A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1)
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"You're saying you don't already?" he tossed back playfully. A low growl escaped from his lips before he reached to pull her in his arms again.

"Maybe, maybe not," she said coyly, leaning in for a kiss. "Told you I'm not so innocent."

Hunter laughed. "Nice try. I hate to tell you this, but it's going to take a lot more than that to make me rethink your innocence."

"I had to try."

Hunter shook his head, a gleam in his eye. In a split second, the gleam faded and Hunter's expression turned serious. "Hey. Thank you for today. Really, for every day, but I know you were put on the spot when Eva's parents came by."

"You don't have to-"

Hunter shushed her, gently touching her lips with his fingers. When he removed them from her lips, he gave her a soft kiss. "I do have to. You've been so great about everything. You-"

"Hunter?" She interrupted, moving her hands to touch his face.


"I love you dearly, but you really don't have to thank me. Really. I'd do anything for you. I admit, it's been a strange day just for the fact that there were things I didn't know, but it's okay. This is the time for us to really learn more about each other, awkward as that might be." She kissed the corner of his lips. "So, let's busy that mouth of yours with something else." Need pooled in her gut, spreading throughout her body.

"What do you have in mind?" His voice went low.

"Kiss me, for starters."

At her words, his smile spread. He dipped his head and covered her lips with his own. "Happy to oblige," he muttered against her mouth. "Anything else, my queen?"

She giggled, running a hand up underneath his shirt. "Leaving it up to me? Sure you want to do that?"

Hunter took a step back and bowed. "I am at your service, forever in your debt." His eyes were warm, ablaze with love and adoration.

Becca slid closer, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you."

Once again, he swept her up in his arms, tipped her head back slightly and kissed her. "I love you, too. What do you say we spend the night completely wrapped in each other?"

"Lead the way," Becca whispered sultrily.

"Happy to oblige." With a wink, Hunter sailed out of the dining room with Becca in his arms and headed up the stairs.


"Becca, will you please stop singing that annoying song?"

Hunter peeked over the top of his game and stifled a groan. Great, now there'd probably be a fight between the two. Just what he wanted. He sank lower in his seat and turned his attention away from them.

"Sorry!" Becca, the younger one snapped, drawing out the word. She huffed and went back to coloring.

"She wasn't even being that loud, Ellie," their mom protested. What fun for her to be on the plane with two sisters that weren't getting along at the moment. Times like that made Hunter glad he was an only child.

"The song is annoying!" Ellie snapped. "It's such a kids song. I swear you always side with her. It's always about Becca. Ever since ... ugh, never mind."

Hunter caught her eye roll.

"Don't go there, Ellie. Not here, not now," her father warned, his tone low.

That was odd.

Becca was about to say something when the plane seemed to shake pretty hard. Whoa, kinda creepy. His stomach flip flopped at the weird sensation. He pretended to not let it bother him and focused on the game again.

"We're about to go inside a storm!" his mom commented. She sounded a little scared.

"Planes go in storms all the time, dear. It'll be just a bit of turbulence and we'll be fine," Dad reassured her. "How are you doing, son?"

"Fine, Dad. Just playing my game," Hunter replied, not letting on that the shaky flight bothered him a lot more.

"We re going to fly through lightning?" the older girl shrieked, moving away from the window as another powerful flash lit up the night. The plane shook again, even more this time. Wow, this wasn't cool anymore. Hunter watched everyone's reactions, wondering if they were just as worried. He could already tell the girls were, but what about their parents?

Yep, everyone seemed nervous.

The cockpit door opened and one of the pilots stuck his head out. "Everyone needs to stay in their seats and buckle up. Wild weather ahead."

Hunter couldn't be sure, but he noticed the nervous look in the guy's eyes, too.

Something had to be going on, much worse than the storm. He didn't know why he had that sudden feeling, but he couldn't stop thinking that something was wrong.

"Ellie, Becca, sit up straight and buckle in, okay?" their father instructed.

Before his own parents could say anything, Hunter straightened in his seat and clicked in his belt. He darted a quick look to his parents, who were doing the same thing, exchanging a worried frown.

"Is the lightning going to get us?" Becca asked.

"Don't be so dumb," Ellie scoffed.

"Ellie! What is your problem with your sister tonight?" The girls' mother snapped.

"She's being-" Ellie started to say before the plane was hit by lightning. Or at least, that's what he thought happened. There was a bright flash and a loud rumbling sound that seemed to go on forever.

"Oh my word, I think we've been hit!" Hunter's mom shouted.

Both Ellie and Becca shrieked.

"Let's just calm down." Hunter's dad made his best attempt at sounding calm so maybe everyone else would be.

His own heartbeat thumped against his ribcage as he sucked in a sharp breath. That was freaking crazy! He almost didn't want to look out the window, but turned his head in that direction anyway.

"Something smells funny," another voice piped up.

She'd been quiet for so long, Hunter almost forgot about her, but the quivering voice resonated in his head as her fearful yet calm tone came out of nowhere.

The plane shuddered again and seemed to be plummeting. All of a sudden his stomach clenched, kind of like the same feeling he got while riding a roller coaster. But this was no roller coaster and it wasn't fun.

They were going to crash!

At the same time he faced that realization, the girl's face came into view, the same one that had just spoken so quietly earlier.


Hunter bolted out of bed, gasping for air. He was drenched in sweat once again. He put a hand over his fast beating heart. This time he managed to not wake up Becca. She merely mumbled and turned over. Hunter stood at the edge of the bed staring down at her silhouetted sleeping form. He bent over her to kiss her cheek and ran a hand along her arm. "I love you, angel," he whispered before creeping away from the bed, heading toward the bathroom to pee and wipe off the sweat.

That dream scared the shit out of him. The way it felt, like he was on a continuous fall, but most of all that quiet voice and face. That last face he saw before waking up.

Who was she?

He'd never dreamed about her before. He had to question himself if she was real. How could one person go unaccounted for on the plane? Wouldn't it have been noted somewhere that she'd been on board?

So why the hell did he recall every single moment right before the crash in this dream and have some other person there that might not have been? Was he losing it that bad?

Hunter left the bathroom and swallowed the lump in his throat. If he got up and looked into this now, he'd never fall back to sleep. He had a feeling that if he ignored it, he wouldn't sleep anyway and would probably toss and turn and eventually wake Becca up.

With a quick decision made, Hunter slipped out of the bedroom and headed downstairs for a drink before closing himself up in the office, ready to find out what he could. Before, he'd never really looked into details of the crash or anything. He'd always just taken the word of others and his own bits of memories. It was time to change that.

He wanted to know everything he could about why they were on that plane, what really caused it to crash and somehow find out if that girl in his dreams was real or not.

Chapter Twenty Three

Becca set the paintbrush down and took a step back, inspecting the canvas before her. She'd been working on it on and off for days, but as she looked at it now, she considered it done. Later, she'd show it to Hunter and see what he thought. A smile spread on her lips at the thought of him seeing this one. He'd wanted her version of love, and for some reason, this was the one she came up with. The bright gold colors of the sunset in the background and the slightly shadowed bodies huddled together, kissing. She could even picture the couple as Hunter and herself.

What time was it now? She'd been up for hours and knew that Hunter had, too. He'd been in his office talking on the phone, but she had no idea to who. Not that it was her business, but he hadn't come out for air once. She'd debating on knocking and saying hello, seeing if he'd eaten and if she could get something for him. Instead, she let him continue his work and decided to paint instead. Hunter would come out and say hi eventually, so she would just wait.

It was after noon already. The time flew. She could work a little more on a painting, or find something for lunch. As her stomach growled, the decision was made.

Becca grabbed the paintbrushes to wash them. She ran her thumb over the bristles under the water so she could thoroughly get as much paint out as possible. She set them on the counter and washed her hands, then left the bathroom. She stood before Hunter's office door, poised to knock. Why did she find it so intimidating to knock and say hi? She didn't have an answer to that one. Just as she was about to walk away, the door opened.

"Hey!" Hunter shot her a tired grin before moving to pull her in for a hug. "Morning. How long have you been up?"

As she wrapped her arms around him, she let out a laugh. "Hunter, it's after noon already. Morning is long gone."

"Is it really?" At first she thought he might have been joking, but the confusion in his tone proved otherwise. "Damn. Guess I've been out of the loop. Why didn't you come get me earlier?"

"You seemed busy."

Hunter dipped his head to kiss her. "You don't ever have to worry about that. I'll always have time for you. Next time, come get me when you're awake. I don't want to miss a minute more than I have to with you. I didn't mean to spend so much of the day hidden in my office. I woke up from another dream and there was a face of a girl on the plane that I've never dreamed about before. So I went to go see if I could find anything about another passenger. Then I ended up calling Range's to see if they ever found anything out. All they had was that someone paid one of their younger workers, a seventeen year old, to put the letters under our door, but the kid is not saying much more. Oh, and the estimate came in for the boat damages. Not as bad as I thought. That's what I've been spending the morning doing."

Becca let all the information soak in. The one that stood out the most was his dream of another girl on the plane. She had such vague memories of that night. It scared her beyond belief that there might have been another person that survived. Dread squeezed her gut.

"Bec? You okay? You're so pale." Hunter caressed her cheek. She snapped back to reality and looked up in his eyes.

"I keep wondering now if someone else made it and we don't remember." If that were true, she had no words. None. They had it rough before they were found, but at least they'd been together. If there had been someone else and the person went through it alone. Ugh. She couldn't imagine.

"I know. I keep thinking the same thing. I searched all over the water near the plane that night, looking for anyone that survived. I remember that well. I checked every single-" Hunter stopped and swallowed hard. His eyes darkened.

He didn't even have to finish talking for Becca to know what he meant. He'd checked every single passenger for signs of life. While she'd known that, she never put much thought into the reality of him having to do all of it. Releasing a deep sigh, she snuggled herself even closer in Hunter's arms and rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. They stood in silence, holding each other for comfort.

"Come with me," Becca requested, finally breaking the silence. She gave a small smile. "I have something for you to see."

"Oh?" Hunter's face lit up.

"Close your eyes and let me guide you."

He shot her a quizzical look, but complied. His eyelids lowered and he held out his hands. A ghost of a smile played on his lips. She took his hands and slowly moved toward the spare room. She positioned Hunter right in front of the finished painting. "Ready?"

He let go of one of her hands to slide his up her arm. "More than ever."

Becca reached for Sienna's picture. In the midst of everything yesterday, she never got around to showing him. He should see this one first. Carefully taking his hands, she placed the paper in them. "Look at what I handed you first before looking anywhere else. Actually, turn this way," she directed, scooting him to face away from her own picture. She stood in front of him to catch his reaction of Sienna's drawing.

Hunter opened his eyes and stared down at the paper. Then he flicked his gaze to her.

"She wanted me to write our names there so you would know who everyone is," Becca said, laughing. Sienna had been insistent, as a three year old would. She'd pointed at herself, and then at the smaller stick figure scribble on the paper.

"My girl makes me more proud every day. I love it. I'm going to get a frame for this one and hang it up in the office." Hunter smiled, the gesture reaching his eyes. "I love that you did this with her."

"She drew it herself, I had no idea that she'd included me in her family picture." She'd been flabbergasted. Just in a short time, that sweet little girl had attached herself to Becca. To draw her in right next to her Daddy melted her heart.

Becca loved how genuine Hunter was. He really did appreciate the picture. Now, time to show him another one. She felt shy all of a sudden. Why? He'd seen countless paintings she'd done of course. But this one was per his request, and how she created it, she wasn't sure what his response would be. The whole newness of them as a couple -
were they even classified as a couple yet?
- still made things a little awkward.

BOOK: A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1)
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