A Modern Love Story (37 page)

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Authors: Jolyn Palliata

BOOK: A Modern Love Story
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“Shit. I can’t do this. I don’t know what any of that means.” He looked over at Conrad to see his similarly clueless expression. “Maybe I should just forget about it being a surprise and just bring Robbie in whenever she’s ready to pick it out for her damn self.”

“No,” the woman said, stepping closer. “No need. I can help you decide what you want, and if she doesn’t like it, you can always exchange it. A surprise like this shouldn’t be spoiled.” She slid the back of the case open and began setting several different options on top. “Have you two been together long?”


“Since they were twelve,” Conrad put in, earning a raised brow from the woman.

“We’ve known each other since then, but now we’re finally on the same page,” Luc explained, trying to remain vague in an effort to
explain his love life to a perfect stranger. Shit. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought Conrad along.

“Maybe I should pick one up for Lizbeth. I bet she’d like that,” Conrad mumbled, leaning in for a closer look.

“Maybe you should
pick one up
?” Luc said, incredulity tainting his voice. “This isn’t a damn cheeseburger in a drive-thru. You don’t just
pick one up
for someone. This takes commitment.”

Conrad actually looked offended. “I’m committed,” he countered, his voice squeaking slightly.

“Listen to you,” Luc said, getting some real enjoyment out of the exchange. “The prospect terrifies you.”

“No more than you. Look, I love Lizbeth, and if I want to buy her a damn ring, then I’ll buy her a ring. And not you, or anyone else, can say a damn thing to stop me.”

“Is that right?”

“Yeah, that’s right!” He turned to the woman and stabbed his finger at the display of rings. “Hell, I’ll take

Luc busted out laughing, clapping Conrad hard on the back. “Man, it only takes one to seal the deal.”

Conrad’s face blazed as his eyes narrowed. “You just goaded me into that, didn’t you? Sonofabitch. Sorry…excuse my language,” he mumbled with a glance at the smirking clerk.

“Yeah, I did. Serves you right, too, for giving me such a hard time on the way over.”

“I didn’t… All right, I did.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, looked all around and muttered, “Try to have a little fun at a buddy’s expense and what does it fucking get you…”

Luc chuckled as he began discussing the variations of the rings in front of him with the clerk. He finally had it narrowed down and selected when Conrad punched him in the arm to get his attention.


“You see that chick over there?” Conrad gestured to a full-figured, dark-haired woman at the next counter over.


“Does she look familiar to you?”

At first glance she didn’t, but when Luc really studied her, she did. “I guess so. Yeah, little bit. I think I’ve seen her at Hooligan’s a few times.”

Conrad nodded. “That’s what I thought too. Just curious. Hard to forget a looker like that.”

Luc stared a moment longer, trying to place her. She looked over, then away, with no trace of recognition on her face. He continued to watch as she pulled out a cell phone, and slipped out the door. The nagging feeling left when she did, and he wondered if maybe he hadn’t really recognized her. Some people just had familiar faces.



Luc snapped his cell phone closed, his numb fingers nearly dropping it in the process. He leaned against the wall next to his apartment door. He had to, or he would’ve tipped right over. Jesus fucking Christ. How had everything gotten so fucked up? So out of control? He blinked and shook his head as his vision swirled.

Pulling himself together, he walked into his apartment and called for Robbie.

“In here,” she hollered from the kitchen.

His legs felt like they were filled with lead as he forced one foot in front of the other. The engagement ring that had been burning a hole in his pocket only moments before now felt like a weighted reminder of his guilt, and the choices he’d made.


“Hi,” Robbie said brightly, kicking the oven shut with her foot. “Dinner’s almost ready.” She smiled as she looked over, then froze. “What is it?”

“We have to talk.”

Her shoulders fell. “That’s never a good thing.”



Robbie sat in shock, initially unable to comprehend his words, and then not wanting to. “She’s pregnant.”




“And…what? What now? Where does that leave you?”

“I have to go over there. I need to talk to her.”

“What?! No, you need to stay here and talk to

“I can’t. I
figure this shit out. I won’t just abandon my own kid! She needs my help. She told me…she
me. They need me!”

“Yeah, I bet she did,” Robbie retorted. Suddenly she realized the truth behind his words.
needed him. It was all or nothing for Luc. She knew he seriously didn’t see any distinction between Payten and the child. In his mind, they were one in the same. Would he even consider
being with Payten once she’d reeled him in?

Robbie felt the pressure settle in her chest. The hell if she was going to be the one to try and get him to realize the difference—he’d cut her to shreds for her efforts.
had to see it for himself.
had to make the choice, or he’d forever hold it against her.

Defeat washed over her. “You really don’t see any other way, do you?”

“Of course not, Robbie. This is my kid. How could there be any other choice here?”

Robbie was quiet. She decided there was no damn way she was going through this with him. Not again. She had to protect herself. “I’ll let you figure that one out. I’m done.”

“What do you mean, you’re done?” His eyes blazed as he studied her.

“Just what I said.”

“Rob. I’m not going
to Payten, but I’m not going to abandon my child either. Right now, she needs me. I have
to go to her. Her and I, we’re partners in this. But
in this.”

“So you said.” She stepped forward and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Luc, and will—every day of my life. You remember that as your playing house with Payten.”


“No. I can’t watch you start a family with somebody else. Don’t ask me to do that—I don’t have it in me.”

“I won’t abandon my child.”

She shook her head. “See, that’s the thing you don’t realize. I would never have asked you to, and you know that.”

Chapter 15


Payten let out a peel of laugher after she hung up the phone. She had him right where she wanted, and she couldn’t have been more pleased with herself. She should’ve tried this tactic in the first place! Who would’ve really thought Luc would be so accommodating just because she was carrying his child? She counted on his support, certainly, but he was seriously ready to hop in his car and race right over!

Still smiling, she reached for the phone as the punch of a nail gun echoed through the foyer and into the living room. She scowled in the general direction of the noise. Now just how long does it take to throw down some new flooring and splash a fresh coat of paint? Hell, the furniture store had been ready to deliver almost immediately, but had to wait for those assholes to get off their asses and get the job done.

The sound of a miter saw squealed through the air and had Payten storming over to close the French doors, the only separation to be had between her and that damn racket. The scent of freshly cut wood hung in the air, and it reminded her of one major milestone the workers had actually accomplished—at least it didn’t smell like a crispy critter in the house anymore. She never thought they’d get that fucking smell out!

“Oh, shit,” she muttered, fanning her fingers out in front of her. “I broke a nail. Like I have time for this.”

She sighed as she flipped through her day planner, then picked up the phone.

“Yes, hello,” she said to a nasal-sounding receptionist. “My name is Payten Carmichael and I’d like to make an appointment to be artificially inseminated.”

She drummed her fingers on the table as she listened to the useless woman’s song and dance about how far out their schedules were booked, and what the appointment would all entail. Blah, blah, blah.

“Listen, Mary, was it? I’m in a bit of a hurry, and money really is no object. Now, why don’t you connect me to your office manager and I’ll discuss the matter with him or her. Thank you so much.”



Luc slammed the receiver down and spun around to glare at Conrad, sitting in a booth filling ketchup bottles on the other side of the bar.

“Don’t snarl at me, man,” Conrad said. “I’m not the one who won’t take your calls.”

“Two weeks it’s been! Shit, I know she’s pissed, but this is getting out of fucking hand.” He grabbed his beer off the bar and took a swig off it. “I mean, hell, obviously this isn’t an
situation, but we can handle it.”


“All right, so it fucking sucks, but now is not the time to overreact!” Luc slammed his beer down, and braced his arms on the edge of the bar. “Okay, okay. Shit. So, she needs some time. I can do that. I can give her space.”

“Yeah. I don’t think you really have any other choice though, huh?”

“Shut the hell up,” Luc snapped just as Lizbeth walked in.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Conrad said, tipping his head up to give her a kiss.

“I’m heading up to the apartment. Give a holler if you need help with anything.” Lizbeth straightened and locked eyes on Luc before walking up to the bar. Once she got there, she smacked a set of keys in front of him.

“What’re those?”

“What the hell do they look like, slick?”

The anger ignited deep down. “They’re hers, aren’t they?”

“You’re not as stupid as you look.”

“Lizbeth.” Conrad’s tone had an edge of censure to it. Good for him!

“What?!” Lizbeth snapped back, steel eyes cold and hard.


“Coward,” Luc muttered, fisting the keys off the bar. “If she thinks I’m giving
fucking keys back, she’s got another thing coming.”

“No need. You keep ‘
.” With a sneer, she reached over and patted his chest.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He grabbed her arm as she turned away.

Conrad jumped to his feet, but Lizbeth held up her hand to stop him. After a moment, she looked pointedly at Luc’s grip and he reluctantly let go.

“She moved.”

“Where?” Luc demanded.

“Around. Why do you think she moved, you fucking moron?”

“No way! You’re not pinning that one on me. She was looking for a place before the shit hit the fan.”

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