Aberdeen Proving Ground, American Institute for Research,
49,78, 132, 175, 183, 191, 230, 180, 197, 221
232, 236 Angleton, Jesus James, 72
Abramson, Dr. Harold, 22, 49, Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory,
70 151
Abreaction, xviii, 48 ARPA, 40, 57
ACHES, xx, 144, 145 Argonne Cancer Research
ACHRE, 127, 139, 141, 211, Hospital, 149, 228
212 Assassination kit, 55
Adirondack Mountains, 81 Avon Park, xv, 188
Allan Memorial Institute, 46, 217
Citizens Call, 145
Clinton School, 193
Columbia University, 217, 224
B. F. Goodrich Co., 224 Cone, Bill, 63
Baldwin, Dr. Maitland, 61 Cornell University, 45, 150, 197
Barbie, Klaus, 8, 74, 75, 92, 96, Council on Foreign Relations, 32
223, 226
Baylor University, 140, 181, 197
Bekhtereva Brain Institute, 58,
59 DARPA, Defense Advanced
bilocation, 66 Research Project, 50
Blauer, Harold, 10, 79, 179 DDU, Document Disposal Unit,
Bloodstone, 72, 73 72, 223
Bolivia, 8, 75, 92, 96 Dengue fever, xv
Boston Psychiatric Hospital, Derma-Optics, 57
180, 231 Deseret Test Center in Utah,
brain concussion, 29 193-194
Brainwashing, xvi, 46, 47, 53, Desert Rock, 135, 137
54, 62, 63, 70, 82, 83, 132, 184, Disassociation, 22
212, 220 Disassociative states, xvii, xviii
Brookhaven National Donovan, William, 4, 32, 33
Laboratory, 167 Dr. Black, viii, 10, 20, 21, 49,
Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 69, 70, 74, 84-90
79, 224 Dr. Green, 69
Brooks Air Force Base, xi Dr. Gregor, 79, 93
Dr. Noe, 79, 214
Dr. Swartz, 69
Dr. White, 69
Cameron, Dr. D. Ewen, 46-54, Draganovic, Krunoslav, 8, 74
58, 69, 217, 218, 220, Dugway Proving Ground, 172,
Camp David, 82 176, 184, 192, 194, 233
Camp McCoy, 138 Dulles, Allen, xvi, 4, 9, 27-30,
Camp Sibert, Ala, 172 32-34, 38, 39, 46, 72-74, 77,
Camp Stoneman, 138 108, 110, 213-215, 226
Chicago Lying-in Hospital, 149 Dulles, John Foster, 9, 30, 76,
Child pornography, 12, 67
Church, Frank, 38, 215
Counter-Intel. Corps, 8, 72, 74, 75, 97 Edgewood Arsenal, xii, 10, 49
79, 172, 176, 177, 179, 181, 183, Hanford,
184, 214, 233 156, 159-161, 163,
Eichmann, Adolf, 77, 83, 91 165, 229
ESP, xvii, 20, 58, 59, 68, 212, Harlem City Hospital, 167
219 Harper Hospital, 150
Estabrooks, George, 49 Harriet Lane Home for Invalid
Eugenics, 9, 76 Children, 144
extrasensory perception. Harvard University, 197, 224
See ESP. Hebb, Dr. Donald, 59-61
Heller, Dr., 155-156
Helms, Richard xvi 39, 105, 124,
212, 227
Fernald School, xiii, 211 Hess, Rudolf, 46, 31, 217
flashblindness, xii, 135-137 Hinkle, Lawrence, 49
Ford Foundation, 33 Hoch, Dr. 79, 227
Fort Benning, GA, 184 Holmesburg State Prison, 177,
Fort Bragg, NC, 184 180, 198, 201
Fort Detrick, 29, 187-189 Human Ecology Society, 1, 2,
Fort Drum, 189 46, 49, 53
Fort Holabird, 184 human guinea pigs, xiii-xv, xix,
Fort Hunt, 72 35, 84, 101, 102, 132, 144, 145,
Fort Leavenworth, 172 172, 185, 195, 229
Fort McClellan, 79, 177, 184 Human Radiation Experiments,
Fort Terry, 188 viii, ix, xv, xx, 69, 126-128,
Frei, Eduardo, 33, 59 139, 140, 168, 171, 211, 224, 226
Gehlen, General Reinhard, 4, 72, Indiana University, 167, 180, 198
77, 213, 223 Institute for Advanced Study, 33
Gittinger, John, 1, 53, 212, 217 integration, 43, 48
Goering, Hermann, 31, 75, 76 interrogation techniques, xvi, 49,
Gottlieb, Dr. Sidney, 18, 19, 22, 51, 53, 71, 118-120, 183, 212-13
38, 54, 55, 62, 68, 72-74, 92, 94, Ionia State Prison, 1
Great Lakes Naval Training Iron Guard, 64-67
Center, 173
Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Hammond, Dr. Corydon, 67 2, 3
Jackson, C. D., 33, 34 Medical College of Virginia, 225
Jason’s, 40, 41, 216 Mengele, Josef, xix, 8-10, 21,
JIOA, Joint Intelligence 26, 49, 50, 69-72, 74, 75, 77-83,
Objective Agency, 3, 86, 90-97, 99, 219, 223
Johns Hopkins, 224 Mind control, xv-xvii, 10, 27, 28,
37, 38, 46, 47, 65-67, 92, 93, 144,
Mitchell, John, 39
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, 9, 22, Mittelwerk, 97
70, 71 Montreal Neurological Institute,
Kallmann, Dr. Franz, 9 MNI, 59, 61
Kennan, George, 32 Mount Hood, 93
Kety, Seymour, 49
Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 38, 123
Kissinger, Henry, 33, 39, 40, 74
Korry, Edward, 39, 40 National Cancer Institute, 133,
Kulagina, Nina, 50, 56 229
National Committee for Free
Europe, 72
National Committee for
Lilly, Dr. John, 61, 62, 64, 65, Radiation Victims, 145, 169
221, 222 National Institute of Health, 61,
Long Island Jewish Hospital, 169 145
Lovelace Foundation, 224 National Opinion Research, 2275
Los Alamos 128, 135, 150, 224 Naval Research Lab in
Washington, D.C., 173
Neverland, 19
New Jersey Association of
Malaxa, Nicolae, 75-78 Atomic Veterans, 138
Manchurian Candidate, xvii, 47, 68 New York State Psychiatric
Mao Tse-tung, 54 Institute, 9, 10, 179, 199
Marshall Islands, 5, 131, 168 New York University, xiv, 199
Massachusetts General Hospital, 225 Nixon, Richard, 8, 34, 38-40, 74
McCloy, John, 4, 30-33, 40, 75-77, 171, 194
74, 215, 218 North American Aviation, 180,
McCone, John, 40 199
McGill University, 46, 50, 52, Nuclear Claims Trust Fund, 168
59, 60, 217-219
Medical College of South
Carolina, 225
Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Plowshare Program, 129
Studies, 140, 167, 229 Point Lay, 153
ODESSA, 92 Population Council, 9, 76
Office of Policy Coordination, Positron Emitter, 51
OPC, 32, 71-74, 78, 213 President Eisenhower, 30, 33
Office of Research and 34, 38, 55, 80, 159
Development, 57 President Truman, 2, 3, 5, 7, 159
Offie, Carmel, 71-74, 78 Project Grillflame, 67
Operation Argus, 127 Project MKNAOMI, 29
Operation Buster-Jangle, Project Stargate, 67
135, Psychic abilities, 19, 20, 54, 66,
Operation Crossroads, 131 67
Operation Cut Holes and Sink psychokinesis, 58, 66
Em (CHASE), 175 Psychological Assessment
Operation Davy Jones Locker, Associates, 53
175 Psychological Strategy Board,
Operation Fitzwilliam, 159 33, 34
Operation Paperclip, xi, xii, 2, psychotronic generator, 66
3, 72, 75, 97, 211, 212, 224 Psychotronic Influence System,
Operation Pow-wow, 74 57
Operation Third Chance, 185 psychotronics, 50
Operation Tumbler-Snapper, 135
Operation Whitecoat, 187
Operation Wigwam, 128
Orne, Martin, 49 Radiation Exposure
OSS-Office of Strategic Compensation Act, 170
Services, 4, 33, 72, 75, 76, Ratlines 8, 74
92 Raven Rock 82
Red Fire, 19, 50, 54, 56, 102
Remote Viewing 19, 50, 54, 56
65, 67, 219
Paranormal research, 57, 67 Research Foundation for Mental
Paulsen, Dr., 156-158 Hygiene, Inc., 10, 179, 199
Peenemunde, xii Rhoads, Dr. Cornelius, 171
Pegasus, 38 Rockefeller, David, 32, 40
Penfield, Dr. Wilder, 59-66 John D., III, 9, 33, 76
91, 181, 219, 220 Nelson, 8, 9, 32-34
Pine Bluff Arsenal, 187-189 Mrs. Percy, 60, 63
Planning Coordination Group, Rockefeller Foundation, 33, 46
34 60, 61, 63, 76, 219, 220
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Suedfeld, Dr. Peter, 23
Investigations, 171