A Million Wishes (18 page)

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Authors: DeAnna Felthauser

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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Mikayla, I was wondering about you since you never called again or came by this weekend. I called Vivi’s and she said you were at Momma’s, I mean your house, and that Noah was with you. Did he stay the night with you?” Callum was obviously unhappy finding out she had stayed with Noah alone, but she was grown and wasn’t in the mood for his big brother antics.


Callum I’m a big girl and I can come and go as I please. It’s none of your business if he stayed here. I am getting ready to shower and head back to school for my finals in the morning, but I’ll be heading back here to stay on Friday or Saturday.”


What do you mean it’s none of my business? You’re my baby sister, and I don’t care who he is but he better not be disrespecting my sister or I’ll kick his ass, SEAL or not.”


Oh good grief Callum calm down, it’s not like we got naked and danced under the moon it’s too damn cold outside.” It was wicked of her to tease him, but he was so easily riled she couldn’t resist.


So what, you danced naked inside, is that what you’re insinuating? I’m on my way over…”
. She looked at the phone stunned and busted out laughing.


So, it looks like Callum is on his way over to defend my honor. You have fun with that Romeo; I’m going to take a shower.” She went in the bathroom and shut the door, giggling as she locked it.


Noah stood there for a second and started laughing too. Well if Callum threw a punch it wouldn’t be the first time in all the years they had known each other and probably wouldn’t be the last. Especially once he told him he was marrying Miki. He went to his bag and pulled on his sweatshirt from the day before, then headed to the laundry to toss his other clothes in the dryer.


By the time he heard Miki turn the shower off Callum was charging through the door in a huff.


What the hell are you doing here with my sister all night Noah. Mikayla is my
bro! What the hell man?”


Noah grinned “Want some coffee man?” He didn’t wait for an answer he just headed for the kitchen and poured them a cup and sat at the table so he could wrap his leg.


Hey, I’m talking to you Noah!” Callum was fuming and his skin was red with anger.


I hear you Callum. Calm down, drink your coffee, Miki will be out of the bathroom in just a minute and you’ll see she is just fine.”


I just heard her on the phone, I know she sounds fine. My point is,
are you sleeping with my sister?”
By the time he got the word sister out he was yelling loud enough Miki heard him loud and clear.


Callum, shut your filthy mouth! We are not sleeping together yet. I mean we slept together but we didn’t sleep together, got it? Not that it’s any of your business!”


Besides Callum, I asked Miki to marry me and I’m hoping to have her convinced by the time she and I come back with her stuff from Atlanta that she needs to make an honest man out of me.”


Yet? YET?! So you’re planning on sleeping with him Mikayla?


Miki’s face turned beet red and Callum looked like he was about to blow a fuse. She had seen that look on his face before and knew he was about to snap so she stepped in between him and Noah, who was acting oblivious to Callum’s temper tantrum, content on methodically wrapping his leg and attaching the prosthetic with a satisfied grin on his face.


Callum calm down. There is nothing for you to be getting so worked up about.” She patted his arm and pulled out a chair. “Sit. Relax.”


Noah was thoroughly enjoying pressing his best friends buttons and working him up. Even though Miki was glaring at him, wanting him to stop, he was just so damn happy he wanted to make Callum miserable a little while longer.


Come on buddy you know I’ve had it bad for her since she was in Jr. High and I was in High School. Remember I used to scare off all the boys that flirted with her because I didn’t want them flirting with my babydoll.”


Before she could stop him Callum jumped up and punched Noah in the face “You sorry son of a bitch talking about her like that! She was just a baby back then you jack ass!” Noah was laughing as he got up from his chair, grabbing a few paper towels and wiping the blood off his chin.


You still hit like a girl Cal. I guess once we get back and settled down Uncle Noah’s gonna have to go teach your boys how to fight so they don’t hit like a girl like their Daddy does."


Callum swung again but Noah ducked and weaved, while Callum tried again to land another punch. Noah caught his fist in his and grinned “HOOYAH!” That made Callum grin and chant with him “HOOYAH!” The next thing you know they hugged and slapped each other’s back like nothing ever happened. Laughing about the punch and then talking about high school and all the fights they got into back then. It was if the subject of Miki and Noah disappeared and the same old camaraderie was back as per usual. She shook her head and went to gather her things, pulling Noah’s clothes out of the dryer and tossing them on the table in front of them.


There’s your clothes Romeo, and if you are coming with me, you need to get ready so we can go to your house and get your things for the week, that is…if you two are done acting like idiots.”


Callum grabbed her hand and pulled her over to him and gave her a hug. “Aw come on sissy, you know I have to be protective over you, you're my baby sister. You know how I feel about Noah and that he’s a great guy. I think he’s good for you and you’re good for him. I’m happy for you two.” He kissed her cheek and stood up.


Miki rolled her eyes exasperated “I haven’t even said yes yet Callum so don’t put your happy pants on already.”


Oh sissy, you keep saying ‘yet’ you two are practically already married he just hasn’t put a ring on your finger yet.” He tugged her hair and she punched him, walking off and muttering something about men being jack asses and slammed the door as she headed to the truck to put her things inside.


It didn’t take long for them to head to Noah’s, get his things and get on the road back to Atlanta. They made a quick stop at the market, then headed to her place and unloaded the truck still in relative silence. The entire drive they hadn’t spoken much, they just listened to the radio and held hands. By the time they got inside Miki was shivering so Noah built a fire while she put up the groceries and started some coffee and dinner. He watched her while she worked as he changed the bandage on his leg and massaged the aching muscle. Sitting in the truck for a long period hadn’t been helpful. She didn’t say anything but he saw her watching him.


You want some Ibuprofen or something Noah?”


I have pain medicine for it, I just don’t like the way they make me feel. So yeah, maybe a few Ibuprofens will take the edge off.”


She went to the bathroom and got him some, bringing it to him and grabbing a bottle of juice out of the fridge. She leaned and kissed his cheek, kneeling to the floor she started massaging his tight muscle. He downed the tablets with a long swig of juice and kissed her forehead.


Thank you babydoll, you’re so good to me.”


Her smile was soft “You deserve to be spoiled and taken care of honey.”


He grinned and laughed a little “I certainly feel that way since I smell fried chicken cooking, coffee brewing and have a pretty girl on her knees in front of me.”


Noah Cane! You filthy minded pervert.” She swatted his chest and stood up, laughing and starting to walk away. He snatched her arm and pulled her back against him and sitting her on his good knee.


Now now now, don’t get your feathers ruffled babydoll. You know I’m teasing, although, now that you mention it…” She smacked his chest and laughed “OW! Go easy on me woman!” Now she was just giggling and nuzzling his neck, kissing his cheek, hugging him to her.


Mmm that’s much better.” He tilted her chin and kissed her. A slow languorous kiss that had her purring and her fist clenching the neck of his shirt. He pulled back and grinned.


You might want to check dinner babydoll.”


She hopped up and ran to the stove, hurriedly flipping the chicken. “Oh damn, I nearly burned it on this side.” She giggled and turned the fire down some. “That’s entirely your fault though, you were distracting me.”


His smile was so mischievous “I’ll take the blame babydoll; I’d rather have you on my lap and on fire than a fried chicken dinner any day.”


She flushed bright red and tossed a potholder at him. “Brat, what am I gonna do with you Noah Cane?”


He caught the potholder and put it on the table grinning. “Well, first of all, you’re going to marry me. Second of all, we’re gonna spend a lot of time making sweet love when you aren’t writing. Third, we’re gonna talk about starting a family. Fourth, we’re gonna be making a lot of love.”


She couldn’t stop giggling. Damn him he made her feel like a silly giddy girl. It was kind of annoying she couldn't do anything but just drool over him and giggle. She needed to turn the tables on him and get him flustered. Yes. That’s exactly what she needed to do. Miki walked over to him as he finished wrapping his leg. Her nails dragging over the back of his neck while her lips brushed over his ear whispering. “You mean we can’t make love until we get married Noah? Are you sure about that?” She licked over his earlobe and walked away, working on dinner again while he sat there doing that sexy low growling thing that drove her nuts.


She was draining the water off the potatoes when he stood up and poured them both a mug of coffee and took it to the table. By the time he got back to her she was adding butter and milk to them and starting to whip them smooth. He covered her hand with his and flicked the mixer off and pulled her tight against him, her back to his front. He nosed her hair to the side and bit the back of her neck, sliding his arm around to stroke her lower abdomen, whispering in his low growl. “You’re playing with fire babydoll, but you know that though don’t you? Progress babydoll, we’re making an exceptional amount of progress.” He slipped his tongue over her earlobe rubbing his groin against her bottom when she whimpered. He bit her sharply and patted his hand on her mound and let her go. She caught a hold of the counter to keep from falling. Her knees were weak and she ached, oh god how she ached. Turning, she saw him at the stove, taking nearly burned chicken out of the pan grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Miki turned back around and finished mixing the potatoes, trying to stop rubbing her thighs together and making his chest puff out more. Good grief he was already cocky enough.


They placed the food on the table and she refilled their mugs of coffee before sitting down to eat. He went over to her stereo and set it on a slow R & B station and came to sit beside her. She picked at her food, barely tasting anything but he dug into it ravenously, making her smile teasingly him. “Were you starving sugar?”


Mmm, it’s so good babydoll. After so many years not having home cooking but once in a great while, a man learns to appreciate when he gets a spread like this. Thank you baby.”


You’re welcome sugar. You got me so distracted I didn’t make dessert though. I may have ice cream in the freezer now that I think about it if you have a sweet tooth.”


He grinned and pointed his fork at her. “You’re my dessert.”


Miki dropped her fork and blushed when it clanged on the plate, hurriedly picking it up and lowering her eyes.


Aww are you embarrassed babydoll?” He was teasing her mercilessly and enjoying every second of it.


You’re so bad Noah Cane, such a wicked, teasing, evil man.” She stood and scraped off her plate in the trash with a soft little smile on her lips.


But, I’m glad we’re on the same wave length because I was thinking I’d rather have you for dessert too.”


He growled and dropped his fork to his empty plate and stood up, carrying his dishes and putting them in the soapy water she just ran.


Then I guess I better help you clean up here so we can get to that huh?” He started washing the dishes while she put up the left overs.


I guess you better.”


The smile left his face when he saw that she was serious. Then he felt lightheaded, probably from blood loss to the brain, all her fault of course. For once, he was speechless, or maybe it was just that he was concentrating on getting his job done fast so he could sample dessert. Either way he was having a hard time keeping from growling and snatching her up to carry her off to bed.

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