A History of Britain, Volume 2 (83 page)

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Dering, Sir Edward 99

Derwentwater, Earl of 284

De Witt brothers 234, 256, 257

Dickinson, John 384

Dickson, David 72, 73

Digby, Sir Everard 36

Digby, Lord George 100, 101

‘Diggers' 155

Dinwiddie, Robert 351


Dorchester 46–7, 48, 66, 80, 83, 117, 118

Dover, Treaty of 234, 254

Downes, John 138

Drax, James 332

Drogheda, siege of 166–9

Dryden, John 201, 213

Dugdale, William 68, 94, 223

Dunbar, battle of 173, 204

Dundas, Henry 413

Dupleix, Marquis de 397, 398, 399

Dutch Republic

East India Company 270, 328, 346, 356, 359, 375, 376, 388, 389–411
, 416, 418, 419, 422

Eastern Association 115, 122, 151

Edgehill, battle of 110–16

Edinburgh 315

elections 57, 82, 212, 242, 246, 258, 261, 278–81
, 290

Elector Frederick 42, 48, 49

Eliot, Sir John 58., 60, 62, 79, 104

Elizabeth I 19, 24, 38, 39, 40, 49, 50, 52, 53, 138, 178, 243, 321, 322, 375

Elizabeth, Princess 37, 42, 48

Ellesmere, Lord 41

Equiano, Olaudah 335–6, 338, 339, 358, 362, 363

Essex, Earl of 42, 83, 87, 100, 109, 110, 111–14, 120–3
, 151, 164

Evangelicals 34, 36

Evelyn, John 175–7
, 197, 203, 207, 208, 213, 215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 225, 227, 231, 241, 246

Exclusion crisis 238, 242–4, 247, 249

Fagel, Gaspar 257

Fairfax, Sir Thomas 121, 124, 127, 131, 132, 136–7, 150, 155, 165, 173, 198, 206

Falkirk, battle of 308

Falkland, Lord 84, 88, 91, 99, 104, 110, 143

Fawkes, Guido 36–7, 240

Feake, Christopher 185–7
, 203

Felton, John 59

Fens, drainage of 66

Fergus, King of Scotland 73

Ferguson, Adam 315

Fielding, Henry 295

Fifth Monarchists 148, 157, 186, 203, 211

Filmer, Sir Robert 242, 244

Finch, Sir John 60, 87, 94, 101

Fleetwood, Charles 171, 193, 197, 201, 204

Fletcher, Andrew 270, 275

Fortescue, Sir Faithful 112

Fowey, battle of 121–2

Fox, Charles James 388

Fox, George 158–9, 161, 196, 203, 334

France/French 55, 56, 79, 233, 234, 251, 253, 254, 256, 273, 283, 284, 306, 308–9

Empire 345–7
, 348–52, 385–6, 387, 388, 397

war with 253, 273–4, 322, 353, 355–63, 398, 399, 418–19

franchise 149, 185

Francis, Philip 409

Franklin, Benjamin 349–50, 352, 353, 362, 366, 372–3, 375, 381

Fraser, Simon, 12th Baron Lovat 311

Frederick, Prince of Wales 317, 318–19, 348

Frederick the Great 359

Gage, General 373, 381, 382, 383, 412

Garbett, Samuel 312

Gardiner, S.R. 17

Garnet, Father Thomas 37

Garway, Thomas 328

Gauden, Dr John 145

Gay, John 297

George I 282, 288–91
, 317

George II 297, 298, 302, 307, 318, 363, 409

George III 363, 380, 412

Gilchrist, John 411

Glassford, John 313

Glencoe massacre 267–8

Glenlyon, Captain Robert 267

Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry 240–1

Goodman, Bishop Godfrey 38

Gordon, John 18

Goring, General 127, 128

Gowrie, Earl of 25

Graham, James, Earl of Montrose 17, 95, 125–6

John, 1st Viscount Dundee 265

Grand Remonstrance 80, 98–100, 139

Great Seal 141, 144, 188, 259

Greene, Ann 192

Grenville, Sir Bevil 16, 104, 117

Grenville, George 363, 366, 367, 370–2

Gresham College 210, 215

gunpowder 66; plot 36–8

Haidar Ali, Sultan of Mysore 412, 416

Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey 411

Halifax, Marquis of 252

Hamilton, Duke of 22, 72, 74, 75, 134, 152, 283

Hamilton, James, Earl of Abercorn 32

John, 2nd Baron Belhaven 276

Hampden, John 18, 62, 81, 83, 100, 111, 112, 119, 322, 323, 385, 421

Hancock, John 368, 372, 373, 382, 383

Handel, Frederick 310

Harley, Brilliana 55, 68, 93, 103, 108, 109, 118–19

Edward 131, 291

Robert 34, 44, 55, 63, 68, 89, 93, 96, 103, 108, 118, 119, 165, 274

Harrington, James 203, 372

Harrison, Major-Gen. Thomas 157, 180, 185, 209, 210

Haselrig, Sir Arthur 83, 88, 91, 100, 111, 119, 161, 175, 178, 182, 189, 202, 206

Hastings, Warren 391, 408–13

Hatfield House 39

Hawke, Admiral 361

Hay, Lord James 39

Heads of the Proposals 132, 136

Henrietta Maria 55, 65, 85, 92, 100, 232

Henry, Prince of Wales 41, 42

Henry, Patrick 370

Hickey, William 410

Hill, Col. Sir John 266

Hispaniola 231, 333, 345

Hobart, Sir Miles 60, 61, 62

Hobbes, Thomas 142–5, 159–60, 175–6, 191, 204, 244, 262


142, 143, 159

Hogarth, William 295, 296, 298, 307, 311

Holland, Earl of 77, 152

Holland 56, 186, 234, 252–7
, 330–1, 392, 401

war with 178, 186, 216, 226, 234–5

Hollar, Wenceslaus 145, 224

Holles, Denzil 60, 62, 82, 100, 101, 111, 114, 115, 119, 130, 131, 164, 165, 206, 207, 242

John, 1st Duke of Newcastle 282

Holwell, Zephaniah 401

Home, Henry, Lord Kames 362, 372

de Hooghe, Romeyn 247

Hooke, Robert 215, 222, 227

Hopkins, John 18

Hopton, Sir Ralph 116–17, 119–20

Hotham, Sir John 109, 116

Houghton Hall 290, 291, 316

House of Lords 59, 93, 141, 151, 152, 260, 261

Howard, Frances 42, 43–5

Thomas, 2nd Earl of Arundel 76

Howe, Gen. Sir William 357, 387

Huggins, John 295

Hughes, Rev. Griffith 343

Huguenots 55, 56, 251, 264, 281

Humble Petition and Advice 196, 236, 261

Hume, David 314, 315, 372

Hutchinson, Lucy 142

Hutchinson, Governor Thomas 369, 371, 374, 376, 377, 378, 412

Hyde, Anne 213, 232, 247

Edward, Earl of Clarendon 84, 85, 88, 94, 99, 104, 106, 110, 138, 139, 143, 209–13, 226, 227, 232, 236

Code 211, 212

Laurence, Earl of Rochester 245

Icolmkill, Statutes of 30

Ile de Ré 59

India 325, 345, 346, 356, 359, 375, 385–6, 388–422

College of Fort William 421

Mughal Empire 395–8, 404–5, 418

Indonesia 392

Instrument of Government 187, 189

Inverlochy, battle of 16

Ireland 14, 21–3
, 31–3, 78–9, 90, 95–9, 120, 124–5, 129, 148, 166–72, 192–3, 250–3, 263, 264

Confederacy 98, 124, 129, 135, 148, 166

and Cromwell 165–72

plantations 31–2, 90, 95

rebellion 96–8, 129–30, 163, 230–1

Ulster 31, 32, 33, 72, 90, 95, 96, 124, 129

Ireton, Henry 127, 130, 131, 135–6
138, 149, 150, 152, 165, 171, 208

Jackson, Sir John 57

Jacobitism: 1715 rebellion 282–3, 302–3; 1745 rising 303–13

Jacombe, Robert 288

Jahangir, Emperor 392, 421

Jamaica 340, 342, 343, 363

James VI and I 18–54, 56–7, 63, 67, 73, 325

Basilikon Doron

Book of Sports
47, 194

court 38–40, 44–5

and parliament 22, 38, 40–1, 50–1

True Law of Free Monarchies
25, 26

James VII and II 144, 246–60, 263–4, 279

as Duke of York 110, 112, 213, 220, 229, 232, 236, 238, 242, 243, 246–7, 323, 385

James Edward Stuart 255, 258–9, 260, 273, 274, 282–4

Jefferson, Thomas 380, 384, 385

Jeffreys, Judge 247, 368

Jews 181–91, 264

Johnson, Sir Patrick 275

Johnston, Archibald 23, 73, 77

Jones, Inigo 33, 39, 128

Jones, Lt-Col. Michael 166, 168

Jonson, Ben 19–22
, 28, 39, 42

Joyce, Cornet George 131

JPs 65, 86, 130, 186, 193, 195

Juán de Mariana 36

Kedleston Hall 315, 316

Kent, William 290, 321, 322, 324

de Kéroualle, Louise 233

Kettle, Tilly 410

Killiecrankie, battle of 265–6

kingship 25–7, 58, 59–60, 64, 94–5, 128, 139–40, 238, 242, 251–2, 263, 264, 279

La Bourdonnais, Bertrand-Francis 397

Lambert, Gen. John 187, 189, 193, 197, 204

Lancaster, Treaty of 350

Langport, battle of 128

Lansdown, battle of 16, 117

Laud, Archbishop 55–7, 60, 67–9
, 72, 73, 80, 84, 87–9, 93, 94, 150, 211, 223, 224, 323, 368

Lauderdale, Earl of 233

Lauzun, Comte de 253, 263

Law, John 287

Lawrence, Governor Charles 354

Leicester, sack of 127

Lenthall, Speaker 101, 180

Leslie, Gen. Alexander, Earl of Leven 75, 86, 119

Leslie, Gen. David 121, 173

l'Estrange, Roger 212

Levellers 130, 135, 149–56, 175, 185, 203

Ligon, Richard 332

Lilburne, Elizabeth 153

John 130, 149–56, 175

Lindsey, Earl of 110

loan, forced 56, 57, 58, 90, 104, 143

Locke, John 242, 244, 261, 285

London 293–5, 297

city of 190–1, 221–3

fire of 217–21, 239–40

plague 216–17

Louis XIV 213, 233, 235, 247, 253–6
273, 283, 284

Louis XV 63, 309

Louisbourg, siege of 358

Ludlow, Edmund 160, 171, 175, 183, 192, 193, 202, 208, 209, 210, 261–3

Macaulay, Thomas Babington 250, 253, 263, 400

MacColla, Alasdair 17, 124–5

MacDonald, Alasdair 266

Flora 313

Macdonnell, Randal,

Marquis of Antrim 79, 124

Maclains of Glencoe 266–7

Major-generals 195

de Mandeville, Bernard 297

Mandeville, Viscount, Earl of Manchester 100, 115, 122–3, 132, 151, 164

Mansfeld, Count Ernst von 52

Mar, Earl of 283

Marston Moor, battle of 120–1

Marten, Henry 141, 161, 175, 177, 179, 183, 184

Marvell, Andrew 172, 238, 239

Mary, Princess 233, 247, 252, 253, 254, 255;

Queen 261

Mary of Modena 231, 242, 255

Mary, Queen of Scots 24, 36, 53, 136, 138

Mary Tudor 248

Mead, Joseph 58

Melville, Andrew 25, 29

Menasseh ben Israel 189, 190

Mersenne, Marin 142

Milton, John 146–7
, 205, 209, 231, 322, 421


Tenure of Kings and Magistrates

Mir Jafar, nawab of Bengal 402, 403

Monck, Gen. George 204–7

Monmouth, Duke of 173, 242, 246–7, 252

Monro, Robert 98, 120, 124, 166, 168

Montagu, Edward, Earl of Sandwich 185, 188, 201, 203, 205, 207, 210

Montagu, Lord 106

Montague, Richard 55, 60

Montcalm, Marquis de 359–61

Montesquieu 349, 372

Morley, Herbert 204

Murray, Lord George 306, 308, 309

Nadir Shah 396

Naseby, battle of 127–8

Navigation Act 178

Nayler, James 159, 196

Nedham, Marchmont 160

Newbury, battle of 122

Newcastle, Duke of 120, 121

Newdigate, John 33

newsletters 61–2, 80

Nijmegen, Treaty of 254

Nonconformists 211, 212, 234, 251, 281
see also individual entries

Norden, John 14

North, Lord 375, 376, 380, 408

Oates, Titus 236, 238–41, 244, 249

O'Donnell, Rory, Earl of Tyrconnel 31

Ogilvy, James, Earl of Seafield 276

Oliver, Andrew 369, 377

O'Neill, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone 31, 96

Owen Roe 97, 124, 166

Phelim 96, 166

Ormonde, Duke of 148, 166, 282; Earl of 96, 98

Otis, James 368, 370

Overbury, Sir Thomas 42, 43, 44

Overton, Mary 153

Richard 149, 152, 155


Paine, Thomas 384

Panipat, battle of 404

Paris, Peace of 363

parliament 26, 37, 38, 56, 57, 60–3, 79–80, 84–5, 87–93, 99–106, 123, 128–31, 134, 147, 148, 189, 196, 238, 242, 243, 253, 278
see also

Barebones 185–7

‘Cavalier' 210, 236

and Charles I 53–7, 59–62, 79, 85–7, 99–102, 109–29, 135–8, 146–7, 177–8

Committee of Account 262

Convention 206, 260–1, 263, 273

and Cromwell 165, 178–86

and Crown 22, 38, 41, 50–1, 52, 54–5, 60, 61, 88, 242–3, 261, 278

Long 87–137, 165, 261, 263

Militia Ordinance 102, 104, 107

19 Propositions 102, 107

‘Protestation' 50

and revenue/taxation 40–1, 50, 56–60, 65, 81, 82, 84, 87, 261, 277–8, 323

Rump 136, 138, 177–84, 201, 202, 205

Self-denying Ordinance 123

Septennial Act 290, 323

Short 84, 85

Triennial Act 88, 262

party politics 238, 278–81, 290
see also
Tories; Whigs

Paterson, William 269, 275

patronage 289–91

Pelham, Henry 304, 346

Thomas, Duke of Newcastle 346, 351, 353, 357

Penn, William 250, 252, 262

Penruddock, John 194

Pepys, Samuel 205–7, 210, 212, 214–15, 217–19
, 226, 229, 241, 250

Percy, Thomas 36, 37

Perth, ‘5 Articles' of 29, 73

Petition of Right 59, 162, 323

Pett, Peter 226

Petty, Sir William 15, 191–3, 203, 215

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