Read A Peace to End all Peace Online

Authors: David Fromkin

A Peace to End all Peace (66 page)

BOOK: A Peace to End all Peace
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32 Australian Light Horse entering Damascus in 1918


33 General Allenby’s official entry into Aleppo in March 1919


34 Ottoman soldiers surrender in November 1918


36 Admiral Calthorpe’s flagship off Constantinople in December 1918


35 British sentry before the imperial palace in Constantinople in April 1920



37 Woodrow Wilson


38 Lloyd George (right)


39 The Sultan’s representative reluctantly signs the Treaty of Sèvres, 1920


40 British bluejackets on the march in Constantinople, 1920


41 A street in the French quarter of Smyrna after the city’s fall, 1922


42 French troops enter Damascus, deposing King Feisal and bringing an end to Syria’s brief independence, 1920


43 A peasant in a Turkish field with unburied bodies of Greek soldiers, 1922


BOOK: A Peace to End all Peace
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