A Moment in Time (9 page)

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Authors: Judith Gould

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: A Moment in Time
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Teddy's Jaguar spewed gravel as he pulled out
of the drive and onto the highway. It was only five or six miles
down the road to the little clapboard cottage that Tiffani Grant
leased from him—at a greatly reduced rent—but he was in a hurry to
get there. Monday was her day off work, and he didn't spend many
Mondays in the country.

When he'd called her after his horseback
ride, she'd picked up after several rings, sleep still in her
voice. He could just see her, still in bed, bleached blond hair
disheveled, a sexy nightie or, better yet, nothing at all on, a
sheet draped over those big breasts, curled up in a big warm bed
waiting for him. Teddy could feel a rise in his pants just thinking
about it, and stepped on the gas.

When he neared the dirt road that led to the
old cottage, he began to brake, then made the right turn off the
highway and sped the hundred feet or so to the house, the car
leaving a dust cloud in its wake. Circling around in the back to
park, he drove across the lawn and pulled in close to the house
where his car wouldn't be visible from the highway. Even though he
owned the property, he didn't want anybody to see his car parked
there for too long a time.

No need to give any of the old biddies
around here an excuse to talk, he thought. They all think I'm a
perfect gentleman with real class. One of the few city people who
treats the locals with the respect they deserve
. He laughed
aloud. If they only knew! He loved fooling them, and he loved the
sneaking around. That was part of the fun for him, because he had a
real taste for the illicit. In fact, he had never really enjoyed
sex much unless it involved some kind of subterfuge.

He hopped out of the car and bounded up the
wooden steps to the back door, knocking on it a couple of times
with his knuckles. When she didn't respond immediately, he tried
the knob.
he thought.
It's locked
. But before
he could dash around to the front, he could hear Tiffani hurrying
through the kitchen, headed to the door.

After fumbling with locks, she opened the
door a crack and looked up at him. "Teddy," she said, smiling

He pushed his way in, then turned around and
pulled her to him. She had a big pink towel wrapped around her
voluptuous body, and her long, bleach- streaked hair was still wet
from the shower.

"Hey, Tiff," he said, his hands already on
her buttocks, pushing her hard against him. His mouth was on her
neck then, kissing and licking and nibbling.

"Wait, Teddy," she said, trying to wriggle
out of his grasp. "Just a minute."

He lifted his head and looked at her. "What
is it, babe?" he said.

She smiled again, then slammed the door shut
behind her and jerked off the towel. It fell to the floor in a

Teddy stared at her body, his eyes sweeping
her up and down, widening at the sight of her large creamy breasts
with their raspberry nipples, lingering momentarily on her firm
creamy thighs, fixing themselves hungrily on the completely shaved
honeypot that lay between them. He groaned aloud, then threw
himself against her, his hands everywhere at once.

Tiffani giggled gleefully and struggled
against him. "Come on, Teddy," she gasped. "Not here. Let's go into
the bedroom."

He followed her across the kitchen's worn
linoleum, through the little dining room and living room, and down
a hallway to one of the two bedrooms, getting out of his polo shirt
as they went. In the bedroom, he quickly pulled off his cowboy
boots and tossed them on the floor, then loosened his belt and took
off his jeans, throwing them on top of the boots.

Tiffani watched him, taking delight in his
long, lean torso and his well-defined musculature. He was so unlike
most of the men she knew. Teddy was so clean and blond and hard, in
shape but not a steroid freak either. Most of the men she'd been
with in the last few years—and there'd been too many to count—had
been former football players gone to fat; hairy, dirty bikers with
big beer bellies; or rangy, raw, or clumsy farm boys or tradesmen
who didn't really give her much pleasure. There'd been more than a
few of the local bodybuilders, and she liked their bodies, for
sure. But they seemed more pleased with themselves than anything
she could offer them. With most all the men, Tiffani often
reflected, it had been the old in and out, slam, bam, thank you,
ma'am. Except most of them had omitted the thank-you. She could
count the real good lovers—the ones who wanted to give her pleasure
as well as get it—on one hand.

Teddy was so different. She watched,
entranced, when he started to take off his jockey shorts, but
quickly stopped him with a hand and a knowing look and went down on
her knees in front of him. She slowly began pulling his shorts down
with her long, pink-lacquered fingernails, looking up at him
reverentially for a moment, then straight ahead at the prize
between his legs.

As it sprang free, her tongue darted out and
began licking his cock slowly, delicately, and lovingly, all the
while gradually easing his jockey shorts down to the floor. He
stepped out of them and put his hands on her head, guiding it onto
his engorged phallus. Tiffani took it, going down as far as she
possibly could, then began to suck on it furiously.

"Ahhhh," Teddy groaned, thrusting himself at
her, "Tiff, you're going to make me come."

She eased her mouth away and stood up facing
him. Teddy reached over and took a breast in each of his hands and
began stroking them, thrumming her nipples with his thumbs. Tiffani
gasped and pushed up against him, reaching down for his cock. He
slid one hand down between her thighs and began stroking her soft
shaved mound, excited by its nakedness, then slowly put a finger in
her, feeling her wetness.

Tiffani trembled and whimpered. "Oh, please,
Teddy," she begged. "Please."

Unable to wait any longer, he pushed her onto
the bed and mounted her, her legs spread wide to welcome him. They
were both in a frenzy of desire, and Teddy began thrusting away
like a man possessed, Tiffani grinding against him with all her
might. It was over almost as quickly as it had begun, Teddy
bellowing as he heaved against her in release, and Tiffani
squirming wildly against him, squealing ecstatically, kicking her
legs as she contracted with one climax after another.

He collapsed on top of her, then rolled off
onto his back, the two of them gasping for breath. When she could
speak, Tiffani rolled to her side and kissed his cheek. "Can you
stay a while?" she asked.

"An hour or so," he said. Then he looked at
her. "Why?" he asked. "You got something special in mind?"

Tiffani giggled. "Maybe," she said. She sat
up in bed and threw her legs over the side, her back to him. She
reached over to the bedside cabinet and opened a drawer, rummaging
around inside it. When she turned back around, she held up a small
glass vial of white powder. A tiny metal spoon was attached to the
top of it.

"Lookee what I've got," she said, wiggling
her hand.

Teddy's eyes were riveted to the vial of
white powder. "Wow, baby," he said, sitting up. "You won the
lottery or what?"

Tiffani's brown eyes gleamed with mischief.
"Something like that."

"Come on," he said. "Where'd you get it? I
know that's not any of my stuff."

She spread out on the bed, and he stared down
at her. "A little birdie," she said teasingly.

"Aw, Tiff," he cajoled. "Where?"

"You know that bar where I used to work?" she

He nodded. It was a local joint that catered
to a crowd of hard partyers, mostly in their twenties to forties, a
lot of them divorced and on the make, most all of them hourly

"Well, I was in there the other night, just
having a drink. You know. Anyway, this guy I used to know—he was a
regular customer when I worked there—he gave it to me."

"You mean he just
it to you?" he
asked incredulously.

She stared at him a moment. "Why not?" she

"We're friends, sort of. You're not jealous,
are you, Teddy?"

"No," he said, dropping onto the bed beside
her. "That's stupid. Why would I be jealous?"

"Oh, I don't know," she said coyly. "You just
don't look very happy suddenly."

"You're crazy, Tiff," he said. "But it
doesn't make sense, does it. This guy just
you a
couple of hundred bucks worth of coke? Don't tell me he doesn't
want something for it."

"If that's what you're thinking," she said,
"you're wrong. He's just being nice to me 'cause I used to fix him
up with girls. Besides, he's always got lots of coke 'cause he's a

Teddy's eyes sparkled with glee, then he
laughed. "You know some interesting characters, Tiff."

"I guess so," she said. She sat up and
unscrewed the bottle cap, then spooned out some coke, carefully
holding it steady. "Want some?"

Teddy sat up on one elbow and, when she had
the spoon under his nose, took a deep snort, a finger closing one
nostril while he sucked the precious powder up the other. The taste
was terrible, medicinal, but he knew the effect would be highly

He lay back and watched as Tiffani snorted
some, then replaced the cap on the bottle. She slid out of bed and
turned to him. "I'll be right back," she said.

He watched her walk toward the bathroom.
Amazing body
, he thought.
Straight from heaven.
never ceased to arouse him, even though she wasn't exactly the
brightest woman he knew. She was pretty dense actually. But what
the hell?

Tiffani was great for sex. Loved a little
kink, too. She was like forbidden fruit, now that he thought about
it: from the wrong side of the tracks, too much makeup, too much
hair, cheap sexy clothes. Completely unsuitable for somebody like
him and just his cup of tea. A lot like Lydia must have been forty
years ago, except Lydia was smart. Beyond that. . . well, she was
only amusing in bed, but that's all he wanted her for.

Tiffani came back into the bedroom, her large
breasts bobbing against her rib cage. She slid onto the bed and put
an arm across his chest. "You're so quiet," she said. "You tired,

"Had a rough weekend."

"Ah," she said. "Did that horse doctor fuck
your brains out?"

"No," he said, irritated that she would bring
Valerie into the conversation. "She had an early night yesterday
because she was up nearly all night Saturday. At your boss's place,
as a matter of fact."

She lifted her head and looked down at him.
"You're kidding, really?"

"Really," he said.

"What did she say about him?"

"Nothing," he replied. "She didn't even see
him. Just that muscle freak who works for him."

"God," she said, shivering involuntarily,
"that guy's so weird. He scares me half to death. But the whole
place scares me."

"Why?" Teddy asked without any real
curiosity. "That sounds pretty stupid to me."

"It's not stupid!" Tiffani replied. "I've
been working there part-time ever since they bought that place.

Conrad bought it three years ago, and he's
lived there for a year. And you know what? I still haven't seen
him, the owner, except maybe if you count one time when I think I
saw him at the window, staring outside."

"What did he look like?" Teddy asked idly. He
could feel the cocaine begin to work its magic.

"Who knows?" Tiffani said. "All I saw was a
man standing there. Not Santo 'cause I could tell if it'd been
him." She lay back on the pillow again and slowly ran a finger down
Teddy's chest.

"And you know what else?"

"What?" he asked, indulging her.

"I've never even been in that house. I've
never been anywhere but the office in the stable," she said. "That
creepy Santo runs the place like some kind of Nazi. I never see
anybody but him and that awful old man Helmut. Sometimes his

"Who's that?" Teddy asked.

"Helmut Reinhardt," she said. "He and his
spooky wife, Gerda, live in a little house on the estate. They
moved in when Conrad bought the place. At least I guess they

She ran her fingers through Teddy's hair.
"Helmut, he's like a handyman, and his old lady's the cook and
housekeeper. They're both real quiet, like the walking dead or
something. Real zombies."

"Yeah," Teddy said, "but so what?"

"Think about it, Teddy," she said
passionately. "You've got Santo, who's like some kind of weirdo
giant freak with his shaved head and earrings and muscles and
tattoos. You've got Conrad, who might as well be a ghost. Then
you've got the old zombie couple, Gerda and Helmut. You're not
there, so you don't see how creepy it is."

She paused and looked at him with a pouty
expression. "But you know what the worst thing is? They don't give
me the time of day. Any of them. It's like I'm garbage or something
as far as they're concerned."

"You shouldn't pay any attention to them,
Tiff," he said, taking her hand and moving it down to his crotch.
"Conrad probably has them under his thumb. Probably doesn't like
for the help to get to know each other too well. He's just another
paranoid rich jerk," Teddy went on, easing a hand between her

"Everybody says you're rich, too, Teddy," she

"Huh? I do all right." He frowned. "I'm sure
not rich like that creep. But then I'm not into drugs or the Mafia
or whatever his game is."

"I just don't understand why he's so
secretive," she countered, now stroking Teddy's cock firmly.

"Probably doesn't want you to see all those
hot chicks he's got tied up down in the cellar," he said, grinning
at her. "All of them just waiting to fulfill his every

Tiffani laughed. "God, I wouldn't doubt it,"
she said. "But I think that's what you'd like." She squeezed his

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