A Most Dangerous Profession (24 page)

Read A Most Dangerous Profession Online

Authors: Karen Hawkins

Tags: #Historical romance, #Fiction

BOOK: A Most Dangerous Profession
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He stepped onto the ledge. “Shut the windows behind me, but do not latch them. I may need to return sometime.”

She came to stand by the large window and smiled up at him, looking absurdly young in her gown and piled-up hair. “Yes, sir. Is there anything else I should do for you?”

He smiled. “Nothing that we would want to finish in the few minutes we have left before our servants return. It is time to focus on our mission. Here’s to our success.” He winked and left.


Michael Hurst’s diary, dated today

I am going to slowly throttle Miss Smythe-Haughton until she begs for mercy . . . right after I rescue her.

inner was finally over. Robert leaned back and lifted his monocle to observe the cherry tart that had been placed before him. He crinkled his nose and pushed the dish away. “Ross, thank you for an

“It was quite good, wasn’t it?” Moira said.

“It was
,” Robert repeated. He eyed his host, who sat at the head of the table. “I don’t wish to be rude, but the time has come to take possession of the box I purchased from you.”

Robert had done his part during dinner, slyly suggesting that Scotsmen couldn’t hold their drink, which had caused their host to imbibe what Moira suspected was much, much more port than he normally drank.

“We shall get to that presently.” Ross held up his empty glass. “Oh ho,
measure gone. And you, Mr. Hurst? Is
glass empty?”

“No, I fear not.” Robert examined Ross’s flushed face. “When may I have the box?”

Ross frowned. “You’re insistent, sir.”

“I’ve already paid for it, and I must return to London before this treacherous damp air gives me a lung infection.”

Moira hid her chuckle behind a cough.

Ross took a deep drink. “I shall give it to you in the morning.”

“Why not now, pray tell? Unless . . . you
have it, do you not?”

“Of course I have it,” Ross returned testily. “I just don’t wish to run all the way upstairs and fetch it.”

Moira said sweetly, “If it will help, I would be glad to ask one of the footmen to fetch it for you.”

“No, no. No one is allowed in my—” Ross blinked, realizing he was in the process of saying something he shouldn’t.

Moira leaned forward. “Or if you wish, I could get it for you—”

“No! No one is allowed there except me.”

“Allowed where?” Robert asked smoothly.

“Allowed in—” Ross’s gaze narrowed. “No one except me is allowed near my collection.” He paused, then said in a more measured tone, though his words were slightly slurred, “Mr. Hurst, I didn’t mean to withhold your purchase from you. I was merely enjoying the presence of you and your lovely wife and thought you were doing the same.”

“I suppose we both needed the rest,” Robert returned in a sulky tone. “Your castle is certainly comfortable, I’ll give you that.”

“Thank you,” Ross said in a stiff tone that indicated he’d rather punch Robert than smile. “I will have your artifact ready by breakfast. I trust you are satisfied with that.”

“Perfectly.” Robert sighed. “Moira, I think I will retire. I have quite the headache; I vow this damp country air is poisonous.”

“You should have Buffon fetch you some lavender water from my chamber. If you rub it on your temples, it might ease your headache.”

“I shall do that.” Robert stood, pausing when Moira stayed in her seat. “Aren’t you coming, my love?”

“No, I thought I might stay here, with Sir Lachlan. I’m not a bit tired.”

Robert shrugged. “Very well. Just don’t be up too late. We’ll be leaving in the morning, and if you don’t get enough rest it makes horrid circles under your eyes.” He bowed. “Good night, Ross. Good night, Moira.”

Moira’s heart fluttered a bit as Robert left.
This is my big chance.
She smiled at her host. “I hope you don’t mind if I stay a bit longer?”

“Of course not. You may stay as long as you wish.”

“Thank you. You are such a gracious host.”

He captured her hand and placed a kiss on her wrist. “And you,
, are a lovely guest.”

She looked demurely away but left her hand in his possession. “Thank you. W-we should talk about something else, please.”

“Anything you want, my dear, but first, if you’ll give me a second . . .” He stood, tottering unsteadily for a moment, then walked to the wide doors and shut them.

She frowned. “Lord Ross, what are you doing?”

Ross turned and leaned against the door, his hands behind him. “There. Isn’t that better?”

“Lord Ross, I—”

“One kiss, Moira. Just one, and I shall let you leave.”

supposed to encourage him a little. Under normal circumstances she would have done so without thinking, but she couldn’t help but imagine that Robert would not be pleased.

A ridiculous thought; why should she care what Robert thought? She tamped down her qualms. “I
kiss you . . . if you’ll show me your collection.”

His gaze narrowed. “Why do you want to see that? You keep bringing it up and I wonder—”

keep bringing it up? Oh, no, my lord,
bringing it up and I take that as a challenge. Why, this evening over dinner you flatly said that no one—
no one
—was allowed in the room where you house your treasure. If that’s not a challenge, then I don’t know what is!”

He laughed. “I suppose it was, of a sort, though not to you.”

“Oh, to Robert, then? He can be quite rude.” She gestured about the room. “But he’s not here, is he?”

Ross’s eyes gleamed and his breathing seemed to come harsher. “No, he’s not. There’s no one here but you and me. Come, Moira, one kiss—”

“Not without seeing your treasure room.”

He scowled, looking like a child deprived of a candy. “I can’t do that.”

“Then I can’t kiss you,” she said primly. “I want to see these artifacts you’ve told me about. Hurst says you may have the biggest collection on earth.”

Ross looked mollified. “It’s tolerable. The room is almost the size of this.”

Finally, some details.
She clasped her hands together and said in a breathless voice, “And it’s
with antiquities?”

“To the top.” He tottered back to the table, pausing to steady himself by holding on to the back of a chair. When he reached her, he took her hand
and patted it. “One kiss and I shall show you my treasures.”


“Why not?” He stroked her hand. “You are
charming, which is why I
kiss you. Something to remember you by, since you and Hurst will be gone as soon as I give him that damned box.”

The man was an imbecile. He was as subtle as a bullet, which made it hard to pretend the innocence he found so attractive.
Better to get this over with.
“If you want a kiss, then we should do it quickly, before the servants come to clear the table.”
And before I change my mind.
She was not looking forward to this at all.

“You’re an eager little thing, aren’t you?” He took her hands in his and pulled her close.

Moira tilted her face to his and lifted her lips. To her shock, he grabbed her with both hands and yanked her against him, then kissed her hard, his thick tongue pressing between her lips.

She struggled, turning her face to one side. “Sir Lachlan,

He laughed, his hands busy as he shoved aside the neckline of her gown so roughly that he ripped it. The sound seemed to excite him for he began to feverishly press against her, pinching her breast.

Suddenly Moira knew why Ross had been in two duels: he was planning on taking her right then and there.

Moira crammed her arms between them and managed to get one hand flat on his chest to give herself some room. She kept moving her head so he couldn’t capture her mouth. “Stop it!” Moira used her most authoritative voice, her words ringing clearly and sharply.

His expression turned ugly and he tightened his hold, grinding his hips to hers. “You little tease!”

He held her so tightly that she couldn’t bring her heel down on his instep, so she kicked him in the shin as hard as she could.

He grunted, his hold slackening as she twisted free. The second she had room, she tugged her pistol from her pocket, pressing the tip firmly against his chest.

Ross’s eyes widened and he froze. “You—That’s—What do you—” His mouth opened and closed as she cocked the pistol.

“It’s time for you to retire for the evening.”

An ugly red flush rose across his neck and cheeks. “You wanted me to kiss you! You practically begged me!”

“No, I agreed to kiss you
And I did
invite you to assault me.”

“I didn’t assault you.” His lips thinned when she lifted her brows.

She stepped back, keeping the pistol aimed steadily on his chest. “You touched me and ripped my gown and tried to—”

“Fine!” He eyed her and her pistol with disfavor. “I suppose you’ll tell your husband about this.”

Of course she was going to tell Robert though she dreaded his reaction.
We’ll find that secret chamber without Ross’s help.
“Open the doors. In the morning, once Hurst and I have that box, we will leave.”

“What if I refuse?”

“Then I will shoot you and leave Hurst to deal with the mess. He’s very good at cleaning up unpleasant situations.”

“Your husband couldn’t butter his own bread, much less deal with any kind of situation. But fine—I’ll open the doors. And you, my little tease, can go to hell!” Muttering under his breath, he walked to the doors and threw them open. “There!” he said in a sharp tone. “Now be gone!”

Moira backed out, slipping her pistol away as soon as the footmen standing outside the doors came into sight. Ignoring their surprised looks, she hurried up the steps toward her room.

She paused outside of Robert’s room and
pressed her ear to the door, but could hear nothing.
He is probably already asleep.

Her hands shaking, she went to her own room and locked the door behind her. Then she dragged a chair over and pushed it under the knob. Once that was done, she scrubbed her mouth with the back of her hand, catching sight of herself in the gilded mirror over the fireplace. Her hair was falling down, her beautiful gown ripped at one shoulder, her face flushed, her eyes shiny with fear. She’d thought Ross a fool, not capable of violence, yet—She rubbed her lips again, trying to get rid of the memory. Robert had been right; Ross was the worst sort of man and she had been a fool to think she could handle him so easily.

Out in the hallway, she heard a voice. Her heart leapt in her throat. Had Ross followed her? Her heart beat wildly and her gaze found the window Robert had climbed in before. She wished with all her heart that he was with her now. She would feel safer.

There are no princes ready to ride up on a white horse. If I want to talk to Robert, I will have to go to him.
She kicked off her slippers, jammed her feet into some sensible boots, and scooped up her cloak.

She blew out all of the lamps, plunging the bedchamber into darkness. Her heart pounding,
she opened the window; then with a deep breath she climbed onto the windowsill and stepped out onto the ledge. The icy wind clutched at her, swirling her cloak and stealing all of her warmth. Moira took a hesitant step.

Was that a sliver of light through his curtains? She took another step, releasing her hold on her own window as she did so.

Robert had claimed that the ledge wasn’t narrow, but it certainly seemed so, especially in the dark. Well, she’d just have to take her chances. It was fortunate that the rough-hewn stone would provide decent handholds.

She edged along, one foot after another, and soon she was halfway there. One step. Another one. Another—her foot hit something hard, and for a horrible instant she teetered before regaining her balance.

Panting, she looked down to find a gargoyle sneering up at her at the edge of the ledge. Gritting her teeth, she stepped over it. Her heart pounded in her ears. She was so far up, and there was nothing to break her fall if she slipped.

God, what had she been thinking? This was crazy! The gravity of her situation held her immobile, her feet seemingly locked into place.

The wind whipped up the castle face and sent
her robe and skirts swirling, cold air rippling up her bared legs.
Damn it, Moira, move!

She took a deep breath, and began to edge toward Robert’s window again. One step. Another. Yet another. She sang along in her mind. One step. Another. Yet another. Finally, she found herself right where she wished to be.

he reached down to tap on the glass, then realized she could hear
masculine voices inside the room.

She pressed against the cold stone wall.
What do I do now?


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