A Ladys Pleasure (10 page)

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Authors: Jolie Cain

BOOK: A Ladys Pleasure
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“Like that? Or maybe my fingers.” Using his index finger, he brushed a delicate stroke, parting the outer lips and circling her clit before withdrawing again.”

“God, Richard. Your mouth. Use your mouth on my cunny. Please, oh, please.”

“Ahhhh…of course. Why didn’t you say so to begin with?” he whispered. His hands pushed her up onto her knees and he drew her legs apart. Then he bent and pulled open her open and pressed his mouth against her. He licked over her most sensitive tissue, and she squirmed and moaned against him. He held her still with his hands on her thighs, not letting her close herself to him when the pleasure became too great.

Whenever he sensed that she was close to climax, he would stop, backing off to stroke down the column of her spine with his hands, gentling her. Then he would start again. Over and over he brought her to the edge but wouldn’t let her go over.

She pleaded and begged for release, her body slick and hot and so tight when he slid a finger up into her channel. “Richard, Richard, it’s too much.”

He paused, wiping her wetness from his face. Then he bent over her, rubbing his hands up her sides and down to cup her breasts and whispering into her ear. He felt her breasts rise into taut peaks as he plucked on them, twisting them and tugging on them until she moaned. “Is it, Lily? Is it really too much? Do you want me to stop? I will if that is your wish. Tell me now.”

He waited, mentally crossing his fingers. Finally she shook her head, turning blindly to face him. “No. No, don’t stop. Please, please don’t stop.”

He turned her face to one side, kissing her, letting her taste herself on his mouth.

“That’s my girl. I tell you what, Lily. Let’s do this. If you feel yourself being overwhelmed and you want to take a moment to collect yourself, just say
. But if I do something that you really don’t like and you want me to stop completely, just say
. How is that?”

“Okay. Okay, that’s good.” Her mouth trembled, and he kissed her again. He moved off the bed once more, taking from the cabinet a dildo made of jade that he’d gotten from a sailor who had brought it back from the Middle East. It was smooth and cool and used to drive his mistresses wild. He laid it beside Lily on the bed and bent back to continue pleasuring her with his mouth.

Lily squirmed and moaned, but didn’t ask him to stop again. He inserted a finger, then two into her channel, pumping in and out at the same time rubbing across her clit.

She began pushing back against him, crying his name over and over until he felt her cum, the wet liquid sliding down her thighs testament to her pleasure.

When her climax was over, she slumped down on the bed, legs wide and breathing ragged, and he turned her over, petting her hair, soothing her and telling her how beautiful she was. How he wanted her. She began to relax and tug at her bonds. “Release me, Richard. I want to make love with you.”

“Not yet, sweetheart. Not yet.”

After a few minutes, he picked up the dildo and rubbed against her quim. He heard her breath catch in her throat. “Okay?”

She nodded. “Yes, that was…so good. So very good. Richard.”

“Good. I think you’re going to enjoy this next experience even more.”

Her laugh was breathy. “I don’t know if that is possible.”

“We’ll see, shall we?”

He pushed her legs up so that her feet were flat on the mattress, her thighs spread apart before he slid the dildo into her about an inch, letting her adjust to the diameter, which was slightly larger than his own cock. When he could see that she was all right, he pushed it farther, slowly inch by inch until all that remained outside Lily’s body was enough for Richard to grip. “How does that feel, love?”

“It feels big.”

He chuckled. “Not too big, though?”

She shook her head. He reached up to stroke his hand through her hair which had spread out over the pillow. “You don’t know how much you please me, Lily.”

“I’m glad.”

Again he was tempted to end this, to strip off his own clothes and bury himself in the warmth of her body. His cock was straining against his breeches, and he knew it wouldn’t take more than a couple of thrusts before he emptied himself inside her. But he wanted her mindless, aching for him more than she had ever ached for anything in her life.

Slowly he eased the dildo out of her, watching in fascination as her cunny stretched around its girth. He pushed back in and heard her breath catch, but he didn’t stop. Again he pulled it out and then back in. Looking up, he saw the tightly furled nipples and couldn’t resist bending down to lave them with his tongue, tasting their sweetness. He continued to thrust the dildo into her even as he worshipped her breasts first one, then another, and back again. Her head began to move back and forth on the pillow, sending tendrils of hair over him. He inhaled deeply, absorbing the sweet aroma that was Lily.

Lily’s breaths began to come as panting moans, her hips rising to meet each stroke of the fake cock that he had begun moving faster and faster in and out of her sweet cunny.

The dildo became slippery with Lily’s cream, and he was beginning to have a hard time keeping a hold on it. He tightened his grip, thrusting into Lily again and again. He pressed down on her lower belly, and she cried out and came in a hard jerking motion.

The climax went on and on and on until she collapsed on the bed and went still.

Richard set aside the dildo and quickly stripped off his pants. Then he was on top of her, inside her. He reached up and pushed off the blindfold, needing to see into her eyes as he claimed her. Needing her to see who it was who gave her such ecstasy. She stared at him with blatant emotion on her face, lifting to him as he plunged into her again and again before he came, emptying himself into her with a hoarse shout of “Lily.”

They lay there unmoving for several long minutes before Richard reached up to release the bonds that held her hands. Her arms came around him, and he rolled off her, pulling her against him and cradling her head on his shoulder. He didn’t think he’d ever felt so possessively tender towards a woman before in his entire life. “You’re mine, Lily.


When she didn’t answer, he glanced down into her face. She was sound asleep. He just smiled and drew her even closer. As he lay there in contented silence, a thought struck him that had his eyes opening wide. He loved her. Good lord. How had that happened? He looked again at Lily’s sleeping face with a worried frown, but then relaxed. She must love him, too. Surely she wouldn’t respond as she did if she didn’t care for him deeply. She just didn’t know it yet. The more he thought about it the more convinced he became that Lily was in love with him. He would have to make sure that she realized how she felt…and soon. Then he would ask her to marry him, and all would be well. Now what could he do…

Chapter Six

Lily sat with Caro in her front parlor doing some needlework. She was terrible at needlework, despised it in fact, but she needed something to help her pass the time and to try and keep her mind off of what was really bothering her. Something was going on with Richard, and she knew it was not good. A week after their horse-buying trip, Richard had left town to tend to some business on one of his estates. He’d been gone several days, and she had missed him dreadfully. He hadn’t sent her any letters or messages, and she was worried that perhaps his interest in her was fading. Surely he would at least have sent her a note letting her know he’d arrived safely if he was truly interested in continuing their affair.

It seemed to her, now that she thought about it, that even before he had left for the country, he had not been quite as attentive as he had before. Even perhaps a little cool towards her. Little signs that perhaps a more experienced woman would have recognized, but that Lily had managed to overlook until she thought back on the matter. The more she thought about it, the more convinced she became that she was right. She recalled him smiling several times at Miss Susan Dalrymple. And hadn’t he stood up with Lady Claire Wainwright for two sets at the Arlington’s ball? That had set the tongues a-wagging. She had laughed about it at the time, but now she wondered if she hadn’t been too blind to see the truth that was staring her in the face. Perhaps he was finished with their affair and had indeed begun to cast about for a wife.

She recalled the gossip she’d heard just three days past at one of the at-homes she had attended with Caroline. Several of the women were discussing the fact that the duke was rumored to be bride hunting and were listing some possibilities that he seemed to be considering. They had quit talking as soon as they’d seen her nearby, but she felt their pitying gazes on her. After that, she had not felt in the mood to attend any of the other entertainments to which she had been invited. Instead, using the pretext that she wasn’t feeling well, she had buried herself at Stephen and Caroline’s, keeping to herself and thinking. She knew Caroline was worrying about her, but she just couldn’t muster up the energy to explain. It must be true. Her eyes brimmed with tears, so she kept her gazed determinedly down on the handkerchief she was attempting to embroider and making a proper hash of it. The threads had become hopelessly tangled and instead of a lovely decorative L, she had a huge mishmash of absolutely nothing. Kind of like her life was becoming, she brooded. God, she was becoming maudlin.

Caroline’s voice interrupted her bleak thoughts. “I have the most amazing news to tell you, Lily. It’s really exciting, but you must promise to keep it secret. The only person I’ve told is Stephen.”

Forcing herself to smile, she looked into her friend’s happy countenance, feeling a positive stick-in-the-mud. She forced herself to act somewhat normally. “I promise. They will have to torture me to get the information, you know that. What is it, Caro?”

Her friend glowed. “Oh, Lily, I just can’t believe it. I’m increasing. Stephen and I are going to have a child. Is that not the most wonderful news ever?”

Lily froze for a moment, and then she reached out to hug her friend. “Oh, it’s simply fantastic, Caroline. Utterly fantastic. The best news ever.” Then she burst into tears.

“Lily! Why, whatever is the matter? Oh, please. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m sure that you will have children one day, too.” Caroline looked horrified. She drew Lily’s head to her shoulder. “There, there. I am such a fool not to realize how my news would affect you. I’m so sorry.”

“No. No, it’s not that, Caroline. Lord, lord, I am such a fool. I’m ruining your wonderful news by acting like such a watering pot. Please forgive me. I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I’m never like this. You know that.”

“You don’t have to apologize to me, for goodness sake, Lily. I shouldn’t have upset you with my news.”

“I told you that wasn’t it, Caro. Really, that’s not why I’m upset.”

“If not that, then what, Lily?”

“It’s…it’s Richard.”

“Richard? What’s happened to him? Has he been injured? Is he ill? What? I can’t believe Stephen wouldn’t have said something.” Caroline offered Lily a handkerchief, and she took it, wiping her face and trying to regain some semblance of control.

“No, he’s not injured. Nothing like that. It’s…just…oh, Caro. I think Richard has moved on.”

“What? Nonsense. You’re just missing him. But he shall be back in a couple of days, and everything will return to normal.”

Lily shook her head. “I don’t think so. I’ve been thinking back over the last week, and it’s become obvious to me that Richard’s feelings toward me have changed. And for him not to write me a single message or anything tells me that something isn’t right. I’ve just been kidding myself, thinking that this could go on indefinitely. Tell me the truth, Caro…is it over with me and Richard?”

She saw Caro look down, avoiding her eyes, and knew she had been right to suspect something.

“Truthfully, I don’t know, dearest. But I have noticed that he isn’t quite as attentive as he once was.”

Lily stood and began pacing. “Oh, I can’t believe I’ve been such an idiot. I don’t know where my brain has been. I’ve been acting like some muttonheaded moron.”

Caro’s face looked perplexed. “But, Lily, I don’t understand why you’re so upset.

Even if Richard has decided to break things off with you, you said from the beginning that all you wanted was a brief affair. Brief affairs do end eventually, you know? And there are plenty of other gentlemen in town who would be quite pleased if you turned your attention their way.”

Lily nodded in agreement. “Yes, I am quite aware of that fact. I know exactly what I said. Which doesn’t change my feelings. I’m afraid…I’m afraid I might have accidentally done something I shouldn’t have.”

“What?” Caroline’s face paled, and she raised her hand to her face in a gesture of dismay. “Oh, no. Lily, you’re not…you’re not with child, too, are you?”

She shook her head. “No, of course not. Don’t be ridiculous. You know I can’t have children. I…”

Lily paused, trying to think back. Oh, lord. The thought hadn’t even crossed her mind before but…she hadn’t had her woman’s time since the first time she and Richard had been together. That had been two months ago. Was it possible? She had always been very regular in her courses. “Good heavens! It can’t be true, can it?” She felt an overwhelming since of panic accompanied by the first gentle stirring of something else.

In addition to losing Richard, she was just possibly pregnant with his child. Her hands went to cover her belly protectively. Could it really be true?

“Oh, my God.”

“Lily, did you and Richard do nothing to prevent a possible conception?”

“What are you talking about?” Her wide, uncomprehending gaze met her friend’s.

“Stephen told me that there are ways to prevent pregnancy. Things you can use.

Things you can do. Did you and Richard discuss that at all?”

She just shook her head. “No.”

Caroline’s eyes shot flame. “That bounder. I never would have believed that Richard would be so careless. If the man behaves that way every time he is with a woman, it’s a wonder he doesn’t have a hundred little by-blows all over the country. Well, he will be sorry for his carelessness. Believe you me. Stephen will never let him get away with such conduct. He’ll call him out. That’s what he’ll do. That will teach him a lesson that he won’t soon forget.”

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