A Most Unusual Match (21 page)

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Authors: Sara Mitchell

BOOK: A Most Unusual Match
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Chapter Forty

oss away his career?” Thea retorted furiously. “Is that a taunt, or a threat? Never mind, it doesn't matter. Since that's your attitude, you can go straight to jail. And I won't regret one bit being the one who sent you there. I will not allow Devlin to ruin his career because of a poor decision on my part and poor judgment on yours.”

Devlin joined her and touched her shoulder. “Thea, it's not a threat. We've had a long talk with your father. There's something I haven't had a chance to tell you.”

Richard shook his head ruefully, admiration sparking behind the shuttered expression. “Let her be,” he said. “Fierce in her defense of you, isn't she, Operative Stone? I could envy you that, but what's the point? Deal the cards, Theodora. Freedom or jail, whatever hand I draw, it's up to me to play. No obligations on your part either way.”

“I know,” Thea admitted. “I learned that lesson from you a long time ago. But lately I've learned a few others, as well.” Moisture gummed her throat as she struggled, the words halting and hoarse, to set both of them free. “Thank you, for what you did, yesterday. For caring enough to try to save my life. I…don't want you to go to jail, not for this. Let him go, Devlin.” She glanced up, and his smile erased
any lingering doubt. “I want you to let him go. I believe in my heart it's the right choice.”

“I agree,” he said, and tugged a key out of his vest pocket to remove Richard's handcuffs. Then he held out his right hand. “You'll always be welcome at StoneHill Farm. But the only games we play there are chess and dominoes.”

Richard stared at the outstretched arm, then with another shrug shook hands. “I've seen my share of grifters and green goods. Maybe we can work something out.” His shoulders squared as he lifted his chin and looked straight at Thea. “I haven't been a good father, but I want you to know—I've never cheated. Not once.” After a final glance he strode across the room toward the door.

Two betraying tears rolled silently down Thea's cheeks. “Father?”

He stiffened but turned, hand on the doorknob. “Yes, Theodora?”

“Every now and then…send Grandfather and me a postcard?”

The poker face crumbled suddenly, and for one fleeting second she glimpsed the shadow of a weak, vulnerable young man trapped between responsibility, and a compulsion that refused to relent. “I'll try,” he promised. “I'll try…daughter.”

With a firm click, the door shut behind him.

Thea closed her eyes. So this was what it felt like, to see someone through the eyes of Jesus. When Devlin carefully drew her into his arms, she laid her head against his chest. “Thank you,” she said after several long moments, soaking up the love, the kindness, the exquisite compassion of this man God had brought into her life. “I love you with all my heart, Devlin. But…your career? What will happen? I know you have to write a report. You have to be honest.
You have to, or I'll never forgive myself. No, wait. You'll do the right thing, no matter what I do or don't do.” She listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and was content. “I'm learning….”

Devlin chuckled, then led her over to a table, picked up a sheet of paper and handed it to her. “Before I came down to Jekyll Island, I visited the man who persuaded me to join the Service, Micah MacKenzie. We had a long talk. Then I went into Washington and talked with the Chief. I've resigned, Theodora. As of this morning, it's official. Operative Lawlor has taken over to tie up the loose ends, your father being the final thread. You and I can go home.”

A long, cleansing breath ruffled Thea's hair. “Home,” he repeated. “For three years God allowed me to wander in the desert of deceitful, greedy souls and dirty cities full of crime. I like to think that, in my wanderings, I at least honored Him by serving my country. But StoneHill is my promised land, and I don't ever want to leave it again.” Searching her face, he lifted his hands to tenderly cup her cheeks. “I want to marry you, and raise horses and babies with you. On our way back to Virginia, I want to stop by that breeder and hopefully buy a Holsteiner colt.”

His eyes closed, then opened, dark now with desperation. “But what I need more than anything, Thea, is to know you forgive me for hurting you. For not telling you months ago I was part of an organization you hated. If you can forgive your father enough to give him his freedom…?”

“Devlin…” Wincing a little, she carefully wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him close again, inhaling the wonderful scent of soap, starch and the most dear man in the world. “Of course I forgive you. What woman could resist a dashing hero who rides to her rescue?” Then she balled her fist and punched him hard enough in the
ribs to surprise a whoof of discomfort from Devlin and an internal screech from the wound in her side. “But don't you ever do anything that dangerous again, do you hear? I came down here to find proof and save you from Edgar Fane myself. If he'd discovered you, he would have killed you.”

“Looks like we saved each other, and God administered divine justice to Edgar Fane.” He rested his head against her hair, his palms warm against her back. In all her life, Thea had never felt so protected. So at peace.



“If I told you that I believe God's looking down on us right now and smiling, would you think I was an emotional mush head?”

“No, sweetheart. Because I sense Him, too. As warm and real as the fire burning in the fireplace.”

“Fires in fireplaces burn out….”

“Ours won't.” Devlin pressed a gentle kiss to her eyelids, forehead, then each cheek. “Because we'll work to keep it alive, every day, for the rest of our lives.”

Theodora gave herself over to the embrace of her be loved, and with a yielding internal recklessness, finally abandoned everything else to God.

Dear Reader,

A Most Unusual Match,
I had as much fun with the research as I did creating all sorts of problems for Thea and Devlin. There is something magical about old photographs that pulls me right out of the twenty-first century. (Check out saramitchellbooks.com!) In fact, my patient editor had to gently remind me not to let the setting dominate the characters! At one time, my office floor and most of the surfaces of the furniture were covered with books and maps of 1890s Saratoga Springs, New York, and Jekyll Island, Georgia. StoneHill Farm was easier, since I live in Virginia and it was no trouble at all to take long wandering drives, then erase this century to create a magnificent horse farm built in the 1800s. Believe it or not, in this state a lot of houses even older than the fictional StoneHill still survive.

As I write this letter spring is freshly arrived, with daffodils and hyacinth blooming, and buds sprouting on all the trees. Since this book is scheduled for publication in January, I can't help but smile, wondering how many of you will be curled up by a cozy fire while a snow/sleet/rain winter storm rages outside…unless of course you live in Florida.

But no matter the season of your life, my prayer remains that this book offers a few hours of pleasure, inspiration—and in some small way kindles a desire to deepen or develop your relationship with God. Please feel free to share your thoughts—I love to hear from readers, the twenty-first-century way via saramitchellbooks.com, or the old-fashioned, nineteenth-century way in a letter c/o Steeple Hill Books.

As for all the readers wanting to know what happened
to Jonathan Tanner, Micah MacKenzie's assistant in
The Widow's Secret,
well, somehow he and I lost touch. After leaving the Secret Service, Jon spent several years in limbo, unable to figure out what to do with his life. Sometimes, you know, people have great difficulty figuring out who they are, and how God could possibly love their confused, messed-up selves. But because I refuse to countenance anything but happy endings in my stories, I believe Jonathan did eventually discover he could trust himself to God's faithfulness. Did he ever find a woman to love? Of course! I write love stories, don't I?

With joy…

  1. Theodora Langston is outraged by what happened to her grandfather. Do you think her decision to pursue justice on her own, assuming a false life to prove the case, was appropriate—or reckless?
  2. Was Thea justified in her hatred of the Secret Service? Have you ever been wrongly accused of something? What was your reaction?
  3. Both Devlin and Thea are pretending to be someone they're not. Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where you're doing the same thing? What happened?
  4. Part of
    A Most Unusual Match
    takes place in Saratoga Springs, which by 1897 was well-known for its casinos and horse-racing culture as much as its international fame as a hotel resort. What did you think of Thea's response to Edgar Fane and his dinner guests, when she was queried on her views? Did you agree? Disagree?
  5. Thea manifests a particular symptom of anxiety with her episodes of debilitating vertigo. Have you or someone you know ever wrestled with an anxiety disorder? What did you do to overcome it?
  6. Edgar Fane is initially presented as a fairly decent fellow. But evil can be seductive, even attractive. Did you find yourself wondering how such a popular and
    attractive man as Edgar could possibly have a darker side? Were you surprised by his actions later in the book?
  7. Both Thea and Devlin are “surface believers”—people who acknowledge God and have a passing understanding of Jesus, but who live their lives following their own wills and wishes. What was the turning point for each of them, when they realized that life without God was not how they wanted to live any longer?
  8. Do you think if Christians try to live a life in accordance with God's will, that they will always enjoy peace and freedom from temptation?
  9. Thea asks Devlin, “Is there a truth that stays the same, and no matter how a person twists and turns things about, the truth remains?” What would your answer to this question be?
  10. When Thea learns that Devlin has lied to her about his Secret Service identity, do you think her reaction was appropriate? Why or why not? Has someone you loved and trusted ever lied to you? What was
  11. Devlin cannot hold back his declaration of love for Thea, yet he refuses to ask her to marry him because he is still a Secret Service operative and afraid of her reaction. Was his fear justified? If you were Devlin, would you have told her before leaving for Jekyll Island?
  12. The scene between Thea and the Italian maids on the dock is symbolic of one of Jesus' most famous parables. Which one?
  13. Discuss the differences between Thea's relationship with her grandfather, and her father. Do you think Richard Langston will try to restore a relationship with his family?
  14. Devlin loves horses and has a family home with a thriving vocation. Yet he abandons both for several years because he feels something missing inside his soul. What is this missing piece? When does he realize it?
  15. Good people who make poor decisions with noble motives get into all sorts of trouble! But those troubles offer wonderful opportunities to illustrate how God can work His amazing grace. Describe scenes in
    A Most Unusual Match
    where, despite their lies, doubts, anger and fears, God still speaks to Thea and Devlin.

ISBN: 9781408938003

A Most Unusual Match

© Sara Mitchell 2011

First Published in Great Britain in 2011
Harlequin (UK) Limited
Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

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