A New World: Return (35 page)

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Authors: John O'Brien

BOOK: A New World: Return
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I cannot really understand most of this report with some exceptions and that fall in line with my current understanding of the night runners.
I underline and highlight those areas that I can understand and find important.
I feel like when I was back in college and would only highlight those items that looked like they could be made into test questions.
The opinion section I can completely understand and is helpful but only verifies what I have already guessed from observation and experience.
It is quite apparent that their main sense, apart from vision, is with their sense of smell.
It is good to know just how much it has increased and we will have to take precautions.

I stand and stretch eyeing the instruments from this distance, really just checking that all of the engine instrument needles are in the same position.
The drone of the engines can really get to you after a while and I feel the beginnings of a headache coming on.
Reading these things I can barely comprehend, along with the constant noise and vibration, is taking its toll along with the lack of sleep.
Plus, my flight suit doesn’t smell all that great either.

Reassured that everything seems to be running smoothly but still eyeing the scattered cumulonimbus clouds ahead, their tops just peeking over the horizon, I sit back down and begin looking through the Greek that is the reports lying on the nav table.
I am not overly happy finding out that the genetic changes make them stronger, faster, better able to hear, and with a tremendous sense of smell.
That is going to make it difficult so, with a sigh, I continue to search for weaknesses or something we can use.
So far, all I have found is that we are outmatched on a physical level.
We have survived through several encounters but that is mainly due to firepower, training, and a seemingly higher intelligence.
And, we have the day.

This surely cannot be what the world and nature wanted; creating the night runners.
I have a hard time believing they are the next step.
Or, maybe that is just ego talking and they are the next dominant species.
Sitting here cruising along three and a half miles above the surface of the earth, I wonder if this is what the Neanderthal thought with the emergence of Homo Sapiens.
Only, in reverse as I am pretty sure our cognitive function is higher than the night runner’s.
Sighing once again, I turn back to the reports finding one detailing the findings of a physical exam with one of the live test subjects; test subject 5.


….Test subject 5 is a male, race unknown, approximately 32 years of age.
This test subject, as with all of the other test subjects, required a 50% increase in sedative as prescribed for a normal adult male of his weight.
As with the other three test subjects tested to this date, test subject 5 demonstrates an elevated heart rate (prone – 82 bpm) and elevated body temperature (101.3).
Lab results indicate increased levels of red bloods cells consistent with the other test subjects.
Average breaths per minute are also consistent with previous test subjects and approximately 20% higher than a normal human male.
The ratio….


….test results from saliva samples show a significant amount of an unknown bacterium.
The bacteria tested demonstrate a rapid onset of infection within the human blood samples.
It is unknown whether the human immune system can produce antibodies quick enough to combat the infection.
Bites from those infected can, in theory, result in an immediate and a quick spreading infection.
Further testing is required to see the immune system response….


Hmmmm, interesting
, I think.
Everything is elevated.
That would mean they have to have a higher metabolism to sustain those rates.
Meaning, more sustenance and maybe they tire quicker
The rest of this portion tails off into numbers and so forth that become meaningless to me.
The fact regarding the bite from the night runners is important and I imagine anyone bitten will require immediate doses of antibiotics.
We will have to be sure to carry some with us when we plan on entering buildings or there is a chance of encountering night runners.


….Lab results from epidermis tissue samples note changes in the pigmentation cell structure.
These changes demonstrate quick responses to light, especially within the Ultra-violet spectrum.
Ultra-violet light creates the quickest and most dramatic changes causing the epidermis to burn quickly and changing to a deep red like a sunburn.
Changes within the cell structures are immediate with direct exposure to Ultra-violet lighting.
Radiated lighting within this spectrum demonstrates the same effect but with a slower cycle time.
Other testing….


Okay, now this is something we can use
, I think scrolling through and finding that the rest of this report only details other testing that has no effect.
We may be able to hold them at bay with ultra-violet lights set up in a building interior.
At least as long as we can find UV lights that is.
I tuck this one in my bag of tricks, take a drink of water, and move on.


….of which the scan results and monitoring of the brain wave activity show dramatic decreases of activity within the cognitive areas of the brain.
This impairs the ability to reason or create a link between two different ideas.
This limited brain activity within these areas also indicates a possible decrease in a sense of self, perhaps even creating a pack-like mentality.
Scans within the memory function show activity in certain areas of memory but with decreased activity in the memory storage areas of the brain.
This may lead to not being able to access previous memories prior to the genetic alterations……various stimuli created in one test subject shows interesting levels of brain activity in the other test subjects.
This level of activity in other test subjects diminishes with distance from the test subject being given the stimuli indicating a possible link.
While this
is only a theory,……
The test subjects react to stimuli or problems without reason.
The animalistic reactions give rise to a theory that the overall intelligence is low on the reasoning scale, but remain high when reacting to survival-based stimuli…reacting instinctively….


Okay, that answers the question of intelligence but I do not like the thing about the allusion to a link between them.
If that is true, and I cannot afford to assume anything one way or the other, then they can communicate quicker although I am not sure on what level.
So far, we have intelligence, fire power, daylight, and UV lighting – for as long as that lasts.
Seems like it is coming down to brains versus brawn although they have a lot of it and, if the statistics are right, at least a thirty to one numerical superiority.
And more than likely greater than that with people being eaten and such.
I am quite sure there were probably a lot of suicides as well.


….The reproductive organs in both the female and male test subjects are normal.
The ova and sperm samples taken demonstrate that normal breeding is possible.
It is unknown as to how the genetic changes will affect the ovulation cycle for females who have undergone these genetic changes.
Also unknown is whether a fetus created by two genetically altered or a single genetically altered parent will carry to term.
Indications of normalcy within the productive organs indicate that this remains a possibility although the results are unknown.
Will the child born of this union carry the genetically altered traits of one or both parents?
The question also remains as to whether the genetically altered test subjects, and those outside of the laboratory, will have the same need and desire to propagate the species....


Great, they can breed!
I think with my headache growing by the second.
This just gets better and better
I am almost wishing that we didn’t find these files.
Be careful of what you ask or wish for


….All test subjects repeatedly sniff the air and appear to be able detect the approach of technicians by sense of smell.
Locked in windowless rooms but with access to outside air, they sniff and react in a violent manner when the room is approached from outside.
Further similar tests in rooms without access to outside air confirm this mode of detection.
The test subjects in any room will gravitate towards the darkest areas.
Furthermore, test subjects placed together will not act violently towards each other but begin to congregate in groups, seeking each other out….


Well, there it is in a nutshell
, I think closing this folder.
They basically behave in a wolf-pack manner with increased physical abilities but nature has offset that by downgrading their cognitive and intelligence abilities.
Perhaps intelligence is not the right word.

I look out ahead and see the scattered storms off our nose have drawn closer but are still scattered as opposed to forming a squall line.
We should be able to squeak our way through without too much difficulty.
They are still some distance away.
The sun is beginning its downward journey to its inevitable meeting with the horizon, casting its light on the individual storms.
Hints of rainbows flare out from them and the edges show translucent oranges and yellows.
The land below us is flat and towns are sparse.
My thought goes out to those still left alive below and the fear they must be feeling with the coming of the night.

“Are you making radio calls out on guard?”
I ask Robert through the intercom.

“Yeah, I made a couple,” he answers.

I have been so wrapped up in my own thoughts and reading that I was completely oblivious to hearing his radio calls.
Another indication that I am thoroughly exhausted.

“You doing okay?
Want me to take over?”
I ask.

“No, I’m fine,” he responds.

I know he is probably having the time of his life.
In control of the aircraft and feeling comfortable with it.
Not wanting to give it up for a moment.
He is going to need some rest as well but I want to lie down for a moment before we hit the weather up ahead.

“I’m going to lie down for a moment.
Wake me for anything,” I say moving from my chair to the bunk to my side.

“Okay, Dad,” he says.
I pull off my helmet and lie down on the thin mattress on the upper bunk.

I wake a short time later, the power nap leaving me feeling a touch refreshed.
The day outside is winding to a close.
The heating of the ground below during the day begins to cool and takes some of the energy away from the thunderstorms that we drawing close to.
There are a few gaps in between the towering clouds.
Large anvils spread across and fill those gaps on top.
I turn on and warm up the weather radar taking my seat at the navigator’s station once again.
I would like to get a little more reading finished before nightfall.
We are going to be busy enough when we return so I would like to finish going through the files as I may not have time later.

“Guide us between the cells.
They are far enough apart that they shouldn’t be a worry,” I tell Robert.
“The radar is warmed up and ready in case we need it.”

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