A Grant County Collection

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Authors: Karin Slaughter

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ISBN 9781409067368

Version 1.0



Karin Slaughter grew up in a small south Georgia town and has been writing short stories and novels since she was a child. She is also the author of the international bestsellers
Blindsighted, Kisscut, A Faint Cold Fear, Faithless
and contributed to and edited
Like a Charm,
a collaboration of British and American crime fiction writers. Her latest novel in the Grant County series is
Skin Privilege.

Praise for Karin Slaughter

is a salutary reminder that Slaughter is one of the most riveting writers in the field today'

Sunday Express

'Don't read this alone. Don't read this after dark. But do read it'


is a great read. Karin Slaughter deserves all the praise she gets for her razor-sharp plotting and forensic detail. But for me the hook is in her characters and relationships. They are right on the mark. This is crime fiction at its finest'


'Another brilliantly chilling tale from Slaughter'


Karin Slaughter left a great many mystery writers looking anxiously over their shoulders. With
she leaves most of them behind'


'A fast-paced and unsettling story . . . A compelling and fluid read'

Daily Telegraph

Karin Slaughter's first novel marked her out as a strong competitor to Patricia Cornwell and Thomas Harris in the twisted domain of psychological killers. Slaughter's plotting is relent less, piling on surprises and twists . . . A good read that should come with a psychological health warning'


'Karin Slaughter is a fearless writer. She takes us to the deep, dark places other novelists don't dare to go.
will cement her reputation as one of the boldest thriller writers working today'


made Karin Slaughter one of the hottest names in thriller writing, and
will only strengthen her reputation'


'After her electrifying debut,
Slaughter is back with this equally riveting follow-up . . . Brilliant plotting and subtle characterisation make for a grue-somely gripping read'

Woman & Home

'This eagerly awaited follow-up to
will not disappoint'


'This gripping debut novel, filled with unremittingly graphic forensic details, is likely to have Patricia Cornwell and Kathy Reichs glancing nervously in their rearview mirrors because rookie Karin Slaughter is off the starting grid as quickly as Michael Schumacher and is closing on them fast'

Irish Independent

'Slaughter . . . brings the story to a shattering climax'

Sunday Telegraph

'Pacy and intriguing . . . Karin Slaughter builds up the urgency to fever pitch'


is a debut novel of rare quality that grips like a vice from the first page. It's hard to believe this is Karin Slaughter's first outing, so mature is the prose, so taut the suspense, so extreme the engagement with the reader. Against the backdrop of a small Southern town, a terrible drama is played out that will affect Slaughter's readers as much as it affects her characters. A lot of writers are going to read this and weep'


'Unsparing, exciting, genuinely alarming . . . excellent handling of densely woven plot, rich in interactions, well characterised and as subtle as it is shrewd . . . A formidable debut'

Literary Review

'Energetic, suspenseful writing from Slaughter, who spares no detail in this bloody account of violent sexual crime but also brings compassion and righteous anger to it'

Manchester Evening News

'It's not easy to transcend a model like Patricia Cornwell, but Slaughter does so in a thriller whose breakneck plotting and not-for-the-squeamish forensics provide grim manifestations of a deeper evil her mystery trumpets without ever quite containing'

Kirkus Reviews

'A tension-filled narrative with plenty of plot twists . . . This is just the ticket for readers who like their crime fiction on the dark side'


'Wildly readable . . . [Slaughter] has been compared to Thomas Harris and Patricia Cornwell, and for once the hype is justified . . . deftly crafted, damnably sus-penseful and, in the end, deadly serious. Slaughter's plotting is brilliant, her suspense relentless'

Washington Post

'An extraordinary debut . . . Slaughter has created a ferociously taut and terrifying story which is, at the same time, compassionate and real. I defy anyone to read it in more than three sittings'


'Wildly readable . . .
hits the bull's eye'

New York Post

'It is difficult to believe this is a first novel, such is its grasp of pace and character'

Birmingham Post

'A shockingly good novel . . . Slaughter may very well be the next Thomas Harris'


'Readers seeking a . . . cutting-edge thriller need look no further'

The Good Book Guide

'Taut, mean, nasty and bloody well written. She conveys a sense of time and place with clarity and definite menace – the finely tuned juxtaposition of sleepy Southern town and urgent, gut-wrenching terror'


'Taut and tight and tinged with terror'

Houston Chronicle

'If you're looking for an unflinching suspense thriller with an emphasis on character, this is the one'

P. P

'A story that roars its way through the final pages, Slaughter's thriller is scary, shocking and perfectly suspenseful. Already earning comparisons to Patricia Cornwell, Slaughter's
is a first novel that doesn't read like one'


'A very promising debut by a very talented writer'

Deadly Pleasures

'This is storytelling at its finest, written in perfect pitch. A scary, sure-fire winner'


'A page turner . . . has more twists than a Slinky Factory'


'A debut novel that blows your socks off. Karin Slaughter has immediately jumped to the front of the line of first-rate thriller writers . . .'

Rocky Mountain News

Also by Karin Slaughter

A Faint Cold Fear
Skin Privilege

Like a Charm


Karin Slaughter

For D.A.
river deep, mountain high



'Well, look what the cat dragged in,' Maria Simms bellowed, giving Sara a pointed look over her silver-rimmed bifocals. The secretary for the police station held a magazine in her arthritic hands, but she set it aside, indicating she had plenty of time to talk.

Sara forced some cheer into her voice, though she had purposefully timed her visit for Maria's coffee break. 'Hey, Marla. How're you doing?'

The old woman stared for a beat, a tinge of disapproval putting a crease in her naturally down-turned lips. Sara forced herself not to squirm. Maria had taught the children's Sunday school class at the Primitive Baptist from the day they opened the front doors, and she could still put the fear of God into anyone in town who'd been born after 1952.

She kept her eyes locked on Sara. 'Haven't seen you around here in a while.'

'Hm,' Sara offered, glancing over Maria's shoulder, trying to see into Jeffrey's office. His door was open but he was not behind his desk. The squad room was empty, which meant he was probably in the back. Sara knew she should just walk behind the counter and find him herself – she had done it hundreds of times before – but survivor's instinct kept her from crossing that bridge without first paying the troll.

Maria sat back in her chair, her arms folded. 'Nice day out,' she said, her tone still casual.

Sara glanced out the door at Main Street, where heat made the asphalt look wavy. The air this morning was humid enough to open every pore on her body. 'Sure is.'

'And don't you look pretty this morning,' Maria continued, indicating the linen dress Sara had chosen after going through nearly every item of clothing in her closet. 'What's the occasion?'

'Nothing special,' Sara lied. Before she knew what she was doing, she started to fidget with her briefcase, shifting from one foot to the other like she was four instead of nearly forty.

A glimmer of victory flashed in the older woman's eyes. She drew out the silence a bit more before asking, 'How's your mama and them?'

'Good,' Sara answered, trying not to sound too circumspect. She wasn't naive enough to believe that her private life was no one else's business – in a county as small as Grant, Sara could barely sneeze without the phone ringing from up the street with a helpful 'Bless you' – but she would be damned if she'd make it easy for them to gather their information.

'And your sister?'

Sara was about to respond when Brad Stephens saved her by tripping through the front door. The young patrolman caught himself before he fell flat on his face, but the momentum popped his hat off his head and onto the floor at Sara's feet. His gun belt and nightstick flopped under his arms like extra appendages. Behind him, a gaggle of prepubescent children squawked with laughter at his less-than-graceful entrance.

'Oh,' Brad said, looking at Sara, then back to the kids, then at Sara again. He picked up his hat, brushing it off with more care than was warranted. She imagined he could not decide which was more embarrassing: eight 10-year-olds laughing at his clumsiness or his former pediatrician fighting an obvious smile of amusement.

Apparently, the latter was worse. He turned back to the group, his voice deeper than usual as if to assert some authority. 'This, of course, is the station house, where we do business. Police business. Uh, and we're in the lobby now.' Brad glanced at Sara. To call the area where they stood a lobby was a bit of a stretch. The room was barely ten feet by eight, with a cement block wall opposite the glass door at the entrance. A row of photographs showing various squads in the Grant County police force lined the wall to Sara's right, a large portrait in the center showing Mac Anders, the only police officer in the history of the force who had been killed in the line of duty.

Across from the portrait gallery, Maria stood sentry behind a tall beige laminate counter that separated visitors from the squad room. She was not a naturally short woman, but age had made her so by crooking her body into a nearly perfect question mark. Her glasses were usually halfway down the bridge of her nose, and Sara, who wore glasses to read, was always tempted to push them back up. Not that Sara would ever do such a thing. For all Maria knew about everybody and their neighbor – and their dog – in town, not much was known about her. She was a widow with no children. Her husband had died in the Second World War. She had always lived on Hemlock, which was two streets over from Sara's parents. She knitted and she taught Sunday school and worked full-time at the station answering phones and trying to make sense of the mountains of paperwork. These facts hardly offered great insight into Marla Simms. Still, Sara always thought there had to be more to the life of a woman who had lived some eighty-odd years, even if she'd lived all of them in the same house where she had been born.

Brad continued his tour of the station, pointing to the large, open room behind Maria. 'Back there's where the detectives and patrol officers like myself conduct their business . . . calls and whatnot. Talking to witnesses, writing reports, typing stuff into the computer, and, uh . . .' His voice trailed off as he finally noticed he was losing his audience. Most of the children could barely see over the counter. Even if they could, thirty empty desks spread out in rows of five with various sizes of filing cabinets between them were hardly attention grabbing. Sara imagined the kids were wishing they had stayed in school today.

Brad tried, 'In a few minutes, I'll show y'all the jail where we arrest people. Well, not arrest them,' he gave Sara a nervous glance, lest she point out his mistake. 'I mean, this is where we take them after we arrest them. Not here, but back in the jail.'

Silence fell like a hammer, only to be interrupted by an infectious giggle that started in the back of the group. Sara, who knew most of the children from her practice at the children's clinic, hushed a few with a sharp look. Maria took care of the rest, her swivel chair groaning with relief as she raised herself above the counter. The giggling shut off like a faucet.

Maggie Burgess, a child whose parents gave more credence to her opinion than any child of that age ought to be given, dared to say, 'Hey, Dr. Linton,' in a grating, singsong voice.

Sara gave a curt nod. 'Maggie.'

'Uh,' Brad began, a deep blush still souring his milk-white complexion. Sara was keenly aware of his gaze lingering a little too long on her bare legs. 'Ya'll . . . uh . . . y'all know Dr. Linton.'

Maggie rolled her eyes. 'Well,
she said, her sarcastic tone reviving a few giggles.

Brad pushed on. 'Dr. Linton is also the medical examiner in town, in addition to being a pediatrician.' He spoke in an instructional tone, though surely the children already knew this. It was a subject of great humor on the bathroom walls at the elementary school. 'I imagine she's here on county business. Dr. Linton?'

'Yes,' Sara answered, trying to sound like Brad's peer rather than someone who could remember him bursting into tears at the mere mention of a shot. 'I'm here to talk to the Chief of Police about a case we're working on.'

Maggie opened her mouth again, probably to repeat something horrible she had heard her mother say about Sara and Jeffrey's relationship, but Maria's chair squeaked and the child remained silent. Sara vowed she would go to church next Sunday just to thank the woman.

Maria's voice was only slightly less condescending than Maggie's when she told Sara, 'I'll go check-see if Chief Tolliver is available.'

'Thank you,' Sara answered, promptly changing her mind about church.

'Well, uh . . .' Brad began, brushing off his hat again. 'Why don't we go on back now?' He opened one of the swinging doors in the counter to allow the children through, telling Sara, 'Ma'am,' giving her a polite nod before following them.

Sara walked over to the photographs on the wall, looking at all the familiar faces. Except for her time at college and working at Grady Hospital in Atlanta, Sara had always lived in Grant County. Most of the men on the wall had played poker with her father at one time or another. The rest of them had been deacons at the church when Sara was a child or had policed football games back when she was a teenager and was desperately infatuated with Steve Mann, the captain of the Chess Club. Before Sara moved away to Atlanta, Mac Anders had caught Sara and Steve making out behind the House of Chilidogs. A few weeks later, his squad car rolled six times during a high-speed chase and Mac was dead.

Sara shuddered, a superstitious fear creeping along her skin like the legs of a spider. She moved on to the next picture, which showed the force when Jeffrey first took over the job as police chief. He had just come from Birmingham and everyone had been skeptical about the outsider, especially when he hired Lena Adams, Grant County's first female cop. Sara studied Lena in the group photograph. Her chin was tilted up in defiance and there was a glint of challenge in her eye. There were more than a dozen women patrolling now, but Lena would always be the first. The pressure must have been enormous, though Sara had never thought of Lena as a role model. As a matter of fact, there were several things about the other woman's personality that Sara found abhorrent.

'He said come on back.' Maria stood at the swinging doors. 'It's sad, isn't it?' she asked, indicating the picture of Mac Anders.

'I was at school when it happened.'

'I won't even tell you what they did to that animal that chased him off the road.' There was a note of approval in Maria's voice. Sara knew the suspect had been beaten so severely he'd lost an eye. Ben Walker, the police chief at the time, was a very different cop from Jeffrey.

Maria held open the doors for her. 'He's back in interrogation doing some paperwork.'

'Thank you,' Sara said, taking one more look at Mac before walking through.

The station house had been built in the mid-1930s when the cities of Heartsdale, Madison, and Avondale had consolidated their police and fire service into the county. The building had been a feed store co-op, but the city bought it cheap when the last of the local farms went bust. All the character had been drained from the building during the renovation, and not much had been done to help the decor in the decades that followed. The squad room was nothing more than a long rectangle, with Jeffrey's office on one side and the bathroom on the other. Dark fake paneling still reeked of nicotine from before the county's anti-smoking policy. The drop ceiling looked dingy no matter how many times the inserts were replaced. The tile floor was made of asbestos and Sara always held her breath when she walked over the cracked portion by the bathroom. Even without the tile, she would have held her breath near the bathroom. Nowhere was it more evident that the Grant County police force was still predominantly male than in the squad room's unisex bathroom.

She muscled open the heavy fire door that separated the squad room from the rest of the building. A newer section had been built onto the back of the station fifteen years ago when the mayor had realized they could make some money holding prisoners for nearby overburdened counties. A thirty-cell jail block, a conference room, and the interrogation room had seemed luxurious at the time, but age had done its work and despite a recent fresh coat of paint, the newer areas looked just as worn-down as the old ones.

Sara's heels clicked across the floor as she walked down the long hallway, then stopped outside the interrogation room to straighten her dress and buy herself some time. She had not been this nervous around her ex-husband in a long while, and she hoped it did not show as she entered the room.

Jeffrey sat at a long table, stacks of papers spread over the surface as he took notes on a legal pad. His coat was off, his sleeves rolled up. He did not glance up when she came in, but he must have been watching, because when Sara started to close the door, he said, 'Don't.'

She put her briefcase on the table and waited for him to look up. He didn't, and she was torn between throwing her briefcase at his head and throwing herself at his feet. While these two conflicting emotions had been par for the course throughout the nearly fifteen years they had known each other, it was usually Jeffrey prostrating himself in front of Sara, not the other way around. After four years of divorce, they had finally fallen back into a relationship. Three months ago, he had asked her to marry him again, and his ego could not abide her rejection, no matter how many times she explained her reasons. They had not seen each other outside of work since, and Sara was running out of ideas.

Withholding an exasperated sigh, she said, 'Jeffrey?'

'Just leave the report there,' he said, nodding toward an empty corner on the table as he underlined something on the legal pad.

'I thought you might want to go over it.'

'Was there anything unusual?' he asked, picking up another stack of papers, still not looking at her.

'I found a map in her lower bowel that leads to buried treasure.'

He did not take the bait. 'Did you put that in the report?'

'Of course not,' she teased. 'I'm not splitting that kind of money with the county.'

Jeffrey gave her a sharp look that said he didn't appreciate her humor. 'That's not very respectful to the deceased.'

Sara felt a flash of shame but she tried not to show it.

'What's the verdict?'

'Natural causes,' Sara told him. 'The blood and urine came back clean. There were no remarkable findings during the physical exam. She was ninety-eight years old. She died peacefully in her sleep.'


Sara watched him write, waiting for him to realize she was not going to leave. He had a beautiful, flowing script, the kind you would never expect from an ex-jock and especially from a cop. Part of her had fallen in love with him the first time she had seen his handwriting.

She shifted from one foot to the other, waiting.

'Sit down,' he finally relented, holding out his hand for the report. Sara did as she was told, giving him the slim file.

He scanned her notes. 'Pretty straightforward.'

'I've already talked to her kids,' Sara told him, though 'kids' hardly seemed appropriate considering that the woman's youngest child was nearly thirty years older than Sara. 'They know they were grasping at straws.'

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