A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (31 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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Marie has her hand to her stomach, laughing her ass off. I’m just gaping like an idiot at the scene. I notice another man filming through the window that leads to the den. This one is an older man, way older. Has to be
at least seventy from what I can tell at a distance.

The car door opens, “Get them inside, move,
move.” We’re pulled out and a shower curtain is thrown over us as we’re guided inside. This is fucking crazy.

Then we’re up a set of steps and deposited in Marie’s entrance before the door is slammed shut and the foam attack continues.

“Holy shit,” I say, my eyes wide on Marie who is still laughing. “Who the hell were they?”

I don’t get a response, unless you count, “GRAMPS!” As a response. Which I don’t because it’s aimed at the older guy. She throws herself at him, wrapping her arms around his torso as he wraps his around her shoulders.

“Marie, Marie,” he says in a singsong voice, which also holds a heavy southern accent. “How’s my sapling?” Sapling? Snigger.

“Missed you,”
she kisses his jaw which is covered in grey stubble and steps back. “Gramps, this is Jacob. Jacob, this is Gramps.” He doesn’t have a normal name I can greet him by?

I shake the old guy’s hand, “Nice to meet you sir.”

“You too boy,” Boy? “Get this old guy a drink would you sapling?”

“No problem,” and Marie skips… yep, skips… out of the room and into the kitchen, humming the entire way.
“Where’s my Dad?”

“Out there spraying those camera folk.” I sit awkwardly in front of the old man, both of us listen to the group of guys outside laughing and joking with each other. “Heard you got ill.”


“Glad you’re
feelin’ better.”

“Me too.”

“And me!” Marie calls from the kitchen.

The old man levels his familiar blue eyes on me. This is a first. I’ve never met a girl’s family before and I’m not sure if I like it. He speaks, it’s quiet but not threatening, “You get this a lot?”


He nods slowly and lowers his voice further, “And how’s she cope with it?”

“Like Marie copes with everything, a pinch of salt over her shoulder and the bad stuff has gone.” I have no idea who this guy is and no idea why he’s answering for me, but he looks the double of Mason except this guy has to be in his late forties. “Don’t interrogate the boy, Pops. He’s had a shit week.” Boy?

“So I’ve heard,” this is Mason who has just entered the room wearing nothing but a vest and joggers. Foam still clings to his hair. “Thought I told you to stay away from my sister.”

All three men look at me. Gulp. “Thought I told you no.”

Mason only grins, “I’m just ribbing you.” He is? His face darkens. “But seriously, stay the fuck away from her.” What? Then he laughs, “Dude, you take shit way too serious.”

The forty something guy slaps Mason on the back, “Leave the boy alone.” Again with the boy?

“Sorry Pops,” Pops? Wait… is this Marie’s dad? The one that’s supposedly dead.
Fuck me if I’m not confused.

“Ignore him, he’s always been protective of our girl,” Gramps chuckles and two more men come stampeding into the room, dripping foam everywhere and jumping all over the place while they cheer loudly. Marie is going to have a fit.

I want to be anywhere but here.



Well this week has just been one thing after another. Hopefully that’s the end of it for another year but knowing my friends and my life… it’s most de
finitely not going to be a smooth sailing year.

It’s nice to see my family though, my uncles are here,
and so is my gramps and my dad. It’s a shock to see them all getting on. Especially Mason and Dad.

Jacob looks irritated, not that I blame him, my family aren’t exactly being kind. I notice his face darken whenever one of them refer to him as boy. So I sit by him for support and
lace my fingers with his. I think it’s what couples are supposed to do to offer that small bit of support. Jacob seems to relax a fraction, but not much.

My uncles don’t stay for long which is a relief, I love them but they’re loud and
audacious and loud and extremely fucking irritating. Also they think Jacob wants to hear all of my childhood tales. Which he doesn’t. Okay… maybe he does but I don’t want him to.

So they finally left about ten minutes ago with my gramps and my dad who seems to really like Jacob which is good although even if he didn’t I wouldn’t care. My brother hates Jacob but then again, my brother is a prick on a good day.

Okay, so that’s a lie, my brother is the second greatest guy I know and I have to admit I love seeing him look after me. What I don’t love is him being in Jacob’s face about it as Jacob is
greatest guy I know and I want him to stay in my life.


Fuck me.


I want him to stay in my life.
of all people…
… wants a man to remain by my side. Craziness has descended and I love it. He makes me happy.

My feet feel cold. Is that hell freezing over?


“Want to do something fun?” I ask Jacob. Mason cocks his head with a smile, like a dog waiting for a treat. “Not you.”

“Where’s the love? After I squirted all of those dickheads out front for you… wait… that didn’t come out right.”

Jacob smirks, it’s sexy. “I think that came out perfectly.”

“Shut up Ass hat.”

Jacob flips him the bird, “Melon head.”

Mason gasps and looks at me, betrayal in his eyes, “You told him!”

“Nope, Uncle Mitch told him. I just laughed.”

“That fucking… gah, I’m going to murder him.”

Melon head is Mason’s childhood
nickname because his head was too big for his body and he tore my momma up pretty bad when he came out. So bad I apparently fell out three minutes later, no pushing required.

“What do you want to do?” Jacob asks as I stand and wipe my pants down. “We have to be careful.” Right, the stalkers with cameras. How is that kind of thing not illegal?

“It’s cool, I’ve got this,” I clear my throat and peek out of the window. There are still vultures out there but they’re keeping their distance. “Come on.”


I lead Jacob out of the kitchen window, he jumps out first into the alleyway behind my apartment and helps me down after him with one hand on my ass and the other gripping my hip. There are two ways that we can go but both of them are barred shut with metal gates that aren’t easy to get over. For most people.

Pulling my scarf tighter around my neck I s
tep closer to Jacob and kiss his jaw, “This way.” I lead him to the left and climb over the metal gate that stands at about seven foot tall with bars that lead from the top to the bottom, nowhere near wide enough to squeeze through. I used the handle as leverage for my foot to grip onto, before swinging myself over the top and landing gracefully on the other side.

Jacob climbs it faster and easier than I did, I smile and pull his wooly hat down to cover his brows and make sure his wool scarf covers his mouth and nose. His eyes smile at me, I kiss his nose and comment on how cute he looks. His smiling eyes roll as his hand grips mine and we cross the cold and dark street.

“Where are we going?” He asks, still gripping me tightly.

“You’ll see,” we press onward, cutting through two more alleyways, these ones wider and not barred. As soon as we reach a main street I flag down a cab.

“We’re going to the studio?”

“I need to pick up my camera,” I respond, trying not to give too much away.

“You need another camera,” Jacob mumbles to himself. I completely agree with him, I should be able to afford a decent one in a few months. Opening a new business is hard, especially when you’ve got things to pay off. Sure Maya is taking a percentage as a silent partner rather than wanting the money handed to her but we still have to get off our feet and business may be great right now but we can’t assume it’s going to stay that way. We have to be careful with our funds and every penny we get this month is going to the overdue taxes and other expenses. Maya paid for the renovations and her company provided the equipment. The rest of it is on us.

“Wait here,” I say after opening the shutters and leading Jacob inside. “I’ll be two seconds.”

He follows me anyway, this makes me smile. His hand never leaves my ass for a second while I pack my camera in its case along with everything else I need.

“You should let me take a picture of you naked. Or a hundred, I’d prefer a thousand.” Jacob whispers against my neck as I zip my camera bag closed and hook the strap over my shoulder to cross my chest so the bag rests at my hip.

“Which one is it? One, a hundred, or a thousand?” There’s no way I can resist pressing my ass against his hard length so I don’t resist. Moan.

His fingers tickle the skin above the waist band of my pants, they dip inside to stroke the bare skin above my slit. “A million. I could stare at you all day.” Groan. That’s so hot. His finger dips inside and only just skims that button that makes everything flash and bang within. “Maybe two million.” A wet tongue traces a circle below my ear
as his chin nudges my scarf down. “You taste so good, all the fucking time.”


“I want you now.”

“I couldn’t tell.” Christ I sound like a panting idiot. “More.”

“I thought you were taking me somewhere,” he nips my earlobe and blows on the shell making me shiver.

“No, that can wait, take me here.”

I feel his smile before I see it, his finger works faster against me down below. My once dry core is now soaking wet, aching to be filled. He knows what I want before I say it and fills me with his finger. It’s not enough. More, I need more.

“I want in your mouth,” he says in my ear and I don’t hesitate to spin and drop to my knees. No need for foreplay before foreplay, I whip his solid, heated length out and grasp it with both hands before slipping the tip into my mouth and enveloping him until my lips touch my fingers. I move one hand down to cup and gently tease his balls
, while my hand that grips him pumps up and down in time with my mouth. With each thrust I take him deeper and deeper until I can feel him at the back of my throat.

He groans loudly and grips my head
, his hips thrust in time with my pulls and plunges. “Fuck, Marie, slow down.” I don’t want to so I don’t. I keep going as deep as I can get him and right back up to the tip, sucking with each pull. “God, that feels good. Slow down.” Nope. I shake my head to tell him no and feel his balls tighten and his hands tense in my hair. “Ah!” He cries out and his hips jerk involuntarily, he doesn’t give me a chance to pull away from his explosion. I wouldn’t move anyway but even if I wanted to his hands are holding my head right where he wants it.

Before I get a chance to swallow I’m up and my back is slamming against, well some kind of prop. It’s flat and a little bit lumpy
, but that’s forgotten quickly as my trousers are gone and his mouth is there. Right there. His tongue probing and wet as he thumbs my clit. Just the way I like it.

Tingles erupt from the pit of my stomach, my hands fly to his hair much like his did to mine. I grip him hard and without shame I grind myself against his face, wanting more. Needing more.

“Harder,” I demand. Actually it’s more of a growl. I’m sure I’m not the only woman who has turned into a snarling bitch when so close to the beginning of an orgasm she can feel it tickling her brain, yet so far from it she knows if he messes up once that feeling is gone.

As it is, he doesn’t mess up. He fucks me with his tongue and fingers like the pro he is and I thank the Lord this beautiful man wasn’t a virgin when we met. Sure it sucks he’s been with other women but I like to think they were just the practice sluts before he dealt with the real thing. The
y’re the training wheels to his bike. They came off and I just came…

Oh my fucking god that feels so good. Will it ever end?

He’s in me before it ends and that feels even better. Then I’m against the cold wall, his hips moving rapidly in and out, faster than ever before. He seems as desperate for the end as me. There’s nothing slow about our sex sessions, nothing. We both love the beginning but we love the ending more. So much so, that after we come we go again until we’re both sore and aching all over.

This is our way.

This is what we do.

This is fucking awesome.



We manage to finally get to where we’re going. It’s a certain spot by the river where the lights of the city reflect off the water with perfect clarity. It’s dark, not dark enough to see the stars but it’s still dark. The lights that are quite far away set a nice glow on Marie’s profile as she sets her camera up and looks through the lens to take the shots she wants.

After looking up briefly her eyes find mine and through the dark I see her smile. Her gaze is set upon me as she demands, “Take off the hat and scarf. The light is
hitting you perfect.” I do as I’m told. She walks towards me, the camera stood on its tripod aiming right at us.

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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