A Jersey Kiss (Jersey Romance Series) (8 page)

BOOK: A Jersey Kiss (Jersey Romance Series)
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Bea shook her head.
“No, but…”

He put his arm round her and gave her a hug.
“I know, I’m so sorry. It’s difficult to be involved in something this distasteful, whichever way you’re connected. I do understand your concerns, Bea. You’re right to ask me for proof, and on Monday I’ll hopefully show you that you can trust me.”

Bea sighed.
“Thank you. You must think me so rude to ask you this after the lovely evening we’ve had?”

Not at all. Once you can see for yourself the seriousness of the situation, it’ll help you keep Luke in his place in your mind. It doesn’t have to be too difficult; he’s carrying out work for you, nothing more. I’ll give you a ring in the morning, if that’s ok?” he asked, as the taxi moved through the noisy St Helier streets. “Not too early, I promise. Maybe I could take you kayaking?”

I'd like that,” she agreed, wishing she felt a little less miserable. “But not before ten, though. I have to make the most of any lie-ins I can get nowadays.” She didn’t mention that she wanted to avoid Tom bumping in to Luke, who she hoped would have seen to any work his men needed to do and left her house by that time.

The taxi drew up at the front of her house and Bea opened the cab door.
“Thank you for a lovely evening,” she said, kissing him on the cheek and getting out. She watched as he waved back and the taxi disappeared into the darkness.

She bent to cuddle Flea as soon as she got into the house. It would be good to finally see some proof about Tom’s allegations against Luke, Bea decided, not wishing to think about how awkward it would then be to deal with Luke when he came to the house. Bea removed her makeup and was thinking back over her evening, when the phone rang.
“Bloody hell, that was quick, Flea,” she laughed. “He must live very near here to get home so quickly.”

Bea slumped back onto the bed, picked up the phone, and placed it immediately against her ear.
“When I said after ten, I meant ten in the morning,” she teased.

Am I talking to Beatrix Potter?” demanded a controlled, clipped voice, tinged with what Bea assumed sounded like a definite threat.

Well, it certainly wasn’t him.
“This is Beatrice Porter, and if you don’t mind me stating the obvious, it's one-thirty in the morning,” she retaliated, irritated by the caller’s aggressive tone.

Never mind the fucking time,” the woman screeched. “What the hell were you doing with my husband?”


Bea Stings

She said what?” Shani gasped when she phoned her as soon as she’d ended the call with Vanessa.

You needn't sound so excited about it,” Bea said, annoyed that Vanessa’s call had given her such a fright.

Sorry, you must have been spooked being in that house all by yourself.” Shani lowered her voice. “You can't do anything about it tonight, so why don't you snuggle up to Flea and try to get some sleep? I haven’t got any classes first thing tomorrow, so I'll be able to come over to your place after ten. We’ll discuss everything then.”

I want to go round to her place and give her hell.” Bea said. “Her call was so unexpected I didn’t have time to think of anything clever to say.”

You don’t know where she lives,” Shani said, “and anyway, losing your temper with her probably won’t solve anything. Let Tom sort his shitty wife out.”

Bea had to agree. Vanessa was Tom’s problem, not hers. She lifted Flea onto her bed, and settled down for the night, relieved to find she was a little dozy despite everything and put it down to the alcohol she and Tom had consumed earlier in the evening. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander until she fell asleep.


Bea heard Shani’s battered Astra backfiring down the driveway as she hurriedly finished dressing the following morning. She pulled on a pair of pink cut-off trousers and ran to open the front door to be instantly engulfed in a bear hug by Paul.
“Oof.” Flea barked in protest.

It’s all right, little man.” Paul let go of Bea and stroked Flea’s head before standing back up again. “Poor you,” he said, leaning back and studying her face for a moment. “Shani told me what that cow said to you last night.”

You've heard then?” Bea asked, knowing full well Shani would have told him as soon as she had put down the phone. “Come through.” They followed her down the long passageway, and into the kitchen.

Blimey, it's lovely and cool in here.” Shani shivered. “We’re dying up in our flat. It’s too hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. I’m starting to hate it there.”

Bea leant back against the cool metal of the Aga.
“Never mind the weather; I need to talk about last night.”

I can’t believe you’re the other woman this time,” Paul teased, rubbing Flea's back as he stretched against him. “Not like you at all.”

Not funny, Paul,” Shani said, joining Bea in front of the Aga. “Just pour us some water if you haven’t got any cans of drink. It’s too hot for tea anyway.”

It’s not funny,” agreed Bea, rubbing her arms to warm up, suddenly feeling chilled. “I don’t need to be dealing with this.” She stood from one foot to the next, retying her ponytail. “I’m the last person who’d want to upset someone’s wife. Don’t forget I know how she must feel. I certainly felt like saying the same to Simon’s Claire.” That felt odd, she thought. Simon’s Claire. It used to be Simon and Bea.

Sit down,” Shani said. “Now take a deep breath and tell me exactly what else she said to you.”

Bea did as she was told.
“Tom told me they were legally separated, which is pretty much the same as being divorced. I mean, to be separated you have to sign a legal document stating you're no longer living together, don’t you?” She waved her hand at Paul, declining the proffered biscuit barrel in his hand. “I can’t believe he lied to me. It’s not as if we're dating as a couple, or anything. We're supposed to be friends.”

You don’t know he has lied yet.” Paul sprayed her with crumbs, as he munched on a digestive. “Maybe she’s the one telling porkies, or she could have been dipping one time too many into the Merlot.”

Bea took a deep breath in an effort to stop her temper from rising.
“She screamed at me like a complete nutter calling me all sorts of things. I’m not a slag, or what else did she say, oh yes, a bitch. Bloody cheek too, in the circumstances.”

Shani slammed her hand down on the work top.
“Will you just tell me what she said? We’ll deal with the unfairness of it all later.”

You love taking charge, Shani,” mumbled Paul, trying not to giggle, as they pointedly ignored him.

She had the nerve to threaten to make my life a living hell, if I ever saw him again.” She shuddered at the memory. “I think she meant it, too. Let’s face it, this is a big house to be rattling around in at the best of times, but when someone makes threats to you in the middle of the night, it takes on a creepiness that I’ve never noticed before.”

I can imagine. She probably even looks like something from Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” Shani said, taking a seat at the table, and motioning for Bea to sit in front of her.

It’s all right for you to sit there and joke, but it’s me who’ll be smacked in the face.”

The doorbell rang.
“Sit down,” Shani said. “Paul will deal with whoever that is.”

Oh, thanks,” he said, grimacing. “What if it’s the mad woman?”

You’re such a hero, Paul.” Shani took the biscuit tin away from him. “Baby. I’ll go then.”

I will,” Bea said. Shani got up and pushed Bea back into her seat. Bea fell back wondering how someone so tall and skinny could still have so much physical strength. “Leave this to me.”

Paul leaned towards Bea after Shani had marched out of the kitchen.
“She loves being the one to sort everything out. She’s the same whenever someone kicks off at the gym. Always has to barge in and give everyone hell.”

And you just let her, I suppose.” Bea smiled at him, imagining Paul, almost a foot shorter than Shani, letting her take charge of any dramas. Bea strained to hear who was at the door. At first she couldn’t hear anything at all, and wondered what Shani could possibly be doing. She then heard whispers and giggling getting louder as Mel and Shani made their way to join them in the kitchen. “It’s Mel. I’ve said she can come in because she’s brought food with her.”

Hi, Mel,” Bea said, sensing Shani had given her sister a hurried, abridged version of events. “Why don't I go and heat these up?” Bea took the chocolate croissants from her sister. She’d forgotten she'd invited them and Mel for breakfast, so couldn’t expect them to leave her in peace before they’d eaten. Anyway they were here for her and another drama. When had her orderly, seamless life dissolved into this chaotic mess?

Paul looked up as she returned from locating the percolator from its home in the pantry.
“Never mind, Blondie, we’ll get through this one, too.”

Bea shrugged.
“I know I’m a bit useless, but I’m not totally hopeless,” she said, placing cups and plates on the bleached pine table in front of them.

The phone rang.
“Hello?” said Bea, relieved for the distraction.

Hi, Bea, it’s me,” said Tom, his voice cheery. “Sleep well?”

As a matter of fact, no,” she admitted, still cross with him for lying to her about being separated from Vanessa.

Why? What’s the matter?” he asked, beginning to sound a little unsure.

The matter, Tom, is your wife.” She waved the phone at her intent audience for them to be quiet so she could hear what he was trying to say. All three were now paying full attention, their croissants and hot drinks freeze-framed in mid-air.

Vanessa?” he asked.

Who else?”

I’m coming round.” Tom sounded anxious. “And you’re going to tell me everything.”

Bea went to argue, but he’d already slammed down the phone before she’d uttered a single syllable.

She pointed at the phone. “He’s on his way.”

Great,” cheered Shani. “Now I get to see what he looks like after all these years.”

I only remember him vaguely. I suppose it’s because I was so much younger when you saw him,” said Mel, tearing off mouthfuls from her croissant before devouring them with relish after dipping them into her coffee.

That’s disgusting, Mel. Anyway, I’m surprised you remember him at all.” Bea shook her head.

Paul rubbed his hands together to remove the crumbs.
“He was always hot, though we were only friendly because of you.” He grinned at Bea. “I bet he’s aged badly.”

He hasn’t.” Bea stood up. “I’m going to take a shower.”

What?” they cried in unison.

You don't mind looking like hell in front of us,” laughed Mel. Shani nudged her and shook her head.

I’m going upstairs. Can you three can tidy up a bit?”

What for?” frowned Mel, tearing apart a second croissant.

My kitchen is a tip. Give it a quick tidy up while whilst I’m upstairs please,” she said, walking out of the room.

She’s always shouted and stamped her feet when she’s in a state about something,” mumbled Mel, chewing her breakfast, and completely ignoring Bea’s request.

If I had my way,” Shani said, “he wouldn’t get a chance to see inside the house at all.”

Bugger it, I’m not tidying up for him,” said Mel. “It’s not as if she’ll notice if we don’t.”

I can still hear you, you know,” called Bea from half way up the stairs.

She was almost finished roughly drying her hair when she heard the doorbell ringing followed by Mel’s flirtatious giggle. So typical of Mel, thought Bea smiling, she didn’t take long to fo
rget whose side she was on.

Bea pulled on her oldest jeans, a faded t-shirt that had seen better days, but was at least clean and was ready for action. After all, she decided, they may only be friends and she didn't want to appear to be trying too hard, but she did have her pride. What little there was left of it.

She took a calming breath, just before entering the kitchen, and saw Tom standing in front of her friends. She couldn't help thinking how they resembled the three wise monkeys, as they sat at the table next to each other, studying him in silence. Tom’s face was grey, causing his green eyes to appear more intense than they usually did. Bea could tell he was doing his best to appear friendly. As disturbed as she was by the call, she couldn’t help feeling sympathy for him, having such an accusatory audience.

Tom, let’s go through to the living room,” she said, sounding less angry than she had on the phone. “We’ll be able to talk in private through there.” She narrowed her eyes at the threesome who had purposefully ignored her telepathic pleas to go, staying exactly where they were at her kitchen table.

As soon as they were alone, he took her gently by the shoulders.
“Bea, I’m so sorry. I know how this must look, but I promise you I haven’t lied about anything. I’ve told you pretty much everything there is to know about Vanessa. We do get along well, but it’s purely for the children’s sake, even though I don’t see them nearly as much as I’d like to. “

Much as she had enjoyed Tom’s company, she wasn’t desperate in any way for a social life, and had had enough of being on the receiving end of lies and dramas. Bea told him everything that had been said between her and Vanessa the previous night. She stepped back from him.
“Tom, as much as I’ve enjoyed your company, I really don’t need to be dealing with a psycho woman right now or indeed at any time.” He went to interrupt, but she held up her hand to stop him. “This is too intense for me. I’ve got more than enough to be coping with right now and I don’t want us to fall out if we have to work so closely together. So I think the best thing you can do is concentrate on sorting out whatever issues you two have, once and for all.”

Tom’s shoulders stooped. He stared back at her for a moment.
“You’re right, of course. It would be selfish to expect you to get involved with me after what’s happened.” He leant forward, kissed her lightly on the cheek, then left without saying another word.

Hearing the front door close, the others called Bea back to the kitchen.

“Well?” Mel nudged her on her way to busy herself with the percolator.

Not for me, thanks,” Bea said, beginning to feel waterlogged. “I don’t know why you’re bothering to ask me, you were all listening, I presume?”

Paul shrugged.
“You know we were. So he’s gone, now what?”

It's a shame,” she said finally. “He was fun to be with the other night and he makes life at Malory’s bearable.” How typical there has to be a hiccup somewhere, especially such a major one.

Mel handed out the drinks.

“Well, you all said I should give dating a go.” Bea smiled at their serious faces. “I think I’ve had my fill of it for now.”

Right,” said Paul. “Anyway, I’ve heard tales about him liking a little flutter.”

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