A New World: Awakening

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Authors: John O'Brien

BOOK: A New World: Awakening
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A New World:



A Novel by John O’Brien


Copyright © 2012 John O’Brien


All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review, without permission in writing from the author.
You may contact the author at [email protected]


Cover art by:
SM Reine


This book is dedicated to all of my wonderful readers.
Thank you so much for all of your messages and good-wishes.
You make my day over and over again by your thoughts and kind words.
I appreciate that you took the risk to get the book(s).

This is for you.


The New World series is a fictional work.
While some of the locations in the series describe actual locations, this is intended only to lend an authentic theme. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Also by John O’Brien


A New World Series












Once again the story seems to have developed a mind of its own.
There were a lot of open threads of the story that were, once again, supposed to be included in this book but it had a mind of its own so they will be pushed to the next – maybe.

This story took a little longer to write than the others.
It probably had something to do with keeping all of the threads intact.
Or, perhaps it was the early spring and summer that brought the rare sunshine.
I am pleased with where the story is going even though I had to move some of those loose threads in the next one.
I do feel this book is a little departure from the others in that I wanted to capture several characters more in depth.
I have plans for these and have to build them into those plans.
For that reason, I am a little worried about how this one might be received.
I do hope you enjoy it though.

This story is a lot of fun to write and watch the characters grow.
I sometimes, okay mostly, don’t know where each character is going or what part they will play.
I enjoy writing their stories as much as the overall story.
Several characters that were supposed to be placeholders have grown into major characters while others have changed from my original conception.
I like that.
It keeps the story and characters fresh and I am surprised by the way they turn out.
They have become a part of me and I find they are constantly on my mind.
They call when they want the next part of the story written.

There are a few more books in this series to come.
I’m not sure of the final count as each book takes on a life of its own once started.
There are a lot of threads that need to be brought together and plenty of stories within yet to be told.
I can’t believe this is the fifth book and the time line is only about 4 months into the aftermath.
For that matter, I am surprised this is the fifth book.
I have a great many supporters and I want to thank each and every one of you.
I truly have the best readers.


John O’Brien


As usual with all of the books, I would first like to thank my mother, June O’Brien for the many hours she has spent editing.
This is besides finishing the first book of her series, ‘The Blue Child Series.’
I encourage you to take a look at it, ‘On the Mountain.’
It is sincerely a great read for fans of science fiction and fantasy.

I want to give a very warm thanks to the review group.
Your insights and catching the things I missed, and there were a number of them, was a huge help.
Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas and chats.
Alex Ranka, Alexandra Snyder, Andrew Johnson, Andy Bilton, Craig Vitter, Dan Shaw, James Jackson, Jessica Woodman, Joe Mahoney, Johnny Clark, Larry Sullivan, Laurel McMeredith Andreasen, Rachel Estok, Russell Hicks, Sharon Van Orman, and Wendy Weidman.
Thank you!

A big thank you to SM Reine for putting up with me through the cover art design.
I’m a pain and fully realize that.
Thank you for weaving your magic once again.
The result is truly incredible and I thank you for your time and effort.

I am truly appreciative of all of the messages and mentions.
I enjoy each and every one of them and would like to thank you all for writing.
I enjoy the chats and messages we pass back and forth and it makes my day to receive them.
I hope this book is as enjoyable to you as the previous ones.
This is a cliché but so true, I write this story for the readers.
If it wasn’t for you, this story wouldn’t be what it is.

If you do happen to enjoy the story, feel free to leave a review.
Reviews are important for two reasons.
One is that’s how the books get up in the listing which of course means more sales.
But more importantly, it lets me look at what everyone thinks of the story.
Only through looking at the reviews and messages can I become a better writer.

Okay, let’s get on with the story!


John O’Brien


Michael Benson
He rolls it around on his tongue and in his mind; tasting the familiarity of it yet it feels foreign at the same time.
Sitting in the darkened room that was once the lair to his pack, with the painful ball of fire in the sky burning outside, certain memories begin to integrate with his other thoughts.
He feels certain abilities and knowledge come into being; more a knowing of what things are without actually understanding how to use them.
New picture images roll around in his head like a fast moving slide show, none settling for any length of time before moving onto the next.

Michael, as he thinks of himself now – more of a complex picture image rather than actual words – feels other packs nestled in their lairs both near and far, resting the day away before heading out for their nightly hunt.
It is more of an awareness rather than actual thoughts or images; much like a compass points to a magnetic source.
He knows he can send out a call to gather them into a pack but waits wanting to get used to his new awareness.
As the slide show of new thoughts flicker through his mind, they integrate with previous memories.

The flashes of light he noticed on previous nightly hunts triggers a feeling that these are not good for him or the packs and should be avoided at all costs.
He doesn’t know what they are but feels they don’t bode well.
Michael also remembers the loud bangs heard at times throughout the night and the strewn, mutilated bodies of his kind lying on the paved streets when he investigated the noises.
Without knowing the how, he knows the bangs were directly associated with the loss of pack members including his own.

He searches ways to avoid these but without knowing how they work, the answer lies hidden yet just on the edge of awareness.
Sitting with his back to the cold wall with his knees drawn to his chest, he feels a frustration much like when prey escapes or when he is unable to gain entrance to a two-legged lair.
He feels that somehow all of this is associated with the two-legged ones holed up behind the tall walls of their lair just down the road.
Yes, he knows the word “road” rather than hard path now just as he knows the flashes of light and associated bangs that accompany his run-ins with the two-legged ones, resulting in the loss of many of his and neighboring pack members, are guns.
The danger of the two-legged for him and others of his kind increases his fear.
Fear mixes with anger aimed at them for the losses.

He slowly rocks back and forth.
His self-awareness continues to grow and he feels pleased.
Somehow knowing that his new found knowledge will give him an extra edge in gathering food and combating the two-legged ones, he plans to call to the others when the time is right.
For the moment though, he will keep to himself.
The gathering will take place only when he is ready but for now, he will scout and become more comfortable with his new self.

One uncomfortable thought arises with his new cognizance.
He knows he and the others are limited in their ability to travel distances in search of food; the distance dictated by the hours of the night and the ability to find shelter from the painful, deadly burning light of the day.
He also becomes acutely aware of his ability to communicate in more detailed and complex images than others of his kind.
They won’t be able to understand so he will have to learn how to convey these advanced thoughts into images the others will be able to comprehend.
Michael knows this will require him to micromanage the actions of his pack more while on the hunt but he understands better how to trap prey.
New thoughts surface about how to gain entrance to previously inaccessible lairs.
These ideas are overwhelming to his senses and for that reason alone, he will hold off the call to the packs.
He stretches out his legs and slides along the wall to the floor to rest until the call of the hunt brings him out of his slumber.

His eyes open to the darkness of the small room.
He senses other packs also coming out of their rest and readying for the nightly hunt.
Rising, he becomes sharply aware of his missing pack members.
The hunt will be more difficult without them but he needs to let the overwhelming aspect of his awareness settle before gathering others.
He steps from the room, alone for the first time in a long while, and enters the vast main area of the store.
, he thinks, remembering the sign on the building when he first came to following the loud explosion of light and noise.
Trotting to the broken glass entry, he carefully steps into the night, painfully aware of what happened the last time.

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