A Game Most Dangerous (3 page)

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Authors: Megan Derr

Tags: #Gay romance, Urban fantasy

BOOK: A Game Most Dangerous
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Zaroff and the other hunters turned to run, but they toppled over themselves as Rain gave a bellowing roar much, much louder than the first one.

After that, it was over quickly. As humans went, they weren't the worst he'd ever tasted, but then again, there was never any reason to kill and eat the humans that would taste good.

He paused only when he came to Zaroff, pinning him to the ground, claws pricking just enough to draw thin trails of blood. Looking up, Rain jerked his head at Ivan, who stood nearby.

Ivan came forward and rifled through Zaroff's clothes, pulled out a small black control. He signed rapidly at Zaroff for the code. Zaroff refused, and Rain made him hurt. Howling in pain, Zaroff finally gave up the code. Ivan tested it on himself, and when it worked, went off to start freeing the others while Rain finished his snack.

Rain spat out a foot and shifted back to human. Ivan came out of the group of people who'd huddled around him. "Hiya, Brown Bear."

Ivan bowed slightly, and his hands moved fluidly as he signed,
"Thank you for the rescue, my lord."

"Ugh, we don't go in for that old school lord stuff," Rain replied. "Please, I'm no more a lord than you are a cat. Will you and the others be all right? Can you get off the island on your own?"

"Yes, we'll be fine,"
Ivan replied with a smile.
"Get home to your family and friends, and thank you again."

Rain nodded, clasped hands with Ivan briefly, then scooped up his trunks and headed off until he found a stretch of cliff. He dove into the water and transformed again, rumbling in pleasure at the cool water, even if it tasted like a rotted saltshaker.

He swam quickly back toward the island where his friends would be waiting, shifting back to human as he drew close enough he might be spotted. Pulling on the trunks while underwater was exactly as irritating as he remembered, but it was still far easier than being arrested for public nudity would be.

It took him another hour to reach the fancy hotel they were staying at, some over the top, ridiculously expensive thing Jefferson had arranged like so much else.

"Oh, my fucking god! Rainsford, you ass!"

He stopped short as Brandon, Jefferson, and Carl bolted across the lobby, forcing people to dodge hastily out of their way, and closed in on him. "Oh, my god, dude," Brandon said, hugging him tightly. "We've been worried sick. Jeffers was gonna call the cops, but Whitney kept saying we shouldn't, that you'd be fine and stroll right in eventually. Dude was crying last night he's been so worried, but he keeps telling us you'll be fine, and you sure as shit are, bro. Aren't you?"

Rain nodded. "Tired and really hungry—could we go back to that steak place tonight, Jeffers?"

"Yeah, dude, anything you want," Jefferson replied and rested a hand on Rain's head to give it a gentle shake. "Glad you're okay, bro. Seriously, we've all been worried as hell." He gave Rain a sudden hug, followed by Carl. "I'll tell the rest of the guys and get reservations for dinner," Jefferson said. "Go tell your boyfriend you're alive."

"Boyfriend?" His face heated as they all laughed. "You aren't funny. Whitney's not—"

They cut him off with more laughter and playful shoves. "Please," Carl said. "Bro, everyone knows you two are an item, except like, the two of you. Seriously, he was
, Rainsford. Saddest fucking thing you ever saw. Even broke Steven's cold heart."

"Okay," Rain said meekly. "Um. Thanks, dudes."

Rolling their eyes and scoffing, they shoved him toward the elevators. "Move it!" Jefferson ordered.

Rain had to knock on the door. "Open up!"

He heard something crash, then the door flew open, and Whitney filled the door, eyes red-rimmed from tears and exhaustion. "You asshole! What took so long? I was starting to think—"

Rain kissed him, relief and happiness and impulse getting the better of him. It got him a bit lip for his trouble, but then Whitney yanked him inside, slammed the door shut, and pushed him up against it.

"You're a jerk. What took you so long?"

"I'll tell you later," Rain said. "Right now, I'm under Jefferson orders to make my boyfriend feel better."

Whitney stilled, then gave a soft huff of laughter. "I see. Then get to it you stupid, useless dragon before I revert to my family's old hunting traditions and turn you into a pair of boots."

They were late for dinner, but Rain wasn't remotely sorry.


Megan is a long time resident of LGBTQ romance, and keeps herself busy reading, writing, and publishing it. She is often accused of fluff and nonsense. When she’s not involved in writing, she likes to cook, harass her cats, or watch movies. She loves to hear from readers, and can be found all over the internet.





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