A Murder of Taste: A Queen Bees Quilt Mystery

BOOK: A Murder of Taste: A Queen Bees Quilt Mystery
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A Murder of Taste
A Queen Bees Quilt Mystery

By Sally Goldenbaum

Editor: Doug Weaver
Designer: Vicky Frenkel
Cover illustration: Neil Nakahodo
Character illustrations: Lon Eric Craven

All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004 Sally Goldenbaum
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

Published by Kansas City Star Books.

First edition, second printing

ISBN: 0-9754804-5-6

Printed in the United States of America by Walsworth Publishing Co., Marceline, Missouri

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Portia (Po) Paltrow, founder and nurturer of the Queen Bees quilting Group. Anchors the women’s quilting group in life and in art.

Phoebe Mellon, wife to Jimmy, an up-and-coming lawyer, young mother to eleven-month-old twins, and a constant surprise to her quilting cohorts.

Kate Simpson, Po’s goddaughter and a graduate student at the college. The newest member of the Queen Bees.

Eleanor Canterbury, who lives on the edge of the college her great-grandfather founded. Is heir to the Canterbury family fortune.

Leah Sarandon, professor of women’s studies at Canterbury College. An artistic quilter.

Susan Miller, Selma’s artistic assistant manager in the quilt shop. Recently returned to college to pursue a degree in fiber arts.

Selma Parker, owner of Parker’s Dry Goods Store. Provides a weekly gathering place for the Queen Bees quilting group and generous doses of down-home wisdom.

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