A Little Night Music (6 page)

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Authors: Andrea Dale,Sarah Husch

BOOK: A Little Night Music
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Hannah clawed at the buttons on his silk shirt, opening it nearly to the waist before pressing her lips to the smooth flesh that was revealed. A light dusting of hair swirled around his nipples. Her fingernails trailed through it, following it down to his belt. He pulled the rest of the shirt out of his waistband and tore it off over his head. It caught on one of his wrists, and he brought the silk up to rub against her cheek. She moaned.

Nate’s fingers fumbled with the tie at the back of her jacket, and when it fell apart he ripped the garment off her shoulders, dragging it down her arms. It flew, landing somewhere on the floor. She didn’t care. The evergreen lace cami followed, eased over her head with a speed she found exciting. He took her breasts in his hands and pressed his mouth to them, nuzzling the deep valley between.

Hannah tipped her head back, her eyes closed as she savored the sensations. Her body demanded more, moving restlessly in his hands. She was desperate for his mouth to give her what she needed, and she was shocked to hear herself beg. Nate’s thumbs flicked the nipples that were outlined against the lace. Before she could react to the liquid ache his caress sent curling through her veins, his mouth closed over her, suckling her nipples through the material. The sensation filled her with heat.

Hannah grabbed his hair again; it seemed like the only thing holding her up as her knees started to buckle. He realized, and caught her, only to slide down the zipper of her skirt so that it parted and fell to the floor. She managed to kick it away.

He backed up then, just a few paces, and stared at her, his eyes dark with appreciation—no, downright lust—as he took in the lacy bra and thong, stockings and heels. The look he was giving her made her thighs tremble.

She wasn’t going to be able to stand up much longer.

So, she took matters into her own hands. Flashing him a smile, she turned and sauntered over to the bed, giving him a full view of her ass framed by the thong. Then she sat on the bed and crooked her finger at him. She didn’t have to do it twice. Nate hurtled across the room and dropped to his knees in front of her.

Hannah leaned back on her elbows as he slowly ran his strong hands up her legs, from ankles to calves to thighs—where again he toyed with the edges of her stockings—and back down again. Deftly he slipped her shoes off and tossed them aside. She ran her toes across his chest, sliding over his nipples. He grabbed her ankles and set them on his shoulders, and began tracing the route his hands had taken with his tongue.

Up her calves…her thighs…along the edge of the lace, on the sensitive bare skin of her legs close to her crotch. Her thighs quivered, and she could smell her own arousal. Her clit throbbed as he gently sucked her skin into his mouth. The fantasies she’d had about him had been numerous, but not a single one had even come close to this. She wanted to fall back on the bed, but she wanted to watch even more.

As if reading her thoughts, he looked up at her, his wicked smile a promise of things to come. Hannah didn’t have to try to look seductive. She knew her eyes revealed exactly how she felt. She wanted him.

Nate gave a low laugh and tugged at the edge of her thong. She raised her hips obligingly so he could slide it off. His eyes darkened when he noted that she shaved, then he dipped his head back down and blew warm air across her crotch. Hannah moaned. His breath added heat to the fire that was already raging.

She reached out with one hand to pull his face closer, but he resisted. Instead, he stood and reached behind her to unsnap her bra and fling it; she was vaguely aware of it catching on a bedpost and dangling there. Pushing her back on the bed, he straddled her legs, the leather that covered his thighs cool against her heated skin. He leaned over and scraped his teeth across one of her nipples. At the same time, his fingers did similar things to her other breast. Lightning shot through her.

Hannah squirmed her hips, clutching at his muscular shoulders, unable to move very far. God, she didn’t think she’d ever been so aroused. He was making her feel things she hadn’t thought her body was capable of.

“Please,” she moaned, and he laughed softly again. The velvet sound of his voice wrapped around her, almost tangible in the pleasure it gave.

Hannah arched up a little, brushing against his leather pants, gasping with triumph when his hands clenched convulsively. But he didn’t stop what he was doing, didn’t stop the scrape of his teeth, the tantalizing draw of his mouth. A sizzling line of fire was trailing from her breasts, down her body to her crotch.

When it reached her clit, the dynamite went off. Hannah cried out, her eyes closing as pleasure exploded, her body fragmenting as the waves continued with each lazy pull of his lips.

The fire slowly faded, the twitching subsiding.

This had never happened before. What was he doing to her? She stared at him, gasping, astonished and drippingly aroused. If that’s how she reacted to him playing with her breasts, what was going to happen next?

“Breathe,” he said again, placing a trail of sharp bites down the side of her neck. “I’ve only just gotten started with you. I wonder…”

“What?” Hannah gasped. She looked up into his midnight blue eyes and felt herself falling.

“I wonder how many times I can make you come tonight,” he said, and slid down between her legs.

Before she had time to fully process the weight of what he’d said, he flicked his tongue against her nether lips. Instantly, the languorous feeling of satisfaction dissolved, sending her spiraling again towards pleasure.

He traced the cleft between her thighs, easing away when she arched closer, teasingly light in the contact. Using his thumbs, he separated her folds, his tongue sampling the rich cream within. Hannah almost came unglued. He caressed her in maddening circles, tasting her everywhere except where she desperately needed him to be. Her hands clenched the soft comforter into mounds, her hips arching. His laugh rumbled against her, vibrating, sending waves of pleasure through her lower belly.

But it always took her forever to come again this way….

Then his tongue found the sensitive nub of secret flesh, swirling a slow caress across it.

This time, she screamed.

“Lie up across the bed,” Nate said after she stopped hyperventilating.

“I can’t,” she said. “My legs don’t work anymore. I’m not entirely sure I even have legs.”

“Oh, believe me, you do. Luscious, incredible legs. Legs that have been driving me wild all evening. I can’t wait to feel them wrapped around my neck.”

Hannah whimpered. Her fantasy had escalated beyond her wildest imaginings. And never in any fantasy had she given him such complete control over her.

Nate helped her lie back so her head was cradled by the fluffy white pillows. He stood on the bed over her, and she reached up for the laces of his leather pants. She sat up and pressed her face into the crotch, inhaling the scent of leather and feeling his erection press against her cheek. He watched her intently as she fumbled with the knot, his breathing rapid. The fabric parted, and she saw that he wasn’t wearing underwear.

Hannah leaned back, admiring, as he slowly peeled off the pants and tossed them away. She reached out a hand but he shook his head. Eventually she dragged her eyes away from his impressive cock and looked up. When she caught his gaze, he smiled.

And did one of his famous leaps into the air.

Hannah shrieked, instinctively stiffening, half-expecting him to land on her. But he bounced on the bed with his hands and knees on either side of her, laughing at her fear. Before she could react, he kissed her, his mouth possessive, allowing no room for any coherent thought. She tasted herself on his tongue, a mixture of his mouth and her juices.

“I was right,” he said when he drew away. “Intoxicating.”

His tongue began a maddening exploration of her neck while his hand trailed down over her body. He pinched her nipple; paused to cup the curve of her hip; slid lower. Her hips flexed as he dipped a finger inside her, then drew it back out.

His hand moved back down, toying at her outer lips until she thought she’d have to…well, do something drastic…before, finally, he drove it inside of her.

His fingers, so talented on the keyboard, proved their talent here. They thrust to the rhythm of her heartbeat, slow at first, and then quickening as her passion mounted. Hannah clutched his shoulders, her fingers digging into the muscle. He was her lifeline and her tormentor and she loved every second of it.

“You just don’t know when to stop, do you?” he growled, when the last quivers of her pleasure faded away.

“Not a clue,” she said, gasping for breath. Her hand closed around him, enjoying the feel of smooth skin wrapped around his iron length. She explored with her fingers, rubbing the droplet at the tip of his cock with her thumb. She watched his face, seeing the clenching of his jaw when she teased his sac with her nails.

He rolled away abruptly, reaching to open the nightstand drawer. A foil packet was tossed to the floor as he quickly rolled the condom on. He positioned himself between her thighs, his hand sliding along her body. He cupped her ass and Hannah lifted her legs, pulling them back so that they rested on his shoulders. She was completely open to him.

“Oh yes,” he murmured. “Wrapped around my neck. Yes.” His pupils were so large that his eyes looked black with desire.

He rested the head of his cock at her slick entrance. Hannah tried to wiggle her hips, tried to take more of him in, but she was in no position to move very far. Her stockinged legs skidded along his shoulders.

“How many was that?” Nate asked. The roughness of his voice gave away just how slender his control was. He rested on his hands, gazing down at her from a matter of inches. The look in his eyes was pure heat.

“How many
?” Hannah demanded, frustrated.

His teeth flashed white in his grin. “How many times have you come so far? Weren’t you keeping count? Don’t tell me we have to start over.”

Hannah took a deep breath to scream “Aaaargh!’, but the sound was choked off when he thrust into her. He filled her, and she molded around him.

God, but he felt exquisite inside her.

That was her last coherent thought as he moved hard and fast. Clutching at his arms, feeling the rigid muscle of his biceps beneath her palms, Hannah let herself be swept away by sensation. His weight pushed her into the bed, the rocking of his hips sweeping her along a path of pure sensation.

Then she felt his muscles tighten, felt him tense, and she urged him on, feeling him swell just before he came. The last frantic thrust triggered her yet again.

Nate collapsed on top of her, keeping just enough weight on his elbows to keep from crushing her. His breath was hot against her shoulder, his hair tickling her skin. Finally, he rolled to one side, dragging her with him and draping a leg over hers.

“It’s really hard to count,” she said. She gave in to her inclination to nuzzle the skin of his jaw, to breathe deeply of his scent, all warm and clean and male.


“Well, I mean, was that a whole bunch of orgasms, or was it one long one with a bunch of peaks?” She waved one hand vaguely in a peaks-and-valleys-type motion. She was vaguely surprised she had the energy left to lift a hand.

Nate opened one eye. He trailed one hand down her side to the damp cleft between her thighs. “If you don’t hush,” he threatened, “I’ll keep going until you pass out.” To prove his point, one finger slid slowly inside of her.

Oh dear lord…


Hannah woke the next morning with sunshine in her eyes. It fell in a shimmering path through the window and across the bed. At some point they’d crawled under the covers and curled together in a warm, sated mass.

Now she stretched, reacting in surprise when she realized Nate was no longer in the bed. His pillow bore an indentation of his head. She rolled over and buried her face in the pillowcase. It smelled like him, warm and intrinsically male. Reluctantly, she eased away from it and crawled out of the bed. Stupid bladder.

With a wry grin, Hannah realized she was still wearing her stockings. She peeled them off and tossed them in the general direction of the rest of her clothing, which was scattered across the hardwood floor. She headed towards the door, then paused. His silk shirt lay at her feet. Biting her lip, she grabbed it and slid it on. It slithered around her, caressing her thighs, reminding her of his touch.

Thankfully, the bathroom was attached to the bedroom; she didn’t have to go stumbling through the house to find it.

She sat on the toilet, head in hands, and thought. Her work here was done. She’d fulfilled the promise she’d made to her seventeen-year-old self nine years ago. She’d had her night of passion with Nate Fox.

, it had been
. It had, in fact, exceeded her expectations. It had been the most mind-blowing, teeth-tingling, toe-curling sex of her life.

Hannah washed her face and peered at herself in the mirror. Her hair was tousled, her natural curls beginning to spring to life. She found his comb and smoothed her hair the best she could. Hopefully, she would look sexy and not frizzy. She fully intended to put on her wrinkled suit and leave. She’d find Nate, give him a kiss to thank him for a wonderful evening, and ask him to call her a cab. She’d promised herself one night of passion. Now she’d gotten him out of her system, she could be his publicist without all the sexual tension getting in the way.

But then she sniffed the air, and her stomach growled in response to the wafting odor of bacon. Like the enthusiastic dog in a Beggin’ Strips commercial, she followed the scent downstairs. She didn’t even bother removing his shirt.

The house had retained its Victorian flavor, right down to the William Morris acanthus-leaf wallpaper. The traditional furniture added to its warm appeal. But the house didn’t look lived in. Hannah paused in the living room, glancing around for anything that seemed to be uniquely Nate, and found nothing.

Following her nose, she found Nate in the kitchen. Here at last were the modern additions that made life bearable. Appliances and utensils reflected the best in cooking techniques, designed for style and ease of use. She took it all in with a brief glance before her gaze settled on Nate standing at the stove. He was wearing only an apron, and she was treated to a back view of the big bow framing his tight ass.

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