A Little Bit of Crazy (Little Bits) (2 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Crazy (Little Bits)
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     “Why? Because a bunch of guys surrounded me at a table?” I laugh out loud and shake my head. Whatever. “You’re ridiculous.”

     “Throw me a bone here… I’ve been good to you right? I helped you with your father. I’ve been there for you since we met!”

     I look at his handsome face, equipped with perfect nose, strong chiseled jaw and thick wavy brown hair. He is the epitome of sexy. Growl.

     Ok girl, get your libido in check.


     “Yes,” I sigh and stand from my seat, perching on the edge of the desk with my arms crossed. “I’m sorry.”

     “Did you have sex with them?” he blurts and reaches out to wind a strand of my hair around his finger. I look up at him, leaning back onto my hands on my desk, crossing my legs as I settle my gaze on him. “Tell me honestly.”

     “Why? Will it change anything?” I say with a smirk.

     “It’ll let me know if you actually fancy me or not,” he shrugs and drops the lock of dark brown hair. “I just,” pause. “Need to know.” I stand up and step closer to him, watching his throat as he swallows. “Don’t give me that look. Just tell me.”

     My smirk becomes a mischievous grin, “Why James. I do believe you’re blushing.” My fingers trace his jaw.


     “Don’t Maya,” he hisses as I trail my fingers down his tie. “Please.”


      I’m predator, he’s the mouse. He takes a step back, I take a step forward. Step back, step forward and so on until his back hits the door. “You’re right. I’ve been neglectful.”

     My libido perks up at my inner erotic thoughts at what I could do to the god of a man stood before me. “What are you doing?” he practically whispers as I press my body flush with his and flick the lock on the door. “Maya.”

     “What?” I murmur and press my lips against his jaw. Leaning into his neck I inhale deeply, he smells like fresh laundry and expensive men’s shaving foam. He’s always smelled that way, it’s always turned me on. Meow. “Mm, you smell good.”

     “Stop trying to distract me,” he groans but his hands grip my hips and pull me into his solid length. We shudder at the feeling, and I relish the little happy grunt that escapes him as I graze his neck with my teeth. “Maya. Please.”

     “You wanted to know if I fancy you… here’s your answer,” I grin and slam my lips to his. There isn’t a second of hesitation in his kiss, maybe a little shock at first but then it’s eager. I know how he feels about me, I’ve always known. Ever since I turned nineteen, effectively becoming more of a woman, he acted like a love sick puppy.

     I had better control of myself around him than he did around me. Although I wanted to screw him badly but I knew with him he would want more. He’s a typical guy with typical needs but I’m his equal, I’m my father’s daughter and I’m quirky as hell. What’s not to like? Right?

     Wrong, I honestly don’t get why men are attracted to me. I’m flaky, irresponsible and sometimes downright mean. Yet I’ve had many a man wanting my hand. James is the only one who I know that truly wants me for me. Because he already has what I have.

     His tongue probes my lips, I give him entrance and brush my tongue against his. He tastes like mint and coffee and man. Mm, man. Shit, what have I eaten today? I had a caramel latte about thirty minutes ago. No food yet. Good, I should be sweet.

     The growl that vibrates through his chest is almost enough to make me come on the spot. Christ that’s sexy. His large hands slide up to my waist, his thumbs brushing the underside of my breasts.


What bra am I wearing?


Who cares? It’ll be on the floor in a second


Good call libido.


I do my best


     I wrap my fingers in his thick hair, tugging him down to me. I’m wearing four inch stiletto heels so I’m only a couple of inches shorter than him, when I’m not wearing them my head fits perfectly under his chin. It’s kind of cute to an onlooker, we definitely make a hot couple according to gossip magazines.

     Off the subject yet again… What am I doing? I’m literally having a mind blowing kiss and thinking about nonsense.

     My hands find the buttons of his jacket and slowly work them open. His lips stay attached to mine as he shrugs it off and throws it somewhere on the dark wood floor. My stomach burns with need, it’s been too long. Far too long.

      I’m surprised my lady hole hasn’t run off to find a different body.


She’s biding her time. Saddle up before it’s too lat


     “Maya,” he whimpers as I tongue the flickering pulse on his neck, working the tie from his shirt. Must get clip-ons. Just in case he is actually any good when it comes to the bumping of the nasties. If he’s not then I can use the tie as an excuse for a while. He sure likes his ties. “Please. Don’t toy with me.”

     “How long has it been?” I ask as my fingers work the belt of his black trousers.

     He gulps and his eyes meet mine, “Since before I asked you to marry me.”

     “I thought…” Wait what? We were supposed to spend the time from our engagement to our wedding celebrating our last months of freedom. “What?” I don’t realize I’ve stopped moving until James grips my hands in his and pulls them away from his almost undone belt. “Why?”

     “I’ve done all of that, it doesn’t interest me anymore,” he shrugs and gives me a weak smile, grabbing his tie from the ground. “I’m guessing by that guilty look on your face you did screw someone in Vegas. I hope you at least used protection.”

     “James,” I say as he pulls his jacket on. I’m still in shock at his revelation. Why the hell didn’t he use his last months of freedom? Has he really been waiting for me? I thought he was as pissed about this marriage as I am. He certainly gave me a lot of headaches about it that’s for sure and he was constantly angry with me up until our wedding day. “I…”

     “Just stop with the men, ok?” he grumbles. “Or at least… I dunno. Give me a shot. You may be surprised.”

     “You’re the one redressing, I never gave you permission,” I flick at the bulge in his pants and giggle. His face turns stony and he rips my hand away causing me to gasp a little at the speed and aggression. “James.”

     “Stop saying my name,” he snaps turning his angry glare on to me. “Why did you bother marrying me? Really? For your dad? Christ, wasn’t there an ounce of you that actually wanted this?”

     What the hell do I say to that? Say something clever. Something witty to defuse the situation. “Umm…” Nice Maya, real fucking nice.


I hate you right now.


Shut up… stupid libido.


     “I got my answer,” he laughs humorlessly and pushes away from me. He runs his hands down his face. “I let you fuck off to Vegas. I let you party every night. Christ, I let you wrap me around your little finger and for what? Huh? So you can treat me like an idiot for a bunch of drunken males?”

     I sigh and reach over to touch him, feeling oddly guilty, unfortunately he pulls back. Then I just watch as he storms out of the door, slamming it so hard behind him a picture of us on our wedding day falls to the floor and cracks.


Talk about timing. How messed up is that?


Chapter Two


     Bending down I pick up the photo of me in my wedding dress, my husband beside me. I remember how all day he was smiling, laughing and smiling and watching me. At the time I couldn’t stop thinking how good an actor he was, but seeing the blatant hurt in his eyes today, now I’m wondering if he was acting at all. It matched the look on his face from when I told him I was going to Vegas. Now that conversation is on my list for unpleasant conversations.

     I thought it was annoyance because he’d have to take on my workload but now (suddenly feeling like an idiot), remember how he said we’d both go together and I told him not to worry about it, I was going with
Summer, Jessica and Marie my three best gal pals. Fuck.


     “Call me on my cell,” I holler at my secretary/personal assistant as I dash out of my office, into the sparse white hall and towards the elevator. Come on… please don’t have left yet.

     I sigh with relief when I catch sight of him stepping into the elevator. “James!” I call and dash through the closing doors. Before he can ask me what I’m doing I launch at him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist. He grunts at the force of my power slam but his hands quickly catch me with little effort.

     “Maya what’s wrong?” I notice how he buries his face in my hair and inhales deeply. It makes me shudder a little.

     “I didn’t sleep with anyone in Vegas. Or after our wedding,” I say, my voice quiet, my lips pressed to his ear. He lowers me to the ground and holds me at arm’s length. “I did about a week before our wedding, but I thought,” sigh, “If you’d said no messing around from the engagement I would’ve done that too you know. I would’ve just ended up coming to you. My libido sucks.”

     He winces a little at my announcement of my sexual encounter before our wedding but says nothing. His perfect plump lips purse a little and he bites down on his bottom lip. Making me a little jealous of his teeth.

     The door dings open, showing the large lobby full of people, staff and visitors. “Let’s go home?” I ask with a small smile. “Together?”

     “You want to?” I hate the look of disbelief on his face although I know it’s my fault it’s there.

     “Nope,” Sarcastically I roll my eyes and then lace our fingers. “Come on. Let’s go. Before your member shrivels up and runs away.”

     “You are so vulgar,” he chuckles and pulls me through the gaping crowds. Yes people, we are finally acting like husband and wife. I think.


Is this what married people do?


How the hell should I know? I’m you! If you don’t know then neither will I.




     And home we go.


     We moved into his apartment after the wedding, I always loved his apartment. It’s a penthouse with two bedrooms, nice kitchen, Jacuzzi on the large balcony, a personal gym. House keeper, cleaners. Large sitting room with huge TV. Dining room, with awesome views of the city. He wanted to buy a new house, I insisted this was perfect, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a suburban area, I like the city too much. So much going on all the time.


     “I think this is the first time since before the engagement we’ve actually walked in here together,” I grin, nudging him with my shoulder.

     “Actually, there was a few times before our wedding I had to peel you off the city streets in your drunken states,” he raises his eyebrows. I giggle, “Oh yeah. My bad. Technically you carried me.”

     “So, what do you want to do?”

     I snort, noticing the awkward shift in the atmosphere. “We’re married, what do married couples do?”

     “Watch movies, talk about their day?” he raises his eyebrows and leads me to the couch with a hand at the nape of my neck. “Cook together.”

     “You didn’t mention sex.”

     “Do you always think about sex?”

     I tap my chin in thought and pull him to sit beside me. Crossing my legs I face him. “Pretty much. You’re only twenty eight, it should be all you think about.”

     “Twenty six.”

     “Really? Wow. I don’t even know my husband’s age,” I find this so hilarious. Laughter takes over me, to the point where I have to clutch my stomach much like my dad did when he tricked me in the car. “I think it’s safe to say I’m the worst wife ever. Maybe we should start there.”

     “Where?” he smirks, how fucking hot. Growl.

     I blink those dirty thoughts away, “Well, you pretty much know me. I’m crazy, sex crazed, party crazed, work crazed, coffee crazed, chocolate crazed.”

     “That’s a whole lot of crazed,” he grins and plays with a lock of my hair. His knuckles lightly brush my nipple as he winds the lock from my waist to my shoulder and back down again. Crafty.

     I shudder and clear my throat, “My favorite color is…”

     “Dark purple and grey.”

     “Right, what’s yours? Wait don’t tell me… it’s
ummm… green?”

     “Brown, like melted chocolate.”

     “My hair is that shade,” I smirk as he shuffles closer, his green eyes as dark as moss now. “Continue.”

     “Violet, like your freaky eyes, another favorite,” he breathes and wraps his hand around the nape of my neck. “Peach, like your lips.” Even closer. Oh boy. “Cream, like your skin,” he tilts forward, his words barely a whisper across my lips. “Red, like the flush in your cheeks when you’re excited.” His lips graze mine. Ah screw this word foreplay. I slam into him and devour his mouth, my leg wraps over his and moments later I’m straddling him as our tongues dance.

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