A Mold For Murder (25 page)

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Authors: Tim Myers

BOOK: A Mold For Murder
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“I’d be dead without you,” I said. “I don’t know the proper way to thank you for that.”
He shook his head. “You’ve got it all wrong. The way I see it, we’re dead even.”
“How do you get that?”
“You led me to her,” he said. “That balances the books. A lot of folks say they don’t believe in an eye for an eye, but I’m not one of them.”
“Would you have shot her if she hadn’t tried to kill me?” I asked.
He was just getting ready to answer when the ambulance pulled up, and I doubted that I would ever find out.
the paramedics loaded Brian Ross onto the cart, a third man checked Sharon briefly, then shook his head and rejoined the others. Molly was there before they could drive off, and I saw her have a few words with him.
After the ambulance was gone, Molly asked me, “Are you all right?”
“The bullet missed me and hit Ross instead,” I said.
“That’s not what I mean. I’m not talking about bullet wounds.”
I shook my head. “Honestly? I don’t know. I’m not sure I ever will be.” That was true enough. My system had been through so many shocks in the last two hours I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to recover.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
“Don’t you need a statement from me?” I asked as we walked outside.
“Yeah, but we can do it out here just as easily as we can in there.”
I was more grateful than I could say to get out of that room. It was almost as if it had happened to someone else, and I’d been watching it on a movie screen. That bullet had come close enough to hitting me instead of Ross that I could have sworn I felt the breeze off it as it passed.
After I brought Molly up to date on what had happened, she asked, “Do you want me to call somebody for you?”
“There’s no one to call,” I said. “I’m going home.”
“I don’t think you should be alone right now, Ben,” she said.
“That’s too bad, because that’s exactly where I am in my life,” I said.
Over her protests, I got into my Miata and drove toward home, but on a last-second impulse, I headed to Where There’s Soap instead. I had to share what had happened with my family. Later, I wanted a hot shower to try to scrub the memory of that attack away, but for now, I needed to be around the people who loved me. I knew there wasn’t a soap in the world that could clean the darkness in my heart, but I had to try. I wasn’t sure what would happen with my life, but I wasn’t going to waste another second of it wishing and hoping for things that weren’t ever going to happen. It was time to start living each and every moment I had left. If that brought love in my life, I was ready for it, but if not, that would be fine, too.
I had my family, our business, and my health.
The way I looked at it, everything else was icing.
was nearly at the back door of the shop when I saw Kelly Sheer approaching me on foot.
I walked back down the stairs and met her in the back parking lot. “What are you doing here?”
She said, “I was in the courthouse talking to a deputy when Molly’s call came in. Ben, are you all right?”
“It was close, but she missed me. I’m a little shaky, but I’ll be fine.”
She looked like she was going to cry again.
“Kelly, are you okay?”
That’s when she broke down. “No, I’m not. Ben, I’m miserable. I’ve made a horrible mistake. I thought I could sacrifice myself for Annie’s sake, but I can’t. I don’t want to leave Harper’s Landing.” She wiped away her tears, then looked at me with a steady gaze before she said, “Ben, I know I’ve hurt you deeply, and I realize you’re seeing someone else, but I have to ask. Is there any chance for us again?”
I stood there staring at her for nearly a full minute, not knowing what my answer was going to be.
Diana and I were finished, that much was clear. I’d seen the hatred in her eyes when she’d looked at me, and though I could forgive her, I doubted that I’d ever be able to forget how she’d turned on me. There was no going back for us.
But could I start things up with Kelly again? A lot had happened between us, but if I was being true to my heart, I had to acknowledge that I still had strong feelings for her. There was a pull there that I couldn’t explain.
“I’d like that,” I said.
Before I could finish my sentence, she was in my arms, and I knew I’d made the right decision.
THεRε are several types of fragrances that can be used in soapmaking.
Oils, extracts, herbs, and infused oils can all add aroma to your soap. Choosing the right type of fragrance can create a wondrous soap unique to you, or, if you’re not careful, it may completely ruin your batch. Fragrance oils should be specifically designed for soapmaking; otherwise, your batch could seize up into a hard rock before it’s had a chance to set.
Extracts are not overly strong, so while they can be used, it may take a lot to get the desired fragrance.
Herbs can be a good choice, but they should be dried and ground before using.
Finally, oil infused with flowers from your own aromatic garden can be used, and the result adds a personal touch that can’t be replicated by an impersonal production line.
adding fragrances to everything from handcrafted soaps to the hand lotions and lip balms mentioned in this book, it’s important to remember that a little bit goes a long way. I like to use oils that are already extracted and ready to use. Though they are expensive, I’m sure about the consistent quality of the product.
Some of the more popular scents I like to use in soaps and other personal care products are lavender, sandlewood, peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary. When combining more than one scent in a batch, it’s important to keep in mind that some scents are complementary, while others clash.
Whenever I create a new scent for a particular soap, I like to start with very small amounts of oil added to cotton swabs, then I move on to a small test batch if I like the result. That way, by using a pipette to add small quantities of essential oils, I can tell if I’m going to like the combination before I commit to making a bigger batch of soap. This is especially important when dealing with a soap that takes a long time to cure, and remember, the oils are expensive, so it’s best to test it on a small batch first.
When buying essential oils, or any additive to your soap, it’s important to remember that less expensive products may be diluted or are modified with extenders. Many times, you do indeed get what you pay for.
Scents can add a wonderful dimension to your handcrafted soaps, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Some of the combinations that have been popular in the past include lavender and rosemary, cinnamon and orange, and rosemary, sage, and thyme. Have fun!
all soap additives have to be fragrant. There are many choices in dyes you can use to make your soap unique, and there are also natural elements that make your creations all yours.
Oatmeal is a popular additive, used to soothe sensitive or irritated skin. Use rolled or long-cooking oats for your batch, though. Quick cook or instant oatmeal may thicken your soap before it has the chance to set, making it impossible to mold.
Dried luffa gourds make wonderful containers for your homemade soap. Wrap a luffa in plastic wrap, then pour your soap into the center. It makes a wonderful present, too, since the presentation is so interesting.

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