A History of the Wife (65 page)

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Authors: Marilyn Yalom

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage & Long Term Relationships, #Social Science, #Women's Studies, #History, #Civilization, #Marriage

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“Dear Abby” column by Abigail Van Buren. Copyright 1998 Universal Press Syndi- cate. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Norman R. Shapiro,
The Comedy of Eros
, 2nd edition (Urbana and Chicago: Univer- sity of Illinois Press, 1997).

The Book of Margery Kempe
, translated by B. A. Windeatt (Penguin Classics, 1965), copyright B. A. Windeatt, 1965.

Gene Bruckner,
Giovanni and Lusanna: Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence
(Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1986). Permission granted by the Regents of the University of California and the University of California Press.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815–1897
(New York: Schocken Books, 1971 [1898]).

The American Slave
, ed. George P. Rawick (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Pub- lishing Group, Inc., 1972), vols. 4 and 5.

Mollie Sanford,
Mollie: The Journal of Mollie Dorsey Sanford
(Lincoln, Nebraska: Uni- versity of Nebraska Press, 1959).

James Henry Gleason,
Beloved Sister: The Letters of James Henry Gleason, 1841–1859

(Glendale, CA: The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1978).

Susan G. Butruille,
Women’s Voices from the Oregon Trail
(Boise, Idaho: Tamarack Books, 1995).

Lydia A. Rudd, “Notes by the Wayside en Route to Oregon,” Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

The Late-Victorian Marriage Question
, ed. Ann Heilmann (London: Routledge/ Thoemmes Press, 1998), 5 vols.

Victoria Jeans Laas,
Love and Power in the Nineteenth Century: The Marriage of Violet Blair
(Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press, 1998).

Mrs. Maybell Hargrove, Unpublished diary, in Mrs. Edsel P. Ford Collection, Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University.

Dear Boys: World War II Letters from a Woman Back Home
, ed. Judy Barnett Litoff and Davie C. Smith (Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi, 1991).

Since You Went Away: World War II Letters from American Women on the Home Front
, 1991, edited by Judy Barnett Litoff and David C. Smith. Used by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc.

Linda Wolfe,
Women and Sex in the 80s: The Cosmo Report
(New York: Arbor House, 1981). (Bantam paperback, 1982.)


Note: Entries in this index, carried over verbatim from the print edition of this title, are unlikely to correspond to the pagination of any given e-book reader. However, entries in this index, and other terms, may be easily located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.

Abbott, Mrs. Lyman, 286–87 Abelard, 60–65, 69

Abimelech, King, 7

abortion, 302–4 Depression era America,


Roe v. Wade,
373 Abraham, 7–8

abuse, 23, 111

in Colonial America, 148 in the late twentieth

century, 363–64 legal permission for, 46 in medieval Europe,


runaway wives, 150–51

See also

Abuse of Maternity
(Evans), 295

Acton, William, 182, 204–5

Adam, 1,
, 3, 58

Adam and Eve
(Cranach, the elder),

Adams, Abigail, 151–56,

, 158

Adams, Betsy, 158

Adams, Charles Wilson, 251, 252,

Adams, John, 151–56, 158 Adams, Maria Abagail Henry,


Adams, Samuel, 158 adultery

in ancient Greece, 22–23 in Biblical times, 12 Christianity and, 12–13 in medieval Europe,

65–66, 91–92

in Puritan New England, 134–35

in Roman times, 31–32 in Tudor and Stuart

England, 120–21

unfaithfulness, 399–400 advertising and a wife’s

image, 359,
, 361

advice (and conduct) literature

in the antebellum South, 204

in Colonial America, 148 in the late twentieth

century, 358

in medieval Europe, 67–68 in Tudor and Stuart

England, 110–11, 122 in the Victorian era, 180,


women’s magazines, 286,

364, 372, 392–93

See also
literature and women

Advice on Love
(Fournival), 68
Advice to Ladies
(Bolis), 68 Aeschylus, 19

affection, displays of, 32–33 African Americans

antimiscegenation laws, 142, 144, 193

black women and the marriage market, 397

Depression era abortions, 314

and marriage, 142, 144,


and World War II, 330, 331–33, 343

See also
slavery Agamemnon, 10, 19

Age of Iron
(Currier and Ives),

, 267–68

Albert, Prince, 183 Alexander III, Pope, 52
(Van Meckenem),



antebellum South, 203–25

Colonial period, 146–51 Depression era couple,
early history, women’s

position in, 140–41

marital laws, 189–91

Puritan New England, 126–45

the Revolutionary War, 158–61

Western frontier, 226–62 the Woman Question in,


women in the population, 141–42, 144–45

World War II, 317–51 Victorian era, 191–203

American Association of College Women, 344

American Birth Control League, 313

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(Taussig), 314

American Medical Association, 303

American Red Cross, 344–45, 345–48

(Ovid), 28

Amsdorf, Dr., 102

Anderson, Sarah, 208 Angelo of Foligno, 80

Anna Karenina
(Tolstoy), 277 antebellum South, 203–25

antimiscegenation laws, 142, 144, 193

slavery, 192, 208, 210,

210–14, 214–23

slavery, opposition to, 223

women, expectations of, 205–6

women, population of, 205

Anthony, Mark, 30, 35–37

Anthony, Susan B., 190, 194,


“Antinomian controversy,” 135–36

Antoinette, Marie, 165

Antonio, 88

Apollodorus, 22

Aristophanes, 20, 24

Aristotle, 22, 24

Arnolfini and His Wife
(van Eyck), 94

Arnoud, 52

Artemis, 21

Ashmore, Ruth, 286

Ashton, James, 299 Asini, Fra Felice, 89 Astrolabe, 62

Augustine, Saint, 15, 57

Augustus (Octavius), 30, 31,

35, 36, 37–38


Austin, John, 178–80

Austin, Sarah Taylor, 178–80, 181

Awakening, The
(Chopin), 308

Baby and Child Care
(Spock), 358

Ballou, Mary, 246–52 Balzac, Honoré de, 276

Bancroft, Mrs. Hubert Howe, 257

Barton, Clara, 344

Bashkirtseff, Marie, 265
Bazaar-Book of Decorum,
199 Beauvoir, Simone de,

362–63, 369, 387

Beecher, Catherine, 195 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 174 Beeton, Mrs., 181, 183 “Before the birth of one of her

Children” (Bradstreet), 129–30

Belknap, George, 238 Belknap, Jessie (son), 238 Belknap, Kitturah (Kit)

Penton, 238 Bell, John Bruce, 251 Bell, Virginia, 216

Bell Jar, The
(Plath), 361 Bendy, Edgar, 224

Bening, Simon, 48

Bernard, Jessie, 394

Berry, Fanny, 220 betrothal

ancient Greece, 21

Roman times, 27

Better Homes and Gardens,

323, 363

Beverley, Charlotte, 219

biblical times, 1–16 Abraham and Sarah, 7–8 Adam and Eve, 1,
, 3, 58 Elkanah and Hannah, 6–7

Jacob and Rachel, 8–9 Job, 10

Mary and Joseph, 11 bicycles and women’s

liberation, 285–86

bigamy, 89–91

birth control, 70, 297, 305–7 in the antebellum South,


condoms, 300

diaphragms, 300

Margaret Sanger, 304–6

rhythm method, 307

See also
abortion; contraception

bisexuality, 22.
Ses also
lesbianism; homosexuality

Bjørnson, Bjønstjerne, 265

Blackstone, William, 185 Blackwell, Antoinette Brown,


Blackwood, W. R. D., 301 Blair, Sarah Harrison, 142 Blinn, Odelia, 304 Bloomer, Amelia Jenks, 198 Blyth, Benjamin, 152

Boatwright, Eleanor Miot, 205 Boccaccio, 83

Bodichon, Barbara Leigh Smith, 187, 189

Bolis, Robert de, 68

Book of Household Management

(Beeton), 181

Book of Margery Kempe, The,


Book of Nature
(Ashton), 299

Book of the Knight of La Tour- Landry, The,

Bora, Katherina von, 98, 100–5,

Bost, Sophie, 226, 230

Bost, Theodore, 226, 230
Boston Evening Post,
159 Boston Women’s Health

Collective, 372

Boswell, John, 40

Bowlby, John, 361 Bracton, Henry de, 46 Bradstreet, Anne, 126–34,


Bradstreet, Samuel (son), 132 Bradstreet, Simon (husband),


Bradstreet, Simon (son), 128, 132

Brasher, Helena Kortwright, 161

breast-feeding, 128–29

Bremer, Frederika, 264, 265

Bride’s Bush, A
(Whateley), 122

“Bridegroomes Comming, The” (Donne), 122

Bridget of Sweden, Saint, 80

Brief Summary in Plain Language, of the Most Important Laws concerning Women, A
(Bodichon), 187

Brontë, Charlotte, 184

Browning, Elizabeth, 187

Brucker, Gene, 87

Bryan, Maria, 206–7 Buckingham, J. S., 191 Bumpas, Fanny Moore Webb,


Burnap, George, 194

Burras, Anne, 141

Burton, Richard, 358 Butler, Pierce Butler, 221,


Butzer, Elisabeth, 106–7

Butzer, Nathanael, 106–7

Caesar, Julius, 35

Caesarion, 35

Caird, Mona, 268–70, 276

Calpurnia, 38–39

Calvin, John, 133

Comfort, Alex, 372

Canterbury Tales
(Chaucer), 45, 53, 75

Cantwell, John, 151

Cantwell, Sarah, 151

Capellanus, Andreas, 67 Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius,


Carlson, Eric, 111

Carter, Cato, 217

Cary, Virginia Randolph, 204
Casti Conubii
(Pius X), 307 Castel, Etienne de, 81 Catherine of Aragon, 108 Catholicism

and birth control, 307, 370

church weddings, 52–55,


and clerical marriage, 58–60

monasticism, 15

See also
Protestantism Caton, Mrs. W. B., 228 Catullus, 29, 31

Cawnt, Elizabeth, 113

newspaper, 305

Center for Research on Women (Institute for Research on Women and Gender), 374

Chafe, William, 322, 351 Champagne, Marie de, 67 Chan, Agnes, 384, 387

Charles I, 127

Charles V, 81 chastity

in medieval Europe, 79–80 in Roman times, 25, 27

Châtelet, Madame du, 162 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 45, 53, 75 chess, religious opposition to,


Chicago Times,
303, 304

Child, Lydia Maria, 183, 212 childbirth (and care)

in the antebellum South, 212–14

barrenness, 128

breast-feeding, 128–29 in Colonial America, 150 cradle,

death and, 129–30,


infant packs, 382–83,

in the late twentieth century, 353–54, 358,

367, 389–90

longevity of women and, 389–90

in medieval Europe, 70–73,

out of wedlock, 177 single mothers, 398

in the Victorian era, 199 on the Western frontier,

230, 256

in World War II, 338 childlessness, 398

Chopin, Kate, 308 Chrétien de Troyes, 66 Christianity

and adultery, 12–13

banns, 53–53 conceptions of marriage,


hierarchy of womanhood, 58,

See also
Catholicism; Protestantism

Christina of Markyate, 51 Christine de Pizan, 81–82 Chrysostome, Saint John,


Church of England, 108 Cicero, 31

City of Women, The
(Christine de Pizan), 81

Clark, Anne, 220

Cleopatra, 35–37

Clinton, Bill, 167, 391–92 Clinton, Hillary Rodham,

167, 391–92

clitorodectomy, 41–42

Clodia, 31

Clytemnestra, 10

Cochrane, Cecilia Maria, 186 Cohen Falcon, Hakkym ben

Jehiel, 92–93

Collet, Camilla, 264

Collins, Frances, 304

Collins, William, 150–51

Commentaries on the Laws of England
(Blackstone), 185

Common Sense Book of Baby Care
(Spock), 358

Comstock, Anthony, 300,


condoms, 300

Condorcet, Madame, 162 Condorcet, Marquis de,


“Conservative Woman, The” (Ashmore), 286

contraception, 70, 297–98,


cervical caps,

in Depression era America, 313–14

diaphragms, 300, 301

oral contraception, 363 in Roman times, 30

See also
abortions; birth control; suppositories

Coontz, Stephanie, 363, 386

Cornelia, 33, 34

Cornelia Tyche, 39

Cosmo Report,

magazine, 375

Cotton, John, 136, 144–45 Council of Trent, 46

couples, artistic depictions of, 94–95,

courtship and engagement in the antebellum South,

206–7, 208

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