Given how much I want you, I actually
go crazy…”

She chuckled at her inability to see the obvious. “This house is yours?”

“Ours, I hope.” 

The heat from his dark eyes warmed her body to dangerous levels. He brushed back her hair, then let his fingers sweep down her neck and onto her chest. “I rather like this shirt—it unbuttons itself.”

She looked down and laughed. The blouse was open down to the last two buttons. “Well, now I know why you were so intrigued with my chest.”

He tugged on the cups of the lacy bra and kissed each nipple. The doctor had told her she probably wouldn’t have any sensations for several months, possibly never.

Boy, was he wrong!

Steve softly groaned. “You are…”

“Ready? Oh, yeah.”

He grinned and moved up to kiss her lips. “I was thinking beautiful, but ready works for me.”

He pushed up her skirt and removed the barely-anything lace panties. Unlatching his pants, he shed them in record time. Then he wrapped her legs around him and entered with a wet, warm welcome.

Evy screamed with pleasure. It had been forever since she’d made love to a man, and never ever had it been anywhere close to this. God, she would have given her former fiancés every dime she possessed if they had made her feel half this good.

Just before she completely lost her mind, she erupted into an orgasm that melted her to her core. Panting softly, she reveled in the aftershocks of pleasure rippling through her body. She’d never felt more complete and happy. Not only had Steve gotten beyond her mistrust barriers, he’d entered a part of her soul she hadn’t even known existed.

Steve rolled to his side and pulled her to him. “I had no idea making love could be like this.”

She nodded. “Me either.”

He pulled her tight against him and covered her face with kisses. “You never replied to my offer.”

“I was a bit distracted. What was your offer?”

His eyes darkened. “I want you to move in with me.”

“Okay,” she stated without hesitation.

“Are you always going to be this easy?” he chuckled.

“After sex? Probably so.”

“Ah ha, now I know how to get my way. All I have to do is be ready to make love to you morning, noon, and night, and you’ll be putty in my hands.”

At one time, those words from anyone would have scared the shit out of her. Now, she only laughed. “Sounds good to me.”

He held her close, whispering in her ear. “You are and always will be the perfect woman for me. I am the luckiest man in the world.”

Evy tightened her grip around him. “I’m feeling very lucky myself.”


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Coming Soon

Book 2 of the White Oak-Mafia Series

Unexpected Love


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