A Home for Lily (17 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: A Home for Lily
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“Then that’s what matters.”  Janet said
firmly.  “Logan means well but, at the end of the day, you’re Rachel’s mother
and you need to do what you think is best for her.”

“Thanks, Janet.  I just – I hate lying to

“I know, honey.”  Janet said
sympathetically.  “Sooner or later you’re going to have to talk to him about it
but for now, just concentrate on Rachel and Hazel and figuring out how you feel
about Logan.  If you love him, you need to tell him.”

“I know.”  Lily answered quietly.

Chapter 18


Logan stared up at the ceiling of his
bedroom.  Lily was lying beside him and he wondered if she’d fallen asleep. 
Rachel had been sleeping for nearly an hour and he shifted in the bed and
sighed quietly.

She had turned six weeks old two days ago
and Lily had started placing her in her crib at night.  She, however, had
continued to sleep in his bed and although he was thrilled about that, a small
part of him found her presence torturous.  Over the last few weeks it had grown
increasingly difficult to hide his arousal from her whenever they were in the bed

Lily turned to face him and he studied her
face in the dim light.  She was absolutely gorgeous and he let his eyes drift
to her breasts.  She was wearing a thin nightshirt and his cock hardened as he
thought about cupping her breasts.  He closed his eyes, remembering the way she
had moaned and cried out when he had slid into her.  She had been soft and warm,
and he bit back his groan of frustration and balled his hands into fists.  He
had to stop thinking about her.  Had to stop thinking about reaching over and
stroking her soft skin.  If he didn’t, he would –


He jumped and cleared his throat.  “Yes?” 
His voice was hoarse with need and he cleared his throat again.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.”  He muttered.

“There is.”  She insisted.  She slid over
to his side of the bed before he could stop her.  “You normally lie right
beside me.  Why are you so far – “

She stopped, her cheeks turning pink, when
she felt his erection pressing against her stomach.  He groaned and turned away
from her.

“I’m sorry, Lily.”

She didn’t reply and he shifted the
blankets back.  “I’ll sleep in your room tonight.”

Her hand wrapped around his arm and she
pushed him back down before pressing her body against his back and ass.  He
groaned again when she rubbed his chest.

“I don’t want you to go.”  She whispered.

“Lily, I think it’s better if I – “

His words turned into a drawn out hiss of
pleasure as Lily’s hand slipped past the waistband of his boxers, and her long
fingers curled around his throbbing cock.  She stroked him firmly before
placing a soft kiss on his naked back.

“Don’t leave me, Logan.”

“Christ, Lily.”  He moaned as she tightened
her hand around him and rubbed slowly back and forth.

“Lie on your back, honey.”  She whispered.

He shifted on to his back and she pulled
the covers down before reaching for his boxers.  He lifted his hips and helped
her push them off his legs before she dipped her head and placed a soft kiss on
his abdomen.

He shuddered beneath her mouth and she
smiled before placing a series of soft kisses down his stomach.  She dipped her
tongue into his navel and he groaned loudly.  “Please, sweetheart.”

She smiled again and moved until her mouth
was hovering over his erect cock.  She sucked just the head of it into her
mouth and traced it with her tongue.  Logan cried out, his hips thrusting
upwards as his hand curled into her long hair.

“Oh, please.”  He moaned again. 

She slid her mouth down his erection and
sucked.  He was panting and twisting below her and he whispered her name as she
hollowed her cheeks and sucked firmly before releasing him.  She gripped the
base of his cock, moisture was pooling between her thighs and her entire body
was throbbing for release, and licked him slowly, concentrating on the
sensitive ridge around the head before sucking on just the head again.

When he was shuddering uncontrollably and
his breath coming in harsh pants, she kissed her way back up his body.  Her
mouth found his ear and she swept her tongue along the edge of his ear before
whispering, “Make love to me, Logan.”

He cupped her face and stared intently at
her before nodding.  She stripped her nightshirt off and wriggled out of her
panties as he took a condom from the bedside table and hurriedly rolled it onto
his cock.

She parted her thighs and urged him between
them.  He gave her a worried look.  “Lily, are you sure it’s okay?  I don’t
want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.”  She whispered.  She cupped his
face and tugged until she could place a gentle kiss on his mouth. 

He kissed her back, thrusting his tongue
into her mouth as he slid deep inside of her.  She moaned, her muscles
tightening around him in exquisite pleasure as he continued to kiss her and
cupped one full breast.  He rubbed her nipple with his thumb as he slowly
pushed in and out of her.

She gripped his waist and met each of his
thrusts as they kissed hungrily.  Her entire body pulsed with pleasure and need,
and she couldn’t stop the small moans and whimpers as he continued the same,
slow pace.  She nipped at his bottom lip and he inhaled sharply before
thrusting roughly in and out of her.

“So good.”  She murmured against his
mouth.  She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her feet together behind
his back and dug her nails into his broad back.  He was starting to lose the
steady rhythm he had set and she welcomed it, urging him to go faster with hard
thrusts of her hips.

Their bodies slapped against each other in
a quickening rhythm, their breathing harsh and loud in the quiet night.  Lily
buried her face in Logan’s neck, her body stiffening and her pussy squeezing
his cock in a hot, tight grip, as her orgasm rushed through her. 

Logan groaned and thrust rapidly before
arching his back and muttering her name in a harsh whisper.  He shuddered above
her, the tendons in his neck standing out, as he came and then dropped gently
on to her warm body.

She kissed his neck and stroked his warm

“Am I hurting you?”  He mumbled.

“No.”  She whispered.  She kept her legs
locked tightly around him as his cock softened inside of her.  He nuzzled her
throat and rubbed her side before finally rolling off of her.  She curled up on
her side as he disposed of the condom before turning to face her.

She wrapped them both in the blanket,
pressing her entire body against his as he smiled at her.  “That was amazing,

She smiled happily.  “It really was.”

He laughed and pulled her closer, dropping
a kiss on her forehead.  “Go to sleep, sweetheart.  We have about three hours
before the baby bee will be wanting her midnight snack.”

Lily closed her eyes and rested her head
against Logan’s chest.  She knew they needed to talk about what was happening
between them but the lovemaking had left her warm and sleepy. 

she decided,
I’ll sit Logan down tomorrow and tell him I think I’m falling
in love with him

* * *


“Lily?  Are you alright today?  You’re
quiet.”  Regina touched her shoulder and Lily forced herself to smile at the
older woman.

Last night, lying in Logan’s arms, it had
seemed like an easy decision to tell him that she loved him.  This morning
though, harsh reality had set in and she had chickened out.  If he didn’t love
her, she would have an entire year to live with him in utter humiliation. 

No you wouldn’t.
  Her inner voice whispered insidiously. 
If you tell Logan you
love him and he doesn’t feel the same, he’ll either encourage you to find a new
job or outright fire you.

He wouldn’t, she argued back.  He’s not
that kind of man.

Maybe not.  But do you really want to
live and work for a man who is perfectly happy to fuck you senseless, but
doesn’t love you?  Have some pride, girl.

She shut out her inner voice and made
herself smile at Regina again.  “I’m fine, Regina.  Just a little tired today.”

Regina glanced at the couch where Charles
was holding Rachel.  He was making silly faces at the baby and Lily felt a
smile crossing her lips, despite her worry.  Rachel had thrown up all over him
not twenty minutes ago and she could see the large damp stain on the front of
his, no doubt, expensive designer shirt.  She had apologized profusely but
Charles had waved it off and refused to give Rachel back.  She never thought
she would see the day where Barry’s father, always so cold and distant, would
be covered in baby vomit and be perfectly content with it.

“Did Rachel keep you up?”

Lily shook her head.  “No.  She was only up
once last night.”

“Wow, that’s great!”  Regina said happily. 
“Barry was still waking up two or three times a night when he was eight months
old.  I would have sold my soul for one good night’s sleep.”

Her smile faltered and she scrubbed at her
eyes quickly.  Lily gave her a sympathetic look and touched her arm gently. 
“I’m sorry, Regina.  I know you miss him.”

“I do.”  She said hoarsely.  “I know he
wasn’t the – the best boy, but he was still my boy and I loved him so.”

Lily nodded as Regina turned to stare at
Rachel again.  “I know we keep saying this, Lily, but we’re so happy to be a
part of Rachel’s life.  Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”  Lily said softly.  She
discreetly glanced at her watch.  Logan had taken Hazel to an indoor play area
for kids, and she wanted to make sure that Regina and Charles were gone before
they got back.  It was nearly three and Logan had said they would be back by
four.  She had plenty of time to –

She heard the front door open and slam shut
and she froze with surprise when Hazel, still wearing her jacket and boots, ran
into the living room.

“Mommy!  My tummy hurts and I can’t stop
pooping!”  She wailed loudly.  “Daddy said you would cuddle me in bed.  Will
you – “

She stopped in the middle of the room and
stared curiously at Regina and Charles.  “Who are you?”

“Hazel, honey, this is – “

Before Lily could finish, Logan popped his
head into the living room.  “Hazel, come take your boots and jacket…”

He trailed off, staring in surprise at
Regina before his gaze fell on Charles holding Rachel.  Anger crossed his face
and he strode jerkily into the room.  “What are you doing here?”

Without waiting for a reply, he stalked
across the room to Charles and held his arms out.  “Give her to me.”

Charles frowned and held Rachel a little
closer.  “Who do you think you are?  This is my grandchild and I’ll not be told
to just hand her over.”

“Give her to me, now.”  Logan repeated

Lily hurried over and stood between them. 
She took Rachel from Charles and tugged on Logan’s arm, pulling him away from her

“Hazel, run upstairs to your room, okay? 
I’ll be right up with some medicine for your stomach and to cuddle with you.”

“I want to stay with you.”  Hazel
whispered.  She stared anxiously at her father before leaning against Lily and
putting her thin arm around Lily’s leg.  “Mommy, why is daddy mad?”

“I’m not mad, baby bug.”  Logan said without
looking at her.  “Listen to Lily, please.”

He folded his arms across his chest and
glared at Charles and Regina as Hazel gave Lily a pleading look.

“Come upstairs with me.  Please, mommy.” 

Lily crouched down and kissed Hazel’s cheek
as the little girl rubbed Rachel’s head.  “I’ll be right up, baby bug.  I
promise.  Take your boots off before you go upstairs, okay?”

“Okay.”  The little girl sighed and left
the room.  Lily waited until she heard the little girl going up the stairs
before she crossed the room to Logan.  He was giving her a wounded look and she
sighed softly.

“Logan, don’t look at me like that. 
They’re her grandparents.  They deserve the right to see her.”

Rachel made a cry of discomfort and Lily
raised her to her shoulder.  Before she could pat her back, Logan took the baby
from her and rested her against one broad shoulder.  He rubbed and patted her
back as, completely ignoring Lily and her in-laws, he paced back and forth. 
Rachel quieted almost immediately and made a soft sound of contentment before
burping loudly. 

“That’s my good baby bee.” Logan whispered
to her.  His body was still stiff with anger and Lily turned to Regina and

“I think you should go.  I’ll call you in a
day or two and – “

“Are you sure he should be around the baby
when he’s that angry?”  Charles asked loudly.  “I don’t trust that he won’t
hurt her.”

Lily’s temper flared and she turned on the
older man.  “Logan would never hurt Rachel!  Don’t you dare suggest that he
would!  He loves her.  Do you understand?”

Regina made a soothing motion with her
hands.  “Of course, Lily.  Charles didn’t mean that.  He’s just protective of

“All I’m saying is that you don’t really
know this man.”  Charles said heatedly. 

“You’re living in his home, taking care of
his daughter who’s calling you
,” he gave her a look of disbelief,
“and he’s acting like my grandchild, Barry’s daughter, is his.”

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