A Home for Christmas (12 page)

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Authors: Ann Vaughn

BOOK: A Home for Christmas
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Chapter Thirteen



Cam came home excited and hyped up from his
weekend at the Great Wolf Lodge, which was a hotel with an indoor water park. 
Jenna smiled when Cam launched himself into Riley's arms and gave him an
exuberant hug when he saw him.  Riley hung on Cam's every word, and he
wasn't just indulging or patronizing him, he was asking questions and was
genuinely interested in what Cam had to say.  It made her love Riley all
the more. 

"Hey, Mom, are we supposed to go to
Grandmother's tonight?" Cam asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Oh, um...I really hadn't thought about it,
bud," she said.  Tonight was her parents' Christmas party.  With
all that had happened with Riley on Friday, and having had him all to herself
up until now, she had completely forgotten about it.

"What's tonight?" Riley asked.

"Grandmother's big Christmas party. 
Aunt Jackie just came to town last night.  She texted me."

Riley studied Jenna a moment and she tried not to
squirm under his scrutiny.  He could tell she was uncomfortable and she
could see him trying to figure out what to say to help her.

"Do you not want to go?" he asked.

She shrugged.  "It's not that big of a

"Mom doesn't like to go because it's all
pretty snooty," Cam explained.  "We have to get all dressed

"That wouldn't be so bad," Riley said,
looking to Jenna.

She sighed and studied him.  "Would you
mind going with us?  I know it's last minute, but you'd need a tux."

"I don't have a tux, but I have my dress

Cam laughed.  "Grandmother will have a
cow when she sees us walk in with Riley in uniform, Mom."

Jenna knew he was right.  Her mother, with
all her flash and pretense, would love seeing her walk in with Riley at her

"You don't know what you're getting yourself
into," she told Riley.

He flashed her a bright smile.  "I've
faced down Al Qaeda.  I think I can handle you mother."

"Famous last words, my friend," she
said, shaking her head.

He leaned down and kissed her.  "If
we're going to this shin-dig, I need to run home and grab my uniform."

"Can I come with you?" Cam asked, eyes

"Sure, if it's all right with your

"Can I, Mom?"

She smiled.  "Sure.  This thing
starts at 7:00, Riley," she told him.

"OK.  So we have plenty of time to get
ready," he said, seeing that it was only 1:00.

She gave a sarcastic laugh.  "You do,
maybe.  I'm going to have to hit the salon."

Riley made a face that was so reminiscent of
looks she'd seen Cam give her that she rolled her eyes and turned away from

"You boys have fun."


"So, what's the story with your mom and your
grandmother?" Riley asked Cam when they got to Jack's place. 

Cam shrugged.  "Grandmother never liked
my dad.  She always thought that Mom sold herself short with him."

"So, your grandparents aren't a big part of
your life then?"

"Not like some people are with their
grandparents.  We go over there once a month for Saturday night
dinner.  I used to hate it when I was really little because Grandmother is
pretty...I don't know, stuffy, I guess.  I don't mind so much now. 
My other grandparents live in Nevada.  They're pretty cool but I don't see
them very often."

Riley set Cam up with the X-box and went into his
room to call his mother.  She'd told Jenna that she knew her parents. 
He figured it was time to get some inside information on the Cameron's.

"Hello, my First Born Son," his mother
greeted him when she answered her phone.  "What can I do for you

"Sheesh, Mom, what got into you?" he
chuckled at her greeting.

Her laughter sounded over the line, making him
smile bigger.  One thing about his mother, she always had a great sense of

"Can't I be happy to hear from my son?"

"Yeah, sure, OK.  How well do you know
Jenna's mother?"

"Well, just what I told you the other
night.  Elise and I served on the PTA board together when your brothers
were in school and I've worked with her several times with the Junior
League.  What did you want to know?"

"She's hosting a big Christmas party
tonight.  Black tie affair."

"Oh, yes, the Camerons' annual soiree. 
Your dad and I will be there.  Are you taking Jenna?"

"You and Dad are going?" he asked,

"We go every year.  I told you, we are
in the Junior League together.  Elise's party is right up there with the
Adtkissons' and the Chandlers' parties."

"Her family is that big, high society?"

"Ramsay Cameron is a cardiologist.  One
of the top in the state.  He's nice, very personable. Elise...well, she
has her moments.  After you and Jenna left, I started thinking back over
the years.  Jenna and her sister Jackie were debutantes...as in, you know,
Debutante Balls?  It must have driven Elise insane when Jenna hooked up
with Wade Blackwell.  And I can't imagine what she feels about Jenna being
a housekeeper, even if she does run a successful business."

"Jenna said she used to ride dirt bikes,
though.  I can't imagine her parents being so stuffy, Jenna being a
debutante, but also riding dirt bikes.  Her dad must have gotten her into
that.  Or grandfather or an uncle.  Someone."

"I don't know what to tell you there,
honey.  Elise and I were never great friends.  Just, friendly, you

"Yeah...so, I guess I will see you and Dad
there tonight."

"Yes, you will.  What are you
wearing?  It is Black Tie and I doubt you will have time to pick up a tux
at this short notice."

He laughed.  "I've got uniforms, Mom,

"Oh, Elise Cameron is going to love you, my
boy," she said, laughing.

"That's the plan.  See you there."

Riley put his phone down and then went into his
closet for the garment bag his dress whites were in.  The last time he'd
worn this, was at the funeral for one of his closest friends.  Unzipping
it, he gave it a good inspection, then stepped back to regard it a
moment.  If Jenna's mother was impressed by flash, he'd give her
flash.  Going deeper into his closet, he pulled his rucksack out and
fished inside for the box containing all his medals and ribbons.  He'd
accumulated several over the years but had never pinned them to his
uniform.  Now, he set about meticulously pinning each one on.  He
hated the flash, but he wanted to make Jenna proud.  If it meant he
flaunted things a little in order to impress her mother, then he'd do it.

"Grandmother is so gonna flip out when she
sees you," Cam said, coming up behind him in the room, watching him pin
the last of his medals onto his jacket.

"Well...let's hope it's enough to have her
treat your mom good.  What are you wearing tonight?"

"Grandmother sent my tux over a couple of
weeks ago."

"You don't mind getting all dressed

Cam shrugged.  "Doesn't bother me so
much.  I get to see Aunt Jackie, the food's good.  And Mom always

Riley stopped and looked over at Cam. 
"Your mom sings?"

"Aunt Jackie plays the piano and Mom
sings.  Every year.  Mom always sings O Holy Night, because that's
Grandmother's favorite Christmas song, and then she picks two more songs every
year that mean something to her.  Last year it was Silent Night and My
Grown-Up Christmas List.  I don't remember what she sang the times before

Jenna singing.  Definitely something to look
forward to, Riley decided.  He zipped his uniform up and then gave Cam an
assessing look.

"What?" Cam asked, shifting feet under
Riley's scrutiny.

"Think you and I need to hit the

Cam rubbed the unruly hair at the top of his head
and eyed Riley speculatively. 

"Yeah, OK.   Grandmother doesn't
like my mop any more than Mom does."

"Let's go fix it then," Riley said.


Jenna stepped back from her full-length mirror
and studied her appearance.  Her gown was a deep, deep red, one side
strapless, the other had a strap and an opening that left the top of her
shoulder bare, and then encased her right arm in a long sleeve.  The
bodice was form-fitting and beaded with the design of poinsettias that came to
an angled point at her left hip.  The skirt was long and flowing, pooling
at her feet.  A slit on the left side came up a few inches above her
knee.  It was the most daring dress she'd ever picked to wear to one of
her mother's parties, not that it was daring at all, it was just that it wasn't
black.  When she'd ordered it, she'd had no idea that she would be
attending with a date.  The bit of white lace that showed under the beaded
design on the bodice would look stunning next to Riley's dress whites. 

She was just finishing putting her earrings on
when she heard the door open and heard Cam's voice announcing that they were
home.  She emerged from her bedroom and stopped halfway down the hall when
she saw Riley and Cam.  Riley was already dressed in his uniform and the sight
was breathtaking.  He'd shaved and his hair was trimmed slightly shorter
than it had been.  He had his hat tucked under his arm, and his green eyes
were shining bright.  Next to him, she barely recognized Cam.  His
hair was now cut just as short and neat and trimmed as Riley's.

"What do you think, Mom?  I told her to
cut it just like Riley's."

She smiled at him.  "It looks
outstanding," she told him, loving the beaming smile he gave her. 
"Go get dressed, OK?"

He dashed off and disappeared into his bathroom. 
Jenna walked into the living room and stopped just before Riley.

"You are gorgeous, Sailor," she told

"And you are breathtaking," he said,
raising her hand to place a lingering kiss to her knuckles.

"How did you get him to cut his hair?"

"I just suggested he get a trim.  I was
just as surprised as you when I started seeing all those curls hit the floor."

"He adores you, Riley.  And after
sending him to the Great Wolf...you can do no wrong in his eyes."

"Won't always be the case, I'm sure.  I
better enjoy it while it lasts, huh?"

"You never know."

He stepped closer and trailed his fingers down
her exposed neck.  Her hair was twisted up in an elaborate braid at the
nape of her neck, with a few tendrils trailing down in strategic places. 
To him, she looked like she'd just walked off the pages of a fashion
magazine.  He lightly brushed her lips with his, frustrating her when he
pulled back.

"I don't want to mess your make-up," he
said in explanation.

She reached up and pulled him down with a hand on
his nape.  "Good thing about make-up?  It's easy to
reapply," she said, kissing him more deeply.

Cam came out of his room, seeing his mom and
Riley kissing again.  They were doing that more and more and he really
began to hope even harder that it meant that Riley was here to stay.  He
wanted that.  He wanted Riley in their lives for good more than he'd ever
wanted anything else, maybe even more than he'd once wanted his dad to come
back to live with them.  That was because, even though he was a kid, he could
tell that his mother had never been this happy when his dad was still around.

"Look at you, handsome," Jenna said,
noticing Cam had come in the room.  "I'm going to be the envy of
every woman there, with the two most handsome men in the world on my arms."

"Sheesh, Mom, stop," Cam grumbled.

"Ready to head out?" Riley asked her.

"Let's get this show on the road," she

Riley led her out and she was stopped in her
tracks once again.  In her driveway, sat a gorgeous silver Mercedes.

"It's Aaron's," he told her. 
"Thought you'd appreciate riding in style."

"This is Aaron's car?  But I thought
that huge monstrosity you've been driving around was his."

"It is, but he got this for himself when he
passed the bar exam."

"Impressive," she said and allowed him
to help her inside.

She watched Riley round the hood and then fold
himself into the front seat.  Yes, her mother really was going to lose it
when she met Riley Stanton.

Chapter Fourteen



Riley followed Jenna's directions to her parents'
house and wasn't surprised to find that they lived in the exclusive Pecan Ridge
Ranch Estates neighborhood.  That theirs was the center house of an
exclusive cul-de-sac didn't surprise him, either.  The house was
sprawling, almost Grecian plantation style with large white columns, grand
staircase leading up to the front doors.  He couldn't imagine Jenna
growing up in such a place.  It was a contradiction to all he knew of

He pulled into the circular drive and was greeted
by valets, who had Jenna's and Cam's doors opened before he had a chance to go
around to help Jenna out himself.  He tucked Jenna's hand into the crook
of his arm and helped her up the stairs to the front door.

"Are we ready for this dog and pony
show?" she asked as they waited for the door to be opened for them.

"As I'll ever be," Cam replied. 

Riley winked to him as the door opened and they
walked inside to the beautifully adorned foyer.  He spotted her parents
right away.  Jenna's mother looked exactly like her, except for the eyes,
and those she shared with her father.  Elise Cameron was talking with
someone when they walked in, but when she caught sight of her daughter, she
quickly excused herself and came straight to them.

"Jenna, so glad you could finally make
it," her mother said, and Riley got the impression that her mother was
snidely chastising her daughter for not arriving sooner.

"Everything looks beautiful as
always,'" Jenna said, ignoring the taunt.

"And who is this?" Elise asked, her
eyes on Riley.

"This is Riley Stanton," Jenna told
her.  "Riley, my mother, Elise Cameron."

"Please to meet you, Mrs. Cameron,"
Riley said, taking her hand and raising it to his lips to kiss her
knuckles.  "I can certainly see where Jenna gets her beauty

"Riley Stanton?  You are Paige's oldest
son," Elise stated.

"Yes, ma'am."

"And you are a Naval Officer?"

"I was, ma'am.  Lieutenant

"You are the one who has gone into the
securities business with Jeanette Chandler's son, are you not?"

"Mike Casiano is my business partner, yes,

"Ramsay?" Elise called over her
shoulder.  "Come meet Jenna's new friend."

Jenna fought the urge to roll her eyes as she
looked down at Cam, whose expression mirrored her own.  Her mother was so
predictable.  Riley was a former Naval Officer and the business partner of
someone her mother considered upper echelon; therefore Riley was perfectly
acceptable in her mother's eyes.  Not that she minded that in the very
least.  Having Riley be someone her mother approved of was a huge relief.

"Aunt Jackie!!" Cam cried, running
across the foyer to embrace Jenna's older sister.

Jackie squealed, much to the displeasure of their
mother and stooped down to embrace her nephew.  Jenna smiled.  She
and Jackie may have their differences, but Jackie loved Cam and wasn't afraid
to show it.

"Hey, squirt! I'm so happy to see you! 
I've missed you so much!  Congratulations on winning the season
championship.  That was so awesome.  I wish I could have been

"So, what did you do in the Navy?"
Jenna's dad asked, bringing Jenna's thoughts back to them.

"I was in the SEALs," Riley replied.

"Really?  And is that a Purple Heart I

"Yes, sir."

"You were wounded in battle?"

"A few times, sir," Riley answered.

"He was a SEAL, Daddy.  He didn't sit
at a desk during his service."

"How did you meet my daughter?" Elise

Riley gave them a brief description of how they
met.  Jenna saw her mother's eyes flash over at her and inwardly
cringed.  Here it comes, she thought, in three...two...

"Jenna Leigh!  Your purse was stolen
weeks ago and I am just now finding out about it?!" her mother admonished.

"It was no big deal since Riley got it back
and I didn't lose anything."

"I know, but still!  That is a
traumatic thing and -"

Riley interrupted her then.  "I'm
sorry, Mrs. Cameron, it was my fault.  Jenna and I have been together just
about every day since we met.  I'm afraid I may have distracted her,"
he said with a knowing wink.

"Well, I can certainly see how that could be
possible," her mother said after a moment.  "And please, call me

"Oh, Elise, I see you've met my Riley,"
his mother said, coming up behind Jenna.  She pulled Jenna into her arms
and kissed her cheek.  "Jenna, you look absolutely lovely."

"Thank you, Mrs. Stanton."

"Paige," she corrected.  She
released Jenna and turned to look up at Riley, reaching up to touch his
cheek.  "Gavin Riley, you look awful spiffy," she laughed.

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss his mother's
cheek.  "You look beautiful as ever, Mom," he told her.

"Riley, this is my Aunt Jackie," Cam said,
leading Jackie over to join them.

Jackie smiled and held out her hand to
Riley.  "The infamous Riley Stanton.  Cam has been texting me
about you non-stop since you and Jenna met.  I feel like I already know

Jenna let out a small groan and cringed at her
sisters words, which she knew would set her mother off on another tangent about
being the last to know, but she was surprised when nothing was said.  She
figured her mother would wait until they were alone before tearing into
her.  Wonderful.  While Jackie and Riley were talking, Jenna
introduced Cam to Riley's parents, pleased to see that Cam seemed to be relaxed
around them.

"Well, sister dear," Jackie said,
looping her arm through Jenna's.  "We need to go discuss what songs
we will perform.  Excuse us a moment, Riley," she said, pulling Jenna
toward the formal living room where the grand piano was set up.

Riley smiled and mouthed 'Have fun' to her as
they walked away.  Jenna sighed and then turned her attention to her
sister as they dodged past party guests on their way to the piano.

"He is absolutely gorgeous!" Jackie
said, fanning herself.  "I always did love those Navy uniforms."

"You're leaving him to the wolves,"
Jenna said, referring to their parents.

"Oh, I bet he can take care of himself.  Besides,
his mother is there, too.  I remember her.  She's Jack Stanton's
mom.  Oh!  Riley is Jack's older brother!  I remember him now,
too.  All those Stanton boys are hot."

"Didn't you have a thing for Jack Stanton at
one time?" Jenna asked her sister.

Jackie sighed. "I spent one, very glorious
weekend with Jack, right after high school, before he went into the Naval
Academy.  But, alas, I never could get past the names thing."

"Names thing?" Jenna asked, confused.

"Oh, come on.  Jack and Jackie? 
That is just too cutesy for me."

Jenna laughed then.  She couldn't help
it.  That was so typical of her older sister.

"Well, it's good to see you happy for a
change, little sis," Jackie said, smiling but her tone was serious.

Jenna glanced back to where Riley was, then
looked back at her sister.  "I guess I haven't had much to smile
about other than Cam the last few years."

"Then I guess Someone knew what He was doing
that day, letting your purse get snatched."

Jenna smiled.  "I guess so."

"Now, what are we going to perform this

Across the room, Riley watched Jenna with her
sister while he listened to their mothers talk about some charity event they
were working on.  He spent his time answering questions from her father
about his time in the SEALs, occasionally letting Cam answer when he could so
that he was a part of the conversation.  Ramsay Cameron was an intelligent
man and warm and friendly where his wife was a bit cool and aloof.  He
could see how they made a good couple, even though they appeared to be

He watched as Jackie signaled to her father, then
Ramsay excused himself and walked over to stand next to Jenna.

"Come on," Cam said to him, "Mom's
about to sing.  Let's get closer."

Riley followed Cam into the living room and
through the crowd so that they were standing at the front of the ring of people
who had gathered around, his mother and Elise on either side of him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Ramsay
began.  "I want to thank you all for coming out tonight.  It is
an honor and a joy to see so many of you in our home to celebrate this
wonderful, joyous season with us.  The wait staff is coming around with
trays of champagne.  Please, take a glass, and as they have done every
year since they were old enough to do it, allow my beautiful daughters to wish
you and yours a wonderful, Merry Christmas."

Jackie began to play as polite applause lauded
Ramsay's speech.  Riley's eyes were locked on Jenna's as the lights were
dimmed and she was illuminated only by the twinkling of Christmas lights and the
flames from the candles in the room.  When she began to sing "O Holy
Night", a chill ran through him at the purity and clarity of her
voice.  She sounded, in his opinion, like an angel.  Her voice was
soft and sweet and reminded him of the times he'd heard the Celtic Woman group
perform.  When she hit the high note at the end, his breath caught. 
She was incredible.  He placed his hand over his heart and flashed a
bright smile to her when she finished, making her give a slight giggle.

"This next song," she announced,
"has been on my heart since I met this handsome sailor," she said,
gesturing to him.  "The other night we were talking about the
Christmases he spent in the service, and how he missed being home several times
over the last few years.  So, Riley, this one is for you."

Jackie began playing, and then, singing in a
completely different voice than she had the previous song, she locked eyes with
him.  Her voice was sultry as she sang, "I'm dreaming tonight, of a
place I love, even more than I usually do.  And although I know, it's a
long road back, I promise you...I'll be Home for Christmas..."

Beside him, his mother squeezed his arm.  He
reached over to touch her hand, but could not tear his gaze away from Jenna. 
When she finished, proper or not, he stepped forward and drew her into his
arms, giving her a brief, but tender kiss in front of the assembled crowd.

"Thank you," he whispered softly into
her ear.

"I love you, Riley," she whispered
back.  He kissed her brow and started to step away but she held him to her
with an arm around his waist.  "We have one final song.  Thank
you for spending your evening with our family."

Jackie began playing and this time, with Riley at
her side, Jenna sang "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." 
Riley had his hand on her back and could feel the notes reverberating through
her as she sang.  He was so impressed by her singing.  Her voice was
beautiful, different with all three songs that she sang.  Sweet, sultry,
soft and gentle all mixed together.  He was also so unbelievably turned on
he was afraid the whole room would know.  When she finished singing, she
turned into him once more, kissing his cheek when he leaned down to whisper,
"You're amazing," into her ear.

"Merry Christmas, everyone," Jackie
said, getting up from the piano. 

Riley had to wait for several people to come
greet the sisters and tell them how wonderful they were.  At one point,
she was shuffled away from him and so he crossed over to rejoin his parents,
accepting glass of champagne his father handed him.

"Voice of an angel, that girl has," his
dad said, "outdoes herself every year."

"That was incredible," Riley agreed.

"You have really fallen for her, haven't
you?" his mother observed.

"How could I not?" he asked, his eyes
on Jenna.

"And the boy?" his dad pressed.

"He's great."

"And you're ready to take them both
on?" his dad asked.

"Can't have one without the other...and I
want them both," he told them, going to Jenna's side when she beckoned to

"That was a lovely performance,
ladies," he congratulated Jenna and her sister.

"Thank you," Jackie said, smiling when
she saw him wrap his arm around Jenna's shoulders and kiss the side of her
head.  "You two look fantastic together, really.  I'm happy for
you, little sis."

Jenna looked up at Riley a moment, smiling, then
looked back at Jackie.  "Thank you."

"I already heard Mom bragging about Riley to
some of her friends. I'd say you finally have her approval, not that that ever
really mattered to you."

"It didn't.  But, it's nice to know I
won't have to fight with her tooth and nail this time around."

"Are you kidding?  She's probably over
there planning your wedding as we speak."


Her sister laughed.  "What?  It's
true.  She sees that nice fancy white uniform and all she hears are
wedding bells."

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