A Mother's Love (9 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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Chapter Thirteen


Cam and I had just got the break of our lives. I was fucking with this Mexican bitch that I caught in Miami and the bitch was connected. She pulled some major fucking strings and got me connected too. Now here we had twenty thousand in product. We were going to be the muthafucking kings of the city! Yeah, all the pussy, cars, and money for us, nobody had control over the city yet. Everybody just nickel and dimed it since no one was connected. But here we were with the key to the muthafucking world. We had broken the coke down and divided it up and were sitting back smoking a blunt at my man Cam’s crib.

              Cam lived by himself in a little bachelor pad in the heart of the city. I on the other hand lived with my girl Brittany. She was a cool chick nice head on her shoulder. Shit I had house hopped all my childhood once Moms got killed. Pops fucked with so many bitches so wherever he laid his head me and bro Jr. laid our head there too. As soon as I got a bitch with a house that’s exactly what I did move the fuck in. I got tired of sleeping on the floor and shit so when I met Brittany I moved right in with her. And I treated her good too, every once and a while I would cheat but it was beneficial to her because it was always about money. Pussy wasn’t shit to me to many bitches was willing to give it up.

              I lived and breathe money, money, money, and more money. But I had to admit being with Brittany for six years I really loved the woman. She was topnotch too. Kept the house clean, cooked for a nigga, didn’t trip on a nigga too much, and stayed looking good. She was 4’ 11 thick ass redbone and I tell you when I say thick she was thick. I mean if the bitch ate one more burger she would be considered fat. But hey I loved it. She had long pretty hair too, none of that fake artificial shit. Her hair was long like my Moms.

              Cam and I were just sitting here chilling thinking of a master plan when my phone rang. I looked and saw it was my little sister Violet.

“What up sis?”

“Hey brother you gone come and get your sister and take me to the mall?” aw shit here she goes.

I loved my baby sister. Although we didn’t grow up together Aunt Tesha made sure we all got to see each other. I could have lived with Aunt Tesha if I wanted to but she was a drill sergeant. I don’t see how Violet got away with so much shit.

“Yeah baby sis. You must got some dough?” I already knew that answer my sister was a hustler.

She claimed she wasn’t selling no pussy but shit she was fucking them niggas that was taking care of her.

“Of course Mar, what time you coming?”

“We on our way,” I said giving Cam the heads up that we were about to go.

“Who is we?” Now she knew damn well Cam was coming with me. I never left my right hand man especially when it was time to hit these streets.

“C’mon now quit questioning me just be ready.”

“Aight.” She said and hung up.

              We got into my car and when I opened through the door it felt like a hand grabbed my arm. The breeze whipped across my face and I got an eerie feeling. It was weird but it felt right. Like a mother kissing you at night before you go to bed, something I don’t even remember. But that’s what if felt like. It made me feel loved a different type of love I never felt. I checked my surroundings and got in my car.

Aw look at my youngest two. They seem to be close and Shamar seem to be a good big brother. I see he was going to go pick Violet up and take her to the mall. Um that girl is something else I bet. I reached out to Shamar and I think he felt me. He stopped and I think he could feel my touch. He was something special that Shamar, all my kids were but it was just something about that Shamar. I needed to keep a careful eye on him. He trying to sell dope and be some type of thug. Now I don’t know where he got that shit from. Shane would hustle but he was small time he didn’t really want that lifestyle he worked every day.

But Shamar it seemed like he wanted the big time and I that could only end up two ways dead or in jail and I didn’t want either for my baby boy.


I puffed on my blunt while I waited for my brother Shamar. I was glad Aunt Tesha had left to go to the store. I needed to smoke bad and wasn’t a smoking in the house. Aunt Tesha was a cool Aunt and I loved being the only child with her but she did not play. After my Mom got killed Aunt Tesha took me in since my Dad was dead too. Shamar, Jr., and Daphne went with their Dad’s side. But I didn’t have a Dad’s side well I did but I don’t think Tammy would have wanted me or my older sister Victoria. But Aunt Tesha didn’t have any kids so she took me in. And she treated me like her own. She made sure I got to see my brothers and sister. She would have let them stay with us too but their Dads were not having that. I remember Daphne’s drunk ass Daddy talking to Aunt Tesha when she suggested that Daphne stay with her.

“Bitch,” you could hear him through the phone, “my baby staying right here with me and my mama.”

Yeah he was saying that shit because Daphne’s grandmother Nancy really took care of Daphne. Lo was too busy getting drunk and beating on his white wife to take care of my sister. Shamar pulled up and I got up to walk to the car. I had on some short, shorts with a pink halter top. I know my brother was going to say something. I got in the back seat and passed him the blunt, he grabbed it.

“Man damn you knew I was coming you could have changed.” He puffed on the blunt.

“Well hey big bro it’s good to see you too.”  I said laughing I knew he was going to say that shit.

Camron gave the head to toe look and I ignored him. Old fat ass nigga, I didn’t like my brother’s friend Cam, not because he was fat but because he was a preemie. Yeah that’s right I tried to break the nigga off some pussy and he came within five minutes. Shamar pulled off and we jammed to some Kanye West. I loved riding with my big bro through the city. I got tired of dealing with thirsty ass niggas all day. It was good to just ride with a nigga and they have no intentions even if it was just my brother.

              We pulled up to the mall and I grabbed my oversize purse. Yes a bitch had three grand in her pockets but fuck that I wasn’t spending no money on no clothes  I was gone get it for free. Shamar knew damn well too so he better be ready to distract these hoes while I get some shit. We first went to the women’s department. I saw some cute little club dresses that I could stunt in I got those so you know I had to get me some shoes. Mar distracted the hoes and while I stuffed my purse with whatever I wanted. My bag was getting pretty full so I grabbed the keys from Shamar and went to empty some of the clothes. I went to pop the trunk when a great wind hit me real hard. I mean this wind was so hard I stumbled over.

“Now what the fuck was that!” I screamed out lot and put the stuff in the trunk.

That was your Mama trying to whoop your behind you little thieving heifer. Look at this girl out her stealing all these clothes. And Shamar just letting her, he knows good and damn well what she is doing. I can’t believe Shamar my son is a drug dealer and he letting his little sister steal? This boy has turned into some kind of man. Umph. And I am thinking he special yeah he special alright a different type of special did I drop him when he was a baby…

I finished shopping with big bro and Cam and I even got them some stuff. We separated the clothes in the car.

“Aye give me one of those dresses to give to Brittany.”Shamar told me.

“Un un that big bitch can’t fit my size.”I started laughing.

“Man she is not fat.” He said grabbing one of the dresses I stole.

He was right Brittany wasn’t fat she was thick as hell but I had to fuck with my brother. I mean we were about the same size I just had more hips and she had more thighs. And then the nigga picked out the best dress. Fuck it I could come grab it tomorrow. I got out the car and gave my brother a kiss on the cheek.

“I love you Shamar.”

“I love you too Violet. Now what you about to do with the rest of your day?”

“Shit chill with my man.”

“Who that nigga Cash?” Huh I hated discussing Cash with Shamar. They didn’t like each other so I tried to keep them separate.

“Yes.” I said as I slammed the door and that ended the conversation.

I did not wanna hear that shit today. I made it in the house and redid my makeup. I called Cash he picked up on the first ring.

“Why the fuck you ain’t been answering?”he yelled.

“Babe I was shopping.” I said in my little baby voice. I wanted him to not be mad.

“With who?”

“My brother baby.” I said.

“I’m about to come get you.”

“Okay baby.” I hung up the phone. I popped me a pill and waited for the rush to enter my body. Today was going to be a long day.



Chapter Fourteen

Shane Jr.

I couldn’t believe Esha called herself kicking me out. Damn I had three other kids besides the three we had and she gone get mad because I had another one. It’s like bitch if you ain’t notice I have plenty of these muthafucka all while we were “together”. She must be fucking with some other nigga or something because that bitch never went off like that. Oh well fuck her I needed to find a place before dark.

              I knew Tameka my other baby mama wasn’t having it. She had another man so she had moved on. Brittany my daughter Anna’s mom would let me stay but she live with her parents. And I’m sorry I know I fucked they daughter put I don’t feel like looking at those white muthafucka. I was glad my daughter was dark. And Monique my baby mama I just had my son Malik by she would have let me stayed too but she was mad. She had just came from the doctor and found out I gave her Chlamydia so she was pissed. So I had to give her time to calm down. These bitches were too many problems with no gain.

              I knew who would let me come stay my sister Daphne I was gone call her up. My big sis got lonely so I knew she wouldn’t mind little bro to come stay with her. I called her up.

“Hey big sis, what you doing” I asked into the phone.

“Nothing Jr., where you at?” She asked she sounded like she had been crying.

“Just cruising the city what’s wrong?”  I asked I was concerned.

Daphne was very emotional. We didn’t live together growing up but when we all met up on that one weekend of the month growing up she would hug us and bring us candy. And when we had to leave she would start crying. Violet would console her while Shamar and I would look at the girl like she was crazy. As we got older we knew something had to be going on with her at her Granny’s house but we just didn’t know what.

“Come over Jr. I need you.” She cried.

My intentions to come stay with her worked out perfect because I could tell she was going through it. I rushed to my sister’s house within five minutes. She lived in a beautiful three bedroom brick house. She lived alone but she worked as a nurse so she made good money. I was proud of my big sister. I took my key out and walked in the dark house.

“Where you at” I called out.

“In the den” I made my way through the living room to the back den.

I walked in. My sister was crying sitting in the chair. She had on some pajamas and I could tell she had been crying for awhile. My sister was gorgeous. She use to have long hair like Mama but she cut it all off a couple of weeks ago. She said she just wanted a different style. I think it was because she looked a lot like Mama. She had a picture of her and Mom in her hand. She always had that picture when she was sad.

I walked up to her and gave her a hug. “Sis what’s wrong?”

“That muthafucka gone tell me that he can do better” once she said that I knew it was over her punk ass boyfriend Terance.

Man that nigga I wanted to fuck him up but Daphne didn’t want me too. He was some college professor who always looked down on my sister. She had told the nigga too much of her business. He just saw her beauty he couldn’t deal with the baggage that she came with.

“Man fuck that fag.”

That cracked my sister up. She started laughing. I pulled out a blunt and lit it.  I passed my sister the blunt and she hit it. Although Daphne was educated and really didn’t indulge in the street life but she was real down to earth, and didn’t judge and she smoked her weed just like the rest of her siblings.

Look at these two getting high. I only drank when I dance but I never smoked so why the hell are all my kids getting high? But I was happy to see my kids really bonded. And they came to each other rescue. I was glad I got to see this side of my kids I was happy I got to see my kids grow up. And look at my Daphne crying. She too pretty to cry she shouldn’t feel any heart break. I gave them enough heart breaks to last a lifetime. And Jr. at least he got a little sense he came to see about his sister.


I was happy that my little brother had called me. I was really in a shitty mood. That nigga Terance had once again shattered my self esteem. While everyone told me how beautiful I was he always saw a flaw in me. As I smoked on the blunt I was relaxed. I was glad it was the weekend. I wonder if my little sisters wanted to come out with me. I needed it, I needed to get loose. I needed me another man. I know one person who would always come party with me, Violet my nineteen year old sister was definitely wild. Diamond my other sister might be with her boyfriend who she devoted all her time too.

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