Read A Love to Cherish Online

Authors: Connie Mason

A Love to Cherish (36 page)

BOOK: A Love to Cherish
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Since her abduction he had treated her like a piece of fragile glass, even sleeping on the daybed in their room so as not to hurt her. But Belle wasn’t about to let that continue. The doctor had just left and she intended to surprise Casey with her excellent health. She had the doctor’s blessing to resume normal marital activities and couldn’t wait to tell Casey. She’d missed him dreadfully. Missed having his body next to hers at night. Missed feeling him inside her, loving her the way only he could do.

And there were things they needed to discuss. Casey had been so busy with the winery and other
related business that they’d had precious little time together lately. Not that she lacked for company. It seemed as if her room was always crowded with visitors. Tommy, Greta, Mark, Naomi, Wan Yo, and Harry. She thrived on their attention, but it wasn’t their attentiveness she craved. She wanted Casey. And now that she was well, she wanted him in every way a woman wanted the man she loved.

Casey couldn’t help staring at Belle throughout the meal that night. It was the first time she’d been out of bed to join them since her abduction, and he worried that she was a trifle premature in thinking she was significantly recovered from her ordeal. He had even insisted on carrying her down the stairs. She certainly looked well, he thought. She was wearing a midnight blue dress that brought a glow to her amber eyes and made her skin appear translucent. She looked fragile enough to break if he touched her.

Casey couldn’t recall when he’d wanted to caress a woman as desperately as he did Belle. But he wasn’t going to do anything to harm either Belle or his child. He would wait until after the birth of their babe to make love to her if necessary. Lord, he hoped he didn’t have to!

“You look wonderful tonight, Belle,” Greta said encouragingly.

Belle directed her reply to Casey. The smile she gave him was filled with promise. “I’ve never felt better in my life. Casey said Hank Jones has been tried, found guilty, and will hang for his crime the day after tomorrow. In a way I feel sorry for him. T.J. did cheat his family out of what was due them.”

Casey groaned in dismay. “Your soft heart is
going to get us into trouble one of these days. McAllister was a manipulative bastard but he didn’t deserve to be murdered. If you’re finished eating, I think you should go to bed. This is your first day up and I don’t want you suffering a relapse.”

“Very well,” Belle agreed with a sassy grin that should have warned Casey. She held out her arms. “Will you carry me?”

“My pleasure,” Casey said, trying not to appear too eager. He lifted her easily, handling her as if she were made of delicate porcelain.

“Good night, everyone,” Belle called over Casey’s shoulder as he carried her from the room.

Belle clung to him, resting her head against his chest, inhaling his fresh, masculine aroma. When they reached their room he set her carefully on her feet. “Should I call your maid to help you undress?”

“Not tonight. Perhaps you could act the ladies’ maid this once.” She turned her back and lifted her hair so he could reach the fastenings on the back of her dress.

Casey stifled a groan. Didn’t Belle know what she was doing to him? He grit his teeth and lifted shaking hands to the hooks holding her dress together. One by one he released them, swallowing convulsively when a provocative expanse of delicate curves was revealed in the opening.

“Can you manage on your own now?” Casey asked. Proceeding further would sever the last slim thread of his control. “I need to discuss something with Mark before he retires for the night.”

Belle turned to face him and the bodice of her dress slipped past her shoulders and down her arms. Grasping the skirt, she slid it down her hips until it formed a puddle around her feet. She wore
no corset, for the confining garment would have irritated her healing wounds. She smiled up at Casey, her charms seductively displayed in a diaphanous shift that ended at her knees.

Casey’s heated gaze followed the outline of her breasts and hips, past the hemline of her shift, all the way down to her ankles then back up to her breasts. The taut peaks, larger now in pregnancy, poked temptingly against the thin material. His gaze slid downward again, his body reacting violently to the glistening sable triangle between her legs. Just gazing upon her was pure torture.

Belle noted Casey’s reaction and smiled inwardly. “I don’t want you to leave, Casey. We haven’t had any time alone since … since Jones abducted me. There is so much we need to discuss. So much I need to explain to you.”

She grasped his hand and led him to the bed. Casey resisted, but finally succumbed to her urging and sat down beside her. “You don’t need to explain a thing.”

“I do. I’ve loved you for a very long time, Casey, but was afraid to admit it. I’ve never forgotten that everyone I loved left me. My mother, my father, Tom. They were all so young. I felt guilty, thinking it was somehow my fault my loved ones deserted me. I feared you’d leave me just like they did.”

“Sweetheart, I understand. You didn’t know me when I arrived in Placerville. You naturally mistrusted strangers, especially with McAllister hot after Tommy. I insinuated myself into your life at a time when you were vulnerable. At first I just wanted to get close to you, to learn for myself the kind of woman you were. It wasn’t long before I realized McAllister had lied to me about you. You
weren’t a whore. You were a loving mother who worked hard to support her son. That’s when I fell in love with you.”

“I should have trusted you when you claimed you didn’t betray Tommy to his grandfather. But all I felt was guilt for being in your bed when Tommy was abducted. My whole world disintegrated when I allowed you to seduce me and I lost Tommy. You were my betrayer. I hated myself almost as much as I hated you.”

“I loved you even then.”

Belle studied her hands. “I guess I knew that, but I was so afraid. Then when you went to Arizona I was sure you’d never return. That’s why I didn’t tell you about the baby when you did come back. I kept expecting you to leave.”

“I’m here to stay, you ought to know that by now.”

She nodded solemnly. “I know. I’m so grateful you put up with me for so long. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy.”

“You already have.”

“Kiss me, Casey.”

“I don’t think that’s wise.”

“The doctor gave his blessing. My leg is stronger and our baby is thriving. I need you, Casey. Make love to me.”

Casey shot to his feet. “It’s too soon.”

She reached for him, urging him back to her. “I need you.”

“Are you sure? Perhaps we should wait.”

“Do you want to wait?”

“Good God, no! I want you so desperately I’m shaking.” He held out his hands. “Look how I’m trembling.”

She grasped his hands and brought them to her breasts. “Touch me, Casey.”

She murmured incoherently as his hands cupped her breasts through her chemise. Delicious spirals of delight coursed through her. She gave a low moan deep in her throat as he lowered her onto the bed.

His fingers were sure and gentle, his eyes full of loving promise as he brushed kisses across her eyelids, her cheeks, the sensitive hollow of her throat. His mouth was warm and sensuous, the movement of his fingertips upon her flesh pure fire.

Sweet, sweet torture. Belle’s blood sang through her veins; her heart beat so rapidly she feared it would burst through her chest. Reaching up between them she tugged at his shirt, telling him without words what she wanted. She wanted to feel the warmth of Casey’s firm flesh against hers. She wanted them both naked.

Casey raised slightly and tore off his shirt, ripping off buttons in his haste. Then he removed Belle’s shift and tossed it aside. Without rising he removed his shoes and stockings and kicked off his pants. Now as naked as she, he smiled down at her. She was so lovely. So warm and giving. He inhaled the sweet scent of her hair, letting the satiny strands trail through his fingers.

Belle ran her hands over the firm flesh of his shoulders and chest, admiring the glowing sheen of his skin, the breadth of his shoulders, the hardness of his bronzed flesh. The harsh intake of his breath as she pulled him down to her told her without words that her touch affected him as profoundly as his did her.

“I love you,” Casey whispered as he lowered his head and licked the crest of one impudent breast.
His mouth closed over the hard nipple even as his hand tormented its twin.

Her body was so hot, so soft, so willing. He loved the way she arced and writhed beneath the expert torment of his lips and hands. He felt his own body swelling, growing, felt the massive ridge of hard muscle between his legs clamoring for satisfaction.

“Touch me, love,” he whispered against her mouth.

She obeyed instantly, curling her hand over the huge ridge of his warm manhood. His hand flew to hers, holding her palm tightly against his erection. He moved her hand slowly up and down until she learned the rhythm. Suddenly she stopped and gave him an impudent grin. Then she lowered her head and opened her lips to him.

Sweat beaded on his temples. “God,” he gasped, flinging his head back as splendor splintered through him. When he could take no more, he gently pushed her away. “Enough. I want to adore you, every wonderful, dewy inch of you.” Then he knelt between her legs and lowered his head.

His mouth was hot and moist against her intimate flesh, his tongue a fiery sword, thrusting and arousing. Belle felt something darkly primitive, utterly consuming rushing through her and cried out Casey’s name.

Casey rose up above her, his expression raw and intense as he watched her face in the throes of ecstasy. Her climax triggered his own grinding need. He growled with pleasure as he joined his body to hers in a long, smooth plunge, seating himself deep within her. He thrust and withdrew, again and again, always mindful of her condition,
curbing his wildness without sacrificing their pleasure.

Belle felt the tension inside her building as she rose to meet Casey’s thrusts. Desire grew hotter, brighter with each successive thrust, until they found themselves consumed in an inferno of blazing ecstasy. Their cries rose in harmonious accord, wrapping them in joyous splendor, fading away to perfect contentment.

“How do you feel?” Casey asked worriedly when he regained his breath.

“Wonderful,” Belle murmured on a sigh. “You’re wonderful.”

“Never lose that thought, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have lost control like that. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“You could never hurt me. You’re a gentle man. You’re going to make a wonderful father. Tommy already adores you.”

Casey fell silent. After a moment of introspection he said, “Belle, about Tom. I know I will never take his place in your heart. I understand how you felt about him and I respect your memories of him. I want to make a place all my own in your heart. I know you’ll never love me like you did Tom and I’ll try to contain my jealousy.”

Belle was astounded. How could Casey believe she didn’t love him as much as she had loved Tom? Undeniably she had loved Tom dearly. He had been kind and gentle and comfortable. But with Tom she had felt none of the wildness, none of the madness of loving a man like Casey. Loving Casey was like being caught up in a hurricane. The turbulent, gut-wrenching journey into the center was a dangerous prelude to the rewarding calm that followed. Loving
Tom had been like sailing a peaceful sea ruffled by balmy breezes. She’d felt pleasure but none of the tumultuous upheaval of Casey’s frenzied loving.

“You’ve no cause to be jealous,” Belle whispered. “Never think I’m comparing you to Tom. There is no comparison, Casey. Tom was Tom, and I’ll always love him for his good qualities. But you are my destiny. Sometimes the tumultuous emotions you wrest from me are frightening. I’ll never love anyone like I love you.”

Belle’s words thrilled Casey. Not for the first time he thanked God for sending him to McAllister. Without McAllister he would never have found a love to cherish.

Chapter 20

elle awoke the following morning feeling as if everything was right in her world. Her baby was thriving and Casey loved her. She was no longer alone. She had Casey, Tommy, and her friends around her. For the first time since Tom’s death she felt as if she had a complete family again. Belle glanced at Casey, saw he was still sleeping, and snuggled close to him. Even in sleep he must have felt her warmth, for he pulled her into the curve of his body and sighed contentedly.

Murmuring happily, Belle closed her eyes and dozed off again. Scant moments had passed, or so it seemed to Belle, when a loud pounding awakened her.

Casey reacted to the disturbance instantly, trained by his years of living dangerously. He was out of bed before Belle stirred herself to move.

“What is it?” Belle asked, wide awake now.

“I don’t know,” Casey said, pulling on his pants. “Who is it?” he called through the panel.

“It’s Mark. I’m sorry to awaken you but the sheriff
is here. Something happened that you should know about.”

“Be with you in a minute,” Casey replied as he searched in his wardrobe for a shirt with all its buttons attached. He smiled at the memory of his buttons rolling on the floor in his eagerness to remove his shirt last night.

“What could the sheriff possibly want?” Belle asked as she watched Casey pull on his stockings and boots.

“I’ll find out soon enough. Wait here, I’ll return as soon as I know anything.”

“I’m coming with you,” Belle insisted.

“Very well. Come downstairs when you’re dressed. I don’t want to keep Rogan waiting.”

A few minutes later Mark and Casey descended the staircase together to join the sheriff. “What’s happened?” Casey asked Mark.

“It’s Jones. I’ll let Rogan tell you.”

Casey’s face was grim when he entered the study where Sheriff Rogan waited. “What’s wrong, Sheriff?”

“Jones escaped last night,” Rogan said, his face nearly as grim as Casey’s. “We’re forming a posse. Will you join us?”

Casey cursed fluently. “How in the hell did you let him get away?”

BOOK: A Love to Cherish
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