A New Beginning (Second Chance #1) (20 page)

BOOK: A New Beginning (Second Chance #1)
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Chapter Fifty- Eight



Leslie called Andrew on the way to the hospital and told him what happened. When they got to the hospital he met them at the emergency room entrance and led them straight to a curtained room. “Are you okay honey?” He asked Karla when they were alone.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just a little sore and I want to go to sleep.”

“When he pushed you did you hit your head?”

“No. Just my back and shoulders. Why?”

“Sleepiness is a sign of a concussion and I didn’t want to risk letting you fall asleep in case you had one. I want to check just in case, but I think you’re sleepy because your adrenaline level spiked and has come back down.”

“Honestly I just want to get this over with and go home. It’s been a really, really long day already.”

“Okay honey. Let’s get some x-rays of your face and back to make sure nothing’s broken, then I’ll let you go home. How’s that sound?”

“That sounds awesome. Thank you Andrew.”

“You’re welcome, Karla. Do you need anything to eat or drink?”

“Some juice or a Sprite would be good. I don’t think I can handle food at the moment.”

“Understandable. I’ll get you something and bring it back. Change into a hospital gown while I’m gone please.”

Once he was gone Leslie helped Karla take off her hoodie and ruined shirt, then she stepped outside the curtain so Karla could remove her bra and put on the hospital gown. When she was finished she called Leslie back in.

Andrew followed Leslie back in with a nurse right behind them. “Here’s your juice honey. Care of I look at your back before Mary takes you down for x-rays?”

“Go ahead. I’m just wanting this over.”

“I know Karla, and it will be soon. I promise.”

He walked behind her and opened the hospital gown. There was bruising across her shoulder blades and in her lower back region. There were also scrapes across her shoulder blades.

“Mary, can you take pictures of this? The school may need them for the disciplinary hearing of the boy who did this. Also get a few of her face and lip please. I want everything documented.”

“Sure thing, Dr. Peterson.” Mary replied then left the room. She returned a minute later holding a small digital camera. She took several pictures from different angles of her back then she took three of her face. When she was finished she dropped the camera off at the nurse’s station and asked another nurse to upload and save them to Karla’s chart while she took Karla to x-ray.

As soon as Karla walked through the door she wanted to walk back out again. Nathan was standing beside the x-ray table and she knew he’d be the one taking her x-rays.

“Karla?” His voice was filled with confusion. “What happened?”

Not wanting to go into details with him before she’d had a chance to tell Rylee, she evaded his question. “Hey Mr. Parks. How are you?”

“Nathan,” Mary interrupted, “Dr. Peterson wants x-rays of her back, focused on her shoulder blade area, and of the left side of her face. I’ll be in the hall when you’re finished.” She nodded to Karla and walked out the door.

“Okay Karla. Let’s get Andrew’s pictures and you can tell me what the heck happened to you.”

“Mr. Parks, I haven’t talked to Rylee yet and I’d rather her hear this from me.”

“Understandable. I promise I won’t say anything to her unless she approaches me about it. Now what happened?”

Karla sighed deeply. She’d known as soon as she’d seen him that he wouldn’t let her evade his questions. “I was attacked at school by a boy who I thought was really sweet, but turned out to be just the opposite of sweet. It would’ve been a lot worse if Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Wright hadn’t heard me scream and stopped him.”

“Wow. I’m glad they heard you. Where were Rylee, Callie and Conner?”

“They’d went to class already. I needed to talk to him alone and they understood. Now I wish I’d let them wait for me.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Thanks, Mr. Parks.” Karla smiled shyly at him. He’d always been really nice to her.

“Okay that part’s done. Sit up and I’ll get some of your face and we’ll be all done. I’ll personally review these and take them to Andrew when I’m done.”

As he took the x-ray of her face she thought about what Callie, Conner and Rylee were going to say when they find out what happened. She knew they’d be worried about her and she didn’t want them to worry, which is why she’d sent them all a text before she’d left the school.

“All done. I’ll let Mary walk you back and I’ll be there as soon as I can to go over these with y’all.”

“Thank you, Mr. Parks. I really appreciate you not saying anything to Rylee until I get the chance to talk to her.”

“You’re welcome, Karla. I’ll see ya in a few.”

Leslie was on the phone when they walked back into the room. “Rylee, honey, calm down please. I don’t know what you’ve heard, but Karla is fine. She’s right here with me.”

“Leslie, let me talk to her. Maybe I can calm her down.” Karla walked over to Leslie and Leslie handed her the phone. She heard Rylee’s rapid questions before she even brought the phone to her ear.

“Rylee, chill!” Rylee immediately went quiet at the sound of Karla’s voice. “I’m okay. What have you heard?”

“Oh my God Karla. We’ve been so worried about you. What happened?”

“Can you, Callie and Conner come over after school? I’ll tell you all at the same time.”

“Yeah, sure. Can you answer one question for me though?”


“Did James really attack you? That’s what we’ve heard and that’s why I called Leslie.”

“Okay. Yes. That’s what happened. I’ll tell you all about it when you come over later. Ask Conner and Callie to come please.”

Rylee paused for a minute before she sighed. “We’ve already called our moms and are leaving as soon as they get here. We’re coming over in just a little while. Mr. Johnson okayed us to leave after we confronted him in his office earlier.”

“I’m not home Rylee. Leslie insisted on having me checked out so we’re at the hospital.”

“Okay. Well we’ll all be leaving here in just a few minutes and we’ll go home first and wait for you to get home.”

“Okay. That works.” Andrew and Nathan walked in just then. “I have to go. Andrew’s here and I should get to go home in a few minutes.”

“Okay. We’ll see you at your house later. Bye.”

“Bye.” Karla handed Leslie back her phone and looked at Andrew. “Please tell me I can go home now.”

“You don’t have any broken bones, so that’s something at least, but you do have severe bruising and some pretty deep scrapes on your shoulder blades. You also have some bruising and swelling on your left cheek bone.”

“Andrew, stop being a doctor for a second and just talk to me please.” Karla interrupted him.

“I’m sorry, Karla. Here it is. I’m writing you out of school tomorrow because I don’t want you there getting jostled around. You’re going to be really sore and I’d rather you stay home and relax.”

“I figured as much. I can go back Thursday though right? We have finals in two weeks and I can’t afford to miss anything.”

“Rylee’s in all your classes and I’m sure she’ll keep you up to date on everything, but yes, you can go back Thursday. I am writing you out of any kind of physical activity until Monday though.”

“That works for me. Can I please go home now?”

“Yes. Leslie just needs to sign your release papers and you may go. I’ll see you tonight at home.”

Leslie signed the papers and helped Karla put her hoodie back on. Karla stuffed her ruined shirt in the trash can on the way out of the room and Leslie vowed to buy her a new one just like it as soon as she could.

Karla fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Chapter Fifty-Nine



Leslie woke Karla up after she stopped in the garage and helped her into the house. Karla laid down on the couch and immediately fell back to sleep. Leslie sent Rylee a text and a few minutes later she arrived with Callie and Conner. Leslie led them into the kitchen so they could talk without waking Karla.

              “Is she really alright Mrs. Peterson?” Rylee asked as soon as they were seated at the table.

              “Physically, yes. She has some scrapes and bruising on her back and a very clear print of his hand on her face, but those things will heal. It’s her emotional wounds that I’m concerned with. The three of you know just how badly she was abused and I’m hoping this doesn’t cause old memories to resurface.”

              “I wish I hadn’t gone inside this morning. If one of us had stayed with her none of this would have happened.” Rylee said sadly.

              “We all should have stayed and waited for her.” Callie agreed.

              “I don’t think you all being there would have stopped him from reacting like he did. Plus Conner being there may have made it worse actually. When she told him she didn’t want a relationship with anyone he immediately brought Conner into it. He said some very hurtful things to her and when she tried to walk away he grabbed her arm and pushed her into the wall. Mr. Johnson has it all on video from the security cameras, which thankfully also pick up sound.”

              “She got hurt because of me.” Conner spoke for the first time since they’d left school.

              “No, Conner.” Karla spoke from the kitchen doorway. “This isn’t your fault. It’s James’.”

              “Karla!” Rylee yelled and jumped up from the table.

              Karla held up her hands to stop her friend. “I’m sore Rylee, really sore, so don’t grab me too tight.” Rylee slowed down and hugged Karla gentle, thankful that her friend was really alright. “I’m going up to get a shower and find something comfortable to wear. I’ll be back down in a few minutes and tell all of you everything that was said. Leslie, would you mind helping me please? I don’t think I can get this hoodie off or wash my hair by myself right now.”

              “Of course I’ll help you. I’ll be right up.”

              “Thank you.” She said then turned and walked up the stairs.

              “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Help yourselves to anything you want.”

              After she left Callie went to Conner and wrapped her arms around him. “She’ll be okay Con. She’s strong and she has us. We’ll help her get through this.”

              “I can’t help but blame myself sis. If I hadn’t been stupid and said what I did on Thanksgiving she would never have accepted his movie invitation in the first place.”

              “You were pretty stupid for saying that, but this isn’t your fault. James did this. James is to blame.” Rylee told him as she hugged him too.

              “The girls are right Conner.” Leslie said from the door. “This isn’t your fault and I know Karla doesn’t blame you.”

              “Karla got hurt because I was scared. I really like her Mrs. Peterson and I want more than friendship someday. I was so stupid when I said that all we’d ever be is friends, but I sort of freaked out a little when my mom made that comment because I don’t want Karla to feel pressured in any way. We had just talked before dinner that night and agreed that friendship is all we’d have right now and I didn’t want her to think anyone was pushing her into anything she didn’t want.”

              “Conner, I need to tell you something that James said to Karla that directly concerns you. He told her that the reason you backed off and only wanted to be friends was probably because you found out something from her past. That’s when she tried to walk away from him. I know she didn’t believe him, but sometimes doubt can surface in anyone.”

              Conner dropped his head into his hands and sat like that for a few minutes. He blamed himself and nothing anyone said was going to change that right now. Karla, the only girl he’d ever liked, was hurt because he’d pushed her away and she’d trusted the wrong guy. No more. He was going to tell her his feelings the first chance he got and hope that she’d forgive him.

              When a hand gently brushed his shoulder he knew it was her and he looked up. “Ready to hear everything?” She asked softly. When he nodded she sat in the chair beside him and told them everything that was said between her and James. Conner’s hatred of himself and James grew with each word she spoke. When she got to the part where James pushed her against the wall and kissed her Conner stood up and walked around the large kitchen. He’d never had anger issues, but right now he’d like nothing more than to rip James’ head off.

              “Before I left school Mr. Johnson assured me that between the video and my statement James would be expelled and never be allowed back into our school again.”

              “Karla I am so sorry you got hurt.” Conner said as he sat back down beside her.

              “This wasn’t your fault Conner.” Karla assured him.

              “Karla I need you to know that your past is not why I backed off. I really like you and I’m sorry for what I said on Thanksgiving. I just don’t want you to feel pressured. I really hope you can forgive me.”

              “Conner there’s nothing to forgive. I’m not ready for a relationship right now and I know what James said isn’t true. He was trying to hurt me with his words and when that didn’t work he hurt me physically. You, Callie and Rylee are my three best friends and I couldn’t stand it if I lost any of you. I think we should wait until we’re older to attempt anything other than friendship. I know you feel the same.”

              “I do feel the same.” He agreed.

              “Then stop blaming yourself please. I don’t blame you for any of this.”

              Conner looked into her eyes and knew that she didn’t, but he also knew that self-forgiveness was the hardest kind of forgiveness and that’d it’d be a while before he was able to forgive himself.

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