A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (10 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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“That’s a one way street dude, not gonna happen,” she states firmly and tugs on a pair of thin flannel pajama bottoms to stop he
r thighs irritating each other while she sleeps. Pulling the corner of the blanket over, I pat the mattress and wait for her to climb in. She does, albeit a little bit hesitantly. At first I think it’s because she’s in pain but then I realize she wants to ask me something. “Say it.”

“Why are we sleeping in the same bed?”

Blink. That is a good fucking question. After snuggling on the couch for a couple of hours, Marie stated she was tired, I said me too, and then we ended up here.

“You’re always warm,” I give her a grin, trying to make this situation lose its awkwardness. She curls around my body and rests her chin on my chest. “I like sleeping with you.”

With a nonchalant shrug she presses her cheek to my chest and yawns deeply. “Good night Jacob.”

“Night,” I kiss the top of her hair and wrap my arms around her shoulders. Part of me never wants this friendship to end, we have it perfect. Close friends, fun, no arguments, no misunderstandings, and no explanations. We get to have our cake and eat it as well.

But I’m not stupid, I know that it can only last another seven fucks. Things will get messy the more time we spend together. I don’t know much about being in love, I’ve never been in love, but I’m guessing this right here, is one of the first steps into that crazy ass realm that I don’t want to be a part of. For now, it’s good as it is, but once I leave for England, there won’t be any more sleeping with this god damn, sexy as hell female again unless I’ve fucked her first. Depending on whether or not we use up our remaining seven nights before I leave.

The way we’ve been going at it, it’s likely.


It’s seven when I wake up, to me this is like a lie in. My plans for the day don’t start until twelve, I have a lunch date with
Beth Snipes, my costar on this up and coming movie. We’re going to start running lines together to get a head start. Just in case we get called in early. She’s in the city doing the same as I’m doing, advertising her latest film role.

Maybe Marie will want to come with, is she a fan of

I snort at the thought
of Marie being a fan of anyone but herself and wrap my arms tighter around the koala Marie who is currently attached to me like a squid to a rock. All of her limbs are tightly locked around me, one arm under my back, her fingers tight to the curve of my neck, the other arm over my front, those fingers digging into my ribs. Her legs are both tangled with mine and her head is on my chest. Her groin is pressed against my thigh and I won’t lie, my raging boner is saying I like it. I do like it.

Shame I can’t act on it.

I shift slightly to get the point of her elbow away from my spine and place one of my hands on her ass. She’s got a great ass. She grumbles in her sleep and holds me tighter, this makes me laugh a little. For someone so independent and happy to be alone during the day, she’s extremely clingy in the night.

She moans, is she having a sexy dream? And again a groan tears from her throat. Her heartbeat begins rapidly beating against her chest,
I can feel it against my own. She shifts and her hold on me loosens before it tightens. Her skin warms and I feel a damp layer of perspiration rest upon her gold skin.

“Loryn,” she mumbles and I blink in shock. Loryn? “No.”

She suddenly stills and I feel her lashes tickle my throat. Then she tenses and slowly starts to peel her body from mine. The cold bite in the air nips at me, I decide my little human heater isn’t getting far and roll her onto her back with me on top. “Jacob?”


“You’re still here,” there’s no annoyance or disbelief to her tone. It’s a statement, not an enquiry.



I hover above her and search her face, whatever the hell just happened to her, all traces of it have been wiped. She smiles sleepily at me, I
kiss her nose and nod, “Yeah.”

“Okay, let me go and I’ll make breakfast.”

“Breakfast can wait,” I state and drop my full body weight onto her.


“Cold.” I give a dramatic shiver and smile when she laughs a little. She tugs the blanket up and over my back until it’s resting on my shoulders. Enveloping her in my arms, I roll again so we’re both tangled together on our sides. “That’s better.”

“Hey Jake?” Her fingers trail up and down my back. I hum. “How old are you?”

Looking at her in shock, my body starts to shake and then I can’t help it. I roar with laughter. “You don’t know how old I am?”

She shakes her head.

“It’s Google knowledge…”

“I’ve never really cared to know,” she admits and I flash her a smile which she returns.

“I’m twenty five,” I kiss her neck and her jaw. “Why do you suddenly want to know now?”

She shrugs, “We’ve gotten past three fucks. And we’re friends. What other reason do I need?”


She feigns insult and slaps my arm.

Then I add without thinking, “My whore.”

We both freeze. Her eyebrows hit her hairline, “Breakfast?”

“Yeah,” I respond quickly and we both dive out of bed as if it’s about to burst into flames. “I’m gonna have a shower.”

“Right,” and then she’s gone and
then I’m beating my head against the door. Why the fuck did I say that?




Finished! Yes! These are brilliant, I’m a fucking genius!

I call Loryn, “Loryn! I’m a fucking genius.”

I hear Lucas groan in the background, “Christ, I’ve heard this before.”

“And I was right
then too!” I jump up and down on the spot, my phone clutched to my ear. “I’m a genius! Want to see why I’m a genius?”

“I’ll be right there,” Loryn laughs
as I sit at my desk and spin in the chair a few times..

“No she won’t,” Lucas grumbles and I hear rustling. “We’re busy.”

Loryn starts giggling, “I’ll be there in half an hour.”

“You wound me,” Lucas states and I can’t help but join in with Loryn’s cackling. “It takes you twenty minutes to get to the studio. Are you insinuating I only take five minutes?”

At this I laugh harder.

“Lucas,” Loryn whines. “I want to go see Marie’s brilliance! Hey… what are you…?”

“It’s Lucas, she’ll be there when I’m done.”

“Dude, T.M.I.”

“I don’t have a fucking clue what that means…” there’s more rattling.

“It’s Loryn,” yes, because I can’t tell the difference between a male voice and a female voice. Dot, dot, dot. “I’ll be there in an hour.”

I snort, “Loryn, he’s in a wheelchair, just make a run for it.”

She laughs harder. Lucas, in the background, starts asking, “What? What did she say?”

“Hurry your ass up bitch, I need to share my genius with someone!” I hang up and tap my nails on my desk, pinky finger to forefinger and then back again.

If you haven’t already guessed, I’ve finally finished Jacob’s pictures. Backgrounds have been added, the lighting adjusted, color tones tweaked, etc. They look awesome if I do say so myself.


Pictures are done! I need you to sign the release later.


It’ll cost you.




One blowjob.






Would have done it for two…


Would have done it for free ;)


Idiot men. Yet I’m smiling.


Let me give you a quick run through of this morning, I woke up from a not so pleasant dream involving a not so pleasant female who I shot. I have them sometimes, it’s not a big deal. I just try not to think about it.

Fortunately for me I don’t think Jacob noticed and if he did, fortunately for me, he didn’t say anything.

We got up, we ate breakfast, we cleaned, and we got dressed. Then we had a pillow fight in my living room and a vase shattered. In my defense, Jacob started said pillow fight by biting my thigh for no good reason. I was just lying down on the couch flicking through channels when he kneeled on the ground and I felt his teeth sink into the flesh below my right ass cheek. With a shriek I smashed him over the head with a pillow, and the fighting began. It was fun and that vase was garbage anyway.

Then he… after inviting me… went for lunch with his future on screen love interest. I was grateful for the invitation but it was unnecessary. I didn’t go as you can see, I came to work and finished up these pictures. It’s now five in the afternoon, I’m exhausted and feeling extremely proud of myself and can’t wait to show the world my new portfolio next week.


Loryn arrives an hour later as I’m picking out scenes to show to Helen and Wesley next week for their family shoot. We hug briefly and I start flicking through the images being projected onto a white screen.

“Love them,” she’s grinning from ear to ear. “Seriously… these are brilliant. I hope Jacob likes them.”

I chuckle, “Jacob will like anything I tell him to like for a…”

“La la la,” she covers her ears which makes me laugh even more. “Where is he?”

“He went to lunch with that famous
Beth lady person,” I respond and turn the projector off.

Beth Snipes?” she chokes and I nod. “Oh my God, I’m so jealous.”

“She’s just another person.”

“A famous person.”

Eye roll.

“So where is he now?”

I wave my hands out flippantly, “Probably running lines with her.”

Loryn’s eyebrows slowly go up, “So he and a gorgeous costar…” now my eyebrows go up. She quickly amends, “She’s not as gorgeous as you.” Much better. “So they’re like, in a hotel room alone, reading through love scenes in the movie.”

“Sounds about right,” I smirk at her baffled expression.

“And this doesn’t bother you?” her baffled expression remains, her brows now furrowed.

Does it bother me? “Nope. Not really.”


“I’m not in love with him, I’m not his girlfriend,
I don’t own him. We’re friends.”


“Loryn, I promise, this arrangement is a good one.”

Then she suddenly asks, “Who hurt you so bad that you are so adamant to never love again?” I freeze. Then I shake it off and give her a reassuring smile, “
Dude, don’t be dramatic… I’m fine. This is how I like it. It’s got nothing to do with another guy ‘breaking my heart’.” My voice drops an octave for the last three words and my fingers act as air quotes as I say them.

I can see she doesn’t believe me but she drops it and pulls out her phone. “Shall we go to dinner?”

“Sounds like a good idea,” I’m starving.




I check my watch for the fifth time. Marie hasn’t texted me so I’m unsure what I’m doing.

At present I’m sat with
Beth, who is as beautiful as I remember her. Her hair is dark red and thick with waves, she’s slim, toned, pretty and has killer legs. Unfortunately she’s wearing a tight deep green dress that brings out her silver eyes and let me tell you… temptation.

Oh she wants it, she wants me and I won’t lie and say I don’t want her, but we have to remain professional. I’ve
just found out our agents have been conspiring against us and want us to pretend we’re dating to build up the movie hype.

“It’s a good idea, all we’d have to do is be seen together,”
Beth states and I agree with her. It is easy, we’re both single and both willing. “What do you think?”

“As long as it’s just for show,” I notice her silver eyes wince a little but don’t think anything of it. “Then I’m game.”

She beams and rubs her hands together, “Brilliant. We’ll do dinner tomorrow, at the White Heart hotel. Eight sound good?”

I nod, I have no plans.


I’m on my way to dinner with Loryn. Want to come?


I check my watch for the time. Shit. It’s gone six. “I’ve got to go, I’m meeting my friends for food.”

stands abruptly, “Can I join you?”


“I promise not to be a bother, I just… don’t know anybody around here,” gah, how can I say no now?

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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