A Girls Guide to Vampires (48 page)

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Authors: Katie MacAlister

Tags: #Vampire

BOOK: A Girls Guide to Vampires
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I glared at him. "Some detective you are. No knife, no gun. I bet you're going to be drummed out of Interpol for this."

"I'm not a detective, I'm a liaison," he answered, giving me another warning look. "And you're closer to the truth than you know."

I followed behind him, Dominic holding one of my hands twisted behind my back.

"Should have taken care of him when I had the chance," I grumbled to myself as we entered the cool air of the main cave.

Dominic told Raphael to go to the right, toward the boat dock. I honestly think if Dominic had pointed the gun at him, Raphael would have disarmed him, but with the cold barrel of the gun resting on the back of my neck, Dominic was right—I was a hostage for Raphael's compliance.

As we passed the entrance, the sound of footsteps on the wood pathway reached us. "Stand there, against the wail," Dominic hissed, pushing me to Raphael. "Do not move from there or I'll kill her."

He backed up a few feet, one eye on us, the other watching to see who would come along the curved pathway. The footsteps were growing louder.

"This doesn't look good," I told Raphael as I hugged him tightly. His arms squeezed the breath right out of me. "I think I'm going to call for help."

"No one can hear you this deep in the cave, Joy."

"Christian will," I said, tracing a finger along his eyebrows. "I've just found you, Interpol Bob. I'm not going to lose you now."

"The police know I'm here," he said quietly. "Christian can't do anything to help us."

"He can. I know you don't believe me, but he can hear my thoughts. If I tell him we're in danger, he'll come to help us."

Raphael's arms tightened around me. "Christian wouldn't be able to help us even if he knew we were here."


"I won't let Dominic hurt you, baby."

"You have to have faith in me," I told him, deliberately repeating his words, and then turning to lean into him.

popped around the corner, gesturing with a small black pistol.
They're everywhere. I've locked the gates to the entrance, but it won't take them long to reach the exit. We have to go now."

, I closed my eyes and called out mentally, not sure if I was reaching him.
I know you don't want to answer me, but we need you. We're in terrible trouble, and Raphael doesn't have a gun

Immediately he was there, filling my mind with his calm presence.
Beloved, you are distraught

I opened my eyes and looked at Milos and Dominic, willing Christian to see them as they gestured with their guns while discussing the best way to kill us and escape.

I will come
, his beautiful voice resonated in my head.

"Christian is on his way," I told Raphael, ignoring the disbelief in his eyes. "But I've always been a person who believes in being proactive. I think we ought to try to make a break for it."

"That would not be wise,
mon ange
," Dominic said directly behind me, the cold barrel of the gun pressed between my shoulder blades.

"Oh, what do you care? You're going to kill us in a minute or two anyway," I snapped, wiggling my shoulders in an attempt to dislodge the gun.

"We have modified our plans," Milos told me as he passed, his gun pointed on Dominic. He nodded at the nearest red and white tourist boat. "It seems we have need of you alive.
For the moment.
Get in."

Raphael crossed his arms and didn't move a muscle.

Dominic prodded me with the gun.
"You as well,
mon ange

"No," I said, my eyes on Raphael. If I was going to be killed, I wanted the last thing I saw to be him.

But I really didn't want to be killed.

Dominic pressed the gun harder into my neck until I flinched with the pain. Raphael's hands tightened on his arms, and I thought sparks were going to
flying from his eyes, but he didn't move. I smiled at him and hoped he saw the love and admiration in my eyes.

"Get in the boat,
," Dominic said, grabbing my arm.

What worked once might work twice, I figured. I blew Raphael a kiss,
lunged in the direction Dominic was pulling me, throwing him off balance. His gun slid out of his fingers and bounced on the wooden dock. I slammed my foot down on his,
brought my knee up into his groin. As he screamed and doubled up, I plucked the brooch from my blouse and stabbed him in the eye with it.

I squealed at the sensation of soft, squishy eyeball on my fingers, and jerked my hand away. Dominic screamed as he fell to the dock, one hand clutching his eyes, the other on his groin. I spun around to help Raphael, but he had disarmed Milos in one smooth move that sent the gun flying into the water, and Milos crashing into the nearest boat. There was an ugly thud when his head cracked against one of the wooden seats. He didn't move after that.

"Are you all right?" Raphael asked as I raced over to where he was checking on Milos. "Where's the other gun?"

I looked back over my shoulder. Dominic was still writhing and wailing on the edge of the dock. "It must have gone into the water as well. Is he dead?"

"No, just unconscious.
Come." He grabbed my hand and pushed me toward the nearest boat. "Get in. I'll get you out of here,
come back for the two of them. There's nowhere they can go with the police at either end."

I put on the brakes. "No."

He frowned down at me. "Joy, don't be obstinate. I know you want to help me—"

"No, it's not that. I get seasick. I didn't think I would on a quiet river like this, but I did the other day. I'll walk; you take the boat."

He sighed and grabbed my wrist again, hauling me toward the narrow path that ran the length of the river. "I have never in my life met a woman who is so contrary and argumentative," he said.

"Yes, but you love that about me," I answered, suddenly feeling incredibly happy. We had escaped! We were going to be together! We would have a deliriously happy life together—once I made Raphael understand he was never to keep anything from me again. "Go on, say it, you know you want to."

He stopped long enough to pull me up to his chest. "Yes, I love you, you maddening woman. You're stubborn and obstinate and resistant to any form of common sense, but I love you more than I had ever thought possible, and no one is going to take you away from me."

His lips were closing on mine when a noise behind us made the hair on my neck stand on end.

"How touching," Dominic rasped as he staggered toward us, blood streaming from one eye. I must have broken a toe or two when I stomped on him, because he was limping heavily. I assume the kick to his noogies hadn't done him any good, either, because he was walking hunched over like an old man. The gun he held clutched in one hand made any satisfaction in his condition moot, however.

"He must have been lying on it," I said apologetically to Raphael.

"You," Dominic spat, his mouth twisted in a snarl. The madness in his eyes was clear now. I wanted to cling to Raphael, but knew he had a better chance of disarming Dominic if I backed off a bit. I sidled away, Dominic's eyes blazing at me. "You have laughed at me, and mocked me, and spurned my attentions for those of him—" He waved the gun at Raphael,
suddenly fired.

"NO!" I screamed, lunging for Raphael, but Dominic was faster than he looked. He slammed the gun into my face, sending me flying backwards. I crashed into the wall and lay numb for a few seconds, too stunned to do anything but wait for the burst of pain to reach my brain. It hit and left me gasping and retching as I dragged myself to my knees.

"Raphael." I knew the pathetic whimper was mine, but it didn't seem to belong to me any more than the haze of pain that nearly blinded me. All that mattered was that I get to Raphael. I crawled toward Dominic as he stood above a silent and still Raphael, pointing the gun at his chest and ranting in a high, insane voice.

"No one will doubt my power now. No one can. They laughed at me just as you laughed at me, but now I will be vindicated. AH will fear my power and know me to be the true master of the dark! I will take my place with the great ones, and they too will bow down before me. I will rule the dark
become what I was meant to be. No longer will I be burdened with this mere mortal's body.
will be invincible!"

"I am afraid there can be only one way to be rid of your human body, but as you are determined to do so, I will be happy to oblige you." Christian's voice was like a cool drink of water on a hot summer day. He appeared out of the shadows, walking toward Dominic, the power and deadly menace surrounding him making the air crackle. His eyes had changed, had deepened in their blackness if that was possible, allowing a glimpse into the endless torment that held him in its eternal grip.

I used the distraction to scoot closer to Raphael, praying with all my might that he was still alive. Red stained his left side, spreading across his stomach.

"Oh my God," I sobbed, touching him gently, unsure of what I should do to stop the bleeding. I didn't want to press on the wound if it would make it worse. "Oh, God, Raphael, please don't die. I need you. Please don't die."

His eyes opened at the sound of my voice. They were dulled with pain and anger, but they were his lovely, lovely eyes and I wept all the harder to see them. I pressed his hand to my lips and started repeating every prayer I knew.

Dominic cried out and stepped backward as Christian stalked him. The hairs on the back of my arms stood on end as I watched, unable to look away, unable to tear my eyes from the terrible weapon of retribution that Christian had become.

"You wished to see the great ones? Behold! I have touched eternity. I have walked the earth in darkness only, never to know the warming touch of the sun upon my flesh, never to have a family, a lover,
. I have lived in silent torment wishing I had the strength to end the nightmare of my existence, but failing because I am cursed to live damned and shunned, an abomination to every living thing. Do you still wish to join me, little mortal?"

"Joy." Raphael was trying to prop himself up. "Help me up, baby."

"Don't move," I told him. "You'll make the bleeding worse. Should I be pressing on it? Will it hurt you if I do? Oh, God, Raphael, you've been shot!"

He pulled himself up into a sitting position, panting with the effort, his beautiful eyes glazed with pain. "Have to protect you."

"No, my darling, you don't have to. Don't move anymore, you're making it worse! Just sit still. Christian is here. He'll take care of Dominic."

"That's who… have to… protect you," he gasped, his face pale with the strain.

Dominic screamed something in a language I didn't understand. I put my hands on Raphael's shoulders to keep him from moving, and glanced over to where Christian was backing Dominic against the wall. Teeth, long and sharp, flashed in Christian's mouth. He stalked his victim as a panther would an insignificant rodent, slowly, without wavering, sure of the outcome.

Evidently, Dominic was sure as well, for he suddenly raised his gun and began firing at Christian. The noise of the gun being fired in the large open chamber was deafening, each gunshot echoing until I had to cover my ears to keep from screaming.

A terrible, high-pitched shriek ripped through the echoes, setting new ones bouncing off the walls, rippling through the air in one long, endless cry of death. When the noise stopped, I opened my eyes. Christian held Dominic a good two feet off the ground, one hand closed around his neck, his head tilted at an unnatural angle. With a flick of his wrist Christian sent Dominic flying. He hit the wall and slid down it like a soggy rag doll.

I gagged. Raphael tried to move, but I held him down.

"Don't move, my love. Oh, God, the stain is getting bigger. How long will it take the police to come around the other end? Raphael, please don't try to move!"

His hands were tight on my waist as he tried to shove me aside. A shadow fell over the two of us.

I looked up, tears streaking my cheeks. "Christian, can you help him? Please, will you help him? He's been shot, and I don't know what to do. Please help us."

Christian held his hand out for me, his face closed and impassive. I thought he wanted me out of the way so he could help Raphael, but when he pulled me to my feet, he didn't take my place. He just stood holding me.

Raphael snarled and tried to shift himself. "She's mine, Dante."

"No! Stop him! Raphael, you're going to kill yourself if you keep trying to move!" I struggled against Christian, but the arm he had around my waist was like steel. He looked from Raphael to me, his eyes deep wells of suffering. One finger traced the welt on the side of my face where Dominic had struck me with the gun, a drop of blood clinging to his finger. He looked at it for a moment,
brought it to his lips.

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