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Authors: Neil Oliver

Tags: #Great Britain, #Europe, #History, #Ireland

A History of Ancient Britain (66 page)

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Abbot’s Bromley horn dance,
ref 1

Achaidh Chéide (Céide Fields),
ref 1

Actium, Battle of,
ref 1

Affleck, Tom,
ref 1

African migrants,
ref 1

Agassiz, Louis,
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Agincourt, Battle of,
ref 1
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Alaric, King of the Visigoths,
ref 1

Albert, Prince,
ref 1

alcoholic drinks,
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Alexander the Great,
ref 1

Alexander Helios,
ref 1

All Cannings Cross,
ref 1

Alt Clut,
ref 1

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‘Amesbury Archer’,
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hunting dogs,
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Kashmir goats,
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Orkney voles,
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wild boar,
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wild cattle,
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wild horse,
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Antonine Wall,
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Antoninus Pius, Emperor,
ref 1

Antony and Cleopatra,
ref 1

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