A Love Like This (Book 1) (49 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Lane

BOOK: A Love Like This (Book 1)
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You would really do that,

Dana asked with wide eyes.

Of course honey,

Bess replied in a deep melodic voice.

How old are you?

I just turned seventeen a few days ago.

My son doesn

t bring girls around often and never has he declared any girl to be his future wife until now.

Dana starts choking on her food.

I know he really likes you and I can see why.

s something very honest about you but just remember baby, you

re going to need to stay strong because Peterson men will try you.

Try your patients and work your nerves,

Aunt Sadie chimed in.
Dana continues to eat.
She nods while considering this.

I hope you last
longer than that last crazy
X brought around here.

Clara said as she
stood to walk
out of the room.


t pay any attention to her,

Laney said.


s just pissed about that crazy bitch Valery Callaway.

Watch your mouth,

Bess said without moving her attention away from the stove. That was the first time Dana heard the name Valery Callaway.
That name, that woman would be a thorn in her side from that day on.
She was the one stain in their life.

Xavier twirled Dana around to look at her.


s on your mind,

he asks snapping her back into the present.

She lets her head fall back to look up at the ceiling.
Xavier pulls her close.

Are you worried about Leila?

He asks.

I worry about all of the girls.
Keisha thinks she can do it all.
Leila thinks she knows it all and

She rests her head on Xavier

s chest.


m not sure if that girl will ever find her way.

He smiles and kisses her forehead.

I don

t worry about any of them.
Keisha and Leila are head strong just like you.

ll stumble and run into obstacles like we all do but they

ll work it out.
will figure it all out.
She has inner strength that she just hasn

t tapped into yet.

Dana looks up into his dark brown eyes.

asked me about Valery Callaway,

She blurts.
His expression hardens.

What did you tell her?

He asks averting his eyes.

I didn

t say anything.
I can

t begin to explain this mess.
But you know we are going to have to tell the kids.


I don

t want to think about it,

he says loosening her robe and sliding his hand inside.
He lowers his head to kiss her.

She pulls away.

I don

t want to think about it either but we

ve kept the secret for far too long.

He kisses her neck and slides the robe off her shoulders.
She caresses the back
of his neck and moans her approval.

I know you

re trying to change the subject,

she says squeezing her thighs together.

s trying to stop the throbbing between her legs so that she can think clearly.


m serious,

she says as he lowers her onto the bathroom floor.


s body freezes and becomes rigid.

Do you hear something,

she asks pushing Xavier

s head away from her breasts.



s voice rings out from the front of the house.

Xavier did you close the bedroom door,

Dana asks pulling her robe together and scrambling to get off the floor.

Mom dad,

she yells from the kitchen.

you in the bathroom?

Leila asks peeking in the bedroom door.


ll be out in a few minutes,

Dana yells out in a high pitched voice.
She pulls her robe closed and looks back at Xavier.

We should tell them all tonight at dinner,

She says before leaving the bathroom.

Mom why do you look so flush,

Leila asks when Dana walks out of the bathroom.
Her hair is pulled up into a high ponytail.

s wearing jean shorts and a fitted white t-shirt. Dana thinks she still looks like a little girl rather than a twenty-one year old married woman.

I just took a shower.
It was hot in there,

she says brushing her fingers through her hair.


Leila says with a scrunched nose when her father exits the bathroom adjusting his clothes.

You guys are gross.

ll be in the living room.

Chapter 26

Tucker and I managed to sneak away
from my party at around midnight.
I could barely keep my hands off him as we took the two minute ride up to the penthouse.
The elevator doors opened and the first thing I noticed was the breathtaking view of Los Angeles.
The sky scrapers made the night sky glow with excitement.
The room was plush with overstuffed leather sofa

s a full bar and a giant flat screen TV.
There were rose petals on the floor and soft music playing.

Did you do all of this by yourself,

I asked.

I had a little help,

He said taking my purse and tossing it on to a table.
I brushed
him and looked around the room.
Inside the bathroom there was a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice, strawberries and melted chocolate next to a huge tub full of lavender scented bubbles.
I smiled up at him and his eyes darkened.
He took my hand and led me to a chair in front of a vanity mirror.
I sat down and tucker kneeled in front of me.
He slid my shoes off one at a time then ran his hands up my legs slowly.
His hands trace the length of my body until he reached my back.
He unzipped my dress and I stood up to step out of it.
I sat down on the bench wearing only a black lace bra and matching boy shorts underwear.
Tucker stood and picked up a brush from the vanity.
I wanted to object when he started to brush my hair but it felt so good that I just closed my eyes and sighed.

ve told him that water is like Kryptonite to straightened hair so he handed me a hair tie and I pulled my hair into a bun.

Tucker unhooked my bra pulled it off and dropped it to the floor.
He kneeled and slowly pulled my panties down.
He stopped to kiss my stomach before taking my hand and leading me over to the tub.
I sank into the hot soapy water and closed my eyes.
I felt
like I could get lost in that moment.
He lathered my entire body with lavender scented body wash.
My body rose to meet his touch.
I felt so hot and slippery.

Get in,

I sighed in a pleading voice.

Not yet,

He whispered leaning over to kiss me.
He unhooked the detachable shower head and adjusted the water temperature.
He rinsed the soap from my back and arms.
He circled my breasts with the warm water then slowly lowered it to my stomach.
He lingered for a moment then pushed the hose between my thighs. I closed my eyes as the heavens parted and angels sang.
I began to climax the second the warm water reached my clit.
My whole body tingled as the warm water massaged me.
I opened my eyes panting to catch my breath.
Tucker reached down to kiss me.


he said in a soft low voice.
He took my hand and guided me out of the tub.
I wrapped in a towel, grabbed the strawberries and chocolate and followed him.
Tucker left a trail of clothes on the path to the bedroom.
He stretched out on the bed and I proceeded to pour chocolate on places that I

m sure it was never meant to go.



I woke up this morning with my face glued to Tucker

s chest.
At some point during the night we both fell asleep with a half empty bowl of melted chocolate in bed with us.
peel my head away from his chest and tiptoe towards the bathroom with a wide legged stance.
letting him put chocolate down there was a bad idea.

m probably going to get some sort of infection.
I shower and tidy up the mess we made the night
I don

t want the maid to know what

s been going on in here.
I wrap up in one of the hotels complementary robes and set off to look around the suite for clothes and food.
This place is even more beautiful in the day light.

s bright, airy and there are fresh flowers on nearly every open surface. All of my gifts are stacked neatly on the living room table.
Tucker and I left in such a hurry last night that I didn

t have time to open the gifts.
I rummage through the packages looking for

I know that whatever is in his gift bag will come in handy.
His is easy to spot.
It has a big purple bow tied to the top.
I reach inside the bag and pull out the card.

s a flowery poem written on the front.
Inside the card


re probably all stocked up on fancy dresses.
I thought you might need a few casual things.

It is signed love
The bag is full of shorts, T-shirts and sun dresses.
He always gives the perfect gifts.
I pull out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

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