Read A Love Worth Biting For Online

Authors: Roxy Mews

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

A Love Worth Biting For (17 page)

BOOK: A Love Worth Biting For
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“You might be weak after the change. You might not feel it, but your body has been through something drastic.”

He didn’t know anything. I felt better than ever.

He kept pushing me away from his neck. I hooked my leg over his lap and pushed myself up in front of him—eye to eye. I wasn’t weak, and I could feel the power inside me gaining ground.

“I’m fine. And I’m not going anywhere. I need—”

Too bad he interrupted me. But I could be very persuasive. As he fought me, he moved the blood through his body. I could see the pulse beneath his skin. His wolf was stirring. The power in the room was thick, but I could handle it now. I wanted to show him.

“Amber, I almost lost you. If we take too long to get out of here, my father could catch up with us. You’re not supposed to exist. The miasma split after you survived. The knowledge that you are alive is with it.”

Yup. I was alive. And I could feel so much. I could feel the way his pulse quickened under my tongue as I licked his neck. I could feel him getting harder beneath my legs. I could feel my teeth starting to ache. They throbbed in my mouth. The pulse went right to my pussy. I was getting wet just from being on top of him. And if I was honest with myself, the ability to go blow for blow with my mate in the power department turned me on, too.

I mewled against his skin at the thought of using those restraints that were still in my duffle bag on him. I pushed the lust that was in me through our connection as mates.

He cleared his throat, but I was getting to him.

“Shelly will stall, but she is bound to the Matheo in ways you can’t understand. She won’t be able to keep it secret for long. They are going to come for you. I can’t lose you. When I held you in my arms in that parking lot, watching you waste away, parts of me were dying with you.”

I stopped licking him long enough to hold his face between my hands. Such pain. I wanted to erase it. “We are not in that parking lot anymore. I’m here. I’m healthy. I’m not going anywhere. This—” I ground my hips against his. I could feel his cock pressing against the seam of his pants. The seam of my jeans pressed against my pussy and I wiggled back and forth enjoying the heat and friction. “—this is where I am supposed to be. With you. So let me be with you. Please.”

I kissed him. His lips were a little stiff. He was fighting me. I let my will press back. It felt like an Alpha’s command. Lucky me, it shocked him just as much, and he softened enough for me to move in.

I licked his lower lip and sucked that plump skin into my mouth. My teeth were so long at this point they scored his skin. His blood trickled into my mouth. He had turned me—he was part of me. And as a few drops of his blood hit my tongue, every cell in my body recognized that I was his. Then it wasn’t just enough to be his anymore. He needed to be mine.

I continued to wiggle against his frame. A specific part of him was singing that it was mine already, but I wanted more.

Hard hands grabbed my arms to hold me still. I wasn’t as strong as him physically, but there was something new inside me. I didn’t need physical strength—I was something more. My eyes locked on his and the grin that crossed my face was hard as I leaned in, because he leaned back.

Nice try big guy, but it will take a lot more than that now.

Jake took a breath. He was scenting me. Something was very different, and he was trying to figure it out.

While he was working to solve the puzzle, I decided I’d had enough with the back and forth. I grazed my fangs across his jawline. His blood had settled me a bit and I could keep from scratching him, but the feel of him—the sensation of his slight stubble dragging across my teeth—was heaven.

“I know how good it feels to have your teeth rub against someone. It was heaven when I claimed you.”

I moved to his ear. His earlobe was lucky that it fit between my canines. Talking about that first time together had me shaking, and my fangs slammed against my lower teeth. I needed to bite. This man was mine.

His neck
. I went back to his neck. “Jake. Please. I need to…” Why couldn’t I finish the sentence?

He wasn’t going anywhere. I had him, but could I really tell him what I wanted? Would he give it to me willingly?

Jake released my arms and his fingers began to work down to my hips. His thumbs pressed against my hipbones as his fingers dug into my ass. A slight rotation had me rocking against him.

“You need to do what, baby?” His nostrils flared. He smelled my arousal, and I got even wetter knowing he could tell.

“I want to bite you.”

His grin was golden, but he couldn’t understand, so I tried to explain it to him. “I want to mark you. I want to claim you.” The smile faded a bit, and he stilled. He was processing. My body started to cool, until I saw his pulse kick into action again. I leaned forward and licked the luscious line of his vein just beneath his skin.

He still didn’t say anything. So I went for it. “I am going to bite you. I am going to sink my teeth into you. I need it, Jake. Give me what I need.”

The flex of his dick beneath me let me breathe. He was still with me. Why wasn’t he talking now? If I was someone other than me, I might have kept my mouth shut and just run while the getting was good. But I
me. And this was Jake. I couldn’t keep anything from him. I didn’t want to.

I was still wearing my clothes, but I had never felt more naked. I had to wait for him. He had to submit to me.

If he wasn’t going to talk, I was going to try something else. I lifted his shirt. His hands released me as he allowed me to take the soft fabric over his head. I tossed his shirt behind me, and as soon as I turned back to him, he grabbed the seam of my tee and returned the favor.

Skin to skin, my nipples puckered at the feel of him. We both took breaths. I could smell his arousal. For a moment, I mourned not having the tang of him on my tongue, but then I saw the throb of that artery in his neck within biting distance, and I burned for it. I nipped my tongue as my teeth refused to go back to normal. They were ready. And I was so full of anticipation that I was just as ready as my canines. He had to give it to me. He
give it to me.

Fingernails scraped down my back, gently scoring my skin. Sensation snaked from my shoulders along a direct path to my pulsing core. My mouth opened on a hiss and there was no hiding my intent, or my fangs. Instead of backing down or pulling away, he licked his lips, and his fangs extended. I rubbed against him more and held his head to me. He returned my kiss for a moment and then pushed away to lick and nibble on my neck.

My matemark had settled a bit and could be mistaken as a large birthmark from afar. I have never been a delicate flower of a girl, but I could really get behind that silver-dollar-sized flower mark that changed so much for me. Jake teased the plum-colored mark, and I throbbed with the need to mark him too.

I wanted him everywhere on me. His hands, his mouth, that hard cock straining to be freed—I wanted it all. I wanted it now.

My mouth trailed to his shoulder. I kissed that heavy collarbone and then my lips found that magical spot where his neck and shoulder met. The skin was hotter there. I needed it.

“Do it, baby. Take what you need. You took away my burden, I can share my power.” Jake leaned his head to the side and that delicious sizzling soft skin was on display.

“You’re not sharing it, Jake. I’m taking it. I claim you.”

The bite had us both bucking against each other. We still wore pants, but the connection was stronger than any sexual encounter. We were both together in that moment. The world stopped as more than his blood hit me. The power he had—his authority—wasn’t meant for him. He held it for me, and now I had my mate, and I could make anything happen. It was mine.

Releasing his neck, I wanted to watch to see what his mark would be, but there was something else I needed to give him first. There was something else our bodies needed. Jake panted.

Bet his miasma hadn’t prepared him for me. I was one of a kind. And now my one of a kind was going to be one with his one of a kind.

. He needed to fuck me now. I fumbled with my pants. Why did I insist on jeans? I was going to only wear pants I could rip through from now on. He growled, slapping my hands away, and tossed me over onto my back. He knelt in front of the couch. Strong capable fingers sank into the flesh of my knees.

“I gave you my blood.” His eyes flashed. His wolf came forward.
Oh boy.
“Now it’s my turn to take.” Jake losing control was a beautiful thing. I had claimed my mate, but his wolf needed to claim my body.

He backed up enough to pull my pants off and toss them over his shoulder. It brought my legs straight up, but instead of adjusting them to the side, he one-handed the back of my knees and pushed them up to my chest. I could feel the cool air brushed against my wet cunt and I was exposed to him. He leaned in with one shoulder to hold me there. A finger trailed along my lips. He didn’t push in, just traced back and forth until I opened for him. Even my pussy was begging him to get inside.

Jake’s head dropped from my view, and I felt his tongue trace the same path as his finger. He dipped the tip of it just inside my lips. The warm soft drag left me motionless.

His wolf needed to be in control for now. He was mine, I was his and this time was ours.

The warmth of his tongue circled my clit. He wound circles around the center of my pleasure. My world narrowed to that bundle of nerves.

“Orgasms are good, Jake. Give it to me.”

His chuckle fluttered warm air against my vulva.
. I was almost there. Finally his tongue rewarded me with pressure against my clit. It stood up and sang at his attention. The beginnings of an orgasm stirred low in my belly.

The room began to sparkle behind the eyes I could no longer keep open. I let it go. I had my mate and he had me. The only thing I was missing was him inside me. Two glorious fingers pressed inside, but it wasn’t enough. I would always want more. My pussy walls gripped him. I pressed against his hand, grinding against his knuckles.

The thread between us was so strong now. I tugged on it. I wasn’t his subordinate. I was his partner. This partner needed to come.

“Now, Jake. Fuck me now.”

“You will come for me first. Coat my fingers. And I promise I will slide inside you and give us both what we want.” The gentle slide of his fingers fell away. His thumb rippled against my clit with each thrust. “You need more? I’ll give you whatever you need. For eternity. I love you. Now give it to me.”

He turned his head and began a series of bites up my leg. He bit harder and higher until he took my clit between his teeth. He nuzzled the nub with his nose before he gave me what I needed and sucked the aching flesh inside his mouth. His tongue whipped around me twice in a tight heavenly circle, and I came.

Jake milked the orgasm from me until I was quivering. When his head came up, his smile was predatory. I was tight with pleasure, but I knew I had more for him, and he definitely had more for me. Dropping my legs to either side of him, he hooked his hands beneath my knees and slid me forward. He licked me from ass to clit. A fast touch across my nerves.

“Still with me, Amber? Because I have got to have you.”

“Yes, Jake. Please.” My cunt grasped at the emptiness. All of me was with him.

He was on his knees and after a fast button pop and zipper slide, he lowered his pants enough to free his straining erection. He looked down and watched as he slowly pushed inside me. Just his cockhead was in me when he stopped. I could feel that hard ridge of him, just inside me.

“You’re mine, Amber.”

He started to ease forward. He wanted me to say it. My matemark sizzled with need.

“Yes. And now you are mine too.”

His head tilted. His neck was calling for my bite.

“Just remember who marked who first.”

When he filled me then, I didn’t care who was first. I just cared that from now on, we had each other.

He was too far away. I grabbed for his arms. My nails worked up his biceps. He didn’t lose rhythm, but let me pull him on top of me.

My mouth found his neck.


We both said it. And we both bit down.

I screamed through my teeth with the force of the explosion of my body. White-hot ecstasy burned me alive. He flooded me with come, and washed me clean. It didn’t matter what we used to be. Together we were who we were meant to be.

We clung together, neither one of us bothered to clean off for a bit. There was so much here in his arms. I didn’t want to break the spell. My teeth reluctantly released him.

I inhaled. I wanted to slow down this moment. I also needed to get my bearings, because the power had shifted. When I went into the Meyers Family mansion, I had felt the power burning on either side of me. If I were to stand between Jake and the Matheo now I would have been the strongest in the room. I wasn’t sure if Jake felt it yet. He smiled at me. It didn’t matter who had the power. We were together.

“I love you, Jake.”

He kissed my mark. “I love you, too, but we have to get going.”

“I know.” I held his head, and watched as his eyes faded from a golden glow to a warm gray. The wild faded, but the love stayed.

Chapter Twenty-Two

I have to admit that my life is interesting. I have vampires trying to kill me, a hybrid mate and my best friend is a witch.

We had been on the road for over six hours. We still had farther to go, because Craig and Jake had decided a roundabout route would be best. Mary was content to sit and draw, but I had to entertain myself somehow. Craig didn’t appreciate that I was entertaining myself by trying to hit him in the back of the head with the rubber bands I found on the floor of our car.

Being on the run grated on my nerves. A large part of me just wanted to turn around and go back to fight. To be honest, my wolf and I thought we could take down Matheo Meyers, but we weren’t sure if those around us would survive. That was the part that kept me moving forward.

BOOK: A Love Worth Biting For
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