A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel (11 page)

BOOK: A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel
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"How long?"

"Three days." She turned away and left the room.

"Bloody hell!" he muttered, shoving aside the covers and swinging his legs over the side. The movement set his head spinning and he fell back onto the bed, shutting his eyes till he was certain the room had stopped spinning before opening them again. He found himself staring up at the window and even from this angle, it was obvious the sun was up and about. His mind wandered to Penny.. she had stayed behind, risking her brother's safety to help him out, when it would have been so easy to have paid a nurse to take care of him while she continued on her journey. She had looked so tired, yet..the circles under her eyes did nothing to detract from her beauty...and that voice...

Penny gripped the rails as she descended the stairs, exhaustion sweeping through her in waves. The past three days had been especially difficult, in between caring for Phillip and incessant worry about Edward and Lucy. Thank heavens he was finally awake and on the mend, at least she wouldn't have him to worry about anymore.

Crossing the main room, she spotted her new friend Charlotte standing by the door, talking to the inn keeper. Penny noted the small bag by her feet and recalled Charlotte saying she would
be leaving for London today as her stage coach was finally ready to depart. Charlotte spotted Penny and hurried over, her red hair catching in the sunlight streaming through the door.

"Penny. I'm so glad I saw you before my departure," Charlotte exclaimed, threading her arm through Penny's. "I was reluctant to call on you in your room for I did not wish to disturb your husband. How is he?"

Penny smiled at the girl gratefully. "He has finally awakened. I'm just going to get some broth from Mrs. Potter. You are leaving now?"

Miss Bingham nodded towards the door where Penny could see other passengers milling about getting ready to embark on the second half of their journey. "Yes, and I am so pleased to learn of his recovery. You look so worn out, perhaps you should get some rest yourself."

"I will, thank you. Have a safe journey Charlotte, and I certainly hope you are successful in convincing the Marquess."

"May I write to you sometime? And if it's not too much of an inconvenience, I could pay you and your husband a visit?"

Oh no...Penny thought in dismay...that would be most disastrous indeed. She managed a uncertain murmur and made her excuses, hurrying away to find Mrs. Potter. She earnestly prayed Charlotte would not try to visit her..

Mrs. Potter took one look at her and began to ladle some soup from the steaming pot, then filled another plate with food with firm instructions to ensure that she finished it and get some rest. Penny smiled at the woman, who had become motherly towards her, then followed Molly who had been given the tray back upstairs.

She found Phillip sitting up in bed, feet on the floor and he appeared to be glowering at the carpet, though he looked up the minute she entered with Molly.

"What do you think you are doing?" Penny demanded, scowling at him, "You should not try to get up or you will fall ill again. Get back in that bed this instant."

He glared at her, making no move to do as she had ordered. "I am fine, do not fuss."

Penny bit back a scathing retort, mindful of the maid watching them in fascination. She simply directed Molly to place the tray on a table close by the bed. She dismissed the girl and turned back to face Phillip, planting her hand on her hips.

"You were much easier to handle when you were unconscious." she muttered, handing him the plate of steaming soup, which he took and eyed sceptically, raising a brow at her.

"Soup?" He queried, even though his hands shook with the effort of holding the plate. Penny hastened to his aid but he froze her with a glare.

She sighed and turned away from him, picking up her own plate and began to eat. The foolish man was too proud for his own good. Fine, she would let him have his pride...thankfully, he did not seem to remember their inappropriate moment three days ago. She watched him covertly from beneath the curtain of her lashes, watching as he slowly took a sip of the contents, grimacing at first, but to his credit, he slowly, ate until the bowl was empty. She returned her attention to her own food with a secret smile.

"Thank you Penny."

Her head jerked up and she found him watching her. Already, he looked much better, much to her relief. "You would have done the same if I was the one ill."

He chuckled and lay back on the bed. "Do not be so certain Penny. You seem so assured I have some redeeming qualities about me, but you are sadly mistaken."

"There is always some good in everyone Phillip." she finished her meal and settled into the couch more comfortably. A huge yawn overcame her and she blushed when Phillip chuckled.

"Such an unladylike yawn."

She shot him a look. "I thought we are married? You should not care if I exhibit unladylike behavior..dear husband"

He laughed and patted the bed invitingly. "Well then 'wife' perhaps you would like to take your place beside your dear husband. The bed is quite cold and lonely."

Penny blushed as she remembered the last time she had been in a bed beside him. As always, the thought of that particularly steamy encounter brought a rush of guilty pleasure. She prayed he would never be able to recall that wanton moment when she had begged him to fulfill her desires. She looked at him, only to discover that he had fallen asleep again. She took a deep breath and reached for the book Charlotte had given her in order to pass the time. It was a Gothic romance book, filled with specters and a heroine who, much to Penny's annoyance, always seemed to be precariously perched on the edge of one cliff or the other, waiting for the hero..a man who reminded her of Phillip with that unbearable arrogance.


Waking up once more, Phillip turned to study the woman sleeping in the chair beside him. "Penny. Miss Inglewood?" he called softly.

When she did not respond, he realized she must have read herself to sleep. Her head drooped to one side, and even in sleep, it was obvious she was uncomfortable in that chair. He felt a stab of guilt for he knew he was responsible for her fatigue, she had been looking after him for the most part of three nights, deprived of a soft bed and no doubt plagued with worry for her imbecile of a brother. His gaze roved over her flushed cheeks, her lips were slightly parted. She was no great raving beauty, he concluded with a wry smile, but those eyes of hers held some sort of enchantment and that mouth...his groin tightened in desire..he could remember the last time he had stolen a kiss in the privacy of the maze, how soft and sweet she had tasted...he could almost taste it again, imagine her splayed beneath him, gazing up at him invitingly while he leaned down and...

He jerked his lustful thoughts back to grim reality. What the devil was he thinking of? No matter how much he wanted Penelope Inglewood, he would not involve himself with her. His duty was to wed Jane Rosebury, and by god, he would fulfill that duty. Penelope was certainly not the type of woman who would be content with a simple affair, too many complications would be involved and he could certainly do without those.

She stirred in her sleep and sighed, unconsciously seeking a more comfortable position on the blasted chair. He cursed himself for his weakness, scowling and threw off the covers, swinging his feet till he perched at the edge of the bed for a moment, his eyes shut until the room stopped spinning and a bit of strength returned.

He opened his eyes again and studied the sleeping woman beside him. She did not appear to weigh much and thankfully, the bed was quite near..if he moved carefully, he would be able to accomplish the task without waking her. Grimacing at the stab of weakness that flooded his body, he rose carefully, thankful that the room did not spin around so much this time. Phillip bent over Penny and carefully slipped an arm over her shoulders and the other arm at the back of her knees, lifting her from the chair. Just as he suspected, she hardly weighed anything and he frowned as he felt how frail she really was. She moved restlessly in his arms, as though she were fighting him off and he grinned. The woman was certainly stubborn beyond imagination.

He set her down gently on the bed, drawing the sheet over her shoulders, the small effort leaving him even weaker than he had ever been. Another wave of dizziness swept over him and he sat down on the edge of the bed, his breath coming out in short gasps.

"Damn this blasted fever." he muttered crossly, raking a hand through his hair in annoyance, his gaze never leaving the sleeping woman beside him. She looked so endearingly innocent that for a moment he was tempted to plant a tender kiss on her forehead, but h quickly discarded the thought, contenting himself instead with brushing errant locks of luxuriant dark hair from her face.

An image flashed through his mind, of Penny beneath him, looking up at him and begging him to take her..the mental picture so real it robbed him of coherent thought for a moment.

"What the devil?" He shook his head to clear the vision, wondering if his fever was returning and rose from the bed abruptly, crossing to the chair Penny had just vacated and plopping down on it. Tomorrow they must be off on their quest, he reasoned, the sooner Jane and Edward were found, the earlier he could return to his life and forget about Miss Penelope Inglewood.

Penny awoke to the sound of raucous laughter beyond the doors of their room. She rose hastily, frowning when she realized she was on the bed, fully clothed. Phillip! She gasped and turned around searching for him till she found him sleeping on the chair she was certain she had been sleeping on. Had he switched their positions while she was asleep? She could not remember moving to the bed of her own accord, so he must have carried her there.

Her eyes strayed back to him, he was sprawled carelessly on the chair, his mouth slightly open, head thrown back against the back. She studied him carefully, even in sleep, he still looked dashing and dangerous. She shook her head and swung her legs over the side, intending to wake him and have him come back to the bed. The chair had been uncomfortable for her small frame, not to mention his own long, muscular frame. It was a wonder he had actually been able to fall asleep. Her cheeks heated just thinking about how he must have carried her to the bed. Indeed, embarking on this journey, so many rules of propriety had been broken, it was a miracle their farce had not yet been discovered.

She slid from the bed and crossed over to him, noting that he seemed of a much healthier colour than before, the fever must really and truly be gone. Thank goodness, perhaps they would finally be able to continue their search for the missing couple today. Tentatively, she placed a hand upon his brow, finding it cool to the touch. He stirred a little and she snatched her hand back hastily, but thankfully, he did not awaken. Her gaze fell to his mouth and her knees weakened as she suddenly remembered how his mouth had felt moving against hers. Fleetingly, she wondered what it would be like to lie with him in love making, she would want to run her hands through his thick dark hair and then...

She drew away, completely horrified at the direction of her thoughts. Whatever was she thinking of? She could not afford to lust after the Duke of Newbridge. Respectable girls did not have lustful thoughts about men. She shut her eyes and sighed, suddenly longing for her usually quiet and peaceful existence.

"Are you saying a prayer for me or perhaps condemning my soul to the fiery depths of hell?"

She jumped and her eyes shot open to see him regarding her in amusement, "You're awake" she said, feeling her face heat in embarrassment. Damn the man for always catching her in vulnerable moments.

"So are you." he replied, stretching and rubbing the back of his neck. She saw him wince and knew he would be sore.

"Yes. Are you all right?" she asked, taking a subtle step back, suddenly not wanting to be that close to him. "Your neck must be stiff..why did you move me to the bed? I was perfectly comfortable in the chair."

He looked at her and chuckled. "A gentleman does not put his comfort above a lady's. Besides, you have spent the last three days in this wretched seat, it is only fitting you have the bed for a change."

"I am not the one who has been ill. You need the bed more than I do."

He sighed. "You always have to argue with me, don't you?"

"No..." her voice trailed off and she acknowledged that he was right, still... " You should have wakened me Phillip, carrying me in your condition is hardly wise."

"And deny myself the pleasure of holding you in my arms?"

She blushed and decided to ignore his comment. "You need to be more careful, or you might fall ill again."

"I am perfectly fine now." He rose. "This argument is rather pointless Miss Inglewood. We must turn all our efforts in making up for the time lost and finding your brother and my intended."

She did not miss the last remark. So he still had every intention of marrying Jane Rosebury? "Yes.. but have you considered that they might already be wed? It has been three days after all..."

He studied her intently for a moment, his expression impenetrable. "I will handle it as I see fit then." he replied quietly.

Something in his tone made her fearful for Edward's safety once more. "What do you intend to do?" she asked sharply, taking a step towards him.

"That is for me to know Miss Inglewood. You should be ready to leave in an hour." He turned away from her and walked towards the door.

"You promised you will not harm my brother!" Penny exclaimed, hurrying after him. She grasped his arm, bringing him to a halt and stared at him apprehensively. "You gave your word Phillip."

His expression hardened. "That I did and I intend to keep my word."

Confused, she could only gape at him. What on earth did he intend to do then if they were already man and wife? He could hardly order the marriage to be annulled if it had already been consummated and a divorce would only create more scandal..."

Phillip pulled away from her grasp. "I will check on the horses and Colin. I suggest you order for a good breakfast because once we have set off, I have no intention of stopping until we reach our destination.

Penny watched him go, her thoughts a wild jumble of anxiety and confusion. What did he intend to do when they got to Gretna Green? She certainly hoped he would keep his word and not harm Edward..or even Jane.

BOOK: A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel
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