A Novel Murder (13 page)

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Authors: Ginger Simpson

BOOK: A Novel Murder
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The scene came to life on the pages.
Michelle’s heart thudded and her breath quickened. She paused and took a sip of wine, allowing herself a moment to calm. Damnation, she wouldn’t wait a minute longer. Tony was who she wanted, and if she couldn’t have him for real, she could at least use the creative license she’d explained to Naomi and write her own happy ending.

Her fingers poised on the keys, she pictured a house surrounded by a white picket fence and a lawn lined with a rainbow of flowers, but her dream faded when reality dawned. She shook her head.
Before she could tie everything together with a neat little bow, she had to end her career on a high note. Although she hadn’t had any visions lately, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t. What if this was just the beginning of a long manhunt? A headache loomed behind her eyes.

Michelle drained her glass and stared at the words she’d written.
A smile warmed her at the memory of feeling Tony’s lips against hers. She might have expanded a little on what happened, but she’d made progress, and for the first time, she knew where her novel was headed. Unfortunately, her muse only spoke when there wasn’t other business that took priority, and murder, in this case, certainly trumped love.

Eagerness replaced her weary state, and with the hour being far too early for bed, she picked up her phone.
She needed a sounding board and Nay was just the person who’d listen.

“Hey, it’s me, Shell.
Got a few minutes?”

What’s up?”

“I’m not interrupting anything with Paul am I?”

“Yes, we were making mad passionate love, but....” Nay’s voice showed disgust at having to lie.

“I need a friend.
Mind if I come over for a while?”

“I’d love the company.
Paul is out of town again, so I was just watching TV.”

“Great...uh...not great that Paul’s gone, but...Oh hell, you know what I mean.
See you in fifteen.”

Michelle grabbed her bag and closed a locked door behind her.


* * *


Wearing an old pair of sweats and fuzzy slippers, Naomi opened the door wide and gestured Michelle inside.
“Hope you don’t mind if I didn’t dress up for you.”

Shell laughed.
“I’d prefer to be wearing the same, but I just got home from work a little while ago.”

“Early isn’t it?
I thought you kept later hours.”

“Yeah, usually, but my latest idea was a bust.
Tony and I went to Kitty Katz to look for a major clue but it didn’t pan out. He was sort of forced to drop me off at home.”

“Sort of forced?
Did you pull a gun on him?”

“No, but that might have been the lesser of two evils.
I kissed him.”


“Put your eyes back in your head. I kissed him, plain and simple. I have no idea what came over me, but the urge struck and I acted on my feelings.”

Her slipper’s swishing against the floor, Nay moved to the kitchen and retrieved two glasses.
She filled both with wine and carried them back to where Michelle sat on the sofa. Naomi extended one to her friend. “Girl, you need this, and I want the rest of the story, so spill.” She sat on the opposite end of the couch, legs curled alongside her.

Michelle took a sip from her brimming glass then placed it on the side table.
She leaned against the cushiony back, her fingers intertwined and her thumb nails clicking against one another with nervous movement. “Oh, where do I start?” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “You know how I feel about Tony? After sharing even a short kiss with him, I’ve decided we can’t continue being partners and denying what we feel for one another.”

“He shares your attraction?”

“He said so himself. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just to soothe my embarrassment over being so bold, but he told me he’s often wanted to kiss me, too.”

“What’ll happen if your superiors find out?
Won’t you both be fired?”

“No one’s going to tell them, but you can see how I’ve created a major problem for both of us.”

“No shit! What do you plan to do about it?”



“I’m going to resign!”

“Resign?” Naomi’s mouth gaped.

“God, you sound just like Tony. Relax. Not right at the moment, but as soon as our current cases are solved. I can’t walk away when women...one of which I’ve met, are losing their lives.”

“So, have you really thought this through?”

“You have no idea. I actually made some progress on my novel tonight, but my muse isn’t cooperating because I can’t stop thinking about Kitten and Persia.”

“When did you get cats?”

“Oh, Nay. Those are the stripper names of the two dead women.”

“Hmm, yeah now I remember. Sorry, guess I had a memory lapse. So more about this resignation thing...”

“I have my writing to fall back on, and my editor thinks this next story is going to be the one that makes me big bucks. I’m making out pretty good on the first, but I love to write, so being free of the force will give me the time I need.”

“But, haven’t you relied on your job for fodder for your stories so far?”

“Yes, and I’ve given that a lot of thought too. If a good writer can create a story based on anything, I know I can. Women love romance, so if I have love in my life, I’m sure to whip out some great books.”

The fallen look on her friend’s face caused Michelle to pause. “And speaking of love stories, where is your man?”

“Who knows?” Naomi flung her arms up, punctuating her sentiment. “Another medical convention, a meeting of some sort.... I wish
resign. I’m about to give up on this relationship.” She wriggled the fingers of her left hand in the air. “See, still no engagement ring, although he calls me his fiancé. I think it’s just a term of endearment he uses when he can’t remember my name.”

“Oh, Naomi, you know better than that.
You can’t fault a man because he’s trying to earn a good living for you.”

Michelle sounded far more sincere than she felt. She hadn’t liked Paul from day one, and Nay deserved better treatment than what she got. ‘Sneaky’ described him to a tee, and she didn’t blame her bestie for not trusting him.

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t fault him for working....” Naomi’s voice cut into Michelle’s thoughts. “I have severe trust issues for good reasons.”

“I don’t understand.
Have you caught him cheating on you or something?”

“Oh, let’s talk about something else.”
Naomi emptied her glass and held it in the air. “You want another?”

Shell shook her head. “Thanks, but I’d better not. I have to drive home.”

Bothered by her friend’s odd behavior, Michelle wanted to dig deeper. Something must have happened that was too upsetting to discuss, but did want to press the issue, so she stood. “I need to get going. I have to get up early. Are you sure you’re okay?” She paused with her hand on the knob.

“I’m fine.
I spend most of my home time alone so I’m used to Paul being gone. Don’t worry about me...oh, and I’m happy you’ve got some perspective in your life. I enjoy you. Call me tomorrow.” She grinned, but sadness filled her eyes. “Oh, and sweet dreams of Tony,” she called, closing the door behind Michelle.

Waiting in the hallway for the click of the lock and hearing it, Michelle started down the carpeted corridor, wondering why Naomi seemed so melancholy.
Maybe tomorrow she’d feel more like chatting about what bothered her.


* * *


Michelle sat at her desk, the first to arrive. Her stomach churned in anticipation of seeing Tony since the kiss she forced on him last night. With the vision of them together still fresh in her brain, she didn’t wait long. He strode into the squad room, looking as handsome as ever. The aftershave or cologne he used scented the air with a sedate spicy aroma...the same scent she’d inhaled from her blouse when she undressed for bed. He dropped one eyelid in a telling wink and flashed her a smile.

“Mornin’ sunshine.
You been here all night?”

Sure, like he hadn’t been the one to drop her off at home, but she played along for the sake of the few others straggling in.
“No, just came in early to see if I could think of a new approach to finding that blasted journal. There’s a chance it might not hold a single clue, but my gut tells me there’s a name in there we need to know.”

“I’m sure, don’t you girls write down everything?”

His response was catty, but if he only knew how close he was to the truth. Did Naomi have a point about Michelle’s ability to write about anything other than crime? The thought worried her brow.

“Hey, why the frown?
I was only kidding. My younger sister kept diaries until she got married. I swear if you put them all together, the dang thing was thicker than the dictionary.”

“Yeah, I hear some girls do like to jot down all the exciting things in their life.”
She wanted to finish the sentence with an admission about the release of her novel, but she wasn’t ready for her secret identity to be divulged just yet.

Tony draped his jacket on his chair and sat.
Leaning on his elbows, he peered across at her, sending her heart a flutter. Right now, she felt just like a schoolgirl who kept a diary. Silly high school crush feelings enveloped her, and she couldn’t act on them. A hollowness loomed inside her...one a young girl would definitely write about, if only to vent.

“So, where do we go from here?”

“Excuse me?” At his question she sat bolt upright.

“I meant following clues.”
He looked over both shoulders then back at her. “Calm down, Meesh.” he whispered. “I told you I wasn’t going to say anything.”

She released her pent up breath.
“You’re guess is as good as mine about how to find our perpetrator. I’m not so sure our leads will take us anywhere except on a wild goose chase.”

He leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head.
“I was thinking maybe we need a new approach. Tell me what you think.” He hunched forward, picked up a pen and hovered it over a notepad. “You’ve got one suspect at the moment, right?”

Siamese, one of the strippers.”

“So what would be her motive to off
two of her co-workers?”

Michelle rested her arms on her desk.
“Well, she’s the oldest, and according to her and the bouncer, she doesn’t make the tips or get equal time on the clock. Getting rid of some of the competition might change that.”

“Do you have proof that she didn’t get along with the others?”

Shaking her head, Michelle reflected back on Louis’ remarks that everyone got along well, and she’d never seen Siamese say or act unkindly towards the other girls. She screwed her mouth to the side. Damn! With every question he asked, her suspicions unraveled a little more.

“So, I take it that’s a no?”
Tony didn’t actually smirk, but she heard one in his voice.

She sighed
. “It seemed like motive enough at the time, but now that I’ve gotten to know the woman, she’s admitted she only works there because she’s taking care of a pregnant daughter and two grandkids. Doesn’t sound much like a murderer, does she?”

“Haven’t you learned by now that most murderers act like everyone else?
Our jobs would be really easy if they all had the same tattoo or wore a telling uniform.” He chuckled.

“I considered the owner, but what reason would he have to kill his own employees, and two of the top earners at that?
Sure, he’s got a record but all the crimes he’s committed have been of a non-personal type.”

“So, let’s look at him a little closer.
Maybe he had the hots for them and they turned him down...pissed him off and he lost it.”

“I suppose it’s possible, but wouldn’t someone have noticed him coming and going with or without the women?
Both victims were killed in their own beds.”

“Maybe we need to go back to square one and question that weasel Bernie...you know, the super at Kitten’s apartment.”

“We have nothing to lose. She shouldered her bag. “Are you ready?”


* * *


Bernie Goldman answered the door, one hand holding a sandwich that he chomped on with vigor. “Yeah...?” His eyes widened with recognition.

“Remember us?”
Tony flashed his badge while Michelle stood in the background. She stifled laugher bubbling up at the sight of the stodgy little man.

“Sure, you’re the two cops who were
nosing around after Cara Austin’s murder.” He paused and pointed at Michelle. “I definitely won’t ever forget her.” Mayonnaise turned the corners of his mouth white. He took another bite and continued chewing. “Sorry, I’ve already rented her place so if you forgot something, you’re outta luck.”

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